Crushing Hope

Chapter 51

POV Zesshi

Was it true? Was he really the missing Greed King? Did they kick him out just because he's an elf? That would explain his general hate for mankind and his arrogance, but why would he reveal that now?

Me: I surpassed my mother ages ago…the Cardinals have told me I am in the realm beyond those of heroes! No matter what you are…I can kill you!!

I activated my Martial Arts and charged him…but it felt different from before. It was as if I was being toyed with. I was too blind with rage to realize it.


As he caught my blade with nothing but his bare hands, I knew it was hopeless. If all I can do is give him a small cut, then what did I strive for all these years?

King: Do you see now? I am in a different league altogether. I come from the land of Gods! Yggdrasil…while you…you are nothing but a fragment of who we are!

He yanked the scythe out of my hand and threw it away and out of reach.

Me: No…


King: You stupid daughter…did you honestly think you had a chance? Against me? The ruler of all elves?

I crumpled to the ground as the pain registered in my brain. Everything was slowing down as I lost hope. Will Kuma and Boa save me? Will the rulers finish my revenge for me? I'm sure they have the ability.

Me: Sorry…

King: Hah, you're apologizing now? Why, you think I'll let you go if you do so?

Me: Not to you, you fucking bastard…to…Soc…iety

King: …what?

Did he know? Did he know who they are?

King: Did you just say Society?

I didn't answer.



?: I'll be honest, I didn't expect to meet a player here.

Where did that voice come from?

?: I'm sorry Zesshi, looks like you'll have to be satisfied with killing your father, not beating him.


?: You know who I am, don't you longearuser31?

As a black portal opened up directly above the King, a small white girl dropped down. Instead of dodging it, the Elf King dropped to his knees, as if facing some unbelievable amount of pressure. But how is that even possible? He's the Elf King! He's a Greed King!

White Sovereign: You realize there is a difference in class right? After all, I'm in a whole different league altogether.

I began to laugh as she repeated what father said right back at him. But could she read my mind? How did she know what I wanted to say?

White Sovereign: Not word for word if I don't try. But yes, I can read people's emotions and basic thoughts. So, are you okay with this?

Me: I don't really have a choice do I?

White Sovereign: No…he might be out of practice but the difference in level between the two of you is too big. You'll have to kill him this way.

Me: It wasn't the way I envisioned but thank you…

I stood up and grimaced at the pain. Holding it in, I went and picked up my scythe. Slightly cracked from that bastard's grip but still strong enough to cut through almost anything.

Before I could kill him, White Sovereign touched the blade, which turned it pitch black.

White Sovereign: Death Scythe. Not a bad weapon but too low to really kill him in one shot. This will help…and to answer your question, I will refuse to answer what it is.

King: No…! Zesshi! My daughter! don't do this!

Me: How many people told you that?

*slice* *thud*

As his head fell to the ground, his body became limp. Man, whatever she did to it made the blade really sharp and durable.

White Sovereign: I'm actually really busy right now so I can't stay much longer but I expect you to fall Kami Miyako in the hour and report back, alright? I know you're injured but I'm sure you'll be fine in a moment.

*sigh* High expectations like always.

POV Sarah

Me: Kuma, please blow up the walls please.

Kuma: No need to ask. URSUS SHOCK

As a paw shaped air pressured ball flew towards the wall and made contacts…


The wall came crumpling down, exposing the soft underbelly of the Theocracy.

Me: First Division!! Charge! Into the city, charge!!

Alisha: Second Division! Shoot down the archers! The follow! *Strength Boost!!*

Me: Kuma, teleport to the temples and meet us there. We need to locate the Scriptures and face them. We can't have the elves die by them.

Alisha: Third Division! The front line of the Theocracy is down!! Free the Elves!! Free the Elves!!

The chant was heard loud and clear throughout the city as thousands of angry armed elves rampaged throughout the city. Behind me, I heard the clashing of blade and fist as Zesshi fought her father.

Me: I don't know her well but I hope she's fine…alright, teleport me.


As a familiar sounded, I found myself flying through the sky until…


I was above one of the temples of the theocracy.

Me: Now… time to draw some attention.

I took out my rifle and looked below me directly at the temples.

Me: Sorry whoever is in there…you're going to have to be bait. *EXPLOSION!*

As my bullets hit the center of all 6 Temples, lined up perfectly in the center of the theocracy, they blew up.

Shards of stone and death rained down. Just before I touched the ground, I put an illusion on myself…and made sure to give myself some elf ears.

Redirect the hate, am I right? After all, they would never accept the rule of the person who destroyed their gods.

Now pray to your gods citizens of the theocracy. Let's see if they will come.

The roaring of the people sounded as they fought for their lives, their pain, their suffering and rage.

Around me, I saw members of the scriptures gather.

Me: So Sunlight and Black…how interesting, how should I kill all of you?

As I looked around, all I saw were mediocre enemies, or worse. At best, it was just the captain of the Black Scripture who looked semi-capable.

Me: I prefer to fight long range but this is fine as well.

I took out a blade and attached it to my rifle, making a bayonet.

Me: Well, it's best if we weed out all the weaklings first, right?

Ever since I awoke, I found that I was gifted with Conqueror's Haki. It was nowhere as strong as Doflamingo's or even hold a candle to the ruler's…but it is what it is.

Me: If you can withstand this, I'll face you as enemies.

As I let loose my will of the Supreme King, the air cracked and black lines danced in the air with shades of red and grey.

Every member of the Sunlight Scripture crumpled down except for Nigun. A few members of the Black Scripture fell onto their knees, but only their supporter was knocked out.

Me: It might not have been the best but I'm impressed that there are still so many of you conscious.

Nigun: *kuh!* You fucking elf!

I ran over to him a decapitated him before he can say another word.

Me: Watch what you say…since I don't think you have a right to judge who's right or wrong. After all Captain, it all comes down to power doesn't it?

Captain: Who are you…

Me: Couldn't you see outside? Zesshi is leading the charge on Kami Miyako! I am a member of her army. That's all.

Captain: Lies! If the Elf King had someone as powerful as you, then we would have known of you before!

Me: I was never with the Elf King, I only joined Zesshi. After all, she would understand my stance, does she not? Why do you think she hates you so much now?

Captain: She hates us…?

Me: Maybe not you directly, but your people. Your leaders sprout lies about her being one of you because of her mother, but let's be honest. Would she really have been accepted if she wasn't strong?

I held my rifle sideways, ready for another charge.

Me: You came to respect each other through your strength. She taught you, she fought you. She was your comrade in a way. Yet, she was given an 'extra' seat to show her that she was not formally accepted.

Captain: Zesshi would never side with elves like you!

Me: She didn't. She sided with people who would treat her correctly. That would not judge her based on what her ears looked like.

I began to charge them as the other members of the Scripture fired their magic. While my Low-level magic immunity took care of mot attacks…


Basilisk: *hisss!!!*

Me: Go play somewhere else worm. *splat*

I grabbed my gun and fired at the remaining members, laced with armament.

*bang* *bang* *bang*

One by one, they were shot dead.

Captain: Noo!!!

He charged, losing sight on what he is not supposed to do.

Me: I told you I prefer fighting at a distance *bang*

I shot off his leg. He fell to the ground but got back up, ignoring the pain.

Me: The Sunlight guys are going to wake up soon so I need to finish this quickly. I understand that you are kind of strong but this rifle was made to pierce through defenses like yours. Goodbye

As a single bullet pierced through the Strongest Man's head, he collapsed onto the floor…dead.

Now, to clean up the rest of these fools.

POV Kuma

Alisha did a great job at rounding up the elves and giving them the strength they never knew they had. With their bare hands, they stripped off their chains, picked up a stick or weapon and joined the war.

Me: Looks like things are approaching the end…I think it's time we get the cardinals and the pontifex to surrender…or we can kill them.

POV Zesshi

Dominic: How could you…how could you betray us?!

Me: Betray you?! Did you expect me to be some sort of DOG??! To always wag my tail to your wishes and do whatever you wish of me?

I took out the recording that Hancock gave me and let it play out…in front of everyone. All the captured Cardinals, Pontifex, the elves and the people.

Me: I listened to you because you agreed that you would help me kidnap my father!! Then for over a century you locked me up in that treasury…hiding from me what was happening to my OWN people…and now…

I almost choked from the rage I felt.

Me: You planned to make my father rape your own people? And have me killed?! You hypocritical bastards, all of you!!

Raymond looked down in shame but the others looked at me in shock or disgust. It looks like I was finally seeing them for what they truly were.

Me: You created your own demons. In fact, I hope that your own gods are so disgusted by your actions that they shun you to hell!!

Dominic: Zesshi!!



Me: What? We can always work with one less cardinal.

Raymond: What…will you do?

Me: Isn't it obvious? Winner takes all right? Personally I'd like some revenge but there's someone who's stopping me from going too far. Consider yourselves lucky.

With that, Kuma stepped forward. The behemoth of a man already standing out but his actions now making him somehow putting him even more in the spotlight.

Kuma: Hello Cardinal. With the Pontifex and the remaining cardinals dead, you are now the sole remaining leader of the Theocracy. Let me offer you a deal…