Chapter 102
"I think I left the stove on"
White Sovereign, on the 11th United Planetary System Alliance Conference
Inter-Dimensional travel…I've achieved it. I found it. I've done it.
Thinking back on it, it was already quite logical and easy. The World Tree holding the infinite worlds was never in one dimension. Even with the help of magic, it would be impossible. The Tree was a body of pathways holding together the linked worlds throughout countless dimensions and realms.
As the new Yggdrasil, and one that specializes in magic (or pure magic to be precise), just a little bit of thinking it came to me naturally.
Me: Infinite worlds, infinite timelines…infinite possibilities
I knew right here and there that I would not be disclosing this fact or utilizing this ability to expand the empire anytime soon. We would need thousands of years of preparation to even take a single step forward but…
Me: I could have fun though, can I not?
In my room, I opened the secret vault where I kept some of my most precious materials. In the deep corner, I brought out the most precious of them all.
Me: Manga, only the best of the best too
Naruto, One Piece, Demon Slayer, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gate, Kingdom, and so much more!
Surely…surely if there is an infinite amount of universes out there I can find them right? Seeing that sis and I have already crashed the One Piece World, Dystopian Earth, and the New World (we still need a name for this world), it pretty much guaranteed that they were all out there.
The greatest part of it all? They're all under my influence and power as the World Tree.
But then I recalled a specific memory…
Me: Joyboy…
To be honest, sis and I were both duped. We thought they were Joyboy's clan or his tribe. Giants that made Giants look like freaking Tontattas (tiny people). Believing his claim that he has returned to this world at last to restore the peace and what this world is…we gave it to him without hesitation.
The result?
He wasn't Joyboy nor was he a mortal. He didn't even have a will to begin with. An intelligent beast born immortal feeding on the lives of others and ravaging across worlds. Sis and I defended that world to our last breaths to ensure some of our population will successfully run away.
Even before our ascension we were able to hold our own and dominate most of them…but in the end the contract of the Universe that offered protection to the immortals was our downfall.
But now?
For years I had sealed away my rage, the pure agony as I watched my world burn. Thousands of years of effort, love, care being shredded into nothing. For the first time sis and I were powerless. Learning for the first time of a literal barrier in our strength. Learning of the existence of the contract, those who were born protected by it and the majority of us who were not.
Me: Bifrost, Bifrost, Bifrost, Bifrost…It needs to be faster
Arcanian Magic formulas assembled themselves in my mind as rage continued to fuel my anger. My hatred against their entire kind.
Me: Collective Mirror Spell, Multiply: Bifrost
Thousands of tiny portals opened before my eyes as information about each of them entered my mind.
Me: Reroll, Reroll, Reroll, Reroll
I repeated the process over and over and over and over. Hundreds of thousands of realms appearing and disappearing in a flash as I went over them. Looking for where they were now.
Too much time has passed for me to save my world. To be honest? I was done grieving for them as well. My calm mind has made sure of that…but the humiliation? The pure agonizing scenes I was forced to watch?
I could never forgive them.
I don't know how long I stood there, searching through the countless worlds based on the smallest hints and traces of what I knew about those things. Perhaps it was hours, days, or maybe weeks but at long last I found what I was waiting for.
Message: Sis…I found them
I didn't get a reply but the spike of rage and anger I felt from her was answer enough.
I enlarged the portal large enough for us to go through. It looked like they were doing the same thing they did to us in another world. A complete unknown world…but that wasn't what was important right now.
Me: This time…it'll be different. This time, it won't be our blood that will be spilled.
I took a step through the portal and immediately I made eye contact with the massive glowing entities. Physically I was looking up at them, but we both knew that it was it that was looking up at me. Their eyes widened as they recognized me. Even after my ascension, my haki and will have remained the same.
I looked at the tallest of them. Their new leader probably
Me: I told you. I warned you. I said you would know Pain...Pain doesn't discriminate. Pain doesn't hesitate. Pain is absolute…Now…Feel Pain
Chapter 103
Chapter 103
"I've beaten beings that go beyond your mortal comprehension but…this…this scares me"
White Sovereign, Undertale, Genocide run last boss
Megalovania intensifies
POV Livonia, New Leader of the Titans
We are Titans. The greatest species to have ever existed and the alpha species by nature. From the very beginning we were powerful and there were no one else that even came close to our power.
The first of our kind, Kronos, ate all life on his origin world and another of our kind was born from the excess energy and will. Through this discovery, our kind would travel throughout the cosmos in search of life to devour.
Countless worlds fell to our hunger as we devoured life and left barren worlds in our wake. Most were weak, some were a little stronger than others but none could ever hope to even scratch us. The very world protected our kind as nothing they did hurt us. Their tiny blades shattered on impact; their explosions never reaching our skin and the force of their fists negated by an invisible force.
We were the Titans…once we thought ourselves to be invincible.
There were thirty thousand of us when we discovered a relatively new world, far far away from any other planetary systems. It was strange one covered mostly by water with only one landmass large enough to be considered a continent. The waterways messed enough that even from outer space we realized that the waters harbored great danger.
This peculiar world was very advanced in technology. One of the most advanced we had seem thus far. Space faring and their civilization has already colonized multiple worlds outside their solar system though they didn't seem to have encountered any alien life as of yet. Never before have we faced a civilization as large, united, and as strong as this one. But what could be different?
No mortals could hurt us…ever. We are immortal. We are Titans.
Despite our complaints, Kronos made us wait. Waiting for years while the rest of our kind began to starve, salivate from the hunger as we saw life so close…yet just out of our reach. It was years when our leader began his plan. His plan of taking the world as a 'gift' of sorts.
The best of our kind, the warriors, were tasked with playing the role of another. As saviors of the world finally returning. 'Joyboy' was what he ordered us to call him…though we didn't understand what he meant, we followed his orders.
It was another decade before the 2 leaders of the world put their trust in us and without further ado they gave us the world. The control, the power, and the authority they have built over thousands of years…and so began the feast.
With the absence of the Monarchs and their closest aides, our kind slaughtered the people and ate and ate and ate and ate. We lost ourselves in our drunken state of devouring life that I only regained my mind once I had lost my eye by a very angry Emperor.
For the first time…I felt pain. For the first time, I feared for my life.
I watched as my close comrade was killed right before my eyes as whatever that blackness was managed to break through the shield of the universe. Our great defense was finally broken through…and with it came our slaughter.
Thousands of our best, including myself, were thrown at the two to ensure the survival of the Titans. Should we fail…then surely these two would follow us into the cosmos for revenge. Kronos fought the two until his last breath, but alas…he too fell in battle against the Black Monarch. Her feared blade 'Yin' embedded straight through his eye and it's release into his brain.
I don't know exactly how long our kind fought against the two as they, in their rage, killed our kind on spot. Mourning for their lost Kingdom and people…and we were no different. It was only because of the great protection that we managed to survive. It was through the blood of countless of our kind that we managed to kill the two. While they could break through, the strength behind the impacts were greatly diminished when it came through…but the damage was done.
White Sovereign: *cough* *cough* You…better kill me now…*cough* because if you don't… I'll bring your kind demise…*cough* *cough* You will feel the same *cough* pain that you gave me…
With that, the remaining Monarch died.
We chose not the chase after the survivors of their kind. Should there ever be another one like them, we did not want to risk it.
As the oldest of kind and strongest, I took up Kronos' mantle and lead the Titans. Once again, in our journey across the cosmos to feed. But this time, things were different. We learned our lesson and we were careful. No longer did we approach the space-faring races. No longer did we try ourselves against the civilizations with living gods among them. While all those we have faced before (except the Blue World) was fake, we could not bring ourselves to face that risk.
It was another thousand years later when everything went peacefully. We never forgot that incident but our kind managed to move past it. We grieved for our loss but we continued to live out our lives until… out of nowhere
Out of the hole in the fabric of space came our nightmare. Our biggest fear…our natural enemy and predator.
She looked different than she did before; she felt different as well as if something had changed her greatly…but I would recognize her anywhere. The same blackness I felt within her, her will, burned brightly. But…how could she be here? We made sure she was dead. We made sure her resurrection would be impossible! So many times we had managed to kill one of them just for the other to revive each other and we would be back to square one.
We burned her body and separated what was left of it into oblivion so that she may never return again. But then, why was she here? HOW was she here? Different but stronger…and most horribly alive…uninjured, nor as an undead or spirit.
Panic shot through me as reality set in…she was here
As she made herself known, the world seemed to press down upon us. Not unlike what she had done before…but this time exponentially more powerful. It was as if the layer of protection we once had was no longer there. The shield that made us immune…didn't register her as an enemy any longer. What was going on?
I looked down and saw her eyes…her eyes…! The rippling eyes in which lead to so many of our kind had their essence literally ripped out…
Then, the cursed voice spoke once again. The soft and beautiful voice carrying weight and fear. Fear engrained right in our very being.
White Sovereign: I told you. I warned you. I said you would know Pain...Pain doesn't discriminate. Pain doesn't hesitate. Pain is absolute…Now…Feel Pain