The Lunar Tear

{"Attention Agent Chronia, Officer Furuta and Officer Imamura… Please report to Branch Manager Otonashi's office as soon as possible."}

"We're finally being called, huh?"

"Yeah. Let's go there and see what's up."

Since Mana just arrived in her recovery room, it was only us three who was called to Otonashi-san's office to discuss what will be happening now.

"Psychics… I am glad that you arrived together. After all, this is an urgent matter."

"What's going on?"

"The police and SDF garrison finally received an official order from the government to quell the rebellion in Fukushima. With that, the city will be returned to order and its recovery will be handled properly in the course of a few days…"

"That sounds like a good thing."

"Yes. But after we sent to New Tokyo, the evidence that you collected about a Miyazono corporation support in the rebellion, the Ministry of Internal Defense has tasked us with collecting enough data so they can press legal charges to the company after the rebellion is resolved."


"Therefore, I was given a clandestine order by Yurippe to allow your group to leave the bunker for a short amount of time in order to arrest some Miyazono men who will be retreating before the authorities' offensive operation tonight."

Otonashi-san turned his computer screen around to show a drone footage where men dressed with Miyazono corporation uniforms are loading up vehicles and heading to the highway towards the north.

"Any specifics, Commander Otonashi?"

"Our scouts and Operators managed to scrounge up information about their retreat route. It will lead to northern Hokkaido where our border with the Union is located. If they arrive inside Siberian Union territory, we can't reach for them anymore. Therefore, we have decided to cut them off here in Morioka before they cross into Hokkaido."

"I see… But we are only three. Fujikawa-chan is still recovering and even us three are not in tip-top shape."

"Don't worry about that, Officer Furuta. Yurippe has informed your administrators about this, they said that the Kanbu officer of Sapporo will be helping you out."

"Oh… The Lunar Tear…"

"Don't speak like that, boss… he might be a handful, but Lucas is one of our strongest members."

"I know that…"

Lucas. I think I heard this name before when we were fighting at the city. Something about his sworn duty of killing that particular Miyazono Gardener.

"You will be deployed by early evening to Morioka through a JASDF helicopter. Although we fully trust that you will not cause more damage than what has already been done, we still have to follow safety precautions and measures. Please take these with you."

"What are these?"

"Prototypes from our Psychic Technical department. Diminisher bracelets that do not just absorb Astra energy but disperses it. With this, you can leave the city without emitting Astra energy that might cause someone's death since the only available airspace route will take you over Motomiya Medical Center."

"Why is it the only available airspace route? Aren't you guys government people?"

"Let me expand upon the terms regarding Fukushima's recapture then, Officer Furuta. To put it simply, the entire airspace surrounding Motomiya, Fukushima and the other nearby cities has been declared as a no-fly zone. No civilian or commerce aircraft has been allowed to fly here since noon. Because of that, we have to transport you past the zone along with the attack helicopter squadron that will bombard the city."


"It's because no one else should know about your identities and the fact that you are Psychics that we must blend in with everyone and go with the flow. That's just how things should go if we want to avoid unnecessary attention."

"I see."

"We expect their convoy to contain about a hundred men of varying Psychic power classes. Although we have deployed our most advanced drone scanner before the no-fly zone was made, the Gardener that you mentioned in your reports are nowhere to be seen. Which means that we cannot promise that he is in the convoy, if ever you want to go after him."

Otonashi-san gave us a bit more guidelines regarding the mission and by sunset, we decided to visit Mana's recovery room before leaving.

"You three… I heard about it already from Commander Otonashi…"

"Yeah, no rest for the weary, right?"

"Ahaha… yeah. Too bad I am not on my feet right now. I really want to go and smash heads with you guys."

Mana was bed-ridden even after her successful surgery. From how I understood it, her heightened regenerative ability as a Psychic took almost all of her strength just to remain alive while we were retreating.

"That's a lot of IV bags… I wish none of us will have to get through that."

"Shut it, Kai… It's just a blood transfusion and glucose fluid. You don't have to say it like I was on death's doorstep."


Mana was trying to act tough as usual. But as a doctor, I know that she did almost die back there. Thinking about it now… I was reminded of how weak we are that something like this makes us fear for our lives even as we say that we are prepared for anything.

It frustrates me, honestly.

"You're a tough brat, Mana. But you should know your own limits and stop when you really can't do it. Take this injury as a warning for you later…"

"Yeah, yeah… I got it, Sensei."

"…Haah… you young ones sure are a handful, aren't you?"

Before we left the room, a worker from the cafeteria entered the room with a serving cart full of food.


"Shh… Don't say a word."

"O-oh… okay."

I was slow on understanding what that huge amount of food was for. But then, I remembered that Mana's body is under a famished state right now and in desperate need of nutrition. Furuta-sensei told me to not look back and make things awkward for her as we exited the room.

"Agent Chronia, right? You three must be the S.S.S team from Old Tokyo who is going on a mission to Morioka."

"Yes. This is Agent Furuta and Agent Imamura from Old Osaka command. They are my teammates."

"Alrighty! Hop on in! We're just waiting for the pilot who had to take a toilet break."

At the surface, we met with an airman from the JASDF who was tasked to bring us past the city and into Morioka. He seemed to be briefed that all of us are S.S.S Agents and we are heading to Morioka for a certain mission.

"Hey, Agent… I have a question while we're still on the ground."

"What is it?"

"I feel a bit shy about it and all but… can I ask you how I can enter the S.S.S?"


It was a bit surprising to hear someone ask me about being inducted into the S.S.S. Because of that, I had to try to look for a good excuse to discourage him.

"Well… us three didn't actually signed up for it. We were specifically scouted and after being trained, became S.S.S. agents."

"W-wait, really?"

"Yeah. I was a medical technician before I was scouted. Agent Imamura is a botany student in Old Tokyo University and Agent Furuta is a Mathematics professor. None of us had military background at all."

"R-Really? W-wow… so that means those who get to join in is up to the recruiters, huh?"

"Yep. 100 percent dependent on them."

"I see… I guess I didn't make the cut. Aahhh! I thought I can get into such a cool group!"

It seems like the co-pilot was the young and ambitious type as he really wanted to be an S.S.S Agent. Still, I heard from Yurippe that she's actually really strict about who she lets into her Agency, and she alone has the say on it."

"Oh! This is awkward… I'm sorry if I was late, Agents…"

"It's alright, we're not running late. But let's go and head out now before things become too hot in the city."

"Roger that, sir!"

The pilot sat into the cockpit and with his partner, started the instruments and the engine of the helicopter.

"Headphones on, sirs! This girl is quite noisy because of her age!"

I am not much of a military geek, but from how I saw it when we came out of the bunker, the helicopter was a UH-60 Black Hawk that must've been a survivor of the last world war. There were visible metal patches on its outer hull and some of the windows had their rubber seals broken, so I deduced that it is an old relic.

"I heard from Commander Otonashi that you three were in the city yesterday. Is it the scouting mission that pointed out strongholds and target buildings?"

"…No comment about that."

"Oh, come on, Agent! Not like our superiors are here to listen."

"Sorry man, non-disclosure policy is very strict in the S.S.S. Might cost us a lot if we speak about anything top secret."

"Ahahaha! Alright, alright… I got you, Agent. I won't pry about it anymore."

Through the internal communications, the pilot asked us about the fake information they have been given about us and I responded confidently while making up a story to stop them from asking more questions.

"Charlie Carrier One-One… Requesting clearance from Niner Zulu order, over."

"This is Alpha ATC Motomiya. Charlie Gunner One-one, you are allowed to bypass the Niner Zulu order. Your route is Echo Hotel West along with the Charlie Gunner wing. Be advised, keep your altitude high. Hostiles has been seen armed with ManPADS and are yet to be neautralized."

"Copy that Tango ATC, we will keep our eye on our radars."

After talking to the Air traffic control, we finally flew up and headed out to the direction of Fukushima city.

"You two. Wear it."

""Yes, sir.""

As we approached Motomiya Medical Center, we wore our Diminisher bracelets and sensed if it was working.

"…We're good."

"Scanner says the same. The technicians did a good job on these."

It took a while before we heard the audible gun and rocket fire that is pounding several areas of Fukushima city.

"Whoa there, girl! Don't fail on us now!"

"Is there a problem?"

"Nothing to worry, sir! She's just having some hiccups since we're raising our altitude."

The helicopter rotors roared louder as we rose near the clouds, away from the busy airspace of the city that is now being reclaimed by government forces.

"Quite the hellscape, isn't it, Agents?"

"The battlefield?"

"Yes. But from the briefing we were given, they said that the situation in the city would've been worse if the rebellion wasn't quelled."

"I mean, you guys were there, right? You should know about these more than us."

"…Yeah. It sure was a dangerous and chaotic place. If this kind of brutal subjugation is the only way, I guess you can say that it really is the only way for peace to return."

Personally, it didn't matter to me much. Fukushima is far away from Old Tokyo for it to harm those that I wish to protect. But as an S.S.S agent, I slowly gained the drive to at least empathize with them.

"Boogey inbound. Infrared lock."

"Deploying flares!"

"Everyone. Brace for evasion maneuvers!"

The air radar of the chopper rang after an enemy from the city locked a man-portable rocket towards us. The co-pilot deployed decoy flares while the pilot turned the vehicle away from the explosion area.

"Evasion successful. No other boogeys around."

In the end, the rocket hit one of the flares and we got away from the area safe and sound.

"That was quite surprising, ain't it?"


"Fukushima has long been a hotbed for dissidents since they were left to weather the effects of the world war decades ago. Although most of them do voice out their pent-up anger against the central government, none of us expected another Old Osaka uprising here."

"The one that happened nine years ago?"

"Yep. We were deployed there too as an evacuation team for the civilians. But unlike before where most of their weapons are improvised or ransacked from police stations, the rebels here are armed with advanced weaponry like that homing missile we just escaped from."

"I see…"

"Well, as far as we are concerned, we're just doing our duty as soldiers. It does suck that we have to hurt or even kill them, but if this is the only way to return everything to order, so be it."

It took quite a while before we arrived in Morioka because the pilot had to slow down for the sake of the aging helicopter. But once we got there, we were lowered to a plain area outside of the city.

"Thanks a lot, airmen! We won't forget this favor."

"The favor is ours, agents! Anything to help out the guys on the frontlines!"

"Alright then, we're leaving now."

"Take care and good luck, agents!"

The chopper lifted off the ground and turned back towards the south, leaving us three in the plain area in the middle of the night.

"Agent Furuta and Agent Imamura… heh. You're a smooth liar, aren't you, Chronia?"

"Would you have liked it more if I told the truth and presented you two as Yakuza members, sensei?"

"…Alright. You have a point."

Furuta-sensei took out his phone to dial the number of someone and after it was picked up by the other side, I was surprised to hear him speaking English so suddenly.

"Hey, we're near Morioka, about a kilometer from the west highway… Yeah, yeah. Bad spot, I know… Just shut your trap and get us from here!"

After he put it down, I asked him what that was about.

"That's the guy that Commander Otonashi spoke about. The Kanbu officer of Sapporo, Lucas."

"His name sounds… foreign."

"Yeah. His family is from Europe, Southern Italy to be exact. He's the only foreigner in the Sumeragi organization that managed to rise up to the rank of a Kanbu officer."

"An Italian, huh?"

As I thought about that, I suddenly had the image of pasta and pizza on my mind. Cut me some slack though, I'm quite hungry already.

"Boss Lucas is a guy who looks tough on the outside but is actually kind once you know him. I have a advice for you though, Rai-kun, since you're meeting him for the first time."

"What is it?"

"Make a good first impression. That guy will warm up easily to anyone who knows how to act properly around him."

"Huh… I think I can pull that off."

After a few minutes of waiting at the plain area beside the empty highway, the screech of two cars sounded that our allies are here to pick us up.

"They're here."

"Argh… Finally, my back was aching already."

"Is your age catching up to you then, Old man?"

"Shut up, Lucas."

From one of the cars, a young adult man came out and exchanged light insults with Furuta-sensei before exchanging handshakes with him.

"Yo, Lucas-san! Long time no see, huh?"

"Hoho! It does, Kai-kun. Wow, did you get taller?"

"Hehe! I've been sleeping soundly these past few weeks, must be that if you noticed it!"

He had a light chestnut colored hair and eyes and was quite taller than us. On his hip is a longsword and over his Sumeragi uniform suit, he wears a black cloak that has a symbol that is familiar to me.

"The Sovereign Military Order of Malta?"

"Huh? Oh… I didn't expect someone to recognize my cloak's coat of arms."

"I've seen them back in my homeland. Been given some help by them too through their charity programs."

"Really? Where are you from, young man?"

After being asked that, I wanted to answer, but I decided to just present myself instead.

"I'm sorry, I would like to keep that to myself… My name is Ephraim Seliah Chronia, sir. From the S.S.S command of Old Tokyo."

"…I see. I understand if you have some reason to keep that a secret. Well, you look like a good and dependable lad, Ephraim. You have a nice name too."

"Thank you, sir…?"

"Ah! Where are my manners? My name is Lucas Alfonse B. Tetian. As you have deduced, I am a member of the Knights of Malta while also being the Kanbu officer for the Sumeragi organization's Sapporo estate."

He seems to be robust and responsible while still being approachable and understanding of those around him. Just like his Knightly title, he seems to have the appropriate demeanor too.

"Can we go now? It's starting to get cold here…"

"Oh, come on in then. We still have time to prepare for the ambush."


And his innate powers… even without focusing my Astra energy to my eyes, he is already emanating so much Astra energy that I undoubtedly know that this guy is really strong.

"So, any update regarding our enemy?"

"They are passing through the expressway leading to Morioka. I've already sent scouts ahead to constantly check their location. The last report to me detailed that they are heading out to an exit to link up with more of their men who also has to evacuate from northern Honshu."

"I see… then that means we are in the right track to intercept them?"

"Yes. They'll run right into our trap, Renjiro. Don't be so worried about everything."

"The last time I heard that from you, both of us almost died…"


After Furuta-sensei said those words, the kind smile on Lucas's face disappeared into a thin frown.

"I met him in Fukushima, you know… He almost killed me again."

"Is he…"

"Stronger? Definitely. Whatever the Miyazonos are doing to him, his monstrous strength is only increasing day by day…"

"I see… that bastard has begun to act again… I should've cut his head back then."

Furuta-sensei and Sir Lucas seem to be talking about that Gardener we met in Fukushima. Seems like they did have a bitter history with one another.

"The S.S.S Commander in Motomiya said that he cannot assure that he is with the convoy that we will be attacking. Still, he said that it would be better since none of us are in good enough shape to finish him."

"Are you kidding me, Renjiro? Are you forgetting who you are talking to?"

"…I didn't want to rile you up if you are not yet ready."

"Knights don't treat their oaths lightly, Renjiro. You should understand that no one is more able to take him on other than me."

"That's only because you have the sworn duty to kill him. Kirin-san or even Akari-san can easily handle him, but because of the nature of his power-"

"Exactly… As ironic as it may sound, the one who wields light is the one who fights for the wrong, and the one who only borrows from that light has committed himself to stop him…"


"Sometimes, it is those who are only half-hearted in their job that end up understanding their inadequacies and asking for more responsibilities to become stronger… And those who are born with great power end up relinquishing any inner conscience to let themselves be drunk with power and pleasure."

"Lucas… what happened to Kaede is-"

"Shut up, Renjiro."


The atmosphere in the car suddenly became heavy as Sir Lucas cut him off and looked at him at the eye using the rear-view mirror.

"Until I have done what I should do, I will keep on going after him and care later for the consequences that may come… After all, what are my words worth if I cannot prove it with appropriate action?"

"If that's how you want to do it… then it is all up to you."

We arrived at a certain point in Morioka's southern highway where the Miyazono convoy will be passing by about half an hour later.


"Sir Tet! We have secured the perimeter and armed the mines! We are prepared to rain lead on them as soon as they come."

"Good. Hide our vehicles at the shrubbery and arm yourselves! Our opponents will surely be of Psychic nature. Assemble to your formations and wait for their arrival!"

"Yes, sir!"

The area for the ambush was just far enough from the city to make it inconspicuous enough to not be easily detected. The trees and shrubs on the roadside provides us with visual cover and with the whole street armed with bombs, we have the element of shock and awe on our side.

"Scout team four, what is their location?"

"They just passed through us, sir. They have about fourteen vehicles, four of which are armored vans. We think they will be in the area after ten minutes."

"Alright. We can handle it."

Sir Lucas oversaw the final touches of the ambush preparation and here, I found a good opportunity to ask him some questions.

"I only know about the Knights of Malta from rumors and their few charity pamphlets. Can I ask what an Italian knight is doing in Japan?"

"Hehe… No need to sound too stiff, lad. I might be a knight, but I make sure not to speak like I belong to their era. Well… as for your question, I think you can say that this is where my Crusade brought me."


"That's just how I call it… my "journey to find one's noble purpose.", or something like that."

"How so?"

"I won't bore you with the specifics, but the gist of my life is that I was born in Sicily as the sixth in a family of seven children. Three of my elder siblings died during the later stages of the war, the fourth child who is my only elder sister flew to the US in search of a better life and us remaining three children were taken by the Knight's Order after we became orphaned."

"Three… an elder and younger sibling, then?"

"Yep. An elder brother named William and a younger sister named Priscilla who stayed in Malta as a nun."

"Did you and your elder brother became Knights?"

"Well… he was more interested in the public-face of the order, and instead of taking vows of either becoming a lay minister or a knight, he became a diplomat for the order and suddenly disappeared after coming to Japan."

I became interested with his story and decided to ask about more.

"Why did he suddenly cut communications after coming here?"

"Because he entered a Mafia. An organization that even though abolished its criminal activities long ago, has still a bad reputation that the Order didn't want to get into."

"Can I assume that this Mafia is… the Sumeragi Syndicate?"

"Yes. The one and only."

I began to connect the dots and finally, asked him a question.

"So, this William that entered the Sumeragi Syndicate and the Will that we fought in Fukushima… are they one and the same?"


Before we can continue though, the sound of vehicles approaching our location rang out and I was forced to curb my curiosity for now in order to prepare for battle.

"Uriel (Flame of Heavens)! Heed my call! "

*Vrrrrrr!!!! Vrrrrr!!!*


I was astonished as Sir Lucas took out his Augmenter weapon. A longsword that began to glow with a faint white glow as a nearby Sumeragi Psychic casted a skill while holding several wires in his closed fists.



"Don't overexert yourself. You're not yet in proper shape."

"Yes, sensei. I'll keep that in mind."

And so, as the electricity coursed into the wires attached to the road bombs, our attack started.

"O holy light of the moonlit heaven, guide my blade as I serve justice upon this land…"


"You better close your eyes, Ephraim."


"Lucas's power is one of definite destruction."

That night, I understood why this man was called The Lunar Tear.