Chapter 75
Diana: Now now, don't be pessimistic. You brought this down upon yourself. If you hadn't ordered your son to go to Carne, then he wouldn't have declared the villagers rebels without even talking to them.
Ramposa III: He did that…? My son…?
Diana: What did you think he'll do? Go there, check, and come back? No, what he had planned was much worse. He planned to hold the villagers as hostage against us and ordered his troops to attack the village.
Ramposa III: I…I don't believe you.
Me: That can be easily solved.
Without waiting for his reply, I grabbed his head and transferred what I saw through the Crystal Mirror…a magical spying device really. Through some manipulation, I made sure he didn't doubt that I had shown him an illusion or anything,
Ramposa III: I see…I understand, but I cannot forgive you. I understand why you had to take action, but as a father I cannot forgive you.
Me: I don't care.
Behind him, Gazef, Brain, and his other retainers looked shocked at my reply. But it was the truth, I didn't give one shit about whether I was forgiven for ordering the death of a asshole or not. Royal blood or not, the Kingdom was no more anyway.
Me: More importantly, we need to discuss about the Kingdom's future, or rather the lack thereof.
The grimaced, as if I was rubbing salt into their wounds, but this too I did not care about. If they did care, then they should have brought better deals to the table before we declared war.
Me: All of your citizens will be granted citizenship. Nobility will be abolished. Any signs of slavery both by law or economic contracts will be made null and the organizations that made them will be hunted down. There's a long list of everything we'll do but for now I think that's it. Also, its good to see you again Gazef. I did tell you before, didn't I?
Gazef: Indeed you did Kara-sama. Did you perhaps expect this to happen?
Me: Of course, this was the way it was supposed to go. Only a great stroke of luck including a certain legendary Undead would have been able to make it go otherwise.
Gazef: Excuse me?
Me: Nevermind. You won't understand it for at least a couple years. Now, Raeven, thanks for doing your part.
The look on the marquis's face looked as if he had been stunned by a taser as he looked at me in shock.
Me: There's no need to hide anymore Raeven. The war is over and the Kingdom is ours one way or another. You've fulfilled your part as well, and thus I will do my part.
Ramposa III: Raeven! What is the meaning of this!
Me: Go ahead, you can tell him.
Raeven: I…I was approached by one of Kara-sama's retainers right after our meeting at the palace after we had concluded our meeting regarding their demands. They offered me a deal I couldn't refuse…
He lowered his head in shame as the King and the others looked at him in disgust.
Me: There's no reason for why you need be shamed Marquis. After all, you had a reason, didn't you? Tell them.
Raeven: I swear, you Majesty, that I care nothing more than the Kingdom. All my life I had worked towards making the Kingdom greater…but this time there was just no way for us to win. Especially not after looking at what they had.
The others nodded in agreement. Not forgiving but understanding.
Raeven: Then 5th Elder told me that if I send certain nobles into war, then they could spare my family…my son.
It seemed the King knew about Raeven's obsession and love for his son. As a ruler, such an action was worthy of execution but he was no longer a King. Now, he was only a father, and as a father he understood why Raeven had made the decision.
Ramposa didn't forgive him, he didn't say anything either. Instead, he simply nodded before turning back to me.
Me: Taking over a Kingdom when I killed 300,000 of your men isn't the best way to start. I'll do you a favor.
I gathered my hands in preparation to shock the people once more.
Me: Consider this a professional courtesy *Art in Rinne Rebirth!*
Of the hundreds of thousands of souls that came to me for reincarnation as the nearest god (and a powerful one at that) that dealt with the cycling of souls, I saved the ones who had remained standing earlier. The 150,000 individuals who were innocent.
I began to shine and soon pillars of light shot out from me and flew to the dead bodies (or pieces of them) all over the battlefield. While they were being resurrected, I took special care to make sure that the damage done to them in their brain due to their death would not affect them. I didn't want an extra 150,000 people with PTSD that we needed to care for.
One by one, soldiers who were dead began to heal and open their eyes. They looked around in confusion before they noticed me. I guess I needed to tell them why they were alive.
Me: Your King and I made a deal. As the Kingdom is now part of the Empire, those who remained standing earlier shall be revived. Rejoice, for your own actions have saved thyself
Diana: Do you always have to speak so dramatically?
Me: No, but it helps with the nobility kind of thing.
I turned back to the stunned King and Gazef who seemed to be understanding something. He probably wondered how I managed to resurrect all those people in Carne Village and this was the answer. Brain and Climb seemed to be contemplating life while Renner and Zanac was just standing there in shock looking over the battlefield.
Me: *Message* Gather the resurrected and strip them of their weapon. Lead them back to our fortress. We are done here.
As I said that, the flags of the Arcanian Empire flew high upon the new Fortress on the plains, showing our victory over the Kingdom.
Diana: As of now Ramposa III, King of the Re-Estize Kingdom. You are hereby stripped of your title and rank. The Kingdom of Re-Estize is no more and it's land and people shall be assimilated into the Arcanian Empire.
The old man had a complicated look on his face but in the end, he nodded. This was the result of the war and as the ruler of the Kingdom, he had to bear the consequences. Especially when there was no one else left to bear them.
Diana: On another note, I name Renner the head senator of the Re-Estize State. We will send you your responsibilities and expectations soon. There will be some major changes in your lands. If anyone resists…send them to me.
With that, we started to head back. Our part here was done. All we had to do was leave things to the elders now.
As I started to walk back, I felt that something was off, or at least different from what it was supposed to be. Personally, I expected that when we forcefully teleported all of them here, Gazef would immediately challenge me to a duel…but he didn't.
Perhaps it was his warrior's respect he had for saving the villagers, or perhaps he simply thought there was no use when everyone was already dead, but anyway that was one thing that did not go as expected. Oh well, there were many chances in the future to go around beating the Warrior Captain to the ground.
Behind me, the giant Gedo Staute began to move again, this time back towards the fortress.
Me: I think I want to take short break now…I know we barely moved but killing innocents in not in my moral code.
Diana: It's not in mine either, but we did what had to be done. Besides, you resurrected the ones that deserve to live. By the way, where did you send the ones that died?
Me: I cast the guilty into hell the cleanse their souls. The rest I wrapped up in a package and will be born into their world again as a low-intelligence animal.
Diana: Any unlucky ones?
Me: A guy got a cockroach. Poor guy