Battle at Carne

Chapter 72

POV Enri, Carne Village

Winter was usually horrible for villages, but that was not the case for Carne Village this year. Thanks to a specific ruler of a neighboring nation, the village had seen great growth in a short amount of time.

They had stone walls around the village which would make any city jealous…or at least the ones which weren't actually fortified cities. The walls were approximately 10 meters tall and two meters thick in length.

The summoned goblins (from 2 horns) gave the village 20 Elite Goblins who knew exactly how to protect an area and feed the people too.

Day after day they went into the Forest of Tob and hunted animals and monsters. Animal parts were shared between the people while the monster parts were stored up and then sold to traveling merchants or when someone will make their way to the city.

Often times, a mysterious man or woman claiming to be a servant of Kara or Diana-sama would come by and teach the village something new. While it was small, the change it made was tremendous.

In just a period of months, the crops grew faster, yielded more, and other things around the village became better. From what I've heard, Nfirea even managed to managed to recreate a purple version of 'Blood of God'. A potion that could heal any wound!

Even during these wonderful times, there were problems. A few weeks ago, there was a troll invasion who wanted to make use of our fort for their own. Of course, they never made it past the stone wall and enchanted gate which was designed exactly for this purpose. It was almost as if Kara-sama, who made it instantly with magic, knew that something of the size of a troll army would invade the village.

After that incident, the trolls and ogres of the Forest of Tob accepted me as their leader…without my consent. Due to that incident, I became known as 'General Enri' and the people in my village pushed me to become the new chief.

My parents full-heartedly supported me in this decision even though I didn't want to accept this responsibility. But thinking back on everything Kara-sama did for us, and especially giving my parents a new chance in life not to mention saving both myself and Nemu, I decided to accept the role as village chief.

Things were going quite smoothly until one day they arrived. I knew that the Arcanian Empire was going into war with the Kingdom but the people of the village didn't care. On the contrary, we hoped that the Empire would win so that we could officially become citizens of the Empire. Citizens under a queen whom actually cares for us, instead of some fools who didn't even know we exist.

While the Kingdom did exempt us from paying taxes for a few years in compensation for being unable to protect us from bandits, they never gave us even a single word of apology after our village was burned down. All the new buildings, facilities, tools, and even up to the smiles upon the people's faces were all thanks to Kara-sama.

But…some idiot just had to come along and ruin it all.

Barbro: Open up you commoners! If you do not open this gate in the next ten seconds, I will take this as rebellion against the Royal Family! This is just reason to kill you all!

Why…why did that fool need to come here to screw up everything?! The Royal family never cared for us so why couldn't they leave us alone?

Barbro: I know you have had connections with the Emperor of an enemy nation. You have helped her and colluded with her. Therefore, all people within the Carne Village are now labeled as rebels and will be executed! hahaha!!!

Suddenly, the flag of the Re-Estize as well as the emblem of the Royal Family seemed to look like…shit. I was mad. Mad as I could be. They've done nothing for us our entire lives and now that they think we've done something wrong they come here and decide they will kill us?

Me: I am so sorry your Royal Highness. Please wait outside! The inside is all dirtied with cow dung! The villagers are cleaning it up as to welcome someone of your high blood!

Even as I said those words, they disgusted me. Those damn royals, always thinking they were better than anyone. Looking down and spitting on us just because of their birth. While Kara-sama was here, all the villagers learned more about people in general. How people were, in the end, the same. Noble origins didn't make sense as it was inefficient and spread corruption. People should be treated differently based on their ability and personalities to get the best results out of them, not by blood.

I looked back at the villagers and armed goblins who were waiting for my decision.

Me: There are at least 5000 men out there. Even if we do have this wall, they will eventually get through it and kill us if we refuse to let him in.

Villager: Chief, but will they let us live even if we do let them in? He's already said that we are labeled as rebels, didn't he?

Goblin Chief: General Enri, we will follow your decision…to whatever end!

Me: To whatever end…

I felt the pressure on me increase as I realized they were stating the truth. Hundreds of lives of the people of Carne rested on my shoulders. I could risk it all and let the prince in or I can show they who we were at our core. Who Kara-sama told us we could be.

Thinking back, I saw the things Kara-sama had done for us once more. She had saved someone who should be dead. She resurrected those who were already dead. She gave back the lives of people who had given up by teaching them new things and gave the village a new life overall.

The statue we were building for her in the middle of the village was proof of that dedication and thankfulness we felt towards her.

Me: I'm sorry people. But I just don't think I can go against our benefactor.

The people around me began to smile as they realized I came to a decision many of them had hoped I would make. Even if it perhaps meant that they would lose their lives in the process.

Me: I think we're going to have to fight today! I'll be back in a minute. Goblin Chief, order the trolls and Ogres to get in formation! We are fighting against the Kingdom!

I ran back to my home and into the corner. I opened the box where I kept my most precious things and took out a drum. It wasn't just any drum but the very same one that Kara-sama gave to me on that first day. The one she told me to beat when we were in big trouble.

Me: Kara-sama, I think this is big trouble. Give us strength so we can fight for you today!!

With that, I beat the drum as loudly as I can. My prayers reaching the skies as I hoped salvation would come for us in this dreaded moment.








I dropped the dissolving drum and ran outside the house. There was nothing but the sound of heavy armored people marching did not stop.




I climbed the wall and peered over the side and there I saw something I had never expected to see. It was a legion. A legion of heavy armored Orcs to the full, there must've been at least 5000 of them as well. Unlike the Kingdom's army where it was composed of just Infantry and Cavalry, the Orc Army was composed of many different parts.

Someone in the front of the Orcs, wearing something akin to a full golden armor, standing at an impressive height (2.5 meters) began to yell at the Kingdom's forces from the back.

Orc General: I am the Orc General! My forces of 5,000 High Orcs are here to aid General Enri in her time of need! There will be no survivors under my command!

Right after he spoke, another heavily armored Orc spoke up.

Orc Infantry Commander: I am the Orc Infantry Commander! Our heavy armor and shield will block any attack. Our heavy cleavers cut through your thin defense. Don't think you can last in front of us, in the name of General Enri!

Behind the infantry, orcs on top of some equally large Boars rode out from the side.

Orc Cavalry Commander: I am the Orc Cavalry Commander. These boars are faster and more fierce than any of your lousy horses. We trample anything in our paths. Do not think you will be spared in the name of General Enri!

Then, a platoon of Orcs in dark cloaks and holding staffs appeared. The orc in the front stepped out and did his speech as well.

Orc Mage Squad Commander: I am the Orc Mage Squad Commander! Our magic shall incinerate you into nothing! In the name of General Enri!

There were a few more but these was the main gist of it. But every time a new squad showed up, they never forgot to mention my name.

Me: Please shut up…why do you have to mention my name in front of the Prince…?

I was about to complain more but the battle had already begun…if it can be called a battle in the first place. The training and strength between the two armies were as clear as day and night.

The Kingdom's forces were mostly conscripts from farmers while only a few, the noble's armies, were actually consisted of Knights who had trained for fighting. On the other hand, the Orcs were all heavily armored and trained. They moved surprisingly fast for their size and heavy wear but their strength did not diminish one bit.

Soon, the Kingdom's army was reduced to near nothing while the Prince and a few of his close retainers were sent off running.

Barbro: Shit shit…! How could this happen! How could my army be lost to these damn pigs!

Orc General: I would watch your words you skinny meat bag. We are not just Orcs, we are Uruk Hai! The best of Orcs, Warriors among our kind!!!

Orcs: Uruk! Uruk! Uruk! Uruk!

The Orcs cheered as they saw the retreating figure of the enemy commanders.

Infantry Commander: My general, are we really leaving the enemy leader to flee? We could have captured him.

Orc General: I am aware, but I have just received a divine message to let the human go. He has a fate worse than death awaiting him not far from here.

While they were conversing, I could only think of the following…

How are we going to feed all of these pigs?

POV Barbro

How could this be?! What just happened?!

Me: Fuck all of this! Damn it all! How could I lose to a bunch of…pigs?!

?: Those were Uruk Hai Orcs if that makes you feel a bit better, kekeke

Who was that?! Nobody else should be here other my honor guard!

Me: Who are you?!

Then, I saw a huge towering figure. One in which I would never forget in my life. It was a towering blond male, ripped with muscle through his shirt. Perhaps the strangest thing about him was that he was wearing a pink feathered coat and a weird thing over his eyes which prevented me from seeing through them.

Doflamingo: Call me Doflamingo. I've come to help you help you become a good king.

What? Was he really here to help me? Well, it would make sense by my Royal origin. Sometimes my own ability and thought process frightens me.

Doflamingo: Yes, of course! You see, the Kingdom is suffering from a famine, is it not? You can help the people solve it!

Me: What is it?!

Doflamingo: Easy, I'll turn you into fertilizer

That was the last thing I heard before I realized I was screaming as my arm was turned into mincemeat.