No Forgiveness

Chapter 104

"I broke the 4th Wall only to realize that my author is horrible." White Emperor (In the Future)

POV Livonia, Leader of the Titans

My thoughts at that exact moment? My emotions? My feelings? Logically, there was only one thing I could do.


But alas it was too late. As we tried to leave this planet, a voice and magic locked us in.

White Sovereign: Dimensional Lock one will be leaving today

I couldn't hear her properly...nor could anyone at that moment. We ran, we ran for all we were worth as we charged our magic to leave this planet behind and back into our own realms...but as she said it was too late.


As the magic construct in front of my eyes shattered into pieces, I finally understood the reality and horror of our situation. Our greatest fear...the natural enemy of our kind has returned. Not even as the same old Mortal Monarch as before but as one of our kind...

no...she was something greater. Not even Kronos who she has slain has ever reached that level of divinity and authority. Right now, that seemingly infinite power was aimed directly at us.

White Sovereign: Isn't this ironic? That your kind which once terrorized my world... destroyed all which I have built...*hand motion*


I felt my knees buckle as an overwhelming force crushed us into the ground. The Great Earth below me groaning and digging deeper into dirt and stone as the force above me continued to crush us...making us unable to move.

White Sovereign: That are under my dominion?


no...surely it cannot be. Mother would not do this!!

White Sovereign: If someone told me this was just some kind of bad joke, I would probably believe it. But the very fact that I can do this to you is living proof that this is reality.

NO!!! Please! Mother of All Life! Have you forsaken us? Do we mean nothing to you among the grand cosmos?

White Sovereign: I am the World Tree...I carry the will and power of YGGRASIL

It's true...the force in which that confines us can not be anyone else. But mother of all life...but her? Why did you choose her to be your successor? Did her passing soul linger? Is she really worthy of that position. A position of power even among the greatest of the ascended?

White Sovereign: The power I possess...surely the responsibilities that come with it must be great, but that is a question for another time. But for now...I wish to see you burn.

Somehow, it was at her words this time that I found my courage to speak.

Me: Please Your Lady! Spare us...this cycle of hatred must end. Else this slaughter will repeat throughout all eternity!

I knew I was lying. It was pretty much impossible. Except for the seven, there would be no one even remotely close in strength with mother, or that was how it was with the Mother of All Life during her days of glory.

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted quite literally as a literal hand grabbed my core of soul.

White Sovereign: Ahhh, so it was you. I Remember you. [Nightmare of Revelations]

Without a single pause, everything changed. The place I was, the beings around me, and even myself.

Where am I?

My God...what is that?

I(?) looked up to But that couldn't be me...I was right here staring up at what looks exactly like me. A giant so tall I couldn't make out the top, but I could recognize the giant anywhere.



Pain shot through me as I felt life leaving my body. My eyesights grew weaker as did all of my muscles. I couldn't find the energy in my legs to continue standing up, so I crumpled onto the ground.

I wished it would have ended there...but it continued. For hours as the last of my energy, the very essence of life left me and into that unknown giant monster.

As I closed my eyes, a new vision started. A new life. A new death...all the deaths I had caused in the world of the Monarchs.

How long I was trapped in that memory...I couldn't remember. I didn't want to know. Dying over and over again. Knowing exactly what to expect yet having no way out.

Millions and millions of memories of the same horror, the same dread. As I watched myself be drained of life again and again. Despite this...I held on. I could not lose my sanity here. I had a duty of ensuring the survival of my kind. The mission that Kronos has given to me.

When I came even more horrifying experience awaited me.

I could barely lift my eye...I truly didn't want to but I was the leader of the Titans. I needed to do so...and the scene was horrifying.

For as far as I could see was scene of dead titans laid out across the world. Tied down to the earth by the sheer force of the will of the Monarch. But what was most horrifying was their appearance.

Shocked...hollow...empty. As if each of them has had their life drained, we looked liked our own victims. Empty of sight, of will, and life.

Somehow I willed my mouth to move, calling upon the last of my divinity to alert the Monarch of my beg for mercy. Mercy for our kind.


The Monarch, still in that same position above us, looked down at me with. While she looked at me, there was absolutely nothing in her eyes. Her eyes showed no emotion at all; no empathy, no hate, no guilt nor glee.

She saw me...but she chose not to see me.

Me: We're powerless now...we no longer have our divinity.

Finally, she floated herself right down to my eye level where I could see her. While she looked greatly annoyed, at least she was acknowledging our presence.

Me: We no longer have the fight...spare us...

White Sovereign: Would you let your food escape off your plate? A prey free of your trap?

She was right...we never let life out of our grips. We devoured and left worlds barren behind us...but we were Titans! That's what we were created to do! To devour and empty worlds of life. What else could I do then?

Me: Spare us please...take my life instead...let the young be...they...simply followed... their...elders.

I rasped out, but it was useless. The look in the Sovereign's eye did not change.

White Sovereign: I remember the memories I read from the souls of the dead. Your kin are experiencing the same thing you have seen. Perhaps even worse since many of them were the hunters of your kind.

No...! It can't end like this. We were Titans! Demon or Natural Enemy or Not, I will not let my kind die here!

Me: We will never recover from this...we will be stuck as weak as mortals for the rest of our eternity

White Sovereign: I know.

I specifically said eternity but she didn't rebut it. Could this possible be a chance?

Me: We swear...we won't attack or consume life again...we don't have the strength to so anymore...

Even getting my words out was hard. I could not envision an eternity in constant pain like this but I knew what was important. We would heal as all immortals do to a point in which we would least. Compared to that, we would make sure never to run into the Sovereign again.

White Sovereign: I believe you.

In that small moment, I saw a glint of mercy in her eyes. A glimpse of what remained of a King who loved her people. Please...even if you don't forgive us, let us leave. So that we could atone and not die.

But it was the next five words that crushed all hope...

White Sovereign: But I will make sure

My heart and soul sinking into the abyss below as I registered her meaning. I closed my eyes as I saw her hand closing in around my heart to shatter it into pieces.

As an immortal, there would be no next chance. No resurrections from this...I guess this is the end.

That was my last thought as I gave up and welcomed the wave of oblivion that swallowed all I was.