S.S.S Agent Ephraim Chronia

All that I wanted was to protect and provide those that I hold the dearest in my life. For someone like me who has become the breadwinner of two families, that is a very big thing to do.

To most people, they would call it a sacrifice because they are setting aside their own wants in order to be there for those that need them. But for me, it isn't like that.

This is not a sacrifice. This decision is something that I wholeheartedly chose out of love.

Love that I used to not have since the day I cursed this world that gave me none when I wished for it.

"Hey, Hannah… Is mom doing well?"

{"Mm! She's been doing well since the operation. We expect our visas and passports to come by next month. We'll be there with you sooner than you think!"}

"Ahaha… I sure am excited to see you two again after almost three years. Well, now that I've sent the money, keep safe and well back there alright?"

{"Of course! You can count on me!"}

"And if ever someone will ask you out or harass you into dating them…?"

{"I'll have them taste the fury of my fists!"}

"Hahaha! You sure learned well from my instructions… Bye now."

To do what I must do. That's all that I wanted my life to be… but that is not how things work.

"Operative Chronia. You have arrived."

Sometimes, you have to get out from where you want to be, in order to go where you should be. After my 17 years of life, I know this very, very well.

"Good morning, Operator Yusa."

"Mm. Good day as well. Follow me to the firing range where your aptitude test will be held."

At the Wednesday that I was scheduled to, I went to the aptitude exam after sending my children to their elementary school and daycare and sending some money to my family back home while talking to my younger sister over the phone.

"This is Shibuya Bunker, the S.S.S headquarters for Old Tokyo Command."

"This… Isn't this-"

"Yes. It used to be Tokyo Metro's Chiyoda line here in Shibuya. When Old Tokyo was hit by missiles during the war, almost all of the subway lines collapsed. After the war, it was deemed too costly to repair and was left as is. It was only when our agency was formed, and Hinata-san suggested to simply repurpose this place, did it become our base of operations after we cleared out the major routes around the city."

"Wow… This place sure has some history, huh?"

The bunker of the S.S.S was located under the abandoned quarter in Shibuya where various stores of designer bag, dress and shoe brands used to be located before World war 3 started. Now, it acts as an unassuming and unsusceptible accessway of the agency throughout Old Tokyo where they can travel everywhere without worrying about the eyes of the public.

"Come on, we have to ride a trolley car to the firing range. Regulations had to be set up for it and the arms factory to be placed a bit far from the main offices."

We stepped into an automated trolley car which quickly moved along the train tracks. It was only a small trolley, so I and Yusa-san had to sit inside of it.

"Arms factory? We also have gun makers here?"

"Of course. Even if we are under the Ministry of Internal Defense, we are basically under a state of Disavowal. If we get caught by our enemies or the secrecy of the agency becomes compromised, the government will deny their connections with us. It's only logical for the higher-ups to not supply us with weapons or else, it will expose our connection with each other."


"Unfair? We believe it isn't."

"Why do you think so?"

Just for a moment, Yusa-san broke her monotonous way of speaking and told me with a low and seemingly exasperated voice about the reason.

"In a country where even the government is no longer the true ruling body, what other hope can you have about security and safety?"


"Japan is now under the thumb of a corporate hegemon. Where everyone who has the charisma to lead will be leaders, those who blindly believe those leaders are followers and those who don't are outcasts not deserving of anything… sometimes not even the right to live a happy life."


"Even today, I can still remember the day when Yuri created this organization and said that she won't let things to stay like this… That everyone who lives do not deserve to live a life that is not secure and whose length is decided upon by those who don't deserve to rule at all."


"Special Security Service. For us, it's not a profession. It's a vocation. We took on this work not as just a way to make ends meet or preoccupy ourselves… For us, this is a responsibility that we have to take on."

Once we arrived at the firing range, I was presented to a grown-up man who has some thick hair and beard. It made him look like a Hollywood action hero from the 1980's.

"This is Chaa. Our firearms officer and your aptitude test proctor."

"Good day, Officer Chaa!"

"Good day too, Operative. I've already read your records. Let's go to the range!"

"Yes, sir!"

I was brought into a room where the walls had shelves upon shelves of weapons and a large vault was being restocked with crates that I assumed was ammunition.

"This place is packed with weapons."

"Well, this is where we make our guns. Since the government can't provide it for us upfront, we have to make them from scratch. Good thing for the agency, me and my boys all came from closed-down arms factories and still hasn't lost our touch after we got laid off."

"I heard the last ones closed down four years ago after the Miyazono corporation achieved a monopoly on it through fully-automated factories. It seems like you're taking revenge on them indirectly."

"Haha! You sure have some sense of humor there, aren't you? Well, things just turned out like that. We sure are pissed about it, but if it will drive us to work better and faster, I'll let them have that thing in their mind. Anyways, stand right there and prepare yourself."

"Yes, sir!"

"Alright, wear your protective equipment and let me see what you know about using guns."

After wearing the ear mufflers, ballistic eyeglasses, and non-slip gloves, I held the handgun in the first range table and assumed a posture that slightly amused the officer.

"Hmm… Lowered hips. Stiff yet flexible waist. Steady but not strained arms. And a finger off the trigger. Your posture is perfect… except for this."


"Wrong hand, kid."

Officer Chaa said that my posture and position was mostly right until he took the handgun and changed the hand that is grasping the grip to my right hand.

"Umm… Sir. I am left-handed."

"Huh? Oh! I didn't expect that… You can change it then."

I placed it back to my left hand and he pressed a button that sent the target board about 20 meters away from me.

"9mm handgun. Safety off… Fire!"

I undid the gun's safety, placed my finger on the trigger and with a calm intake of breath, pulled it to shoot out the bullets into the target as accurately and quickly as I can.

"30 points for 9mm handgun. Grouping is within four inches. Good job! Lock your weapon and hands up!"

"Thank you, sir!"

I locked the handgun back into safety mode and raised my hands.

"Now then. Proceed to 5.56mm rifle. Safety off… Fire!"

The exam covered mostly firearms aptitude and basic martial arts experience. The former, I passed with a fairly impressive scores, while the latter is…


"That's good! Keep your eyes on your opponent!"

The muscular man shouted while dodging the punches that I was throwing.

"I appreciate the words, sir!"

"But that's not enough to overpower anyone! Come on! Send out more power!"

He pulled my arm and without much effort, put me into a headlock that almost choked me.


…a bit bad than the other one.

"Don't let it get to your head. Officer Noda is the S.S.S's top muscle. No one expected you to overpower or even match his strength. If anything, getting his acknowledgement is impressive enough."

"I-is that so, Yusa-san?"

"Mm. So don't be too sad. We know that you'll pass the last test with flying colors."

The third and last test was a written one where I was given several scenario questions and I am asked how to respond to them properly as an S.S.S agent with a strict time limit.

"This is my paper."

"Hm? Just leave it there, I've already checked it while you're making your finishing touches. Your answers are well thought out and agreeable to the Agency's standard operating procedures."

"W-What? How did you do that, Officer Takamatsu?"

"Because I'm a god-like genius, I've already done what would take a normal human a few minutes to do. Because of that, you should call me a god-"

"I'll be leaving then."

I was led to Yurippe's office after my test results was compiled. She was sitting behind a maple wood table that has stacks upon stacks of documents and some empty instant noodle cups. It seems like she's been here since the time we last saw each other.

"You're among the mid-level Operatives. Your grades are as how we expected it. Expect your salary deposit to be settled before the day ends, I know how you've been running out of cash since last time."

"Thank you, Yurippe. I'll be in your care from now on."

"Hehe. We can say the same to you as you are our first ever Psychic in the Agency. Make us proud, Rai-kun!"

"Mm! It will be my pleasure!"

"Oh. Additionally, as an operative, you need a vehicle to go around in case of sudden deployments. We received a message that your team has been assembled and you have to go to the Sumeragi group's estate for a training session this afternoon. Do you know how to drive something so you can get there?"

"A training there… I have experience with a scooter motorcycle and a tractor back in my home country. Does that apply?"

"A two and four-wheel, huh? Well, I'll leave the choice to you."


Yurippe took something from her table drawer and tossed it to me which I caught before it hit my face.

"Yusa, lead him to the motor pool. Let the kid choose what he wants to take before he sets out on his next training session."

"As you wish, Yurippe."

Yusa-san led me down to the uppermost floor of the bunker which was large enough to look like a hangar. Once we stepped out from the elevator, the room lit up its fluorescent bulbs and showed me rows upon rows of cars, motorcycles, vans and even a few armored personnel carriers and tanks.

We walked around for a while, and I saw all kinds of vehicles that tickled that "child" part of my brain. As a guy, I have some kind of attraction towards things like this and I am not obstinate enough to deny that.

"We have all kinds of Shelbies, Mustangs and even some last of their kind Harleys… Just take your pick and I'll arrange for it."

"Hmm… I don't really know what to take. I'd like to have a car, but I lack experience with them… and these motorcycles aren't my style, more so when they are the last ones that exist in the world. It feels like a waste."

I was a bit conflicted until I turned around and saw a motorcycle that is alone in one corner of the motor pool.

"What is this?"

"Umm… The records say that it is a Rebel 500. It used to belong to Old Tokyo Police Department before it was stolen and sold on an auction. Our mechanics was able to find some replacement parts for it when it arrived here, but because manual gear motorcycles are quite obsolete now, no one has taken it ever since."

"…I'll be taking it then."

"Huh? Are you sure? This is an old bike, Chronia."

I approached the motorcycle that has seemingly not been taken out of the garage for some years. It has this shape and look that… reminds me of the better times.

"It's silhouette just feels familiar. I used to live with some friends older than me, you see. I still remember the times when we would go to the fields during Spring to have a picnic and all six of us would huddle on this tricycle that can barely move forward through the broken roads… Haha…"


"This motorcycle's look reminds me of it… Maybe that's why I want to take it."

"…I see. I'll make note of this then."

Yusa-san handed me a card which I tapped on my agency smartphone's back.

"There. It's registered to you now. If ever you'll get asked for your license, that card will be your driving license. But remember, you alone will be responsible in any accidents that you get yourself into outside of deployment calls, okay?"

"Understood. I'll try to practice on it as soon as I can."

"Good. You can pick up your agency uniform now at the Agency supply office. Other than that, you are dismissed and allowed to go to the estate of the Sumeragi-gumi, Operative Chronia."

"It's been a pleasure, Operator Yusa!"

I took my new vehicle out in the desolate city streets to practice on it. As I said before, I had some experience with scooter motorcycles when I was younger. I already got past the "don't lose your balance" phase because of that and the only issue I was dealing with is the manual gear system that I wasn't used to.

"Okay… okay… Now! Ah! Crap!"

Every now and then when I have to switch to a higher gear, I try my best to pull the clutch lever in just the right time to operate the gear selector. But my bad timing and lack of familiarity always causes the engine to choke and die on me.

"Okay now… okay now… Yes!"

Finally, after half an hour, I was able to get used to it and ride the motorcycle almost naturally. With that, I looked at my watch and decided to pick up my children from the school and daycare and bring them back home before I go to Kabuki-cho to train with the other Psychics.

"Wow! Dude, look at that bike!"

"Who's that young man? He looks good…"

I seem to have made some blunder after I arrived in front of Sunogahara Municipal Elementary school in my agency uniform suit and riding a motorcycle. Boys who were enthusiastic with my vehicle stopped playing tag or football to look at it while some mothers who were picking up their kids made me the subject of their conversations.


"Is that really you, Rai-san?"

"Hehe… Yo! Mio, Yukari! Let's get Rea from her daycare and go home."


Once we arrived back to our home, I looked at the clock to see that it was still 2:00 in the afternoon. Since my training is on 5 PM, I decided to cook the three an early dinner if ever I would come home late.

"You have work to do?"

"Yeah. Remember Yuri-san? The woman who was with me when we met again in Masami-nee's place?"


"She's my new boss. I left Ars Classica, you see."

Mio, the eldest of the three, was quite mature for her age. She seems to have understood what our situation now after she asked me why I am not attending school anymore yesterday and asked me what my new work is just now while we are cooking in the kitchen.

"Mmm… I understand. I'm just surprised about all that is happening these last few days, Rai-san."

"I can say the same for me, Mio. Things changed after I got into that accident."

"About that… are you really alright now, Rai-san?"

"Mm? Of course, I am. Do you think some random bad guy can just get the better of me, Mio? If I am not alright, then can I do this easily? Kucho-kucho-kucho…"

"Nyahaha! Stop, Rai-san! Don't tickle me!"

"See? I'm okay."

"Muu! Rai-san is a bully!"

After Mio sliced the cabbage, carrots, onions and garlic into fine dices, we mixed the vegetables to the meat that I spiced with salt, pepper and a bit of crushed ginger and let the meat grinder to turn it into a minced meaty and veggie paste. I then cracked two eggs into the mixture and mixed it up using my hands in order to let the mixture to absorb the eggs properly.

"Okay now, Mio. Try your hand on it."


She took a handful of the mixture from the bowl and kneaded it lightly into a small mound shape. She then looked back to me, seemingly asking if she is doing good.

"That's correct. Come on, have some more confidence on yourself."


She continued on doing it until the bowl was empty and she formed 12 meat mounds.

"Now then, use a rolling pin and turn them into patties. This is the moment when you'll know if you kneaded them enough. If they stay together, you did right. If they break apart, you have to redo it."

"Understood, Rai-san."

One by one, she took the meat mounds and pressed them down until they were about half an inch thick. Of the 12 mounds, 10 were full patties and two had to be re-kneaded into shape as some air pockets formed in it during kneading.

"Haha… You did well, Mio. You're better than last time."

"T-thank you, Rai-san…"

"Now then. I've already prepared the beaten eggs and breadcrumbs for you. Dip the patties on them while I'm warming up some oil on the pan."


By 3:30 PM, we finished frying the crispy patties for snacks and left some for dinner in the refrigerator to be warmed later if I am not home yet.

"Yum! Mio-nee's cooking is getting better!"

"Ahaha… Thanks, Yukari."

"Hrm… Very tasty. Hey, Mio. Listen to me…"

"Y-yes, Rai-san?"

"I'll buy some beef tenderloin this weekend. Next time, I'll teach you how to cook my special doner kebab."

"E-EH?! R-R-Really?!"

Surprisingly, the one who shouted a surprised expression was Yukari while Mio sat still there as if she can't believe her ears.

"What? Are you surprised that I said that?"

"N-no… I-it's just that… Rai-san is spoiling us too much. I can't believe that you just said that."

"Hm? Why shouldn't I spoil you guys? You're my kids. It would be wrong for me to hold back in doing my best for you three when I know that you deserve it."


Mio hid her face that was lightly blushing. It seems like she didn't expect those words to come from me since I used to still be quite busy back then as a student and a worker that I didn't have that much time to bond with them than I do now.

"Ehehe… You should get used to this now. I have a lot of free time now that I have a proper way to sustain all of our needs and wants without any worries."

"Thank you, Rai-san."

Before I left, I took a shower and wore my S.S.S agency uniform to look as presentable as possible. I was told that I will be meeting my team and handler today, so I want to make a positive impression.

"I'll be leaving now. Don't worry, I think I'll be home before bedtime."

"Mm! Be safe, Rai-nii!"


"Be careful in driving, Rai-san."

"Hehe… I will."

Most of the public transportation busses follow the road leading to Sagami-cho and avoid the inner roads of the city. But since I have my own vehicle now, the drive towards Kabuki-cho was a breeze as the abandoned roads rarely saw any traffic.

"Ephraim Chronia, S.S.S Operative. I'm here on an errand."

"…Okay, open up the gates!"

I showed my Agency ID and the letter that Yusa-san prepared for me. The guard took it and after confirming it, let me through the isolation area gate.

"GET HIM!!!"




I drove as fast as I can through the streets where the infected saw me driving by and went out of their hiding spots to chase after me like rabid dogs. One of them got too close to me while I was still near the gate and was fired upon by the guards with a hail of bullets.




Even though I have some sympathy for them due to the illness that they are carrying that made them outcasts and living savages in this run-down city, I cannot fully absolve them in my mind.

"The MB2 virus… the so-called "Gabriel's Trumpet"."

In terms of an academic course, I am a doctor. And because of that, I am not a stranger to the true nature of the virus that almost sterilized the human race.

"A sick concoction of horrors that borders between a natural calamity and a man-made weapon. A herald of suffering that, instead of killing its victims, chooses to make them suffer so much that they will desire to die rather than live longer with it."

While going past these infected people with shriveled bodies, unkempt appearances and hyperactive behavior that causes them to always be sexually aroused, I found myself repeating the words that described their disease in a medical college book.

"It's all the same… Nothing really changed in how the people who live here."

It may only be me being judgmental and annoyed about the history of this place… or perhaps, it reminds me of something that I just recently "killed" in my mind.

"You have to focus… You just recently got used in controlling your powers. Don't lose your touch now."

Just in time, I arrived at the main gate where I met with the gate keeper again who was sitting against the wall and wearing a pianist's suit today. As usual, he looks like someone who passed out from exhaustion even though he has such a dignified appearance.

"Good afternoon, Moriyama-san."

"Well, well…. Good afternoon too, Agent Chronia. Looking sharp today, aren't we?"

This is Moriyama Kamaji-san. He is the gate keeper of the Sumeragi-gumi's Old Tokyo estate and a very strong Geokinetic Psychic.

"Ahaha… I just got it from our base. I don't look ridiculous in it, aren't I?"

"No, no… You look like a respectable young man in it. Ah. Sorry, I got preoccupied with our conversation."

He knocked on the wall and like before, it turned into dust which revealed the gate that I went into.

"See you again later, Moriyama-san."

"Mm. Good luck on your training, kid."

I entered the estate which was strangely quiet today. Unlike before when some Psychics were practicing outside, there was almost no one in the courtyard save for some female servants wearing shrine maiden outfits and men in business suits.

""Welcome, Sir Chronia. It is an honor to see you again.""

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Enka-san and Mira-san."

The twin servants who are wearing shrine maiden outfits welcomed me with a kind greeting that I gave back cordially.

"Your training will be regarding the upcoming joint operation of the S.S.S and Sumeragi-gumi, Sir Chronia."

"Today, you will be meeting the three other people that you'll be working with as a Psychic starting from now on."

"I'm pleased to hear that. Please lead the way."

We went through the general courtyard and into the inner walls which has a pair of gatekeepers. As for the identity of these gatekeepers, it was the women leading me towards it.




After they casted their Psychic ability, the gate that looked like a solid and indestructible structure that divides the outer courtyard and the inner walls of the estate shattered entirely like a broken mirror, exposing a less practical and more ornate gate that can be opened by simply pushing it with the right strength. It looked like a torii gate with doors.

"We believe that this is your first time inside the Inner estate, Sir Chronia?"

"Yes. I haven't come here since I was trained by Kirin-sensei in the courtyard dojo. And I didn't have the right amount of time to wander about in here yet."

"That's alright, Sir Chronia. I and Mira will fill you in with the specifics."

We went inside the inner walls that wasn't as spacious as the outer courtyard and is instead, filled with buildings. Here, it looks more like a fairly large Shinto shrine than a Yakuza's base.

"Did you know, Sir Chronia? The Tokyo Estate of the Sumeragi-gumi is split into three sanctuaries that are divided by three gates. The outer courtyard is called the "Sanctuary of the Corporeal body". A training area for our warriors where they can sharpen their skills and prepare themselves for battle. This place is guarded from the outside world by Kanbu Moriyama Kamaji."


"The inner wall is called the "Sanctuary of the Spiritual body". A general meeting area for our members where we dine, sleep, discuss strategies and disseminate news. Here, we provide dormitories and dining halls for the fulfillment of our member's needs. This is place is guarded by I and Enka through our combined Psychic abilities."

"So that's why this place is filled with traditional buildings, huh?"

I looked into one of the buildings that I deduced as a dining hall and saw some men eating their early dinner while some are conversing with each other outside the houses. One thing that I noticed is that all of them, whether they are a male or a female member, were all wearing traditional clothes like kimonos and yukatas.

"Misao Shrine, located in the innermost wall of the estate, is the home of our leader and revered master, Oyabun Sumeragi Nichirin-sama. This place is protected by the Amano Hogosha, Kanbu officers who guards the Shrine with their own lives."

"Sounds like a hard job."

"Correction, Sir Chronia!"

"Y-Yes, Enka-san?"

"It is not job. It is a sign of loyalty and service. Please do not mistake the Celestial guardians continued sacrifices as something as menial as a "job"."

"G-got it… I apologize for my mistake."

I forgot… These people aren't like those outside who doesn't take things seriously or care enough to get into an argument for their workplaces. These people aren't workers, they are part of an organization where they are actively partaking in and are devoted to.

"Please pardon Enka-san, Sir Chronia. Between the two of us, she is the one who has a sentimentality here and aims to protect our group's honor."

"I understand. It's my insensitivity and ignorance that led to this event. I want to apologize again."

Finally, we arrived at the place where my team was waiting. There, Enka-san and Mira-san left with a bow as I stepped forward and recognized two of them in a glance.