Omake: Into the Potterverse

Omake: Visiting the Potterverse

It's been centuries ruling over the World and honestly it's been so boring that it was getting unbearable. Things were going on nicely with the fast pace of technology development (mostly because we were releasing revolutionizing technology ever decade) and we've managed to keep everything on track…or the 5 Elders did mostly.

The world was unified, rich, happy, and still green! Yay! But seriously, maybe sis and I made a mistake and that was making the denizens of Nazarick and Society way too capable and perfect. We had nothing to do most of the time.

For the last couple hundreds of years, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say that sis and I laid on our beds rolling around, twiddling our thumbs, and occasionally going out for food. Whenever we tried to do some paperwork…

Albedo: Diana-sama! Please leave them to us! Working for you is our pride and purpose in life!

And whenever I even tried to make my own bed in the morning…

Fifth: Kara-sama…*hic* Do you not need us anymore…? *sob* If you have no more need of this lowly maid, then I shall gladly take my own life here and now!

So…yeah. That happened.


As I said that, I rolled over on my extra EMPEROR sized bed until I rolled over my sister, Diana.

Diana: Want to go out explore the dungeons and troll some Knights then?

Me: No *pout* We already did that enough. They'll probably know it's us. Not to mention, it's not that fun anymore either.

The biggest part of the problem was what we did all those years ago against the Titans. News of our rise to power and filling in the spot of Unity spread quickly throughout the multiverse and our (my) brutality against them apparently scared all of the immortals that were aware of our presence shitless. Since then, there was only a few small fry gods who didn't even know who we were causing trouble and we took care of them quickly.

Seriously! I thought some of those chaos or evil gods would step over the gods and force us to workout a bit but noooooo. They just had to be smart and stay within their parameters as beings of chaos and evil. I mean…what's the point of being a chaos god if they're going to obey the (unofficial) laws anyway?

Me: Fuck it! I'm taking a vacation!

Diana: Huh? I thought this is vacation?

Me: No! An actual multiverse vacation. I'm going to another universe and cause some trouble and let loose some steam or something.

Diana: What about Nazarick and Society? While we do pretty much nothing here, our role is to simply be here. They're going to freak out if they know you're going to leave for even a little while. They're going to sacrifice the Empire within a moment's notice to find you. You know that right?

Huh…yeah. They were absolutely likely to do that. All of the denizens in Nazarick and Society have grown bounds and leaps in strength and power but their blindness when it came to loyalty towards us haven't waned even a bit…I guess in the long run this was a good thing.


Me: I've got a solution!

I exclaimed as I put an illusionary lightbulb over my head for theatric purposes.

Me: I'll lock this Universe down and stop the flow of time here while we go on our vacation. So that once we have had enough, not even a second would have passed despite our vacation being however long we want it to be.

I beamed at my own intelligence for being able to think up something like that while my sister looked like she was looking at a third grader looking like she found the secrets to the world when she just solved an addition problem.

Diana: I guess I could use a break as well then. Where will we be going?

Me: Somewhere different from you sis! We'll be going to different Universes. I want to try mess up a world alone.

Diana: My little sister doesn't need me?

Me: Not on this trip!

Without leaving room for argument, I opened the various mini portals as turned to face sis again.

Me: You first sis. Once you leave I'll lock this Universe down until it's time to return. We'll be arriving back at the exact same time no matter how long or short you stay in yours.

Diana: *sigh* I suppose I could survive a few days without my hug pillow. I'll be going through this one then. See you later imouto

With that, she teleported into one of the darker portals. Leaving me alone with hundreds of other choices.

Me: Which one should I choose~ all I them have intelligent life somewhere at least~

Having come to a decision, I closed down the Universe behind me as I touched the portal and felt myself be sucked in.

When I opened my eyes again…I found myself somewhere very familiar, but also slightly off. Around me, I saw the 21st century world…or was it 20th century? I saw London bridge in the distance and the Big Ben Clock Tower. So I was in London, my old world.

I was about to feel a bit of shame and try a different Universe when I felt my powers scan this world. Magic. It was weaker and less prominent than the one in the New World but it was clearly there. The main difference would be that the magic in this world was far more flexible than the tier-system. It was something those who had access to magic would bend to their wishes and even customize to their shape.

As I walked along the streets of (quite) modern day London, I sensed that watching me. I kept walking for a bit longer before I entered an alley and called out to him.

Me: You can come out now. I'm not here to cause harm to you nor your world.

Right in front of me, shadows condensed to form the shape of the grim reaper. It didn't have the scythe but the dark hood, tall figure, and almost skeletal hands that showed from the end of his pitch black robes was all I needed.

Me: So death. You are the guardian of this world I assume?

Death: This lowly servant pays respect to the Unity

In one fluid motion, the incarnation of death knelt towards me. His head low and his robes touching the dirty ground.

Death: This one is indeed the one who protects this world and keeps the cycle of souls. My lady, could this lowly one know what business you have come to my humble world?

Me: Nothing special actually. I came here to have some fun is all. What about you? There must be more reason than just coming here to pay your respects.

Death: …

Me: Spill it.

Spirits or guardians of Death were usually secretive and liked to move behind the scenes. In all the shadow gods that I have met before, most of them have only shown themselves once I have forced them to or they had a request of me.

Death: This one's role is to collect the souls of the magical in this world and send them to the Sea of Mana for their next lives…and this applies for all magical; however, there is one that has managed to evade me and this one believe he will continue to do so.

Me: Is there a reason you do not collect his soul yourself or why you cannot leave him be?

Death: An incarnation of the dark side of magic. He has used the foulest of magic to shut me out. By splitting his own soul seven ways…this one cannot claim him. As the shadow and lord of death of this world, it is my job to collect when it is time…not cut the strings myself. Such was how I was born to do, I could not do otherwise.

Me: So you ask for my help in this?

Death: For my lady, it is but a trivial task. I request your favor in collecting the soul of Tom Marvolo Riddle.

As expected. It was Voldemort again; but hey! I came to this world to have fun and mess up a lot of shit up. Getting tied to the main storyline sounds like fun anyway.

Me: Very well. It alines with my own interests as well.

Death: This one is forever grateful

With that, the shadow of death dispersed into a mist of darkness before disappearing completely from view. A shame really. He was one of the most powerful death gods I have met, and yet due to his morals he chooses not to grow his own strength. Well, whatever floats his boat…or cloak in his case. It wasn't my business to pry so whatever.

My observation haki washed over London as I searched for the magical community and found them rather easily. I knew there were wards in place to keep muggles away but I honestly wondered how the satellite images would miss such a large part of London that was bright yet never explored…right smack in the middle of the city.

Well, I guess it is magic after all. If used correctly and with decent force, it can do amazing things.

Walking into the Leaky Caldron, I saw the bartender Tom. He honestly looked a lot worse than what the books or the movies showed but I recognized him all the same. I took a look around the place but I wasn't here for him so we ignored each other and I headed to the back and faced the infamous wall.

I didn't even bother to pretend to hit the bricks with some wand. I willed the pathway open and instantly the magic around me obeyed my will. The brick way opened revealing Diagon Alley. The life and main street of Magical London.

My first impression was…that it was interesting. By any standards nothing was impressive. Technology was stagnant in the magical world and they looked down on the muggle world; never realizing their potential for technology despite having access and choosing to live their stuck up lives. Their clothing choice was obvious in this with robes, fancy (and obviously heavy) hats. Using complicated and inefficient currency based on gold, silver, and bronze when we all knew that their mathematical knowledge was lacking. After all, they would have never studied arithmetics and instead used that time to learn weird ingredients for a potion that did possibly the strangest things.

On the other side, it was a childhood fantasy come true. It was the Harry Fucking Potter universe! The wacky, weird, and complete madness coming alive; it was as if Big Mom's Totta Land (watered down) made into a World (and more kid friendly). Obviously, this was moment for me.

My normal casual wear glowed, shimmered, and changed into a kid-sized robe as I began walking down the alley. I no longer drew curious glances, but instead ones that that looked like they adored me (cause hell yeah I'm adorable). Along the way I saw the famous robe shops, the pet (owl) shop, potions' ingredients, Ollivander's and even the book shop that had some people crying due to the Monster book of Monsters.

While this was all cool and well, I wasn't here to buy magical supplies and stuff. Heck, I didn't even have any wizard money yet…not that it would really be a problem. Instead, I turned a few corners and ended up exactly where I wanted to be; Knockturn Alley.

Immediately I could sense the change in mood and atmosphere and things took a darker turn. To begin with there were far fewer people here and the shops and stores seemed to be flying flies instead of running businesses. Through my observation, I could sense that the people here were generally poorer in both money and heart. Some exceptions yes, but this was true for most people within the range of knock turn alley.

As I purposely ended up in an alleyway facing nothing but a wall, I sensed a pair of wizard and witch behind me. From their apparent weakness in magic compared to the others I had seen, I concluded that they must be dropouts or expellees who were trying to live through a life of crime.

Thug 1: Hey little girly. Didn't your mommy tell you not to walk alone here?

Thug 2: Shut up mate. Let's just rob her and be done with this. Make sure you cast the memory charm on her after this. We don't want the ministry after her on this.

Thug 1: Yeah yeah. Hey little girly. Would you like to come here? I've got a couple of Chocolate Frogs if you comply. Hehe

Seriously. Idiots. Anything remotely like this in our world would have landed them a solid decade in prison (for humans) at least and that was for not causing harm yet.

As I stared at them, I let loose the smallest bits of my Conqueror's haki. I didn't even get to stretch the outermost layer of my haki before they hit the ground unconscious. Jesus Christ were they weak.

As their bodies lifted from the ground I stripped them of everything. Robes, wands, money, and most importantly identity.

After I had taken everything from them, I burned them into nothing. Maybe they haven't done harm to me personally but I was sure both magical and non-magical London could benefit from one less pair of creeps running around.

Taking out their identifying papers (and even muggle passports), I studied them before forging my own. On the papers, I put possibly the strongest charm the wizarding community has ever seen. While the papers themselves looked perfect, it would get weird if someone from the Ministry actually decided to look into it so the charm I placed on the papers would instantly believe that everything was in order and there was nothing of significance. Anyone reading the papers would become very trusting of the contents as well.

After the papers were done, I looked over the money (or galleons) and had to hold a laugh. The damn goblins were way too prideful and sure on their own charms. The gold coin didn't even have a number on them! Instead, there was a charm on it (probably goblin magic) to prevent counterfeit gold coins…but what use is that against the literal goddess of Unity and Magic? As I finished inspecting the coin, my inventory began filling itself with hundreds of thousands of galleons…all with the same goblin charm. Rookies. All of them.

I returned back to Diagon Alley and got myself a (nice) room at the Leaky Caldron (much to the pleasure of Tom) and spent a couple of days looking around the magical alley of a fantasy world.

The days were well spent with most of my time in the book stores where I pretty much bought out one of each and read them at lightning speed. The magics of this world…overly complicated and weak compared to the effort put in them. As someone who can literally bend magic to my will, I can think of so many different ways to make this world's magic much more efficient…but that's not my place nor something I should care about really. After all, I was just here to have fun!

Transfiguration, Charms, Defense Spells against the Dark Arts, Dark Arts (with the help of far observation and mind reading a passing specific Lucius Malfoy), Potions, Magical Creatures (fascinating), and a little bit of Herbology in which I lost interest quite soon.

Deciding to start on my journey and quest, I checked out of the Leaky Caldron, which was simply leaving on the day in which I haven't paid for, and headed for our protagonist; Harry Potter.

Number 4 Privet Drive was so plain…so normal…except for perhaps the fact that it felt as if this place was better protected than Gringotts. It was so powerful because of the fact that it was so simple. One must be a muggle in order to pass through the wards…or Harry Potter. One of the two. Compliments to Dumbledore I guess and maybe Lily Potter's sacrifice should it have anything to do with this unnaturally powerful ward.

Of course, this didn't matter to me as my mere presence shattered the wards as I walked through. Since I count myself as a merciful and kind Emperor, I did the task of fixing the wards behind me as I knocked on the doors of the Dursleys.

There was a big grunt and a small *thud* before the door opened to reveal a rather large and fat man. I'm guessing that this is Vernon Dursley. Wow…the books were quite generous on his description. I would say his face would scare off children on Halloween's day without any makeup. It looked like all the fat on his face sagged down to create a sort of permanent frown mask.

Vernon: Hello? Little miss?

Me: Oh yes. I'm here to see Mr. Harry James Potter.

Vernon: Excuse me?

Me: You know. That little boy living in your cupboard? Yeah, I'm talking about him.

Vernon: Oh, little lady. I'm sure you've made a mistake. There is no Harry or a Potter in our house.

Why does he need to accent those words? Weird

Me: *sigh* Genjutsu it is then… Koto Amatsukami

Instantly, the mood of the massive fat man in front of me changed as he began smiling and looked back into his house.

Vernon: Harry~ Someone's here to see you!

Vernon: Harry? Come out here and greet your guest now, will you?

Yup, the genjutsu took affect. He was instantly nicer and brighter in mood. While casting the ability, I took the liberty of searching through his mind and found that, once again, the book had downplayed the horrid personality of Vernon Dursley and his family.

Once the poor skinny kid arrived over, it only confirmed my suspicions. The poor kid was starved and abused. On his arms I could see the purple bruises forming and his glasses already broken with cracks in them (held together by tape). His arms and body way too skinny; even for a child. He was only 9 for god's sake!

The jutsu I had cast on Vernon would last his lifetime. It would make him a much more helpful and brighter person…especially to Harry. Hopefully this would help him get through without PTSD or a hate for muggles until he arrives at Hogwarts (or 2 more years).

I looked down at the young Harry and immediately looked up a bit to find his scar. As I expected, the foul magic was there…but interestingly, the curse wasn't as deep as I thought it would be.

The moment I had confirmed that…a plan began forming in the back of my head as I put together a plan to troll the Dark Lord.

Me: Hello Harry. It's nice to see you. Now close your eyes.

The poor boy didn't even question me as he did as he was told. As his eyes closed, I pushed away his hair on his forehead and placed my hand on his scar and…remove the entire layer of skin painlessly before reforming it underneath. I even created a fake lightning bolt scar that would be there permanently just so it wouldn't cause any suspicions.

The separated layer of Harry's scar which held a part of Voldemort's soul was obviously very surprised but it didn't have time to wonder as I shoved it into my inventory.

Me: Alright. You can open your eyes again Harry.

As the boy looked at me with confused yet innocent eyes, I felt a tang of pity for the young boy. I knelt down a bit to match his eye level before saying.

Me: You've led a pretty hard life up until now, but things will begin to change from now. Trust and listen to your uncle Vernon. He's been reminded of his purpose here so he'll treat you differently from how he used to now, alright? Also, I know you're confused about everything but you're too young for the truth right now. Everything has an order. You understand right?

He nodded.

Me: Good. Now be a good boy and try to enjoy your childhood.

With that, I quietly slipped him a piece of chocolate before closing the door and leaving back for the magical community. There were so many more things to do.

What I did not expect was Albus Dumbledore in the Leaky Caldron casually sipping a cup of tea waiting for me. How did I know that he was waiting for me? Well, the moment I walked into the place, he motioned for me to sit next to him in the bar. Quite an obvious sign if you ask me.

Well, I wasn't one to miss out on a chance to talk with Albus Dumbledore himself so I complied and sat across him. Making myself comfortable, I leaned back on the back of my chair before turning my eyes up to meet his.

He was as the book described. Quite old now, but he still held himself with pride and a bit of power. I could sense the power of death on his wand which was hidden under his sky blue cloak. His eyes twinkled but from the change of the flow of magic in the air, I could tell that he was trying to read my mind…quite literally.

Me: It's not nice to read someone else's mind without their permission you know? If this was my domain…you would have died for that attempt.

Dumbledore was seemingly a little shocked that he had been discovered. Well, obviously the books never showed that as whenever he was talking, his eyes always twinkled; and yet people always ask how Dumbledore is so good with words and seemingly can always outmaneuver people with his words alone. Well, mindreading, duh.

Dumbledore: Dear, forgive me. As it stands, what you have done is something akin to a crime and thus I needed to know.

Me: And tell me please. What was the crime?

Dumbledore: The wards you have broke on number four, Privet Drive. I assume you have done so to meet Harry Potter dear?

Me: May I ask why that is a crime? From my perspective, there was a door so I merely opened it after deciding that I deserve to be part of whatever is beyond.

Dumbledore: Dear, the wards you have broken are protective wards. I have no idea how a little lady such as yourself have done so, but they were made to protect our hero.

Me: And it worked. Congratulations. But unfortunately I must say that you have kept him safe…in a prison.

Dumbledore: I beg your pardon?

Me: You know what I mean.

At my words, his eyes twinkled again (more aggressively this time) as he attempted once again to read my mind. Having been done with this nonsense and his overconfidence in his ability, I decided to teach him a lesson.

As his eyes met mine, I let it ripple and cast Tsukuyomi and trapped him in a dream. Going through his mind, I dug deep into his subconsciousness and ripped apart what little defense he had against my intrusions against I found that time. The infamous duel.

Dumbledore found himself in his younger body dueling against Grindelwald again. Yet…it wasn't a memory but rather as if he was actually fighting him and his conscious and present mind was watching from the backseat while his younger self fought against his enemy.

With him was his brother and sister…no…no…NO No nO! Don't make me see this again please!!! But I was wrong…this was worse. This was much much worse.

Things moved slower in this strange world as I found my younger self preparing for the final spell against Grindelwald and him doing the same. As we released both of our spells at each other…this time I was able to clearly see what hit my little sister.

My spell. My spell. It was me who killed her after all. Back then I was shocked, tired, and too out of it to clearly notice and remember but this time I saw it all. I saw her bloody dress as she hit the ground lifeless. But instead of waking up…I found myself back in the duel and in the distance from the edge of my mind, I saw my little sister running towards us in hopes to stop the duel between us.

Please. PLease! Stop making me see this scene.

As Dumbledore writhed and twitched on the table, I cast a small genjutsu in this area so that nobody would realize that Dumbledore needs help right now. He would wake up once he's had enough; obviously he hasn't yet. Leaving him be, I went upstairs and found my room for a good night's sleep. Hopefully things will be more interesting tomorrow.

The following day when I walked down to get some wizard style breakfast, I saw Dumbledore in the same spot motioning for me to sit next to him again. Seriously, did he not learn his lesson? Well, at least this time he didn't try reading my mind off the go.

Me: Dumbledore. I thought I gave you a scare yesterday. Why are you back?

Dumbledore: Dear, I will admit that you did give me quite a scare yesterday with the visions. Something that is…quite precious to me. Quite cruel of you dear.

Me: Well Albus. I would like to remind you of who tried to read my mind without permission not once…but twice.

With that, the elderly man simply lowered his head in apology before getting back to his words.

Dumbledore: I have taken the liberty to going back to Privet Drive yesterday and was surprised to see new wards, stronger wards, in place. I believe that was your doing?

Me: Hi Tom. Could I have the Hippogriff Breakfast set please with a butterbeer? Thanks. Oh? And yes, those were my wards.

Dumbledore: Could you please tell me why you thought that I had locked Harry up in a prison? I assure you that there is no better or safer place for him than with his family.

Me: Family my ass Albus. The Dursley's treated the poor boy like trash. From what I saw, he was bruised, underfed, and way too depressed for a child his age. From what I know, you kept someone to keep watch over him and she never reported any of this to you?

Dumbledore's eyes widened at this news and this showed me that he had genuinely been unaware of this. Wow. Talk about being a responsible guardian.

While Dumbledore was trying to get over the fact that he had made a mistake in trusting the Dursley's, my food arrived and I promptly began devouring my meal. As I was in the middle of dipping my bacon in some half-cooked eggs, Dumbledore recovered enough to speak with me.

Dumbledore: I have never once saw anyone so powerful as you dear. You have not only casually broken one of the most powerful wards created by myself but also created new ones which are even stronger. You have found out my attempt to read your mind and have stopped them both. And finally you have had me trapped in a dream for a long while simply by meeting your eye…who are you?

Me: That, I cannot answer. But I will tell you this; I'm old. I'm strong. Oh, and I'm also here to send off your student Tom to meet death.


Me: Not you Tom. You're my favorite Tom. I meant someone else so don't worry.

The Bartender nodded before casting a repairo on the broken glass cup and continuing to man the bar…which was pretty empty other than Dumbledore and myself.

Dumbledore: I see. Then dear, do you mind if I give you a suggestion?

Me: Sure why not? Shoot

Dumbledore: Would you be interested in filling in the role of the professor for the Defense Against the Dark Arts? Ever since his incident, there seems to be no professor who lasts longer than a year in that position.

I thought about the benefits such a position would bring. Honestly, other than the boring part of annoying kids and occasional death threats, this was a pretty nice way of getting involved with the plot. Which was to say, mess up the plot and have some fun :)

Me: hmm…sure. I'm sure Hogwarts would be able to give me the time and resources to get my hands on little Voldy.

Dumbledore chuckled at my words before he stood up, offered me a handshake which I took, and promptly left after leaving a note.

I recommend you arrive as soon as possible to ease into the Castle.

Me: …I haven't even told you my name though.

Writing up the official contract for the year took much longer than I wanted to. Since I didn't have much interest in money, I expected the conversation would be over quickly as I had already proved to Dumbledore that I knew all the material and was (exceptionally) qualified for the role but apparently I was wrong.

I should have known that Dumbledore doesn't give two shits about how excellent or qualified the teacher is for Defense Against the Dark Art as seeing as how he not only employed someone with Voldemort stuck to the back of his head, a fraud, werewolf, death eater, a ministry bigot, another Death Eater before he died. He always had ulterior motives when choosing the teachers for this class.

In my case, that was trying to get as much information out of me; especially regarding my identity and my abilities. Honestly, I didn't really care about the trivial stuff since magic was so flexible in this world. When he would ask how I did it, I can literally just make up a spell and say it was invented by myself.

Going over the curriculum for the class was so much more interesting with all the things and stuff I needed to teach them. To be honest, Defense Against the Dark Arts was practically a mix of Charms and Magical Creatures but putting them more into actual use. Of course, that didn't apply if you were Lockhart/Quirrel/Umbridge as they thought that their theoretical talking (or theatrical acting in the case of Lockhart) was enough. Idiots.

I was surprised by the amount of freedom I had over my classes. Of course, I needed to make sure that the OWLs and NEWT students know their material for their official tests but I could approach that in any manner I wished to. In the case of younger students, I could pull some of the subjects more advanced and incorporate them into the curriculum should I wish to do so. Fun.

As of right now, the Castle was pretty much empty except for the house elves. The other teachers were expected to arrive in a couple days when Dumbledore would introduce me to all of them. It would be a strange introduction as to how I looked like a first or second year student; I might need to get used to other professors or even students mistaking me for a student sometimes. But hey! As far as I remember, Flitwick is even shorter than me.

Dinner was a bit awkward as the Great Hall was empty except for just myself and Dumbledore. Both of us sitting at the head table and eating our respective foods. He was eating some sort of British seafood while I helped myself to some curry. It's been so long that I've had curry that I practically forgot that there was curry. I needed to bring some back home so that the Sous-Chef could recreate it (and probably make it a hundred times better somehow).

Me: Hey Albus. Do you live here? I mean, even during the Summer when no one's around?

Dumbledore: In fact, yes I do. I consider Hogwarts my home as much as I consider it my workplace.

Me: Don't you get lonely sometimes? Even during my long life I was never really alone for long.

Dumbledore: It does get a little quiet sometimes and I do often miss the times when school is ongoing. But it is during these breaks when there is peace and quiet. What about you Kara? Would you like to talk about your home?

Me: Home…huh. Well I think the word Hotel would fit better auto how I do nearly nothing at home. There's always someone there to take care of any work for me. Kind of the reason why I'm here. To get some movement and do some work.

Dumbledore: I see…you make it sound as if you are rich or part of royalty dear.

Me: Who knows? I might be the richest person in the Wizarding World. Or I might be THE Royalty and not just part of it.

Dumbledore: Who knows who knows.

The rest of the dinner was spent in quiet with only small talk between us. It wasn't that it was awkward but rather the fact that I was so engrossed in getting familiar with all the food that I haven't had for so long that Dumbledore couldn't get a window of time to even ask a question. Nice guy; knowing when it's not nice to ask a lady questions: Dinner.

The next few days was the repeat of the previous while I spent that time exploring the castle from top down. From the top of the towers all the way down to the dungeons and even below where Dumbledore would eventually put the Philosopher's Stone. I found the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets but I decided to keep it locked for now. Everything had a time and place and I would rather keep the thrill of exploring such a place for later than now.

A few days later the rest of the professors arrived one by one and we met in the Headmaster's Office where Dumbledore introduced me.

Dumbledore: Welcome back all of you. This here I managed to found our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher quite ahead of schedule so she has been here for a while now. Please welcome Kara Fujitora. And before you ask, she is not a little girl. She simply looks like one.

Minerva: Albus? Are you sure about this?

She shot me a worried glance.

Minerva: I mean no offense dearie but surely you must know about the curse on that position. I would hate for that to take affect on such a young one as yourself.

Me: No offense taken professor. I might not look the part but I pride myself on knowledge and usage of magic. I am sure I'll be capable of teaching the students and keeping the trouble makers in line.

Worst case scenario I just delete them from existence and erase them from everyone's memory. Bam.

Snape: So…this is our new little professor?

Turning around, I saw the incarnation of emo mixed with a shitload of talent. He looked closer to what the book described him as than the clean but sensitive type the movie portrayed him as. His look was a mess as was his hair. He didn't even smirk like I expected him to, but whatever.

Me: Indeed I am. While I am aware that I am physically little, we both know the art of teaching does not care for the size of one's body. Isn't it so Professor Flitwick? Otherwise Hogwarts would be employing giants.

Flitwick: Indeed! I like this young lass.

And one by one I talked to the teachers and other staff members of the castle when I came upon Filch, the caretaker for the castle.

While I had to agree that he wasn't the bright guy nor that visually impressive, the guy was fun. I think all the years of being treated like a second class citizen by the magical world as well as the years of pranks by not-so-bright students had turned him sour; but by all means, he was a pretty cool guy. Of all the teachers, he probably knew the castle best and had the best stories of how students did this or that. His cat, Mrs. Norris, was also pretty cute as well.

Me: Tell me honestly Filch, do you wish you had magic?

Filch: Wha? *grunt* Of course I do! Being treated like trash in society just because I'm a squib. Hell! They think I'm dumb just because I can't do what they do! Swishing around their wands and all. All high and mighty when they show off in front of me. Why?

Me: Let's just say I can sense magic and you have a magical core.

The second part was absolute bullshit. In reality, he was just like a normal muggle who happened to be born in a wizarding family. Just like how the opposite happens quite often when magical children are born from muggles. However, what I did do is awaken and create a magical core for him. One quite powerful…as much as an average juror would have. Treat it as a professional courtesy for all the stories he'll be telling me over the years.

Me: Here…let me try.

I took out my staff from my inventory. The Branch of Yggdrasil, a Divine Class item and whatnot but it looked the part so I've been using it to pretend to cast spells. Of course, I had a wand made from the same material as well but honestly, staffs are so much cooler.

Bumping the head of the staff against Filch's shirt, I activated his magical core. I'm sure he felt it as well as a new power swept through his body. Right now, it was raw…untrained…rough…but it would be like any other wizard or witch should he take the time to mold it to his shape.

Throughout the years to come, Filch became and stayed a great friend of mine.

The opening night of Hogwarts wasn't too bad with the First Years being put into their houses and after a rather large dinner all of them being sent to their dorms. When I headed to the Headmaster's office at midnight I found all of the Head of Houses there giving their first reports to Dumbledore.

Sprout: My Puffs have settled in nicely. There were a few first and second years crying for their homesickness. But this is the Puffs we are talking about. They will grow to love the school like everyone does.

Snape: My Slytherins have settled in.

Minerva: The Gryffindors were trying to set up a party for celebrating their first years like always but I have made sure that they will stay in bed.

Flitwick: Many again have tried to stay up late reading up the Claw's library but I believe the charm should have kicked them all out by curfew. They are fine.

Dumbledore: Good good. Another year to look forward to! And how may I help you dear Kara?

Me: I just sensed a group of powerful witches and wizards here to I came to see what it was about. Just a couple questions about the points you give to the houses if you would.

Dumbledore: Of course. Ask away dear.

Me: How do I allocate how many points for what deeds? The 7th year questions are tougher in nature than the first and it seems unfair to give 5 points. Also, how do we award the students who have a more reclusive and quiet nature. I feel as if the outgoing Gryffindors or the intelligent Ravenclaws would have an advantage for getting points during class.

I skipped breakfast since that would mean more time to sleep. Even back in more old world I slept 10 hours easy so I didn't really care. It once might have had a negative influence on my body but ever since gaining eternal youth and godhood, things like that didn't really matter anymore.

I looked at my schedule and saw that the second years were up first. More specifically the Hufflepuffs and the Ravenclaws. I knew that the two weren't rival houses so it would be easier to manage than the next class (of Gryffindor and Slytherin) but I would need to get the Hufflepuffs to speak their minds more.

As I made my way to classroom 3C, my room for all of the DADA classes, I got a couple strange looks from the students. This was confirmed when I arrived at the classroom and I sat at the teacher's seat.

Hufflepuff: Umm…you're not supposed to sit there you know? Are you a Ravenclaw? I've never seen you before.

I searched through my brain a bit before I remembered his name.

Me: Ah, but Mr. Peashooter, this is my spot. I am the teacher you see?

I waved my hand lazily as letters began forming on the board.

Prof. Kara Vanir Fujitora

Me: I realize that my looks do not say so but I assure you that I am older than any of the professors; but my life lesson to you now will be to not ask a lady her age.

Peashooter: My apologies Professor

The Hufflepuff looked down sheepishly before getting jabbed at his ribs by his friend who reminded him that I was at the High Table yesterday. Well, I think this just proved that the Hufflepuffs did not have the brightest of the mind in their house.

I continued to lean back on my chair and play with the magic of this world. I didn't activate it but I certainly did alter a couple of its laws for myself. If I was going to teach this class, then I was going to do it correctly.

As the rest of the class arrived and sat in their seats I stopped leaning back and sat up from my seat and faced the students.

Me: Now…welcome to your first Defense Against the Dark Arts children. I am your professor Kara Fujitora. I will not be offended if you choose to call me by my first name as I am more familiar with that as well.

My eyes swept over the class. The Ravenclaws generally looked excited while the Hufflepuffs looked interested. Well, I was planning on making this class fun for them. I'd hate to be stuck in a class that has nothing but piles and piles of reading.

Me: Defense Against the Dark Arts…it's a course that prepares you against facing against a wizard or witch that can utilize the Dark Arts, or really anyone in general. In other words, this class that prepares you for the worst case scenario and how you can either survive…or to those that are prospecting Aurors…emerge Victorious.

The students were beginning to relax now as I explained what I believed was what this class should be. I stood up from my chair and went to the front of the class. I put my hands in the pockets of my (modified) robes and I smiled like a villain.

Me: Now. For your very first part of your first lesson. You will learn the importance of your mindset in facing an opponent. Now…try not to faint.

*cr..* *creak* *crack*…*CRACK*

With that warm up, my Conqueror's Haki exploded from me as it filled every corner of the room. I controlled my haki to be weak and unharmful but these were 2nd years whom have never faced dangers before. They weren't even the strong minded ones or the cunning. As expected, most of them ended up fainting within the first second.

As I withdrew my will from the class, with a wave of my hand I woke up everyone in my class.

Me: That was Conqueror's Haki. It is something that awakens only when a person faces extreme stress and pushes them over the limit. What you have experienced is something you will feel in front of a predator…an enemy…or a powerful foe.

A few students were still a bit unnerved from that experience.

Me: All of you must have felt your body tense up and refuse to move. Your mind freezes with fear and cannot think straight. For those of you who are weaker willed…your mind chose to shut down in order to not break down.

Facing what it was like to be on the receiving end of my haki, I was sure they understood the importance of having a strong mind.

Me: In this class, I will teach you about potentially dangerous magical beasts and how to deal with them. Charms and other spells to get yourselves out of dangerous spots. But most importantly…by the time you are done with my class…I expect you all to carry yourselves with confidence and pride in your own abilities that what you have just felt will never occur again.

When the students nodded in understanding, I knew I had their respects. There will be no looking down on me since I look like a child.

Me: Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts children. Today we'll be learning about the Disarming charm…the Expelliarmus.

With this as a base, the classes continued on for a week until everyone in the school has faced my haki and was exposed to the will of someone who fought for the world. In fact, professor Flitwick was so interested when he heard from the Ravenclaws that he came on his own when I was enjoying tea-time to ask if I can do the same thing to him. I, being the great and helpful teacher, gladly obliged and made the half-goblin faint. Of course, I had to use much much more than what I had used on the students. I half thought that the charms master would be disheartened or mad but it turned out to be the contrary as he figured out the lesson I told my students on his own.

Flitwick: Wonderful, Wonderful! I know that despite my skills and abilities at casting I am no more than a child in the defense of the mind. Thank you dear. I know what I must train now.

Waving over his thanks with a smile. I continued making a few lazy lesson plans for the upcoming weeks. Well…it was mostly an embodiment of my will (or a clone) which did the annoying parts while I read the pages of homework that the students handed in.

It's been two weeks since I began teaching when one of my most anticipated lessons came around. It was the fourth year's class with Gryffindor and Slytherin about the Three Unforgivable Curses.

Me: Sit down class. I already told you that today was a bit of a…special class. Today you will be learning about the foulest of the Dark Arts. The Unforgivable Curses it is dubbed. Does anyone know what they are?

A girl in Slytherin raised her hand. I nodded at her to say it.

Snapeye: Yes Professor. There is the Killing Curse, the Cruciatus Curse, and the Imperius Curse.

Me: Correct. 5 Points to Slytherin. Now, does anyone know exactly why they are the Unforgivables?

A Gryffindor raised his hand.

Lionheart: They are 3 of the most sinister Dark Arts and thus the Ministry of Magic has named them 'Unforgivable'.

Me: Good answer. 5 Points to Gryffindor. As Mr. Lionheart has stated, the Killing, Cruciatus, and Imperius curses as the foulest of the foul. So sinister in fact that in 1717, the Ministry has put the strictest penalty should any wizard or witch perform these spells on a fellow human being…muggle or not. The only reason as to why you could ever be pardoned would be should you have cast the spell while under the influence of the imperius.

I paused and looked around to see the reactions of the students. As expected, the Gryffindors looked offended at such a spell even existing while the Slytherins kept quiet…but deep inside I could feel their eagerness for this lesson.

Me: The 3 Unforgivables…that is what you are up against. That is what I need to teach you all to fight against. You'll need practice on both your skills and your minds. But for now…I must burn the image of the three into your minds.

I walked back to my desk where I kept a single large spider trapped in an upside-down glass cup. I was totally going to pull a Barty/Moody on this class.

Me: Gather around. I will show you the curses in action.

The crowd of students gathered excitedly around my table. It made sense since it wasn't everyday they got to see the curses in action.

Me: I cannot stress the importance enough but I beg you all to study latin. Many of the spells originate from the latin language. Even the Unforgivables are not an exception.

I took out a smaller branch of the World Tree from my sleeve. It wasn't really a wand made in this world but it looked the part and acted way above anything a wand of this world could replicate.

Me: The word Imperius comes from the latin word of 'Imperio' which means 'I Command'. I believe you can see where this is going?

The students nodded

I took away the cup as the spider began to crawl. Just as the boys began shuffling away from the table and the girls opened their mouths to yell/scream, I pointed my wand at the spider.

Me: Imperio

The spider stopped crawling. Instead, it stood up on its hind legs (or last two) and began dancing across the table. It spun around and its other legs began to clap as the students began laughing as well.

Me: The Imperius curse places the victim in a trance or dreamlike state. Victims often say that the experience was like a 'wonderful release' from any sense of responsibility or obligation. This, obviously, makes the victim very susceptible to the influence of the caster. What the spider is thinking right now is there is nothing wrong with tap dancing on the table of a wizard in front of two dozen students.

The students laughed again as the spider performed a cartwheel across one of the books.

Me: Now…how do you resist the curse? Easy. You've got to be extremely stubborn and thickheaded. Having a giant ego would also help as it would help you realize that you are not being yourself.

Apparently there was someone like that in the Slytherin class as the entire class began staring at one guy.

Me: Now now. I just put that in a funny way. What I really mean is that you must be strong willed in order to resist the effects of the curse. Or big headed too I guess, that also works as well as being a narcissist.

The class laughed as I took back the spell on the spider. Instead, I casted the cruciatus curse.

Me: The Cruciatus curse comes from the word Crucio which means to 'torture' in Latin. This is arguably the cruelest of the 3.

As the spider writhed around in pain, the class found themselves agreeing to my words.

Me: As the name implies, the victim will feel an intense pain on their very being as if they are being tortured. A good thing to compare to would be…hmmm…victims have stated that it would feel like the curse should their bones be set on fire.

That got their attention as the Gryffindors looked a shade paler and the Slytherins began to pay more attention in general.

Me: As for how to resist this? Well…you must hold onto your mind in the midst of the pain and break the concentration of the caster in some way. There is no counter curse you can mutter to yourself to ease yourself of the pain. Either you break the concentration of the caster or get out of their sight. Those who have resisted the pain have managed to apparatus away from the caster.

This earned a couple nods as they continued to watch the spider. It was barely responsive now from the extreme amounts of pain for a vermin to take.

Me: Finally. The Killing curse. Avada Kedavra

As a bolt of green light shot from my wand and hit the spider, the spider smoldered before curling up its legs in death. The students looked at me in shock, as if they couldn't believe that I had actually cast the killing curse.

Me: It is a horrible thing. Thankfully, the hardest of the three to cast. Otherwise we'd have much more horrible Dark Wizards around casting the death curse right and left everywhere.

I took a break from my speech to see the students looking at the dead spider.

Me: This curse results in the instant death of the victim. How it manages to do that is a debate among the magical community but if we look at the latin roots again, I believe we have the right answer. The Avada Kedavra means to separate from. Meaning that the soul is separated from the body upon contact with the spell. There is no counter spell or cure for death. Nobody resists death.

I used my wand to slowly lift the spider off the table and into the trash can at the corner of the room.

Me: Obviously resisting the effects is impossible. Instead, you must avoid the curse from hitting you through whatever means possible. Fast hexes or stunning spells have proven possible to intercept and cancel out the curse. Physical objects as well could block it but I pray that it is not close to you as it will result in an explosion. And…of course…there is one final way in which one can technically survive the curse.

The Gryffindors' eyes brightened at my words.

Me: All of you would know about Harry Potter. The-Boy-who-Lived. Don't you not?

I was met with nods and affirmative answers.

Me: I honestly do not get why they call him the Boy Who Lived when in fact he is not special in my opinion. After all, it wasn't him the Killing curse was aimed at; it was Potter's mother, Lily Potters. It was Mrs. Potter's sacrifice through the Sacrificial Protection that saved Harry's life.

Evangel: Umm…Professor? What is Sacrificial Protection? I have never heard of anything like that before.

Me: A good question. Sacrificial Protection is an ancient charm. Older than nearly any charm really as it came from an age in which the magical did not use wands or staffs or any focus to use their magic. Despite this, the charm is one of the most powerful magical spells out there. Only by willingly putting yourself in front of someone you truly deeply love and casting the spell would it work. At the cost of your life…the spell would rebound on the caster with no chance of stopping it.

The class stood in silence for a moment as they took in the shocking information. That it wasn't Harry Potter as a baby that defeated You-Know-Who but actually his mother who did it out of the love for her baby.

Evangel: but professor, what about his lightning bolt scar?

Me: A small fragment of the Killing curse which grazed him but too weak to do anything but leave a mark. Hmm…you all look shocked. Why? A surprise to find out the truth about the man, the myth, the legend?

The rest of class was a bit more calm after that. I continued teaching them the famous dark wizards as well as Aurors during the first Wizarding War who have utilized the Unforgivable curses. The topic of You-Know-Who was quite funny as I intentionally said 'Voldemort' just once and the entire class flinched.

Me: I don't understand why the entire community is so scared of speaking his name. Voldemort's name is nothing but a combination of letters. It's not like it is Demonic or Angelic in which carries magic in its name. Your childhood stories as well as the exploits of Voldemort has become so exaggerated that you have come to fear his name when you have no trouble saying 'Grindelwald'.

At the end of the class, I decided to give a little twist to their homework.

Me: For next class, I want all of you to write up a single page or more's worth of essay on how you plan on resisting the Imperius. Also, as I mentioned in class on the first day, it is most important to strengthen your minds. I ask that all of you include how 'Voldemort' included his use of the Imperius curse. And it better be his actual name and not some epithet or some pointers! Alright then, class dismissed!

The following class was just as fun as I put my 4th year students under the Imperius curse and made them do the worst things. For example, eating a mouthful of wasabi or praising the opposing house in a horribly crafted song. After the second and third tries, some students began to learn how to resist it's affect; demonstrating that their essays were worth the effort. Of course I weakened the imperious curse for them to have a chance at all but it was still pretty impressive as none of them possessed plot armor like how Harry did.

The following weeks passed without much difference. The students generally loved my classes as I tried to make it as fun as possible. Preferring a demonstration and interactive classes rather than just making them read pages straight out of a book.

In the 5th year classes and older I set up my room in a circular fashion by arranged the desks and all to make a makeshift 'arena' for duels to take place. I also made sure that everyone knew that it was alright to fling hexes and jinxes at me even when I was in the middle of talking just once per lesson. I put this up that should a hex or jinx ever catch me off guard and has effect…I'll give them a 100 Galleons. I even put the 100 Galleons on my desk in a bag but made sure to put a hell of a lot of wards on it to prevent any cheaters.

I usually avoided the hexes since my observation warned me long before they even raised their wands behind my back but sometimes I let them hit me just to see the expression on their faces. Nothing ever worked. No spells or jinxes would have an effect on me so the prize remained on my desk.

Life as a teacher was pretty fun judging that I was allowed to remain as immature and lazy as ever. Occasionally letting a clone teach instead and sleeping in for the day. Sometimes during office hours a few students would disturb me from my peaceful nap and ask me questions but that was fun in its own rights.

Danglebell: Umm…professor? Could you please help me with this charm spell?

Me: hmm? *blink* Oh that.

I waved my wand in the required fashion as a small fire appeared in a circle around us.

Me: Protective fire spell. I believe your intent on using fire is not clear enough for the charm to invoke. I recommend thinking strongly about the fireplace in your dorm protecting you from the cold when you invoke it.

After the piece of advice, I put down my head again and went to sleep.