Chapter 50
POV Zesshi, Crescent Lake
Me: Elves of the Elven Kingdom! I am Zesshi Zetsumi! I am here to claim my birthright as Ruler of the Elves. I have the power and the will…I will slit the throat of my greedy father!!!
Elves: Yeahhh!!!
Me: March! March to the West! We shall bring down our father and burn the Slane Theocracy!!
Thousands of Elves marched as their morale has hit their top. A new era was coming. One that would be on their side.
POV Jircniv
As the ambassadors from Vanir left, I was left speechless.
How…how did they know? What were they thinking? I couldn't get a reading at all. Just when I was about to collapse, the person I needed most at the time entered.
Me: Fluder-dono, I need your help.
Fluder: And what might that be Jircniv boy?
Me: Just what…did I bring upon the empire?
What if they were just normal ambassadors…no!! I cannot think about that. If they were simple ambassadors and not even actual fighters then…then we were truly done for.
Fluder: Catastrophe, Jircniv Boy. We have brought upon a true catastrophe upon the Empire. One in which even I know I am outmatched.
Me: Even you?
Fluder: Didn't you see what that man did? All he did was spread his hands and everyone was dead. Now he has the entirety of the Imperial Capital locked away!
Yes, that reminded me. What he did at the end was still a mystery.
*stands* I stood up and made myself over to the balcony to see…as he said, a birdcage.
Me: It truly is a birdcage, but isn't this just string?
Fluder: I sense power beyond anything in those strings boy. I bet it is harder than Adamantium. Nobody, not even my magic or adamantium blades have managed to cut a single strand of the cage.
Me: How ironic…he really did trap us like a bird in a cage. Say Fluder-dono, will this really be the end of the Empire? Will it end because I have stepped on the tail of a Dragon?
Fluder: I am afraid to say, but the envoys said ruler(s), didn't they? I fear to say that you may not have just stepped on one dragon.
I slouched back onto the sofa in grief.
Me: Why…why did I risk such a thing?! If I had knew that such a monster was living inside of it, I would have never sent anyone there to explore!
As I waited around, I remembered how they treated me.
Me: Fluder-dono…they treated me like an insect. Their words and actions might not have shown but their eyes looked as if they were looking at a pitiful insect! How could this be? I am the Emperor of the Baharuth Empire!
Fluder: Enough. Crying and complaining will not accomplish anything.
I knew that more than anyone, but how do you face a problem when you are so much at a disadvantage? How was I even supposed to even hope to win this war?
Me: You saw what they are capable of Fluder-dono. How are we supposed to win?
Fluder: I don't know…all I know is that we are sure to lose if we do not do anything. They have given us time to respond. If we waste it, there won't be an empire to be emperor anymore.
He was right…they gave me this chance because they didn't want to kill me immediately. if they wished to kill me straight away, they would have done so.
Me: Then let us go Fluder-dono. Minister!
Minister: Yes your imperial Majesty?
Me: Prepare a carriage outside the Imperial Capital, bring some gifts and some men and women. Inform my guards and the 4…3 Knights. We are heading for the Haven.
POV Zesshi
We stood outside of the borders of the Slane Theocracy.
Me: I thought they would meet us here…where are they?
Kuma: Patience. They are coming.
Just as he said that, a large gate appeared. From it appeared rows upon rows of…death knights. At the end was a familiar face from the Haven.
Kuma: Good to see you again Guardian Sarah
Sarah: Well, other than Moria or my ladies, I am the only one who can control the Death Knights. So I had to come in Moria's stead. He is busy currently. Apparently he needs to put up a performance. Also, Alisha's going to come here soon.
Kuma: Interesting…but how many did you bring?
Sarah: About 300. They're all going to be redeployed soon so I was only able to bring this much. So tell me the plan.
Kuma: Easy, we fry both the small and big fish.
Timeskip 2 Days
Sarah: If my calculations are correct, the Elf King and his army should arrive tomorrow. They took a detour for the villages and the traps the Theocracy had set along the way. If the Elf King is as dumb as we expect, then this will be how we expect it to be.
Kuma: Send up a flare once they are in sight. We warn both his army and the theocracy of our arrival.
POV Diana
Kara had gotten unbelievably stronger these few days. She told me she broke through a 'barrier' that the universe had put them in. But I don't understand what that could be!
I know that she'll tell me if I bug her enough but I want to figure it out on my own. It's just not the same if I have to ask my imouto for help like that.
But the new things she could do were mainly magic based, is there a need to learn that at all? I am a Dragon. Not just any dragon, a world FUCKING Dragon. While my magic and control over the arcane makes Sages look like babies, my forte is in my strength and will. Do I really go the same path as Kara?
I understand why she benefitted so much from this as she is a 'Asynjur' or rather a 'Vanir'. Her entire racial class was dedicated to the study of magic and the divine. But me? Racially speaking, I'm always the opposite of the Gods. I'll be heading another route. When my little sis studies the art of the abyss of magic, I'll be peeking into the magic of the abyss.
I opened my palm and forcefully opened up the space; location? Nowhere
As a strong force threatened to absorb everything around me, I smiled.
Me: Let me find out what lies beyond the tree.
I felt the Universe tugging at me to stay back, but why would I? I understood whatever was lurking in there was dangerous, but strength requires sacrifice. Haki can grow stronger by facing strong opponents. My experience with this life was no different.
I put my other hand directly into the void and felt my hand be shredded apart by rules I didn't understand.
Me: void? anti-matter? What is this?
I smiled as I continuously reformed my hand, which in reality didn't hurt at all, and continued to study whatever was beyond.
POV Zesshi
The Elf army was stripped from my father and handed over to Sarah and Alisha's command. While it was technically emotional manipulation, I had no parts against it.
King: You took my army…!
Me: I should have taken it a long time ago!
I brandished my scythe as I charged him. As a brawler, I knew he would take it head on.
With nothing but his gauntlets, he hit away the blade of my scythe but I was ready for that. As my blade and his hand was out of the way, I hooked his other arm with the momentum and gave him a quick knee kick, right to the jaw.
*cough* *cough*
King: Stronger than your mother…huh?
How dare he…how dare he even utter her name in his dirty mouth.
King: Of course I do…she was a whore!
He lunged towards me with both of his fists ready to fire. I return I changed my grip to a double handed and got ready to face him.
Me: You are not the only one who has the power of the 'Gods' father. My mother's bloodline has given me the power of the Gods!
King: kuh…hahahaaaa!! Oh~ this is so funny…
What is he laughing at?
King: How many Godkins do you think I have slept with? Just your mother? Don't joke with me. I have kidnapped those who have inherited the bloodline of players from all over this world!
What is he trying to say?
King: I was the weakest one true…ever since we arrived in this world they kicked me out. After all, I didn't make my avatar human…
No! He couldn't be! Nobody ever knew his origins but it couldn't be!
King: I AM THE NINTH GREED KING! No Godkin Could Ever hope to defeat me!! The power that you have awakened does not belong to your mother! It belongs to ME!!