The Emperor Part 2

Chapter 53

POV Jircniv

Sengoku: Now your majesty. We hope you would wait here patiently. Our rulers are getting prepared.

Me: Is that so?

I narrowed my eyes. We were right in front of the temple and yet we couldn't be welcomed inside? Clearly these Queens did not have a hospitable personality…despite this, we couldn't do much.

I could feel the anger of the Royal guards behind me boiling out but they knew that they couldn't make a move carelessly. After all, it was just a thought that had killed so many of them instantly. Even if that move was a once in a lifetime thing, did we really want to put that to the test?

Me: Then, we shall return to our carriages and await him therein

To make me, an emperor, wait like this. Quite the attitude

Sengoku: Since the delay originated from our side, we would be poor hosts and in defiance of Sovereign-sama's commands if we did not extend every courtesy to you in compensation.

Sovereign? Is that her name? But perhaps they are not completely blind. Let us see what they have prepared for us.

Sengoku: We are in the process of preparing it. To begin with, the weather does not look very welcoming. Let us change that.

Wait what?

Just as he said that, he raised his hand in which it turned gold. As he pointed a single finger to the sky, the cloudy weather began to change.

Fluder: What do you… ? Uooooh!

I was not the only one gasping in surprise. The magic casters, royal guards, Baziwood, Leinas, even Fluder, all of them could not help but exclaim in wonder.

The dark clouds above them began to move slowly.

Within moments, they had vanished without a trace, as though some invisible giant had scattered them with his hands. The hippogriff riders in the air were thrown into confusion, which was something those on the ground could empathize with.

Baziwood: Why does it feel… warmer…?

Roune: You too? You mean I'm not mistaken?

As I heard the quiet exchanges between his people, I shucked off my cloak, which dispelled the magic which maintained the temperature of my body. Just then―

Roune: Yo-Your Majesty!

Roune exclaimed at my sudden disrobing, but the I did not answer his subordinate.

Me: Fu… fuha… fuhahaha. What is this… what on earth is this? Gramps! What's going on?!

By this time, I had abandoned my calm and looked to Fluder with a twisted expression on my face. If there was such a difference in power with their butler, then what choice did we have?

Sengoku: I believe that should have refreshed you somewhat. Then, let us begin the next phase.

Clearly ignoring us, he called out to his maids and signaled something from the temple.

I wanted to say 'Don't shake my heart anymore' but they wouldn't listen. No…I couldn't open my mouth.

As Sengoku clapped his hands, the doors of the temple opened revealing…

Sengoku: Death Knights and Spirit Warriors of Valhalla

Apprentice: Impossible! That's―!!

Apprentice 2: Un-unbelievable! This is impossible!

Apprentice: Danger! An attack is coming! Defensive magic! Please allow us to use defensive magic!

Fluder glared at his disciples, all of whom were in full battle readiness.

Fluder: Silence!! Calm yourselves, all of you!!

The beings emerging from the log house was worthy of their caution and dread. The eyes of everyone from the entire Imperial contingent were focused on the single point.

There was no doubt at all that it was a monster. It was a monster sheathed in black plate armor. The other was transparent but in full plate armor. It's transparent muscles bulging and eyes hungry for battle.

Its body was excessively large, and its silhouette was utterly evil. It was as though a god had drawn forth the essence of violence and brutality from all humanity, concentrated it, and given it physical form. Its rotted face had no expression, yet they could all sense a brilliant, shining hatred burning in its empty eye sockets.

The other looked as if it had come out of a bloodbath. It had the traits of a human but looking into its eyes it made them wonder if it was truly a human.

And there were five of each of them.

The large Death Knights carried the tables and large equipment while the slightly smaller Spirit Warriors carried the chairs and utensils. After the Death Knights placed them down, they calmly followed their example and set up the table.

None of them had any hostile intent. In contrast, the vigilance and panic of Fluder's disciples seemed almost laughable.

There was a sound of something falling to the ground.

One of Fluder's apprentice had collapsed to his knees upon the ground, his face pale and his body devoid of strength. Or rather, almost all of the four acolytes he had brought along had ended up that way. Their pale faces were frozen in shock as they began hyperventilating.

Apprentice: Impossible. How could this… no, no, it can't be. Are those Death Knights? Are they being controlled? And in those numbers? What are the other ones?

Something flashed through my mind.

I no longer had the luxury of preserving my calm.

Me: Death Knights? What do they mean by Death Knights?! Gramps! Answer me! I've heard that name before, does it have anything to do with that undead creature that's rumored to be locked up under the Ministry of Magic?!

Could it be? Could it really be?

Nobody answered my query.

Fluder was staring with eyes wide open, gazing with mad delight upon the Death Knight. His face twisted to that of someone seeing a god. His position and reputation all but forgotten.

I knew that I would not be getting an answer and realized that talking further to him would be fruitless. Instead. I quickly stepped forward and seized one of the disciples by his lapels.

Me: What are these Death Knights?! Answer me!!

Apprentice: Aieeee! Your, Your Majesty! As you said, that legendary undead monster sealed within the nether reaches of the Ministry of Magic is, indeed, a Death Knight! They are creatures that even Master cannot control!

All I could do was laugh. The dignity that I had clung to as the Emperor of the Baharuth Empire was no more. It had crumbled to ash and blown away on the wind.

Me: …Fu, fufu. fufufu. What do you mean, legendary undead?! There's five of them right there in front of us! Or are you saying that Death Knights come in groups and five of them count as one entity? Huh?! Are you kidding me?!"

Apprentice: N-no! Nothing like that!

When I glanced over, I saw one of the Empire's strongest warriors, Baziwood. The man's face was pale, and I could see it starting to twitch.

Baziwood: Er, ah, Your Majesty. Please listen to this with a calm heart. The situation now is very bad. Even if all of us went at once, we would not be able to stop even one of them. Perhaps it would be a good idea to sound a retreat. This is bad. Really bad. Look at how my hand trembles.

As I looked over to Baziwood's hand, it began to shake. After looking at his twitching face, it was clear that these were not pre-battle tremors.

Me: Then what of the other ones. Those Spirit Warriors of Valhalla!

Fluder: fufufuu!!! I have never seen them before in my life, but here is what I will say boy. I can sense they are even stronger than those Death Knights! I can feel their strength beyond that of what I can sense!!

This whole thing felt like a nightmare come to life.

And then, before them…

The way the Death Knights were calmly arranging the furniture and utensils on the grassy plains was the very picture of the loyal manservant. There was nothing in their actions which suggested that they were legendary undead or those mysterious things which could easily destroy a country.

However, after looking at the reactions of everyone around him, I knew it was a fact that they were undead which even the most powerful magic caster in my knowledge, Fluder Paradyne, could not command. Not to even speak of the other things.

This implied that there might be more than 10 of these monsters, whose fighting ability was far in excess of Fluder's own.

The object of comparison, Fluder Paradyne, was someone whose fighting power rivalled that of the entire Imperial Army. Of course, he did not have infinite mana, and in a straight fight, they might be able to win. However, if Fluder used teleportation or flying spells, then it would be the entire Imperial Army that would be slaughtered instead.

That would mean that the five Death Knights here represented five times the fighting strength of the entire Imperial Army. Adding on the Spirit Warriors, that would be at least 10 times the strength of the Imperial Army.


Something like this should not have happened.

This was far too much power for an individual to possess. No, even a country would be hard-pressed to wield such might. This was the sort of power which only a few famous nations or republics of legend could command. And to think, the master of a temple in the middle of nowhere actually possessed such power…

The reality which he had been trying his best to flee from ever since those two ambassadors had come before him now stared him straight in the face.

Me: They are monsters we can't stop, no, that we can't even touch…

Just like a tiny boat tossed around in a raging storm, so too was my heart tormented by this incredible shock.

In the end, however, I wrestled my emotions down and regained his calm with iron will.

I had seen his royal guards annihilated in an instant. The entire capital was still locked in that birdbage. Those things allowed me to prepare his heart. Will I allow their deaths to have been in vain? My people locked up in that cage? No.

Without these prior experiences, the impact on me would have been greater. I might have shown a more unsightly side of myself.

Sengoku: Please be at ease. All these Death Knights were created by Moria-sama himself. They are absolutely obedient to his orders, and in his place, I have gained the right to command them. I will not permit any of you to come to harm. The Spirit Warriors are bound to Kara-sama and must serve her. They will not harm you in any way.

Jircniv had struggled to piece his thoughts together, but Sengoku words had blown them away.

Me: They can create them…

They could create undead like these through a mere act of will. That was the awful truth. Creating such beings would require expenditures equal to their vast power, and they could either meet that cost or bypass it entirely.

No, this must be a bluff. How could anyone make things like that? He must be lying to inflate his own combat power. Because if he's not―

A smile appeared on my face.

For some reason, everything seemed so bothersome now.

―Ah. I'm done with this. I don't know anything anymore. This time, let's just settle for seeing what the other side can do, yes.

Fluder: …They can control Death Knights, and in such numbers! Marvellous! Marvellous!! Marvellous!!! Fuhahahaha!"

A single tear oozed from the corner of his eye, and he smiled like a madman.

―No, that was not it.

This was the true nature of a man who had abandoned his position as a wizard of the Imperial court to glimpse the deepest mysteries of the abyss called "magic."

Until now, it had been hidden under the mask of a hero, but it had surfaced in the presence of a powerful magic caster.

Fluder: Well then, Your Majesty. What shall we do now? Should we flee with teleportation magic? No…I sense a barrier. We can only run if they allow us to…fufufufufuuu!!!

Fluder said this to me, a mocking smile on his face,

Me: I like that face of yours, Gramps. Then, let me ask a question in turn. Do you think I will run

Cracks spread rapidly throughout Fluder's face. That was the smile of a madman, which instilled terror in all who saw it.

Fluder: I expected nothing less of Your Majesty, no, my darling Jir. My pupils, open your eyes and be grateful for the fact that you can lay your eyes upon the highest, the most exalted of all magic casters on the continent. Now that you have seen the end of your journey, you must work towards it!

The faces of Fluder's disciples and the royal guards turned paler and paler as they realized the true nature of the being whose yard they now occupied.

They knew their comrades had been massacred. However, the legendary magic caster from their history books had called him "the most exalted of all magic casters." The immense stress from that felt like a huge stone which had been lodged in their bellies.

Baziwood: Your Majesty, this is bad, right?

Leinas: Do you mind if I run first?

Baziwood seemed confused, and Leinas' question was filled with despair.

I looked at them.

Fluder and his disciples aside, the strain on the royal guards was slowly increasing, and they looked like they might break at any moment.

This was because the hero Fluder's abnormal behavior and the description of the Death Knights' power had left them at a loss for what to do. It was already hopeless but the Spirit Warriors only made that worse.

Me: What else can we do? And if you want to run, go ahead. However, if you do that, you won't be one of us. Which means that to them, you'll be an intruder. I hope you don't end up like those Workers who came here earlier.

Leinas ground her teeth and her face twisted.

Leinas: Which means it's fine, right?

Me: Baziwood, look at Gramps ― no, Fluder. He's the most familiar of all of us with magic and he's like that now. All we can do is leave everything to our hosts.

Baziwood: What about praying to the gods for luck, and then escaping?

Leinas: Do you really think we can escape?

Baziwood glanced at the maids. They had clearly overheard them talking about fleeing, but calmly continued their preparations anyway.

Baziwood: What if we took a hostage?

The atmosphere suddenly felt like a heavy force was pressing down on them for a moment. But just as I began speaking, it disappeared.

Me: I don't like to hear people talking about doing things that are clearly impossible, 'Lightning Bolt', see what happens if you say that again.

Baziwood: …Forgive me. In truth, I feel that the maid is even more mysterious than the Death Knights… If someone told me they were stronger than them, I'd probably believe that too... ah, I'm talking about such rude things in front of them and they aren't batting an eye. How frightening…"

Was the maid strong as well…? No, even if she wasn't, the others wouldn't give us a chance to run with her.

As I thought about this, I shook his head. I desperately wanted to believe that not everyone on the tomb was ridiculously strong. As I thought about it, I tried my best to put the cold smiles of those two ambassadors out of my mind. It wasn't working.

There were many tables and chairs in place on the grass. The tables were covered in pure white tablecloths and large parasols gave shade. The Death Knights who had been moving the furniture into place were standing by beside the log house in order not to get in the way with the Spirit Warriors. Then, the many maids took the role of serving us.

Sengoku: We have also prepared refreshments for you.

Decanters beaded with moisture were arrayed on the tables, filled with an orange liquid. Beside them were high-stemmed wine glasses made of clear crystal. Each of them was intricately carved with elaborate designs.

Even I, the Emperor who enjoyed the best things in life, could not help but stare with eyes agape at the display before me. Truly, I understand why they were looking at the things inside the palace like trash.

Sengoku: Please let us know if you need anything else. Then, everyone―

The temple's gates opened once more, and more maids filed out from within. Their incredible beauty was enough to wipe away all the fear and unease they had experienced until now. How marvelous

Each of them were uniquely beautiful in their own way. One of them had hair that was pinned up into a chignon, another had long, straight hair, and a third had drill-shaped hair.

Royal Guard: Are they having a sale on beauties?

Although I did not know which of the royal guards said that, I had to agree. After all, what would such belles be doing in the middle of nowhere like this?

Does that temple spawn beautiful women? Do they pop out of the ground one after the other?

He heard the sound of a tongue clicking again, but paid it no heed.

Maid: Then, please enjoy the drinks we have―

Fluder: ―Ah, before that, could we meet Kara-sama first? I would like to expedite matters… and if it's all right, could I speak with him just before he meets with Jir―

Me: Fluder, contain yourself!

No matter what, none of them could disgrace themselves or the Empire here.

Me: Have you missed something, Fluder? We're here as representatives of the Empire, not to satisfy your thirst for magical knowledge.

By this time, a calm light had returned to Fluder's eyes. He had, for the most part, managed to subdue his rampant desire.

Fluder: …Forgive me, Your Majesty. I was overcome by excitement. I beg the forgiveness of everyone else present as well.

Me: That's right, Gramps. Have a drink, calm yourself down. Then, shall we?

Fluder: Understood.

The maids slowly filled the glasses on the table before me with that same orange fluid. A fragrant citrus scent wafted through the air.

I took a mouthful of the fruit juice, and the taste was such that I could not help but smile. It was a smile that seemed to say, what have I been drinking all my life. Looks of surprise appeared on the faces of the surrounding royal guards. If even I, who lived a life of decadence, could be surprised like this, how much more so these common men? As if to illustrate that point, there were many who had forgotten their manners and gulped the juice down as fast as possible.

Shortly after, shocked exclamations rang out from the gathered men.

Guard: It's delicious!

Apprentice: What kind of drink is this, it's a perfect blend of sweet and sour!

Apprentice 2: It glides down your throat, and there's no cloying aftertaste!

I took another drink as he heard the praise from all around him. Suddenly, he felt like he was filled with power.

So it tastes so good that my body is getting excited, huh. Does that mean Vanir has the best drinks? It seems I did insult those two ambassadors back then. If they availed themselves of such wondrous drinks every day, then it's no wonder they weren't impressed by what we served.

I smiled bitterly.

To think, even a simple drink could defeat me so thoroughly―

Ahhh… I feel so calm now. This is the first time I've felt this relaxed since I came here. It's like… like I've come home…

Me: Sengoku, what is this drink called?

Sengoku: It is called 'Organic Orange Juice' your majesty.

Me: What is this 'Nectar of the Gods' that the ambassadors spoke of?

Sengoku: I am impressed you know of it your majesty. It is a drink that is only served in the Haven. While it is forbidden for outsiders for there is a risk of burning to ashes if a weaker being tastes it, I believe if you ask Kara and Diana sama, they might offer you an exception. But I will guarantee the taste is worth it, no matter the result.

Suddenly, I felt a bit colder. Perhaps since I never knew that such a dangerous drink existed, or perhaps the fact that there was a drink that could dwarf this 'Organic Orange Juice' I was drinking now.

How long had they stayed out of the sun in the shade of the umbrellas and heard the wind blow through the grass? Eventually, Sengoku said the words which I longed to hear.

Sengoku: I apologize for the delay. Kara and Diana-sama are ready to see you now, so please follow me.

We followed him through the wide open doors of the temple…which led to nothing but a churning and ominous portal.

Sengoku: If you wish to enter the Haven directly, you will die like the workers. We must take you this way to skip all the dangers.

It did make sense. I gathered my courage and stepped forward. It was hard to part with the drinks but we had to do what we came to do. I heard the others follow as I stepped through the portal.

I found myself in the largest and easily most decorated hallway I have ever seen. The white, black and gold designs went up and down the high walls on either side with the crystal clear chandeliers shining a bright light onto everything below.

But perhaps the most fearsome aspect of this were the statues on either side of the hallway. Each of them looking so monstrous, but radiating power. They looked so real that they seemed as if they would come alive at any moment. Each one could probably easily buy the entirety of the Empire and there were so many of them.

Sengoku: The 88 Statues of the Great Old Ones. Beings of Great Power who have been forgotten by the passage of time. They were here much before the Dragons were ever born…of course, that is what we heard from Diana-sama.

The butler caught me gaping at the statues. Each one was such a fearsome masterpiece.

Me: Are…are they sealed within the statues? They look so real…

Sengoku: The Great Old Ones that are shown here cannot be comprehended my a mortal mind. Even I do not understand their concept and power…that is for Kara and Diana-sama only. But these statues? They are just statues, a representation of something that is not present.

I sighed in relief. Thank God they were not something like world ending Golems…

We walked to the end of the hallway, our shoes quietly tapping on the elaborate and masterful work of the marble floor. Even with my shoes which were fit for an emperor…I felt sorry for stepping on such artwork.

At the end, we faced a large double door which was very different from what we have seen from the hallway. All the lines and patterns had led up to this door, yet this gate was simple. A single large Scale divided into White and Black, but it's carvings so real it looked as if it would tilt to one side at any moment.

Perhaps the simpleness of the door in contrast to the complicated and amazing artwork make the impact more powerful than it would have been if it was equally as complicated designed.

I glanced over my shoulder to look at my subordinates who had followed me here.

Behind me were Baziwood and ten specially-selected royal guards, Fluder and four of his acolytes, Roune, his secretary, and the priests from the knight orders. Leinas and the remaining royal guards had been left behind with the carriages for security.

Everyone following me ―with the exception of Fluder― had drawn in their shoulders.

This was the result of walking through this passage which even the Empire's finest artisans would not be able to replicate, which filled them with a sense of being tiny and insignificant.

The Grand Haven of Vanir was a beautiful world that was closer to a citadel of the gods than anything else. Their image of the rulers of this place, the mysterious Kara and Diana-sama, was overwhelming beyond description.

The smile on my face was filled with self-mockery. Humans would naturally bow their heads to those who exceeded them. Anyone that was unimpressed by these architectural and artistic marvels must surely lack the capacity to feel.

The rulers of this place waited beyond these doors. Beings of absolute power who lay in hidden and in peace for who knows how long. Beings who have every advantage over any mortal.

Why had someone like them hidden in a place like this until now? Although I did not know the answer, I would probably find out soon enough.

At least, I hoped to learn that much during the discussions that were to follow.

I doubt they'll be satisfied with a simple apology after that spectacular show of force they put on.

Initially, my plan was to divine and then play on their desires, thereby turning the situation to the Empire's advantage. This whole pretense of making an apology was merely an excuse for achieving that aim.


As if I could begin to tempt someone as powerful as them. I couldn't do it, even if I used all the wealth I possessed.

Just as a one-carat gem would not gain my attention, The rulers of Vanir could not possibly be interested in anything I could offer.

To begin with, wealth would be completely out of the question.

If I offered military and magical support ― well, why would they be interested in things that were far inferior to their own?

As for members of the opposite sex ― I thought maids and handsome male members he had passed on his way here. Servants of all kinds to fill every need ― they would be useless.

Offers of rank and authority meant nothing to those who lived in a place like this.

Then what might they want? Well, nothing that I have at least…maybe m allegiance but why would they if they can easily take it over?

The conclusion was that I could do nothing.

The answer; the wisest thing I could do was hope that the rulers would not regard him as an enemy.

The victory conditions for this engagement are: the Empire remains intact, and that I return alive.

I had already given up on any other ideas.

Sengoku: The Throne Room lies beyond. Kara and Diana-sama waits for you within.

After that, he announced that his part was over, and bowed deeply to me.

As though waiting for those words, the vast double doors swung open slowly, without being touched.

Inside was possibly the most beautiful…no, godly room I had ever seen.

Me: …so this is where the gods reside.