Prologue: Terminate the Exterminators.

"CEO Miyazono Himari of Miyazono Corporation… I believe that you have given an oath in front of this council that you will answer as you are asked."

"I believe that such a thing has not been-"

"Technician, please rewind our footage to the start of the trial."

"Y-yes, sir!"

In the Japanese Senate building in New Tokyo city, a council hearing is being held between a group of government officers and ministers and a group of spokesmen and legal counselors of the Miyazono corporation.

["I pledge to speak in accordance to any question being asked by the council in this meeting-"]

"Alright, that's enough."

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, CEO Miyazono…"


"…out with it."

In the lead speaker's seat was the current owner and chief of operations of the Miyazono corporation named Miyazono Himari. She is currently being forced to answer the questions being given by the councilmen.

"Well then, to your question regarding our alleged involvement in the Fukushima city insurrection…"


"I answer that we are not involved with it in any possible way."


As she gave that answer, reporters and journalists inside the government building started to snap up pictures or restart their video recorders to capture the historic moment.

"The weapons found in the possession of the rebels, the drugs found in their laboratories, the equipment found in the same places and even the confessions given by your captured insurgents…"


"All of them are not connected to our company."

"You cur!"

"Hey! Security, stop him!"

Suddenly, someone from the audience stood up to charge towards the female company owner, pushing his way through several security men and was an arm's length away from her before he was stopped.


"W-what?! Ahhh!"

"Stay down."

A man caught his fist and before he even noticed it, kicked his knees to make him fall down to the floor and pin him down.

"Ahem… Miss Miyazono."

"You have to pardon William, councilman. He's simply concerned with my group's safety."


"Come on, William. Hand him over to the guards."

"…Yes, Lady Himari."

After that scene where the man who charged towards her was taken away, the council members all looked at her with displeased expressions on their faces.


"CEO Himari… let me be blunt."

"Go on, councilman."

"Do you really think that you can just deny these solid and unquestionable pile of evidence that we have gathered against the Miyazono Corporation?"


"Sales invoices of man-portable air defense weapons, delivery orders for narcotic drugs with the street name of "Sorcerer Stone", confiscated equipment with the Miyazono corporation's hallmarks and the sworn confessions of the arrested rebels."


"We believe that lying about your company's involvement is already beyond your possible actions."

"And who are you to decide that, councilman?"


"Proof? Evidence? What are those? Where are they?"

As soon as she said those words, the members of the council sensed that something was not normal in the meeting chamber.

"Our involvement is clear? How can you prove it?"

"W-Wait-! You can't be-!"

"What can I not be, councilman?"

As her sharp gaze pierced the courage of the council members, she stood up and turned around to face the reporters who are keeping note of all of these things.

"Ladies and gentlemen… nothing happened here other than another failed attempt by our weak and incompetent government to pin the failure of another one of their conspiracies to my company."


"W-Wait! Why are you all listening to her?!"

"They have failed to quell the instability of Fukushima city's residents who simply wanted to receive the same government support and funding as the cities surrounding it."

"Lady Miyazono! We demand your silence!"

The reporters all pointed their cameras to the young woman as she spoke while the councilmen demanded her silence immediately.

"However, due to Fukushima's past as a belligerent city in the past World War after a number of its citizens did not heed the military draft, this support was purposefully withheld as a reminder and shaming for its inhabitants, thus, gaining their ire and recently, sparking a rebellion against the government."

"Lady Miyazono! This is your last warning, please silence yourself from this slander!"

"This is the true and undisputable truth, people. My company was set-up by the government to be their sacrificial scapegoat as a way to clean their hands from the mess they have made. This is my statement regarding these events… thank you for your time."

As she took her belongings and signaled to her group that they will be leaving, the still enraged councilmen shouted towards her a warning.

"Lady Miyazono! We are still in session! Return to your seat!"

"I and my team will be leaving this meeting, councilman. We have had enough of this farce and slander!"

"And on whose authority did you think that you can leave this chamber?!"

"On my authority!!!"

Her reply that she shouted out echoed in the room, leaving everyone frozen in place as they saw a composed rage on her face.


"We will not accept this insult to our revered company's name. We will keep with our statement that none of this is our fault and do what you incompetent curs in the government can't do."

"Lady Miyazono…"


Before she left the chamber, one of the councilmen who was silent up to this point spoke up and called to her.

"Make sure not to let the rats of your so-called revered company to roam around this country anymore…"


"I assure you, we have brought our exterminators… and they are very competent in catching these mice you let out."

"…I will keep that in mind, Vice-minister Fujikawa."

Though there is a cease-fire right now between these two forces, both side thoroughly believes that such peace is just a lull to prepare for the true battles ahead of them.

"Lady Himari… what are your orders?"

"…Well then, William."

And this time, the master of the Miyazono corporation will be initiating it herself.

"Catch those so-called "exterminators" he mentioned…"

Truly, the horror of this supernatural war is yet to be unleashed to both its willing and unwilling participants.

"…and kill them before they harm our next plans."