Consequences of Weakness

"We are here today. Live at the outskirts of Fukushima city, where a recent civil unrest in the city that has long been infamous because of its collection of disestablishmentarian groups, are boiling over across its borders."

It was morning when we arrived back at the S.S.S Bunker in Motomiya and had our wounds tended to by the medical staff. While I was alone in the recovery room, I managed to watch the early morning news show where a reporter narrated the recent events at the outskirts of the city and showed footage from policemen and SDF soldiers that are constantly being attacked by the rioters.

"Agent Chronia. A nurse will change your bandage later. Please be advised."

"Yes. I understand."

I turned it off after a nurse came by and after she exited, came the person that I expected to come next after being examined.

"How is Mana, sensei?"

"…She's been sent to an operating room. Her concussion is only mild, but the rebar that pierced her thigh is something quite dangerous, they said."

"Yeah… from how I saw it, the metal bar could've hit her femur or worse, a major artery. It was a snap decision for me back then if I should take it out or let it stay, but because it was quite loose already, I decided to just pull it out myself while I can still close the wound than let it be pulled out later when I don't have enough power."

"…Sure helped to have a doctor on our side, huh?"

"I'll take that as a compliment. After all, I saved your life."

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks a lot, kid."

At the recovery room, the wound on my side was properly covered with a bandage as my own enhanced bodily healing power was enough to make it heal by itself.

"How's your heartbeat, sensei?"

"I'm still under observation. My heart almost stopped back then. It's not something to just scoff at."

"How about Kai?"

"He overexerted himself by using his combat flow state. It could've damaged his Augmenter core, so I also made a call to Old Tokyo estate to send over a technician to look into it."

Furuta-sensei spoke as both of us looked at Kai who is sleeping at the bed next to me. He looked like he is deeply asleep.

"I have a question, Sensei."

"What is it?"

"Just… what kind of human is Kai?"


"He told me before that he is a clone of the real Imamura Kai, and that the real deal's body has too much Astra energy that it would kill him before he manages to grow up so he had to be placed in some hibernation state or something… but because your group's leader didn't want to deny Kirin-sensei the right to care for her child, she allowed Kai to be cloned which created the Kai that we have right now."

"That's… pretty much how he came to being."

"I don't mean to sound rude to everyone in the Sumeragi organization but… I saw how even Kirin-sensei doesn't seem that close to him and I began to think if she is distancing herself because this Kai is… just a Replicant."

"You're mistaken, Ephraim. It is actually the reverse of that."


"Kirin-san is distancing herself because this Kai is the only Kai that she knows."

I was silenced after Furuta-sensei said those words. I never expected it to become like this at all.

"As a member of the Sumeragi organization and a Kanbu officer like her, I thoroughly understand that a lot of responsibility and expectations are placed on Kirin-san's shoulders. I am the newest one in the Kanbu officers, and I already feel stressed with it that I just want to give up and leave… that's why I know that having someone that you can look at to encourage you is something very precious."


"That's why when she gave birth to Kai, her heart was also immediately shattered when she learned that he may not live for too long because of his innate powers. It was a heavy thing for Oyabun-sama to lock Kai into a cytostatic sleep, but if they want him to live, he must be kept in that state until his body's age is enough to handle his powers. But also because of that, Kirin-san's morale and those that know her predicament was quite disheartened."

"Then that led to the cloning process and the creation of the Replicant Kai?"

"Yeah. As technological and moral conservatives, we have long been very against the use of Replicants even before the government banned the Miyazono Genetic Laboratories to attempt it again openly. It undermines the sanctity of human life by treating it as a risk-less consumable object that can be done and redone so long as one has the money. And it also treats human lives as consumable items… just like how they treat their Seed Psychics whom they fool into obeying them by giving them artificial Psychic powers."

"Then for the Sumeragi group, Kai's existence is an exception?"

"Yes. An acceptable one for the sake of another person's right to be a parent… of Kirin-san's right to care for the child she gave birth to."

"Did that split the group somehow?"

"Not really… Some sticklers to rules argued that nothing like this should happen again and that this thing was simply allowed to happen because Kirin-san is an important figure in the group. But the truth is, everyone understood that Kirin-san needs her child, the same way her child needs her. Thus, Kai… or Replicant Kai continued to live as a sort-of surrogate child for Kirin-san until the real Kai can be released from his sleep."

I was quite touched by that story even though I did understand the moral complications that had been ignored for its sake. With this, my respect for Kirin-sensei rose not only as her student, but also as a fellow parent.

"Nowadays, Kirin-san still treats Kai as her child. But as the real body of Kai is nearing the point where his body can be allowed to leave his cytostatic chamber, Kirin-san has to accept that the day when all of the memories that she and her child shared will be reset is nearing… all of it, rendered meaningless after the replacement is disposed and the real one is obtained."

"Wait… you mean-"

"When you have the original, the reproduction becomes nothing more but a cheap and useless imitation. Even if you become attached to the reproduction that you first obtained, you cannot deny that it is only a reproduction and not the real deal."


"That's why ever since he was told about this, Kai has repeatedly experienced the stages of accepting his impending "dismissal". What's more sickening about this is that I was the one who was made to tell him about this since I was the newest recruit back then."

Furuta-sensei gritted his teeth in anguish after saying that. His eyes were narrow and shaking, as if he is trying not to cry.

"To be given a proper childhood even though you are such a huge potential… living the life of someone who should be there… receiving the pure love of a mother who was denied of the right to be with her real child… living such a pure and happy childhood even though you are living in such a dystopian world…"

Furuta-sensei's lips quivered lightly before continuing his words.

"…And then, some stranger who recently joined in your mother's workplace approached you, made you follow him to a room where someone looks exactly like you is sleeping and told you that someday, this boy will replace you because you are just a copy of him, and your life is worthless after all."


"Tell me, Ephraim… what kind of fucked up world are we living in for such a thing to actually happen?"


As Furuta-sensei asked me that question, I became aware of the reason why he is always almost cold to the otherwise cheerful and respectful Kai.

"Has the guilt of having to do all of that weighed heavy on you, sensei?"

"Yes… Every day in life since it happened."

"Then Kai being your direct subordinate is…"

"His choice… somehow, being the guy who made him aware of his eventual fate connected us. Perhaps he looked at me as the only person who will not lie to him ever… or he made sure to stick around me to make me remember of that day. Whatever it is, I have learned to accept it eventually."

We looked at Kai again who is still sleeping… I have considered him as a close friend because of our positions that needed for us to fully trust each other, but now, I have also become a part of the people who would constantly feel pity towards him whenever I see him.

"…Kai is stuck inside a dilemma now. He can just stay put and enjoy the rest of his time since he will surely be disposed of later on. A life where he can stop building attachments to others and cause them grief once his life is over. But with my help, he became more proactive in leaving memories to others and making sure that he will be remembered even after the real him replaces him…"


"Somehow, he learned along the way that the saddest death isn't one where all that he did was rendered meaningless, but one where his life became meaningless because no one remembered him."

"If that is the reason why he is so friendly… I guess I have a reason to give him a promise of mine…"


I looked at Kai and from my heart, came some words that seemed to resound in my ears.

"I will never forget the you who lives today even if the real you replaces the you that is here right now… I promise that upon my name and life…"

["Your words have been honored. You have earned my esteem."]

Suddenly, I heard Law's voice that made me hold my head as I became nauseous for a moment.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Y-yes, yes… I am alright."

I heaved lightly to recompose myself. This happened before when I came back home and tucked Mio and Yukari to their beds. I don't know why he keeps on doing this… perhaps something about that "Divine Challenger" thing that he keeps on reminding me about.

"Urgh… Where am… I?"

"You're finally awake, huh? Kai…"

"Boss…? Wait! That guy! He is-! Ahh!"

"Don't move too much. Your whole body is beaten right now after you stressed it by using your flow state."

"That guy…! He was right there, and I can-"

"Shut it, Kai!"


Kai turned away from us while he is still lying on his bed. He may have tried to hide it, but he was crying after learning that he didn't get to even fight that Miyazono Gardener.

"Will is too strong. Even I almost died while fighting him… what makes you think that you can defeat him?"

"I know that. I know that I can't defeat him…"

"…Just keep that feeling of weakness for now. Once we get back to shape, I will train you three again until you can fight on equal ground against them."

I heard the door opening and turned to see Otonashi-san entering the room.

"Am I interrupting something, our esteemed Psychics?"

"Manager Otonashi?"

"The recovery room is usually almost soundproof in order to make sure that the patients can rest without interruption. But because the door was slightly open…"

"Ah… I'm sorry about that, Commander."

"No, no… It's not like there was anyone nearby while you were talking. Ahem! Regardless of that, I am here for something important."

Otonashi-san took the television's remote control and turned it to the news channel to show us something.

"That is…"

"The place where Fukushima's city hall is located… or at least, its remains around the small crater near its front yard."

The news footage was taken from a helicopter at the place where we faced the Miyazono Gardener. The reporter said that the crater was formed during a gas pipe explosion, probably a cover up done by the S.S.S for our sake.

"Did Yurippe complained about that?"

"Yes… I have done what I can, and we are lucky that an old gas pipe was located there. We can make an alibi that it was ignited by a building or car fire, so the higher-ups aren't really interested in scolding us about it."

"I see…"

"However, the worst part is this one."

Otonashi-san pointed at the television again where another footage is shown. Now, it was inside of a large auditorium building where rows upon rows of hospital beds are lined up with unconscious people.

"No… It can't be…"

"As much as I wish to comfort you, Officer Furuta… what you are seeing is the truth after you were evacuated."

"What is this about, Otonashi-san?"

He heaved a deep sigh before answering my question.

"That footage came from the auditorium and emergency evacuation building of Motomiya Medical Center. And those people that are lying unconscious on their beds are people from a one-kilometer radius around the city hall building."

Unable to understand what is happening, I looked at Furuta-sensei and Kai and both of them had bitter expressions on their faces.

"What is happening here, sensei? Why are the two of you suddenly speechless?"

"…Do you remember that explosion of light after boss diffused the emitter in that room?"

"Yes. The one that separated us four?"

"Yeah… that is not just an emitter. It was booby trapped to release all of its stored-up Astra energy if ever it is diffused. Because of that… all of the people around the area that was exposed to that huge amount of Astra energy had their minds shocked and rendered immobile."

"We already heard about this from the Sumeragi group, so we already have a code and protocol once it happens. In this case, we are already too late, and the special Astra instrument has already been tampered. Therefore, danger levels have been raised and all available Psychics have to be kept grounded in this bunker."

"Grounded? For what?"

"As a precaution. To the outside observer, those people may look like they are just sleeping, but if they become exposed to another concentrated amount of Astra energy, most of them may never wake up anymore."

"Then… they are in a…"

"…Yes. They are in a Comatose state."

After learning about that, I understood the weight of the consequences of our failure.

"We estimate that all of them will be able to recover in varying time schedules. But until most of them can wake up to not cause a panic to the public, all of you are expected to obey the restraining order from both the S.S.S and Sumeragi administrators. You will stay in here, away from everyone else so you won't cause more damage than we can handle."

Otonashi-san turned off the television and looked at the three of us.

"I will arrange for your respective rooms, Psychics. Don't worry about your lodgings and sustenance. Even if my bunker is just a regional branch, it has all the facilities you may need, and I can assure you that you will not be asked to surrender any other else of your freedoms except your right to leave this place."

He left the room afterwards. After which, I heard Kai slamming his fist on the wall that echoed around the closed room.

"It happened again… I thought that this will not happen again!"

"Don't blame yourself, Kai… It's my fault for not realizing that the emitter was booby trapped."

"Still! I should've sensed it before you twiddled with it!"


Feeling that the two should sort themselves out first, I stood up from my bed and used my ID to open the door.

"Where are you going, Rai?"

"I'll go watch Mana's operation from the observation room… I need to clear up my mind in my own way…"

Even though I am still limping from my wound, I managed to walk to the small operating room of the bunker and watch from the detached room, watching the doctor who is looking for damages in Mana's wound.



"Hold this for me… we need to swerve away from that artery."


I wasn't really interested in the operation or worried about Mana. I just… I think I just wanted to get away from those two after learning all kinds of things about them.

"Agent Chronia, I presume?"

"…Yes. Yes, I am."

While I was trying to forget my worries, someone opened the observation deck's door and entered before confirming my identity.

"Our Agents found the rest of your equipment while they were evacuating the civilians around your last battle area. Among them is your Agency-issue phone."

"Oh. Thank you…"

"This is a new one though. We transferred all of your data here since your previous phone was destroyed by the "gas pipe explosion" …"

"Ah, yes… the gas pipe explosion."

He handed me a brand-new phone and after turning it on, saw that everything is generally on their respective places.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome, Agent. I will be taking my leave now."


Being left along in the room, I started to look at the things on my phone and found out that Mio sent text messages to during the last few nights.

"…What a sweet kid."

There were thoughtful questions about whether I have already eaten or I was getting enough sleep. She also sent some pictures of the food she cooked for dinner and how everyone liked it.

"Thank you… sweetie… take care… too."

I typed a reply to her and after it was delivered, I saw that she has seen it.

"Ahaha… I knew it. She'll make a call."

Shortly after confirming my reply, she dialed a video call to me which I immediately took.

"Hello there, Mio."

"Rai-san! You finally replied! I was very worried!"

"Ahaha! Sorry, sorry… I was just so busy that I didn't get to check your messages and make a reply. How are you guys doing there nowadays?"

"Me and Yukari are driven to and from school by Hisako-san. Everything is alright in here, but it does become loud whenever Iwasawa-nee and the others are rehearsing or recording their songs."

"Well, you have to endure it for now. And it's not like you hate their music, right?"

"Yeah. Iwasawa-nee and her band is really good, they have lively music, slow music and even that one song that has-"

"Mio… can I ask you something?"


I heaved lightly before asking her the thing that worries me.

"Are you still… having nightmares?"


From the video, I saw that Mio was lightly shocked with what I asked.

"Are you alright?"

"Mm… Yes, I am alright, Rai-san. And about your question… I still do have nightmares."

"But can you sleep properly even with that?"

"Yes. Iwasawa-nee and Hisako-san lets me sleep in their room sometimes. They help me calm down after I wake up so it doesn't really bother me much anymore."

"Good… I'm happy that you two are alright. How about Rea? Is Hisako-san dotting on her whenever she's drunk?"

"She does! She won't let go of Rea once she get to drink a can or two so Iwasawa-nee has been scolding her whenever Rea needs to get her diaper changed or sleep in her crib."

"Argh… that's the Hisako-san that I know…"

I can only giggle lightly and hold my head after hearing that Hisako-san's tendency to become a softie to children still happens when she's drunk.

"Anyways, look after yourselves and keep your studies well, Mio. Say that to Yukari too for me."

"Mm! Are you coming home soon, Rai-san?"

"No… not yet. I might be back before the month ends, but I won't get to make it next week. I'm sorry, Mio."

"Nn, nn… It's alright. I understand it, Rai-san."

I gave her a smile which she gave back along with a flying kiss gesture.

"See you next time, Mio. Take care."

"Mm! See you next time too, Rai-san."

As the video was cut and I returned to watching Mana's operation, I felt that some weight was taken off my chest and I decided that instead of overthinking things again, I should try to preoccupy myself while I am still being kept in this bunker building.