After the War

Chapter 76

I was sitting across the table from Draudilon, Queen of the Draconic Kingdom.

Me: So you are sure you want to do this?

Draudilon: Tell me honestly. If I don't do this, how long does our Kingdom have?

Me: Honestly? 3 to 6 years. Perhaps longer if things don't go to plan but not longer than 10.

Draudilon: I knew it. This is a better way to do this.

After the war, Draudilon called us to the Draconic Kingdom and offered to surrender her Kingdom to us. Essentially making the Kingdom part of the Empire. While I knew she would be intimidated by our show of force, I didn't expect it to make results so quickly.

Since we were already allies, I thought she would try and get more of our troops or possibly ask us for help with the Beastman permanently, I didn't think she would lay down her pride as Queen and Dragon Lord so easily.

Me: I've got to say, you've made such a large decision so easily.

Draudilon: Oh please, I've wished for this moment for so long. With this, I no longer need to stress about the future of the Kingdom any longer! It's in good hands now.

Me: That is for sure. We'll protect it well, and make it prosper into a large city. If you go through that portal, one of the elders will be there with all the paperwork. Might be the last you do as Queen.

Draudilon: That doesn't sound good but it definitely is.

Me: Also…I guess I should give you this.

From my inventory, I took out a single Devil Fruit. Actually, it was an artificial one with Dots on it rather than spirals like the real (natural) Devil Fruits. After we defeated the World Government, study on the Devil Fruits continued until we managed to perfect Momonosuke's Dragon Devil fruit. While the user would be weakened in water and Seastone, they were no longer incapacitated or unable to move in it.

Me: Although you are a Dragon Lord, you do not have a Dragon Form, am I correct?

Draudilon: Yes. Unfortunately, having only an eighth of Dragon Blood did not give me a body of a Dragon.

Me: Well, here is your solution.

I gave her the fruit, or rather pushed it across the table.

Me: A race-change item if you will. It will give you the ability to become a Dragon. You will need to constantly train in order for it to become useful, for I believe you will be nothing but a hatching in the beginning. But if you learn to control and grow the power, then you can possibly rival even the other Dragon Lords.

Her face shined as she realized the possibility of the fruit in front of her.

Me: Just to be clear, it does come with a comeback. Water is your weakness when in your Dragon Form…oh, and did I mention that the fruit tastes horrible? There's just one thing I want you to do before I give you the fruit.

Draudilon: Name it.

Me: Say an oath with me. You and I will be forming a Contract bound by nothing but our words. Ok?

Draudilon: How bad could it be. When you are given an opportunity for power like this!

She didn't even hesitate as she reached for the dotted apple. She bit off a portion and swallowed it before she can taste anything. Once the taste buds and sense caught up, she gagged but the fruit was already consumed. She had become this world's first Devil Fruit user, even if it may have been an artificial one.

Me: Well, I guess I can only give you my congratulations on becoming a true Dragon. Now, let's form a contract…

With that, I gained another Dragon lord as my ally in the New World.

POV Brain

Me: Damn it!

We were back in E-Rantel…defeated by those monsters. King Ramposa was no longer King. He made the official statement moments ago, along with the dissolution of the Re-Estize Kingdom.

To me, the Kingdom was never an important place so I didn't care…but once again my honor as a Swordsman was crushed.

When I met Shanks, he completely crushed me…without even opening his eyes. He purposely moved slowly in order for me to show him what 'special abilities' I had when in reality I was trying my best. He crushed my 'field', my sword, and my love for it. Of course, he rekindled it right after by buying me a drink but the fact that I was so easy defeated did not change.

That was the first time I saw the limitations of man. Of course, I thought Shanks was a human as well, but then he just laughed it off and said he 'evolved'. Whatever that means.

But that…the scene I saw during the realm was none other than the realm of God itself. By just her voice, I lost my will to resist. I, who I thought was superior to any other, was forced to kneel with her voice. I realized the only reason why I was alive was because she specifically allowed me to, or rather she kept me alive in the midst of that chaos.

The falling flowers didn't discriminate who got near. The explosions didn't seem to care about what armor the soldiers were wearing as they shred through them like paper. I should have died but I didn't. Once the meteorite came, I know I saw a solid piece of flaming rock fall right on top of me…only to be protected by a semi-circular veil. Whatever or whoever had casted that, they had saved my life. Then came that monstrosity. The giant wooden statue with 9 nines which killed everything in its path. Once again, I was once right next to its foot when I made eye contact with that thing, but once again it let me go.

Finally, people around me suddenly started yelling about their blindness and started going mad before one of them splattered into blood and gore…only to be followed by the rest of them. Before I realized, there were only a few survivors left. People who had a form of connection or use to the Emperors, however small it may be.

I felt so powerless…how could I do nothing? Not as in my action but the physical difference it would make. No matter how many times I swung my sword, it would have never reached them. No matter how strong I slice, it would have never pierced even the cutest layer of wood from the Giant Statue.

As one who was forced to kneel, I was not supposed to be alive…I had killed as a bandit, robbed people, and threw away my honor more times than I can count.

I swayed slightly from the effects of the alcohol when a familiar face(s) caught me together.

Gazef: Oi oi, Brain, get yourself together. Just because we lost the war doesn't mean it's the end of the world.

Me: It's the end of the Kingdom…

Gazef: Then why are you sad? The person who should be weeping should be me. I'm the Warrior Captain of the Kingdom and I failed to die in that war. Might as well be a sign of my cowardice.

Climb: No sir! You were the Captain which remained standing under the questions of the Emperor. You did all you can…as did all of us. I'm just glad that Princess is safe.

Me: Ahh, yes, kid. I guess you can achieve your wish now in a sense. Heard that Nobility including other country's royalty will be stripped of their titles. That means there's nothing against marrying a Prime Minister of a country as a commoner. eh?

Climb's face flushed red as he realized the possibility…if he only realized the feelings Princess Renner had for him. He's too dense for his own good, never looking back to check anything.

Gazef: Enough sulking all of you. We'll drink today, it's on me.

Me: Oi, I've already drunk a couple bottles today

Gazef: What kind of swordsman can't hold his liquor? Now shut up and come with me. Besides, don't you remember our promise to drink with Climb before…before the war?

*sigh* It looks like no matter what we do, we'll end up constantly reminding ourselves of the war…no, massacre that took place.

Me: You better be ready because I'm going to outdrink the both of you.

Gazef: You wish you can blue hair. Now, come with me.

Perhaps things won't be too different after all. If I am with my old buddy Gazef and now this new brat.

Omake: Day in the Life of the Black Monarch

POV Diana

I wake up around late morning in our bed where I see Kara still sleeping. She has a fifty-fifty chance of being a fox or in her natural form. It looks like she's staying humanoid today. Either way, I pet/cuddle her for a couple minutes until I'm no longer sleeping before I tiptoe out of the suite.

Right outside, the maids are there to take care of me. Originally, I was worried about how little sleep they were getting until I realized that it was in their programming and I couldn't really do much about it anymore. While in our fiery coding, we had unintentionally made them into workaholic maids whose greatest joy is to serve us…kind of getting Nazarick vibes from them but no can do.

I usually take a bath first thing so I can wash up before starting the day. Nothing special about the bath. While I do have others cleaning me, I request it not to use the gigantic pool sized tub since it just feels like such a waste. Instead, I have a smaller pool filled with water of an unbelievable temperature that I force to not evaporate. Of course, the maids can't get in here with me so there are some lava maids (temporary summons from my imagination) that help me during the duration.

I don't bath for too long…just maybe for about 40 minutes and then the usual of getting dressed and drying my hair. Thankfully, nobody tries to play dress-up with me anymore or do anything special with my hair. Poor Kara has to struggle with that everyday as the maids try to dress her up like a doll and everything. *cough* I'm definitely not part of the maids when they do that *cough* *cough*

Kara is definitely a gourmet, or rather someone who always wants to try the new and best food the world has to offer. Of course she has her favorites but she's always looking for new things to try as well. I, on the other hand, am fine with a normal brunch…or as normal as it can be in Society.

As expected, the dishes laid out in front of me cannot be called normal for anyone on the face of this planet. The table was filled to the brim with so much variety of food that it looked as if the table legs will break, which is ridiculous since we made it with Adam Wood.

I feel this every time I eat but I realize how blessed I am for the crazy opportunity. In my first life, I would never have gotten a chance to eat like this. In my second life, there wasn't many a variety thanks to the Ocean taking up the majority of the world. In the beginning of our third life, we had to eat shit and be thankful for it. The sad part was, that even that was better than what 99% of the world had to eat daily just to survive. Truly, coming into the New World with our programmed little Utopia was a blessing. We can create anything, be anything, and do anything.

After brunch, I usually go and wake Kara. She's always sleeping even though its noon. Once, I wanted to test how long she could sleep for and it turned out to be the entire day. It wasn't like she had anything major or tiring the previous day but she managed to sleep a full 24 hours before she decided it was worth waking up.

Kara: Noo~ i wanna sleep moar

She grabbed the sheets and put it over her head as I tried to wake her up.

Me: I heard Jimbei found a new fish species in this world. Zeff cooked it for you so you can try it. Don't you wanna try?

Kara: Can I have it for dinner instead?

Me: Alright, that's enough.

I picked her up, blanket and all, in a princess carry and opened the door and handed her to the multiple maids waiting outside the door. They received Kara with an eager and blushed expression before rushing her to the bath.

The last thing I saw was a half open eye of Kara who looked at me with the look of betrayal. It shook my heart for a bit before I decided to move on for the day…

Me: *huff* *huff* My little Kara's too dangerous.

Will I have to get her some glasses in order to cover up those cute eyes when she goes outside?

Kara usually like to spend the day reading, learning, or playing video games when there's nothing much to do. And when I mean reading, it's not education meaning too. I, on the other hand, like to move around a bit.

I gather maybe a Guardian or a Warlord, occasionally one of the Area Guardians to spar with me on the 6th floor. Of course, this won't increase my physical strength, nor will the experience I gain from the fight be any help but it helps me clear my mind for a bit. I don't sweat, I'm not even tired in the least, but it feels nostalgic to have to swing a blade for once instead of forcing everyone down onto their knees by just our presence.

While there are more, this is generally how I spend my day.