Chapter 54
Several sudden intakes of breath reached my ears. It was not just one or two instances, but over ten of them, probably well over half the people who had come to this place. Many among them had not been able to fully muster their resolve against the fear that gripped them and allowed their desire to flee to show on their faces. In other words, many of the Imperial contingent had been hoping that those double doors would not open. In truth, so did I.
It was precisely because of that reason that I was grateful that the doors had opened automatically. Who knew how long they would have to wait if they needed to work up the courage to pass through those doors first? By opening by themselves, the choice had been made for us. Now, we were forced to face whatever lied beyond.
A vast room came into view, with a ceiling that was very high and very broad. The walls were predominantly white, with extensive gold decorations and highlights. Black lines and patterns rose up and down the walls, lined with priceless artifacts and artworks beyond measure.
Luxurious, multicolored chandeliers ―made of precious stones from all the colors of the rainbow― depended from the ceiling, radiating a fantastic light. Three big flags were hung on the ceiling. One predominantly white with many complicated symbols that portrayed the image of ancient and magic. The other was a mostly black flag that depicted a single dragon. A dragon that looked so real and powerful, that even a painting gave me the chills. Finally, the third flag was the symbol of Vanir. The familiar symbol of the Scale.
This room was the epitome of a "throne room". There was no better word to describe a place like this.
I and the others blanched pale as an oppressive air swept over them from inside the room.
A crimson carpet ran down the center of the room, and flanking it were a series of immeasurably powerful beings.
There were Angels, Demons, Spirits, Giants, Ice Giants, Fire Giants, Dragons, bizarre humanoids, armored knights, bipedal insect, elves and even beings that looked exactly like humans. Each was different from the other in size and appearance, but the one thing they had in common was the overwhelming might each of them possessed. These beings were arranged in two lines on either side of the carpet, and it felt too disheartening to count them.
They watched me and company in silence. Although it was said that one could sense a certain kind of strength in the eyes of those with power or status, this was the first time I had ever felt a physical pressure. Perhaps it was the fear and pressure from the minions alone, I could not raise my head to see what lay at the end of the line.
The sound of low moans and the shuddering of metal armor plates came from behind me. It was proof that my subjects were scared out of their wits.
However, I could be honest about this.
I did not intend to reproach his subordinates for showing their fear. Rather, I wanted to praise them, because every single one of them had conquered that fear and stayed behind me.
The fact that they had remained steadfast in the face of these terrifying beings was to be applauded.
My threat evaluation of these rulers rose by several dozen levels at once. My wariness had been revised ever upward since I arrived here. But even that had been far too naïve.
I had determined that Vanir was not simply a threat to the Empire, but to the continued survival of the entire species ― to humans and demihumans both…but in truth they have never shown their stance on our kind.
My eyes followed the carpet forward.
Far ahead of them were a set of stairs, and around it were assembled people that I surmised were their closest aides and warriors. On the first step, there was a massive towering man who looked obese but fit at the same time, his face completely devoid of emotion. The confusing thing but that on the step right above him, there was almost an exact copy of him but just without holding a book like the one on the first step did. There was also a tall man who had a massive stitched scar across his face below the eyes with one of his hands being a golden hook instead of a hand. There was also a swordsman who emitted an unbelievable amount of pressure, especially his eyes which resembled that of a hawk. Next to him was the single ugliest creature I had ever seen. A tall pale demon like thing with an immensely long neck with stitches all the way down. His body was round despite this and his face seemed to be fixed in a permanent smile. Next to him was what I would call a human and fish hybrid, except this one was slightly fatter than I expected. Next them were the ambassadors they had sent us. Boa Hancock in all her beauty and the tall man, Doflamingo.
Inside, I sighed in relief as I realized that they weren't just normal soldiers. They might not be the highest ranking people, but they were at least one of the higher ups in this place.
A step above them were others who I had no idea of, but they looked human. Yet, they too oozed power and signs of danger. And yet another step above them were perhaps the strangest humans I had ever seen. 5 Elderly men who were different in size and proportion.
Finally, above them were 2 Crystal Thrones that reached the ceiling. One mostly white while the other pitch black, but it looked as if the thrones were constantly changing.
Upon the Black Throne sat a woman in her youth. Fierce eyes and a face that showed her confidence and experience. Her black eyes betrayed nothing but her arrogance, yet she was cautious. Just from her looks, I could tell she had hundreds of years of experience of ruling, if not more. Her very presence was dominating the entire place, as if radiating a sense of danger. Just looking at her in the eye made me shiver as I sensed her look over my everything. Scanning not only my looks but my thoughts and the core of my identity…looking directly through my eyes and into my soul.
Upon the White Throne was a…girl? A little girl too. She could not be older than 15, she looked even younger than that. Based on just outward appearance alone, everything about the girl screamed innocence and…god, her large eyes made me want to pet her. But that would not only be incredibly rude but also possibly spell the end of the world. So I should refrain from doing that. Despite this, her incredibly cute eyes twinkled with wisdom. While her endless well of power was not visible from her outward appearance, I had no doubt it was hidden beneath her looks.
The door had been opened, but it had not been opened for long. It was certainly not long enough for anyone to comment on their inactivity. Still, they could not wait out here forever. And so ― I stepped forward.
Me: Let's go.
My words were quiet enough that only those behind me could hear them. Anyone who saw me would be surprised by how I could speak without opening his mouth. This was not magic, but pure skill. It was a skill that was particularly useful in this sort of setting.
However, I was not able to sense anyone moving in response to my words.
Advancing to stand before the rulers meant that they would have to pass between the flanking lines of monsters. Though they knew that they would probably not attack them, walking in front of these creatures still required a great deal of courage.
My judgement that they would not be attacked was not simple optimism.
The reasons for using a throne room like this were for ceremonial purposes, as well as displaying the power of one's nation. These were facts that anyone would know.
In other words, the reasons for choosing this place were to display the power of Vanir, and to show that they had no intent of killing me and my followers. After all, if they truly wanted to get rid of them, they would have simply have brought them to a slaughterhouse instead.
My underlings should have clearly understood that fact. No, they definitely did… However, that was not the reason why they remained immobile.
The main reason for that was simply because they did not want to go near those monsters.
Beyond the lines of monsters were the ruler's aides. The power of those beings was clearly beyond the reckoning of sane men.
And upon the thrones were the rulers themselves. High and mighty…unyielding
At great length, I realized something in the depths of my soul.
I realized that they were standing in the presence of what men would call gods.
I possessed a magic item that defended against mental attacks, but the pressure I was facing was outside the scope of the item's protection. If I lost his focus but once, even r would be able to do nothing but kneel before their mighty presence.
Still, it was precisely because of that reason that I had to go.
Just as I was observing the rulers, the rulers were also observing me. If they disapproved of what they saw, what would happen to the Empire in future? At the very least, I had to let the rulers recognize the value of myself, and by extension, the continued existence of the Empire.
Inwardly, I laughed at my own naïveté.
What had I been thinking by a war of words.
So this is what it means to regret something. Nothing else matters anymore. All I can hope for is to minimize the damage to the Empire.
Me: Let's go!
My stern command was directed at my subordinates, but more importantly at myself, in order to recall myself to life. I could sense my men following me.
It was a very soft carpet, but right now, it seemed far too light and ephemeral.
I firmly shunted aside the innumerable glares directed at him and moved forward, keeping my eyes fixed on the person that lay before me ― The Rulers, true Sovereigns of the world. I had a hunch that if I turned my eyes from his objective, my feet would no longer be able to move.
I was not an excellent warrior or anything like that, but the reason why I could move forward, leading my men where my royal guard feared to tread was because of the mental fortitude that had been bred into me as an Emperor.
At last, I reached the base of the steps, in front of their aides.
Elder: Kara, Diana-sama, this is the ruler of the Baharuth Empire, Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix, who seeks an audience with you.
A deep and wise voice came from one of the elders standing before the two rulers. Their voice matching their posture that showed the authority they held in the haven.
In response, the being that was the manifestation of darkness spoke back to me.
Diana: I am glad you have come, Emperor of the Baharuth Empire. I am one of the masters of the Grand Haven of Vanir. Formally, I am known as the Black Monarch, but you may call me Diana.
A faint pang of relief ran through Jircniv. Her voice, though filled with power and authority was like that of a human's. I secretly worried what it might be if I could not understand what she was saying.
Kara: White Sovereign. Call me Kara
Me: I humbly thank you for your most generous welcome, Diana and Kara-sama
Their faces remained unmoving. Completely devoid of emotion but from their eyes, I could see them evaluating me. Seeing and analyzing my every move.
The first to speak back was Kara-sama…and it was not a pleasant one.
Kara: How disrespectful is it that mortals such as yourself could speak like that. I suggest you learn the listening posture.「Kneel」
As she said the word 'kneel', my medallion…my prized possession which protected me from mental attacks shattered into a million pieces as my knees gave way.
As my knees touched the floor, my hands gripped the floor as well. A sign of complete sub servitude…haha…did I expect anything else?
Behind me, I heard the sound of metal plates clanking, but I did not need to turn around to know what was going on. His subjects must have knelt in response to the ruler's voice like I have. At the same time I could hear the desperate grunting that came from those who wanted to rise, but could not. It was impossible, my legs were stuck and would not move from the kneeling position.
Diana: Kara…
The white little girl stared at her sister (or so I assumed) before sighing.
Kara: *sigh* Fine. 「Releasing control」
I could almost see the pressure around us disappear, and I could hear sighs of relief from behind me.
Diana: …Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix, my little sister has done something rude to a noble guest who has come from far away to visit my domain. The sins of the Royal Family are carried equally among all member, and as such I beg your forgiveness. I hope this is a matter which can be resolved with a bowing of the head.
Commotion and activity rose from the two files of monsters behind them. The girl started at her sister in shock as she stated what she would do.
I was cautious, because I realized that they were not the type who handled matters solely with brute force. Similarly, I was relieved, because they were not the type who handled matters solely with brute force. Most importantly, I was afraid. I knew without a doubt that they had the complete loyalty of all the monsters present here.
Cunning monster…they had planned this from the start!
With the sickening realization that everything that had happened so far had occurred in accordance to their wishes. It was the ominous feeling that everything had taken place just as they had planned.
Me: There is no need to apologize for that Diana-sama. What Kara-sama had stated is nothing strange. Gods, such as yourselves would obviously feel superior to those like us. Truly, I am disgraced.
One of the royal guards who had been released from the domination began moving, and placed an urn beside me in a worried, nervous manner. I should have immediately taken it up, but I was delayed by my thoughts.
Were the actions of Kara-sama intended to make me say what I just did? If that's the case, should I go off-script? No, that's not an option. This is like a staged fight with real blades. A single misstep will result in severe injuries… that would be very bad.
Me: This is the head of the foolish noble who took it upon himself to send intruders into your humble home… although I do not know if humble is the right word to use. I hope you will accept it.
The urn contained Earl Femel's head. He was the noble who had been induced by me to recruit and dispatch the Workers. These nobles who were neither boon nor bane were raised to be used at times like these.
Dead men told no tales. Although I did not know how much information they possessed, it would be wiser to cover up my sins as much as possible.
It was quite likely that they sent their emissaries to intimidate me because the Workers had barged into their domain. Because of that, my best option was to deny all knowledge of the incident.
One of the elders, the tallest one stepped down and took the urn from guard and carried it all the way back up the stairs. Then, he knelt before Kara-sama and presented the head from within the urn,
She lifted the head up with disinterest.
Kara: I will accept it. But what shall I do with it now? It would be a waste to simply throw it away.
…Hm? Ah, mockery, then? I see. She's certain that Femel was manipulated… the question now is where the information leaked from…
Kara: Why don't we ask him Jircniv? I'm sure you would like to know who sent the intruders as well, don't you?