New home

Soon after going through the memories and rules of space Kai decided to take a look at the cabin that was next to the big tree.

It was a medium and rustic cabin looking like those woodsman cabins near the lake it was beautiful and looked very cozy from the outside.

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Kai walked to the cabin's entrance and climbed a few steps until he reached the door and opened it slowly.

After opening the door, he saw that the house, despite being rustic, had a large cozy sofa near a fireplace and a table for four places to sit in the living room.

After entering and looking at the living room, he entered where the kitchen should have been and was surprised to see an island in the center with running water and also a refrigerator with several cabinets and an electric stove, with a heater in one corner and a ladder in the other. to the second floor.


On the second floor was a suite and a guest room and a small empty library when he entered the library he received a memory saying that after he mastered a spell he could create a book of his skills and put in it for someone else to read and learn or himself so he can research more about her.

He also noticed that despite the lack of energy the house had lights that worked with mana and everything that needed energy also worked by absorbing mana from the air.

Some time after wandering around the house Kai looked outside and saw that it was slowly starting to get dark and realized that it had been a few hours that he had come to this world and also realized that space time remains the same outside having day and night too.

Only after that did he realize that he hadn't eaten or drank anything for a long time.

After thinking a little, he went to the kitchen and saw if he had something to eat, after all, food was also a resource, after looking around and in the refrigerator, he realized that despite having some foods and vegetables had no meat or anything industrialized so if you want to eat meat you will have to hunt some small animal and if you want something industrial like instant noodles, you would have to create it yourself, but you would also have to know how and done what he had no idea.

After walking to the fridge and the pantry and picking up some things she went to the sink, washed some things and then started to make something to eat.

After some time cooking it then he ate until he felt satisfied, after that he saw that it was night outside the window he decided to take a shower and end the day because he was tired physically and mentally.

Kai tried to find where to turn off the kitchen lights, but noticed that they were automatic and went off and on when someone came in or out of the room so he went to the second floor suite to take his shower, after taking a shower he thought of a sleepwear so the mana in the surroundings of the room got together and created it he got dressed and then decided that tomorrow he would test his breeding skills and also investigate around the hut and near the forest so he lay down and slept.