After a few hours Kai finally started waking up after having passed out from the headache after a few minutes putting his thoughts in order he realized he had many new memories in his head.
Kai got up and went to a rock to sit down to go through the memories he had just gotten.
He started to go through them, but realized he didn't even have half of the Sorcerer's memories it was still just a few about basic spells like creating some magic items and accessories, like making some magic circles, but everything needed him to have more mana.
After a while he realized that he had gained memories of spells and abilities that could be used up to Tier 3 as a Sorcerer and that he would probably only receive memories again when he was at that point or higher.
After trying to put as many memories in order, he realized that he had some that were not of the Sorcerer, but of the space itself, dictating some new rules for him.
First would be that he can create magic items straight through space without using his own inherited abilities, but it would be necessary to know everything about the item without even losing a rune which would be complicated for him something else seriously needed a lot more mana than would be used if it were made by him.
According to Spirit Bones and Rings made for his own use were meant to be the best for his body, in the case of Spirit Bones he just had to think about what part of the body he wanted and it would slowly form after absorbing power from space to age. that he could handle.
Third Spiritual Bones made for another person would follow the capacity of your body so it could be lower or higher than what the other person can support and would be random Bones which may or may not be suitable for the person, but if the person gives a little blood space would be able to make a more suitable for the person, but that function only and validates whoever contracted with Kai.
Fourth Kai can summon items already present in space whether stones, metals, plants, herbs or small animals as long as he doesn't have superior intelligence, those animals with superior intelligence must agree to be summoned, otherwise Kai will know where he is and inanimate items have limit of weight and size to be summoned.
Fifth spirit animals can be brought into space, but they cannot have acquired human intelligence yet or have to contract with Kai in the same way as humans.
Sixth the Contracts differ in 2 types the first and a Permanence Contract where the person can enter Kai's space and stay in it if he allows it, he cannot divulge the space to others nor can attack or betray Kai and cannot take anything from space that has not been given by Kai people in this contract cannot learn mana even with Kai's help.
The second contract and the Life Contract, in this contract the person's life is linked to Kai and he can also never betray Kai the person can take small matters from space and can learn MANA with the help of Kai, for these people Kai can create small accessories that allow you to access the space even if you are not close to Kai outside the space, for people with a first contract they can leave the space, but to return you have to be close to Kai and that he allows them to enter.
Lastly, Kai discovers that the great tree is an Artificial Yggdrasil that will bear fruit of mana and spiritual power, but he doesn't know how long that will take.