The Young Father called Rai.

"Good night, you two. I'm sorry if you may hear us practicing downstairs. Our concert is getting near you see…"

"Nn, Nn… it's alright, Masami-nee."

"Mm! I like your songs, anyway!"

"Eh? Are you sure about that, Yuu-chan? You're not just flattering me ain'tcha? I'll tickle you if you're just joking!"

"Ahaha! No, no! I really like your music, Masami-nee!"

"Okay… It's time for you two sweeties to sleep. Come on now."

Tonight… is the first time in a year that Rai-san isn't the one who wished us a good night.

"Mio-chan, is something wrong?"

"U-umm… No, no. It's nothing, Masami-san."

"Haah… No need to hide it, darling. I know what that disappointed look you have on your face means… You're sad that Rai-kun isn't here to tuck you in bed, right?"

"No… I am not that childish to-"

"Ah! I don't want to hear excuses like that that didn't come from your true feelings, okay?"


She placed her finger over my mouth to stop me from making an excuse and scolded me lightly.

"Mio-chan… I know that ever since your parents and brothers were gone, you had to take over as the eldest child between you three. But you have just turned 10 years old, you don't have to forsake your own youth to carry such a heavy responsibility."


"Never forget that Rai and I are here to look after you kids. You may feel like you are being a burden and you want to lift your own weight as much as you can… but don't forget that its our responsibility to look after you kids as your guardians."


"So, just approach us when there are things that you are not brave or strong enough to face. We will always be here for you."

As she left me with those words that calmed me, she placed a blanket over my body and walked slowly to the door where she dimmed the night light.

"Sweet dreams, you three."


I don't know how long it has been… What was just a night and a day since Rai-san left to go to work and got into an accident felt like a forever to me.


I took out my phone and placed the earphones to my ears to hear the voice message that he sent earlier today.

["Hello kids, this is me, Rai-nii. I'm sorry that I can't go home yet. I'm in the hospital for now since I got into a teeny-weeny accident. Haha! Don't worry though, Rai-nii is alright and I'll be home to cook some curry before you know it… Always remember, Rai-nii loves all three of you, okay?"]

His voice is calm… yet I can feel that he is worried and concerned about something because of his unusual tone.

"Rai-san… where are you?"

I can't sleep.

"Please… Please get home already…"

No… I don't want to sleep.

"Please… Please don't tell me that you'll leave us too."

I don't want to sleep… because I am afraid… I am scared that all of this…

"I don't want to be alone again…"

I am scared that once I sleep and wake up… you will be gone like everyone else.

"Please… please don't leave us… Rai-nii…"

Two years ago… We lost everything in a fire that swallowed our home that is filled with joyful memories and stole the life of our beloved father and mother.

"Listen to me, Mio…Yukari. I know that you are sad because Mom and Dad isn't here anymore. They can't talk with us, hear us or even tell us what to do… that's why I want to ask you two to be strong for me."


"Hiro-nii will do his best to make sure that we will stay alive and live comfortably. So, please… Please stay strong and let's help each other, okay?"

Hiro-nii was the last family member that I and Yukari had. I was told that we have another brother from another mother, but it seems like he didn't want to be connected with us any longer after he left Rea with us and disappeared completely.

"I have work for tonight, you two. Stay here and listen to your Rai-nii, okay?"

"Mm! Stay safe, Hiro-nii."

"Mm! Bring some Taiyaki, okay?"

"Ahaha! I will, I will."

That night, he left us at Rai-san's home because he had work during the night. Rai-san wasn't there that time… I wish he was because…

"Good morning, sir. Is this where Miyazaki Mio, Yukari and Rea are staying at?"

"Yes. I am Ephraim Chronia, their keeper and their brother's friend. What is this about, officer?"

"I see… I'm sorry for your lost."

"Wait…No. Don't tell me that-!"

"The individual named Miyazaki Hiro has been found in a forest reserve at Mt. Fuji… He has committed-"

"Don't shit with me!!!"


"Sir! Should we fire?!"

"Don't! He's just-"

"He's not a local! Protect the sergeant!"

"I said hold your fire, you idiots!"

When I connected the dots from the words of the police officer and Rai-san's sudden outburst of anger, I knew that there was something wrong.

"No… No!!!"


"Mio-nee! What's wrong, Mio-nee?!"

"Hiro-nii! Not him too! Not Hiro-nii!!!"

"Mio! Mio! Please calm down! Please stay calm!"


And just almost a year after our parents… Hiro-nii followed them to the afterlife.

A few weeks after Hiro-nii's death and burial, we were brought to a court room where whether we will be taken to an orphanage or we will be given back to Rai-san was settled by lawyers.

"Your Honor and dear Jurors… We all know that according to the law, these children have to be admitted to an orphanage. Surely you cannot believe the lies spoken by this foreigner scum who-"

"Objection, Your Honor! The prosecution team is using a fallacy regarding my client's person! We will not take this insult!"

"Acknowledged. Prosecutor, please refrain from using such choice of words in my court or else, I will have to question your partiality."

"A-A-As you wish, Your Honor."

"As for the defense team, what say do you have regarding this case?"

"Well, according to the late Miyazaki Hiro's last will and testament, he has already arranged for the three mentioned children whom he stated as his sisters to be handed to Ephraim Seliah Chronia in the event of his death. Due to this, we can suspend the Widows and Orphans Law of 2041 which details the act of handing orphans to orphanages because Mr. Chronia has already been set as their new legal guardian."

"Objection, Your Honor! The defense's client isn't even an adult!"

"Sustained! Haven't you heard what the defense has said earlier, Prosecutor?"


"Ahem… If I may inform you yet again Prosecutor. My client is an ACES Bachelor in Medical Sciences, and has passed the guardianship examination and selection process ahead of this hearing. He has both the financial and social aptitude to become these children's new parent. Due to that, I have suspended motions regarding his age."


"I believe we have heard enough. Jurors, what is your say?"

"Our vote is a split-decision, Your Honor. Although some of us has regarded him as still quite inexperienced and unable to hold such a responsibility, majority of us has agreed to let him be their parent."

"Well, I have decided the same. Mr. Chronia, if I may ask you to stand…"

"Yes, Your Honor!"

"You are now these kids' adoptive father. Be a responsible guardian and do your best to raise them well."

"I will! Thank you very much!"

"Alright, this case is adjourned!"

And here we are in the present… It's just two days without him but I can't calm down.


I am scared… I am scared that the last person who loved and cared for us fully will not be here anymore.

I am scared… I don't want to lose anymore loved ones. Every time I imagine it… my heart aches and I want to cry.

"When will you be home… Rai-nii?"


We passed through the isolation area of Kabuki-cho just half an hour since I finished my training and Yurippe and Hinata-san's meeting with the leader of the Sumeragi group was finished.

"I heard that you got quite brutal in the training dojo, kid."

"Was the test really that hard?"

"I… I was told to keep it to myself. Sorry if I can't say anything about it."

"Ehh? Wow, so that's what they said about you not being allowed to talk about it."

Yurippe and Hinata asked me about how the training went. But as the contents of the test was quite personal, I was allowed to keep my lips tight about it.

"Anyways, Yusa has cleared your documents and requirement. Welcome to the S.S.S, kid."

"W-wow… I look stupid in this photo."

"Sorry, we had to make do with what we had at hand."

The photo that they used in my Agency ID was the same in my school ID. It was me with a calm expression, but the uptight look in my eyes made it seem like I was nervous or something. Even though it was only through a phone screen, it sure hurt my eyes.

"Ah, by the way. You have to report to our base in Shibuya by Wednesday. Although you are a special case as a Psychic, you still have to be ranked in several skill sets to find the optimal work that you can be given as an Operative."

"Another test again, Yurippe?"

"Don't make it sound like it's unfair. If anything, this is to see what payroll you'll be having… Oi! I saw your mouth twitch. I was right to use money to bait you!"

"I can't help it. This is the only job I can do now that I'm no longer as normal as I used to be."

"Huh… I can respect that."

I have to report to the restaurant that I will be resigning. It's quite the shame for the old lady, but this is what my life is now.

"Anyways, I heard about the person that you sent your children to. Iwasawa Masami, right?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"She's a friend of ours and also a member of the S.S.S."


"Surprised, aren't you? Don't worry though, it changes nothing. I just wanted to inform you ahead of the time since they'll play a major role in our upcoming operation."

"Operation? What would that be about?"

"Well, I believe that you are aware of the music festival held at the seaside arena in Sagami bay, right?"

"Yes. I think it's called "Freedom Music Dive" or something."

"Good. Since we already have you on our side, we're looking into upgrading our capabilities regarding our work against unstable and hostile Psychics."

"Why? How can you predict that there will be Psychics in the event ahead of the time?"

"We didn't predict it. We know about it."

Yurippe swiped a file on her tablet computer which sent it to my new phone given to me as an S.S.S Operative.

"This is…"

"Intel from our inside agents in the Miyazono Events Company who will handle the festival this year. They are assembling some of their Psychics and equipment to forcefully awaken and recruit some of the audience who has compatibility with Astra energy."

"This is the first time that I heard about this. I didn't know that people can be forcefully awakened to become Psychics."

"Haah? Are you a dumbass? Hasn't your teacher in the dojo told you already about this?"


Really? I haven't… Oh… Drat, I forgot that!

"Astra energy comes from the power of humanity's thoughts. And Psychics are able to use them. Therefore, if someone can reach a certain threshold of thought process or mental panic…"

"They can be forcefully awakened as a Psychic."

"Did you forget about that? Are you really the genius that your records describe you as?"

"I… I really just forgot to interrelate things. Sorry…"

"Ah! Tsk-tsk! Forgetting to remember and process stuff like that is a dangerous thing, Rai-kun! If I am your test proctor, I'd give you a zero!"

"I-I was already being tested?"

"Calm down, kid. She's just messing with you. And you, Yuri. Are you seriously blaring at that kid when you're a much worse scatterbrain?"


Hinata-san's sharp reply made our female boss to stop scolding me. It seems like they have known each other for a long time.

"Anyways, it's already almost evening. Where do you want to eat out this time, Yurippe?"

"Huh? Ehh… I don't really know. We've basically tried all the eateries and restaurants here in Old Tokyo. I don't really know what to crave now."

"Haah… You women sure are something. I asked the same thing to Yui when we are in a date, and she just said: "wherever you like" just like you did."

"H-Hey! That's an unfair thing to say, Hinata!"

Seeing my two bosses like these… I was quite surprised that the leaders of a clandestine agency handling these supernatural people and sometimes having to risk their own lives isn't how I imagined them to be.

"Then tell me a restaurant's name and let's go there. I'm already hungry after the meeting with the higher-ups that made us skip lunch."

"I already told you to just go where you want!"

"You're the picky one, damn it! That's why I was asking you to choose!"

They are… just like normal people with normal personalities. Save for their work, there was nothing else that sets them apart from other people.

"If you want to…"


"Something you want to say, kid?"

"If you want to, we can go to a supermarket and buy some ingredients. As thanks for saving me and helping me today, I want to treat you two to dinner."

"Huh? Ahaha! That's a tie-breaker."

"Sure thing. There's a supermarket nearby. Let's go there."

"Of course, Yurippe will pay. I don't have my wallet after all."

"Argh… you sure are sharp. Don't worry, I carried my card today."

We took about an hour to get the ingredients that I was looking for. Given that this is Old Tokyo, there is a noticeable lack of diversity and sometimes even presence of some items and ingredients. But because I am a chef, a head chef of a well-known restaurant to be precise, it's nothing of an issue to me.

"Wow. You bought a lot. Are you sure that this is just for dinner, Rai-kun?"

The paper bags next to me at the passenger seat of the car was full to the brim with vegetables, spices, meat and some fruits. Because of this, Yurippe was quite skeptical if I was ripping her off with the shopping run.

"I'll have to cook for about 10 people. I can't cut corners and I have to think about seconds, you know. Don't underestimate the appetite of my kids."

"Ehh? You sure talk like a proud dad."

"I am. They're my most precious cinnamon rolls."

It was early evening when we arrived at the house of Masami-nee's band. Even from outside the street, I can hear them practicing in their interior studio. I was surprised at first since that room was soundproof. But maybe this is just my Psychic power enhancing my senses or something.

"I'm home! Are my adorable children here to welcome me?"






We were walking home from school when Yukari shouted my name which made me perk up in surprise.

"Mio-nee… I've been talking to you since we left the school. Were you not listening?"

"Ah… Sorry, Yukari. I am-"

"Muu! I already told the awesome part of my story! Now I have to start over again!"


I have been drowsy the entire day that I can't even properly remember the lessons we were given earlier. Maybe it's because I haven't slept since the other day…


I know its not healthy and Rai-san may scold me if he hears this but…

"Are you okay, Mio-nee?"

"Hm? Of course, I am. Why do you ask?"

"Muu! Mio-nee and Rai-nii said that lying is bad! Right now, Mio-nee is lying and she's bad!"

"Ah… Ehehe…"

"Don't laugh either! Yukari is not joking!"


But I'm really being scared of everything that I don't even know what else to do.

"Yukari knows that you are worried about Rai-nii… But Yukari is sure that Rai-nii is alright."

"How… can you be sure about that?"

"Rai-nii is strong and he's honest. If he is not alright, then he would tell us about it."

"That doesn't answer my question, Yukari."

"I just know about it, alright? I am sure that Rai-nii is-"

"I told you! How can you be sure about that?!"


"Mama and Papa told us that everything was alright before they died! Hiro-nii told us that he will get home safely before he didn't return! Everyone told us that we won't be split up in the orphanage, but they were lying!"

"Mio-nee… why are you-"

"Everyone! Everyone keeps on lying! Everyone gives promises that they can't even keep! They always tell lies and lies and… and…"

I am tired of this… If they can't keep their word… then…

"Rai-nii loves us… but maybe even he can't keep his word…"

"No! Rai-nii isn't like that! He won't do the same as them!

"Don't be absurd, Yukari!"

"Hik! Kh! Uwaaa!!!"

"Yukari… I'm-"

"I hate you, Mio-nee!!!"


As she ran inside the house… I was left there regretting what just entered my mind that I spoke out.

"What was I thinking…?"

I don't know why my worry for Rai-san turned to distrust and hostility… why? Why did this happen?


It was after I stepped forward that something fell from my face, and I became aware that I was also crying.


This was the moment when I realized that maybe it wasn't because I was scared of being left alone or being the one who has to look after my siblings once he is gone.

"I'm sorry for saying bad things… so please go home already…"

In truth, I… I am afraid to lose that person who didn't turn us away when we are in need, fought to have us stay with him and not be split apart in an orphanage and loved us wholeheartedly as if we are his real children.

As I entered the house and saw Yukari by the doorstep, still crying while undoing her shoelaces, I patted her shoulder lightly and apologized to her.

"I'm sorry if I shouted at you and said mean things about Rai-san… I'm just…"

"It's alright… Shk-! Yukari understands Mio-nee… Yukari knows that Mio-nee is just worried about Rai-nii."

"T-thank you, Yukari."

As we made up and entered the house to greet Masami-nee and the others inside their studio, the door opened, and we saw someone that we have been waiting for so long.


At the doorway, I saw Mio and Yukari standing still while looking at me in an almost confused manner.

"What's wrong, my sweeties? Did you miss me?"

"Rai…nii? Is that…"

"Are you really Rai-san?"

"The one and only one. Come on, you can check it out yourself."

I knelt to their height and opened my arms to invite them into a welcome hug.

"Rai-nii… RAI-NII!!!"

"Oww! Ahaha! That's the energetic Yukari that I know. Wow! Your hug is getting tighter!"

Yukari was the first to run to me and wrap her arms around my neck tightly as if we haven't met in a long time.

"How about you, Mio? Knowing you, you're the one who would be the most worried while I'm gone."


"You come here."


"There, there…"

I sunk her face into my chest as I know about what she becomes when she wants to cry like the back of my hand. As the eldest daughter, she doesn't want to be seen crying or being emotional.

"Hik! UWAAAA!!!"

"It's alright… I am here."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for thinking mean things, Rai-nii!"

"It's okay. I understand that."

"I… I thought you will be gone too! I can't sleep since I don't want to wake up and learn that this is just a dream!"

"This is all real, Mio. I am real, and so is my love for you three."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Rai-nii!"

For a while, even after being seen by Masami-nee's bandmates and Yurippe. I stayed there to console my two children that I worried sick for the past day.

"Are you two alright now?"

"Mm! I love you, Rai-nii!"

"I… I am okay now."

"Muu… Yukari said something sweet and you're not doing the same, Mio-chan? Rai-nii will be sad with you!"

"A-ah… Sorry."

"I didn't ask for an apology. I want an "I love you" from Mio too."

With a playfully pouty expression and tone, I asked Mio to say the same as Yukari. But instead of through words, Mio gave me a peck on the cheek.


"Hm? Hehe… You're too tight-lipped for that, aren't you, Mio-chan?"

"I… I'm just not used to saying it."

"Okay, okay… it's taken. Here's my reply."

I gave both of them a kiss on the forehead and only now, gave a proper greeting to them to start our evening anew.

"I'm home!"

""Welcome back, Rai-nii!""

The scene changed to the dining room that strangely enough, was also the living room of the all-female band of Masami-nee.

"Oi, Yuri! Been a while since I personally saw you and Hinata over there!"

"Oh, Hisako! Still the going strong with the band, huh?"

"Are you seriously having beer before dinner?"

"Get off my case, Hinata. We've just finished our rehearsal. Can't blame me for wanting a can or two, ey?"

"Don't listen to Hisako-senpai, Hinata-san."

"Mm, Mm! She'll use any excuse just to drink alcohol, you see."

"Shiori! Miyuki! Stop telling that to them!"

""So, you're just an alcoholic…""

"I am not! And don't say that at the same time with Hinata, Yurippe!"

The loud and almost chaotic conversation in the room was quite a distance from the kitchen where I was working on our dinner.

"Guga! Dada!"

"Guga dada… are you hungry, Rea?"


"Oh, you just want a hug."

While the curry that I promised in my voice message is simmering at a cooking pot and Mio and Yukari's favorite dessert is at the oven, I had a short resting time that was quickly stolen by my toddler who called me over and clung to my neck to be lifted around the kitchen.

"This is the curry…"


"And that thing in the oven is my special pie that your sisters love."

"Pai! Pai!"

"Ahaha! That's right, Rea. That's a pie."


"Aww… That's adorable."

After about half an hour of cooking, I informed the others that I am done and they helped me set up the large table in the living room that was the only one that can allow all of us to eat together.

"All together now!"

"""Thanks for the fo-"""

"Bust out the beer!"

"Hisako! My goodness, for just this once, please!"

"Ah. Hisako-senpai is already drunk."

"Forget about it, Masami-senpai. She's a lost cause."


"I'm glad you guys aren't in the technical or office staff."

"You guys sure will be a headache there."

After being scolded and her alcohol privileges suspended, Hisako-san sobered enough to join in the thanking for the food.

"""Thanks for the food!"""

With that, we had our dinner at 6:30 in the evening that, if I may humbly say as a (sort of) professional chef, was something that delighted my diners.

"Mmm! This is delish!"

"This curry… the meat is very tender and the sauce… it's not like other sauces!"

Yurippe and Hinata's exclamations was accompanied with joyful and bewildered expressions regarding my cooking.

"Wow! As expected of Rai-nii's cooking! Good job!"

"I missed this…"


Yukari, Mio and Rea's words (and baby mumblings) was something that made me instinctively smile and feel fulfilled in the heart.

"Hm… As expected from Rai-kun. Only the best foods."

"Uwah… This is really good… It would be better if I have some beer to go with this, right…?"

"Just quit it, Hisako-senpai."

"Stop it before Masami-senpai scolds you again."

"Argh… It would've worked if you stayed silent!"

"No, it won't, Hisako. You're not drinking until the music festival is over."


Meanwhile, Masami-nee's band was just… just the usual them, I guess.


"Ah. I didn't expect Yukari and Yurippe to be the first to call for seconds. Don't worry, I still have a lot in the pot!"


The main course continued for a while and after both the rice cooker and the curry pot was emptied, I mentioned something that made their appetites perk up before they felt full.

"Does anyone want a slice of dessert?"

"EEHHH?! You made that, Rai-nii?!"

"Is this the afterlife? Am I in heaven now?!"

The responses of Yukari and Hisako-san was something that I expected. After all, both of them have the common sweet tooth.

"Peach mango pie!"


"I knew it! I love you, Rai-nii!"

From the baking pan, I took out fairly large dough pies that are filled with both peach and mango pieces and placed them on their plates and for Yukari and Hisako-san, their overly eager hands.

"Peach mango… pie?"

"This is quite new…"

Yurippe and Hinata, who has tasted my cooking for the first time, spoke those words and inspected the strange dessert that I presented to them.

"Mmm! I love this dessert!"

"I'm not upset about the beer anymore. This is what I've been waiting for!"

"Haha… Just like what I expected from your cooking, Rai-kun."

Hearing the exclamations of the others around them. Yurippe and Hinata-san bit into their pies and learned firsthand how it won over the band and the kids.

"This mix of fruits… This is so good!"

"A tad too sweet for me… but I can see this being quite addictive!"

"Ahaha! Happy that you guys enjoyed all of it!"

Dinnertime was concluded as Masami-nee and her band decided to have one more round of rehearsals to burn off their food until late in the night.

"We have to prepare well for this year's Freedom Music Dive. It may just be a cover up so you guys can slip in and do the mission, but we sure will be happy to win the music fest if we can."

"I understand that. See you guys in the venue. We'll be there to both assist you in the concert and cover our own main objective."

"Yeah. Take care in the field too, Yuri. We're in a dangerous job. Even us front people have to be wary of some overlooking eyes who sometimes suspect us."

"Don't worry about that, Masami-senpai. We can handle our own behinds."

"Senpai, huh? Are you sure that the girl who is supposed to be our boss can call me with that honorific?"

"It's not about official reasons. It's more of a sign of respect."

"Sorry to interrupt, Yuri. It's a call from Yusa. There's some activities in the north of the city."

"Copy that. Start the car, I'll follow later."

Yurippe and Hinata seemed to still want to talk with Masami-nee. But since they received an urgent call, had to leave soon.

"Rai-kun. I have something to tell you."

"Ah. Yes, Yurippe!"

I raised a salute which made her giggle a bit before addressing me seriously.

"I expect to see you in the aptitude test at Wednesday. Be there on time, okay?"


"And another thing… practice your powers bit by bit. It's good if you baby step your way into learning it than just depend on instructors. Still, be cautious not to be caught or overexert your power that you may lose control over it."

"Don't worry. I intend to learn it now that I have nothing more to do. But I won't go over a point that I know I can't go over yet."

"Good. I'll be off then."

I brought the kids back to our home that hasn't been touched since yesterday. I opened the circuit breaker and water valve and let the kids have a bath before I tucked them in to their beds.



"Will you stay beside me for tonight?"

"That's already something that I intended to do. Did you really miss me that much, Mio?"

"Umm… Mm."

"Hehe… You're too much of a sweetie."

I looked behind and saw Yukari snoring while Rea is calmly sleeping in her crib. With that, I climbed into Mio's bed and held her near me."



I gently ran my fingers through her soft and silky hair. I knew that it calms her, so I went with it and found her finally being calm and getting ready to sleep.



"Spokoynoy Nochi, Mio."

I kissed her on the forehead and found myself wishing her a good night in Russian just like how I used to be wished by the woman who raised me when my mother became ill. I looked at her small face that has slightly dim eyebags and it told me just how anxious she was while I was away.

"…I'm sorry for worrying you, darling."

Now that I have become someone called a Psychic, I can't promise that I will always be alright. That's why… I want to treasure every moment that I can spend with you three even more so that I did before.

"This power… this ability given to me as I was fighting for my life and against this unfair world. I will use it to protect you and fight for the right things."

I am that kind of person now. Someone who can fight and chose to fight. I cannot be the same as I used to before. I… I cannot just guarantee anything anymore.

"I will do my best… So please, stay safe and be my reason to not abandon my humanity."

The wheels of fate are moving… I can feel it. Something big will happen soon that may or may not spell a change that I can't deduce.

"I will protect you three… I promise that upon my name and life."

And thus, a promise was made.

["Your words have been honored. You have earned my esteem."]


Those words seemed to echo in my ears as I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest and my eyes becoming dim for just a moment before things cleared up again.

"W-what was that?"

"Rai-san? What's wrong?"

"Mio. Did I wake you up? Sorry, you can still go to sleep if you want."

"Hm? But it's morning already."


I turned around as Mio spoke those words and I saw that the faint morning sunlight was seeping through the bedroom curtains.

"What? How?"

This again… this short sleep that instantaneously brings me to tomorrow's morning. It happened again.

"Those voices…"

Just who are these beings who speak inside my head, that whenever they interact with me, they seem to affect my time and consciousness?