
Chapter 106

Timeskip, 10 years

Things went back to normal after that, or as 'normal' as you could get. Jaldabaoth finished his campaign on the Holy Kingdom quite nicely as he dramatically finished it off with burning the Pope to a stake in front of the populace. That was when we decided to play 'hero' and send in the Arcanian Knights led by Momonga and 'defeat' Jaldabaoth.

All in all, we absorbed the Holy Kingdom into our territory and unified the continent.

Initially there was some thoughts and doubt about this as it is important to always have a common enemy or a threat out there to keep the people unified, but that was quickly taken care of by another continent.

Apparently there was some real Game of Thrones shit happening on another continent and they hated foreigners. The Elder Stars decided that we would introduce them to our friendly navy armed with 40 cannons per ship in the coming years to create an common foe for our people once again.

The coming years were pretty boring to say the least but there were a few fun stuff. For example, Momonga and Albedo finally married which was celebrated by the entire Empire (as they were quite famous) and their relationship became official. It was also during this time that Momonga finally became the man he wanted to be (Momonga) and no longer Suzuki. His time in the New World, his role as the Adjudicator, and his avatar as a literal Overlord helped him with that.

Probably the biggest surprise was meeting ?? again.

Meeting ??

Me: Well, I certainly didn't expect to see you again so soon.

??: It's a pleasure to see you again Kara. I can see that you and your sister has grown leaps and bounds in terms of power.

Diana: Thanks to you mostly. Especially since you lied about our purpose to you

??: You've got to understand. It is a necessity for all beings who live throughout the multiverse. Both the Immortals and mortals...and for us as well should we want to keep our peace.

Me: Still, I don't think that was nice. You told us that we were free to do whatever we wanted with our power. I expected something to take place when we agreed to hold the next role as the World tree but this wasn't in our agreement.

??: But you do have the power to do whatever you want. You are free to do whatever you want as well. Nothing is holding you back as long as you perform your duties with your power. And with the level that you currently hold, you can just let your manifestation of wills (clones) to do the work for you really.

Diana: While I would like to argue, we already took the biscuit without knowing the full price. Just tell us everything then...and I mean everything.

??: Very well.

I told you girls about the founding of the multiverse began with the 7 Omnipotents. Most of whom are asleep. To stay awake is to sacrifice the eternal temptation of all-knowing, which is what I have done.

We nodded

??: The truth is, the multiverse is a far bigger and wider place than you can envision at the moment. Near infinite life, immortals, and gods throughout the multiverse spawning trouble, chaos, and mess that we did not want to get into. Mortals who had once been free from any influence grew leaps and bounds...when their mortal minds were not ready for such power; naturally, their rejection of death and their acceptance of power not meant for them spewed trouble throughout the universes. Sometimes troubles so large that stirred the sleep of our we devised a solution.

Me: The World Tree, Yggdrasil

??: The 4 omnipotents who were awake at the time called it the 'Unity'. A project so colossal so even we had to be careful with it's handling. What makes it so different from any other is that we put a piece of ourselves into the Unity. Through the different times of awakening of the 7, the Unity was the only one to ever hold the souls of all 7...let alone 2 really.

Diana: The World Tree's job is to ensure and protect life, not to keep Gods and other dark creatures out of trouble or whatever.

??: That was our mistake. Remember. When our kind is awake, we are not all-knowing. We did not know exactly what the Unity would be. Upon it's awakening, it first did it's intended purpose of wrapping all of existence into itself and making itself a part of all that is.

Me: What went wrong?

??: Wrong would be an incorrect way to put it. Instead, we simply did not expect such an outcome. The merging of our 7 Souls created an entity so warm...and forgiving. She took it upon herself to ensure life would prosper under her care and love. We didn't see a problem with this until we found out that when she meant life...she meant all life.

Diana: So those who weren't meant to prosper...prospered as well.

??: As you might expect from fowl beings of nature, they took advantage of the kind- hearted Unity. Despite their power would be akin to comparing a drop of water to an entire ocean, they continued to try and drain the powers of Unity...all while the Unity saw them as her own children and gave them all they wanted.

Me: I thought that was weird. I knew that a being as powerful as the World Tree would never have to choose a successor, let alone us. So a nigh-all-powerful being was divided among countless beings and eventually weakened to the point it passed on?

??: Very close. She earned the name of Mother of All Life in the process throughout the multiverse for her love and power for life; but yes, eventually she weakened to the point she could no longer hold together the multiverse like we intended it to.

Me: So why us? We were just playing games really. We would have been satisfied if you had just zapped us into normal godhood but instead you showed us the way into the long path, to show where the last of Unity remained.

??: So I did, because we agreed you two were the best choice. To not repeat Unity's mistake. You hold love for your creation and work; you hold Justice and life in high regard. Yet, that is not everything to do. Should anything threaten the status quo you have worked to keep, you will eliminate it. Both of you hold the right mindset to take upon the mantle of Unity.

Me: Fine, whatever. I honestly thought that we were just your entertainment the last thousands of years.

??: You were. Mostly since I needed to see how you two would develop and see if you fit the criteria. But I've got to say, your lives were full of entertainment in the least. Especially the last one.

Me: Got anyone else?

??: Right now? A few...but they're actually my entertainment/toys/whatever. I mean, you can't always watch just one episode on Netflix when you have everything right?

Diana: I almost forgot Netflix existed.

??: *mock horror* Sacrilege!

Me: You mean to you or to us...or towards any other being that is divine.

??: Obviously the Netflix God. The mightiest God on your birth planet.

Diana: Alright then old man; and stop making them fake shocked expression on your non-existent face. I can sense it with haki. It's better than being powerless I suppose. I'll take it.

Me: It's better than being chained to the contract I guess...sure why not.

Then ?? began chuckling, until it was full blown laughter.

Diana: What's so funny old man?

??: Oh, this is too funny. You two really haven't figured it out yet?

I looked at sis who looked just as confused as I was.

??: You two are the contract!



Me & Diana: DA FUK???!!

The End...well, not really.

AN: Side Stories will come out soon.

Kara & Harry Potter Crossover

Diana & Percy Jackson and the Olympians Crossover

You can expect higher quality, much longer, etc, whatever for those ones.