
Chapter 73

POV Ramposa III, on the battlefield

Me: Impossible….

What I said was not for my own Kingdom's forces but rather the enemy's. That was not to say the Kingdom's was not impressive, not at all. In all of history, the Kingdom has never once gathered so much men for one fight. 300,000 men, or rather 295,000 men were standing at their ready with their long spears and armor.

Each of the spears gleaming with the 'Dressrosa' emblem, still a mystery as to who or what it was but it was undeniably better than anything the Kingdom has used before. The front line had created a spear wall to prevent any charges from the Empire. The reason they were not using an actual Cavalry defense was because it would use up too much wood. This war had already drained the Kingdom of unbelievable amounts of money, food, and other resources. In some ways, they would have to step back and save a little for when people were back home.

A few days ago, the Kingdom was feeling quite confident. Not in their ability to win or conquer the Empire, but to rather persevere and protect E-Rantel. After all, the only way the Empire would be able to take over E-Rantel would be through an overwhelming victory that was unheard of.

The triple walls of E-Rantel gave it's worthy name as a 'Fortress City'. The people living inside those walls were people of the Kingdom to the core. If the Empire had perhaps won a war by a narrow margin, then the citizens inside the city would rebel, giving the Kingdom a chance to quickly recapture the city. Only if the Empire had a crushing victory over the Kingdom, enough to which it would ripple throughout the world, would the citizens of E-Rantel be too afraid to rebel against their new rulers.

Next, the Baharuth's Legions (or Knights) were still employed throughout the new Arcanian Empire. The training, time, resources that went into creating each Knight was exponentially higher than that of a peasant who was made to hold a cheaply manufactured spear. The Kingdom, who obviously thought they had an overwhelming numerical advantage, would not care if some lives were lost. On the other hand, the Empire would feel a loss for every Knight that fell in this war. This was why the Kingdom was confident in their ability to defend the city….up until now.

Soldier: This is a dream right? There's no way this can be true…

Count: This must be an illusion! Tell the Magic Casters to dispel it now!

Knight: Sir! The Magic Casters have informed that they sense no illusion…what we are seeing now it the truth!

Nobles: Impossible!

Soldiers cowered and shivered as they witnesses a scene out of a nightmare. In front of them was a massive metal fortress. One in which that glowed in the sun, high and mighty…unyielding.

The fortress was grander than that at E-Rantel. A much more modern design, or at least one that felt more practical and effective in a place like this. What was more surreal was that we were sure that this wall was not here a week ago. It was not here a day ago either. If anything…it was created this morning, suddenly with a flash of light. With that, the Empire now had a solid foothold in the Katze Plains, even if we do manage to repel them from E-Rantel, they would have no reason to retreat back to their lands with a fortress or Stronghold that secure.

Another factor was the soldiers manning the Fortress. We saw the 6 Legions of the Empire. Donning their new armor with pride and standing at their ready, staring directly at us. Then, there were elves lined up all spread out upon the walls with their glowing bows, a sign that they were enchanted. While visibility was low, it was obvious that they had brought a massive army, one that matched our numbers. With Dwarves, Dragons, Giants, Angels? and other unexplainable creatures all lined up together with each other. Creatures that Adventurers were paid to kill were standing next to each other, side by side as comrades in arms. It was a surreal sight.

One thing was clear, there was no way the Kingdom was going to win this war. The numerical advantage was gone and the Empire obviously had an overwhelming individual ability over that of peasant farmers holding spears.

Gazef: Marquis, what you are feeling now is not goosebumps…it is the fear of death. A basic survival instinct.

I overheard my Warrior Captain speak to the frightened Marquis Raeven as they looked out and saw the forces of the Empire. Forces which included monsters and beings of legend.

Gazef: See, even the horses of shying. Warhorses that were trained for war are too frightened to even move. Their wills are completely dominated by fear.

Was there really a choice here?

Me: Call for a negotiation…Raeven, Gazef, Bowlorobe, you are coming with me.

Raeven & Gazef: Yes your Majesty

Bowlorobe: Yes your majesty

A small tent was set up in the middle of the no-man's land by our forces. A testament to how we were desperate to hold a talk unlike the Empire's in which they truly had no reason to. Yet, once we flew the white flag of peace, we saw a few of them approach the tent.

Perhaps it was arrogance, or maybe it was fair for what our answer had been, but neither of the Emperors showed up to the negotiation. Who did show up was three beings that looked like humans but I couldn't be sure.

Me: Please sit, we must discuss our demands and terms for this war; but before we begin, may I ask who you are? From my right is Marquis Raeven, Marquis Bowlorobe, myself, and my Warrior Captain Gazef Stronoff. I am the King of Re-Estize, Ramposa the Third.

I looked at the three of them. Each of them vastly different from each other. The elderly man who sat down looked like a very stretched out man vertically. He looked human but his stretched out features cancelled that look.

The other was a tall man with a scar across his face. His heavy jacket and pulled back black hair gave an impression of dealing with someone from the underworld. Perhaps the feature the grabbed the most impression was one of his hands which was replaced by a massive golden hook.

The final person in the room was a woman. Very beautiful but not at all friendly looking. Her charisma could be felt across the room. Quite tall, not too tall, but she had something weird, like an uneven pole slung across her back. Her face betrayed nothing but her arrogance and confidence.

5th Elder: Very well. I am the fifth elder of the Arcanian Empire. You can say I have the highest authority shared by 4 others under no one but the Emperors themselves. To my right is Warlord Sir Crocodile and my left Guardian Sarah.

I did not know what those titles meant but if their goal was to intimidate us, it worked. By just their introduction, the mood in the tent had already shifted to them. As King, I must never show my fear but under the table, I felt my legs shiver in the presence of these…beings. Despite this, I had a duty to fulfill. I had to prevent people from dying.

Me: Let us reconsider this war. Surely there must be another way for whatever you are trying to accomplish. The father of your Emperors might have created this world but it has been so long since then. We are willing to spare a few cities to your Empire but surrendering the entire Kingdom is nonsense.

I knew they wouldn't buy it, but I needed to try. After all, it was always important to hide my own personal hopes inside a grand goal in negotiations. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

5th Elder: I disagree with you Ramposa

That was it. That was all he said. In just 5 words, not only did he blatantly state that our cause and reason was not working, but he also disrespected me, a KING. While this sort of disrespect would never pass in any situation, this was unique. I was dealing with an enemy nation whose military powers are far beyond our own. As I was not his King, in a way it made sense he would not use the proper title.

At least…that was what I was trying to convince myself.

Me: This war will kill tens of thousands of innocents! Due to your Empire's declaration of war! We might not be able to win but if you want E-Rantel, the only way is us offering it to you, not through war. Once your soldiers had enough, who do you think your people will blame?

It was a complete bluff backed by little proof, but I had to do what I must. If they cared for their Knights as the Baharuth had done for theirs, then we might be able to make them hesitate in the face of heavy losses.

5th Elder: You misspoke. The only ones dying will be your forces. We brought no soldiers after all.


I looked back to see the confused faces of my subjects and I knew I didn't mishear what the man said.

Me: Excuse me, but could you tell us the last part again? Surely I must have misheard.

5th Elder: We brought no soldiers.

Me: 5th Elder, surely you jest. Then what of the hundred of thousands of your men back at that fortress? Then what are they if not soldiers?!

5th Elder: They are an audience. They are here to witness this historic event. After all, the only ones who will fight are our Emperors.

He smiled. It was a wicked smile. A smile so dark but also so full of confidence that we didn't even have a single chance of winning. After all, in our minds, this did not make sense.

Who in their right mind would gather hundred of thousands of soldiers to a battlefield just to not use them? That would only be a madman or…

I remembered the report from the Baharuth Empire's capital city of Arwintar when they had their first encounter with the ambassador from the Arcanian Empire. I thought about the report from Gazef whom stated that they were gods if not the devils themselves.

As I looked at the 3 people in front of me, I realized this was no bluff. They meant what they said. The soldiers were not going to fight…but we were going to die.

Me: We surrend—

5th Elder: You had your chance. We refuse your surrender.

Something inside me broke. I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I realized my mistake. The Arcanian Empire had no intention of letting us go from the beginning. They had brought everyone here to put on a show, a demonstration.

Me: Are you making an example of us…?

They only smiled in response. Not one of pity or joy, but one that betrayed no emotion. It looked as if I was looking at a blank smile that only showed their confidence.


Gazef: Your Majesty! Please!

Raeven: …

Me: *huff* *huff* Order the troops to retreat. We yield. We yield! Take the city. Take the Kingdom!

5th Elder: I'm afraid you cannot escape. I mean that quite literally.

Suddenly, the Warlord lifted his hook up into the ceiling of the tent and ripped off the ceiling. Above me was the sky…but it looked strange. Then, I saw it. It was as if a thin veil was around…the entire plains, encompassing both of our forces. All of us were in the veil.

Me: What is it…? What have you done?

5th Elder: Me? Nothing. But that is called 'Domain'. Kara-sama's original magic. In other words, no one can leave without her permission.

I felt myself sinking into my seat as my will left me. What was the point? Gazef was right…I should have talked to them prior to making to decision to resist. I should have asked what exactly happened at the capital city of the Baharuth Empire and learned it was already hopeless.

5th Elder: When someone with overwhelming power threatens you, then your future is set in stone. This is true power, and this is the meaning of the Twin Emperors.

The elder's voice changed as I felt a shiver go through my spine.

Me: We won't resist. Take the city, take the people. For all I care, perhaps this is better.

The elder stood up and motioned for his two companions to follow him. Before he left, he said something that would haunt me.

5th Elder: You will resist.

Before I can ask him what he meant, he left. On the table was suddenly a chest. A chest that was surely not here moments ago. I knew he would not be the type to kill me after talking to us like that. After all, he said I will resist, which means he does not plan on killing me.

I opened the box ignoring the warnings from Gazef and my retainers to see perhaps the most horrifying scene I had ever seen.

Inside was minced meat, mixed with shit, weeds, and all the other things. It looked like some sort of disgusting fertilizer. While that in itself was gross, perhaps the most horrifying scene was the untouched, cleaned severed head of my son, Barbro, looking back into my eyes in horror, every strand of his hair still perfect. His mouth still open in horror, his eyes bloodshot and muscles tense. Looking alive as his blood continued to drop down onto the horrifying minced meat underneath.

I do not remember much from there, but I began screaming as my sight went white, then to red, and finally black as I felt sorrow, rage, and despair.