Memories in Blood

"How… how did you know Lady Cecilia's story…?"


"Answer me, Law! How can you know a story that isn't even spoken in any living language?!"

"Because I was there when she wrote it."


"I was there when Cecilia and her sisters visited this world and pledged to me during my day of great ruin."

"How… what do you mean?"

"…Not yet."

"Not yet? Stop messing with me! Ack!"

I reached out to touch him and force him to explain to me what was really happening, but he placed an invisible barrier between us that repelled me away from him.

"…You took that position. You have made that promise."


"You are the Divine Challenger. A position not given to anyone else in this world but you. As the one who possessed you and brought you to that decision, you can hate me all you want for withholding my words."

"Divine Challenger… I know that I took whatever that was back then, but what does it really mean?!"

"…Look around us, Ephraim. Look at this memory hidden in your blood."

I did as he said and as I have already noticed and stated before, it was nothing more but an apocalyptic scene in an urban area. Ruined and burning buildings dot the place, cars are destroyed or simply burned down at the streets and there are no people around the place.

"Whenever humanity desires to go beyond what they are supposed to do. They are cursed by the seals that are placed on those limits."


"When they desireth to no longer hunger, the crops they sown and reaped did fill their bellies full. But as they later learned, those self-same crops ceased to give them what the true product of their sweat and labor giveth."

He pointed at a slightly destroyed grocery store and a poster outside of it that showed a cob of corn. Beside of it however are words written using graffiti paint saying: "can no longer satiate me".

"When they desireth to no longer feel pain, the pills they took erased any sadness and hurt, filling them with bliss and enjoyment. But as their desire to forever be free from such negativity grew more and more… so did their dependency to that pill that later on, enslaved them."

He pointed at a billboard atop a building that has a blue pill. Though I don't understand the language it is written with, the illustrations showed a man and woman smiling so brightly as if they are innocent against sadness.

"When they desireth to no longer cease to exist, the knowledge of their brightest men brought them just that… but soon, they paid for their immortality. Illnesses that bind themselves on their now undying flesh cannot be cured and blighted them. Thoughts that can be eased by one's departure from life plagued them constantly. Those who once clung so tightly to life only desired to leave such a life afterwards…"

He pointed at a television shop that shows a commercial about an implant surgery regarding near immortality that I understood through its images and animations.

"But worst of all… when they desireth to overturn that which has kept the order of the world and held the secret that they so desired, the first and last thing they did was to rid themselves of all that limited them. Yet in the end, that very thing ruined this world and forced that which kept the order of this world to shatter it into innumerable pieces."

"Law… I don't understand any of this."

"I didn't intend for you to do so."


"I… am simply speaking the words given to me long ago. I wanted to see if your blood will remember more than what it is currently showing to you."

"Then this world…"

"As I said earlier… the Original World."


Finally, I realized what he was trying to say and what this place really is.

"This is the place where your ancestors once trod… where they saw the worsts parts of humanity… where they tried to stop such destruction and failed… and in their desire to not let all of this to just be known as a failure, desired to find a way to redeem all of life."

"Law… are you talking about the incomplete end of–"

"This is the incomplete end of that story… all of this that you are seeing is both the past and probable future."


"Look closely, young man… Doesn't this place remind you of a certain place you know?"

I did as Law said and looked again at the place around us, but this time, I searched for specific things and slowly, understood what was truly happening here.

"This is…"

"Yes, this is a well-known city that your world has as well…"

"B-but… If you're saying that this might be the future, what is the point of me being that Divine whatever?! Why do you make it sound like it is so important?!"

"Because it is. The title and responsibility of the Divine Challenger is what will decide the future of your world."

He extended his hand to touch my shoulder and spoke to me before everything went dark completely.

"If before, this world simply gave you an idea of the madness it is preparing ahead, once you leave this vision, everything will be poured out towards you with no cessation at all."


"I will help you as I must. But I will also tell you this ahead of the time when I know that you can do something against the predicament ahead of you. You are not a hero. You are not villain. You are not someone who will be praised for doing what is right for this world no longer desires it anymore… You will just be the judge and jury of this world. And even if you fail, none of this should weigh on your mind."


"Humanity shall one day wish to overturn the very things that kept them alive, yet they see now as their limitations… At that very moment, you will speak as Cecilia did back then."

After he said those words, everything went dark and I lost all of my senses.


For a several moments, flashes of light attacked my eyes as if someone rapidly snapped flashes right in front of me. And once my senses came back what reached me first was a voice caught by my ear, rather than an image from my eyes.

"Rai-nii… Rai-nii!"

"Uhhh… Yu… Yukari?"

"Mm! It's me, Rai-nii! Come on! Wakey-wakey!"

"Oh… I see…"


While still being half-asleep, I reached out to Yukari's face and pinched her cheek lightly which caused her to look a bit confused.

"Are you hungry?"

"Mm! Very hungry!"

"Alright. Just let Rai-nii to stretch a bit and let's make some breakfast."

"Really?! Together?"

"Yup. Together."

"Yaay! I'm gonna wash my hands right now!"

As Yukari left the living room to wash her hands at the kitchen, I stood up from the couch where I sleep and touched my shoulders at the same place where Law held them earlier.

"What did Lady Cecilia say back then…?"

I asked that to myself, wishing to know what Law really meant back then when he told me those words earlier.

"No… I cannot stay down like this. I need to find it myself."

And so, I decided what I should do today is not to return to Kirin-sensei wondering about how to get stronger, but to get nearer to the truth that I have long disregarded to find before.

"Kids… I will be away for a while today while you three are at school and daycare."


While I was waiting for them to finish their breakfast after I was done with mine, I told my children that I will be away today during their school day.

"Rai-nii has to find something. I just remembered it now and I don't want to not do anything today again while I'm here."

"Will Rai-san… be away for a long time again?"


"I understand that you are busy with work, Rai-san… but…"

"Hehe… Don't feel so down, Mio. Unlike last month, I'm not going anywhere far this time. I'll be there once you guys are dismissed from school."


Seeing that Mio seems to not be worried about me not being able to go home with them alone, I stood up slowly and walked around the table to kneel beside her and embrace her lightly.


"Don't worry. I won't go anywhere too dangerous, Mio. I'll be there to bring you three home and cook you a tasty dinner."


"I promise that."


"Yes. Definitely."

"…Okay. I understand."

Although I can still sense some unease on Mio's expression and tone, I nevertheless made sure to reassure her as much as possible that I am there for them and won't do anything reckless that would harm me.

"How about you, Yukari? Want a hug too?"

"Mm! I like Rai-nii's huggies!"

"Oh, really? Come here, you tart!"


After that morning dose of sweetness from my daughters, I sent them to wash up before we go ahead to their school. After a while, they went outside the house where I and Rea are waiting by my motorcycle and after securing them and making them wear their helmets, we proceeded to go to the temporary school building that the S.S.S lent to them under my own request to Yurippe.

"See you guys later!"

"Mm! See you later, Rai-nii!!!"

I saw them off by the gate of the building that looked like a company office complex. Yurippe said that it used to be their office while the subway bunkers are yet to be cleared and converted, so I was aware that it is secure enough with scanners and its own security team courtesy of the S.S.S.

"Now then… to inform Kirin-sensei."

I drove towards Kabuki-cho where the Old Tokyo estate of the Sumeragi syndicate is located and where Kirin-sensei currently lives because of her duties.

"You say that you're going to find your own way to break your limits?"

"Yes… I don't mean any disrespect while saying this, Kirin-sensei. But I don't think I can improve with your instructions alone…"


"I want to properly know what it is that is holding me back… and I don't think I can easily find it by staying under you and continuing only our usual exercises."

Inside her dojo, I spoke in front of Kirin-sensei who was sitting down with a neutral expression on her face.

"I see…. Understood."


"I said that I understand what you are trying to say. I did sense it yesterday when we spared. Although I know you a lot since you are my student, even I have to admit that we are like oil and water in many ways."

"What does that mean… sensei?"

"It means that I really can't do anything when it comes to making the breakthrough of finding what would make you strong. As you said just now, you want to personally find it yourself."

Using her electrokinetic powers, she attracted a case from one side of the dojo's wall, and it slid across the floor cleanly before she stopped it with her hand.

"Take this while you are away."

"This is… what is this, sensei?"

"A prototype of your Augmenter weapon."


I looked inside the case that Kirin-sensei presented to me and saw a pair of gloves with metal plates on the back of the hand. It would've looked like a driver's silk gloves except for the part that has a metal plate.

"Your real Augmenter weapon is still under creation, and this is a prototype that I wanted you to test out today during our practice in order to give our technicians some notes to improve the final product."

"This is… quite some weight."

I wore the gloves and felt the soft and stretchy texture of the silk cloth. I also felt some weight due to the metal plate. I can liken it to the oven mittens I used to wear at work back in Ars Classica. Those had metal wires in them as protection from sharp items like baking trays and the corner of the gas oven door.

"Kid… No, Ephraim-kun."

"Yes, sensei?"

"Come here."


Kirin-sensei opened her arms, seemingly inviting me to a hug before I leave. I took it and for several moments, she hugged me tightly and patted my back lightly.

"Take care out there, Ephraim."

"I will, sensei. Do not worry too much."

"I don't… More than anyone else, I know how cautious of a person you are."


"But still, I want you to look after your own self. Not just for your sake but for us and your children."

"I will do just that, sensei. Thank you for looking out for me."

After receiving a gift and the well-wishes of Kirin-sensei, I went to Shibuya bunker to report to Yurippe about something that needed her express and full permission.

"You want to ask me to give you a gate pass for the western isolation gate?"

"Yes, Yurippe."

"Alright, Rai-kun. Tell me why now and for what purpose?"

"I want to go to Mt. Fuji and investigate this case I found in our archives."

I took out a folder from my case that was stained with a circular coffee mug stain and has papers that looked yellowish. She just looked at its title on the front and instantly knew why I wanted to take it.

"…I can see why you would be interested in this. How did you find it though?"

"While under the isolation order in Motomiya bunker, I found it amongst our digital archive and found out that the S.S.S has requested a copy of these files from Old Tokyo Police department."


"And I believe that as his best friend, I now have to power and authority to investigate it…"

"Fine. I understand your point."

Yurippe gave me back the folder and took a sip from her teacup before replying to me.

"I'll write up a letter and send it as an urgent request to the Isolation Bureau. You can pass through the western gate by presenting your agency ID and the approved letter of request."

"And this letter is…"

"I'll have Yusa send it to you before lunchtime. For now, go to the armory and supply storage and ask them for the items you need. This is a solo mission after all. You need to prepare for anything."

"Mm! Understood, Yurippe!"

"Alright. Leave now, I have to talk to the minister about the court hearing in New Tokyo."

As soon as I closed the door to her office, the windows and the door was locked shut and covered by blinds. The noise makers on the ceiling also activated to dampen any voice that comes from the surroundings.

"Now… to get the stuff I need."

I took the trolley car to the armory office. To my surprise though, I saw a familiar face sitting on one of the trolley car's seats.


"That's Vice-director Hinata for you, kid."


"Come on. Take a seat and relax until you get to the armory."

Hinata-san, the vice-director of the S.S.S and has the job of the auxiliary and supply operations officer, hit me lightly on the back before telling me to sit down at the seat across of him.

"Are you heading out?"

"Yes. I just came from Yurippe's office."

"Is that so…? Unofficial mission?"


"It means you're heading out but not on the S.S.S's orders."

"Well… yes. But how did you know, sir?"

"Haha! As the supply department's head, I would know who is heading for an official task because they have the letter of specific operational items on them. Seeing you holding nothing means you're going to the armory to ask for items that you yourself would request."

"Ah! I see… experts really know their procedures."

"Of course, we do. I might be treated by Yuri as a goofball, but she won't be so successful without me beside her, you know?"

As Hinata-san said those words, I remembered a question that was on my mind after I saw more of their personal interactions.

"Just a curious question, Hinata-san…"


"Does you and Yurippe have… some kind of relationship before?"


"I mean, you two look so close and you sometimes sound like an old couple."


"Pardon me if I am making a mistake, but it just really made me curious."

Hinata-san was silent for a moment which made me nervous as well. However, he sighed shortly and gave me a smile.

"If I'm going to be honest, there do was a time when my eye got caught by Yuri… She's a beautiful and strong-willed person after all. Most men would surely fall for a girl that has a wonderful physique and resolute spirit and personality. And although it is hidden by her uniform and agency officer coat, she actually has an ample chest and thin waist under all of those clothes… Don't ask me how I know that."


"But my heart fell for and has only been owned by one girl… someone that Yuri and another guy was instrumental for on joining our hearts. Her name is Yui and she is my wife."

Hinata-san opened his phone and showed me a picture of a woman with pink hair and a joyful smile. But one thing that stood out to me the most is something else.


"She's a paralytic. A car hit her back when she was young, and she became paralyzed on her lower half."

"Yes… I noticed it with her patient gown and wheelchair. As someone who studied medicine, I know that people wearing that attire usually wears them because they can be easily taken off during a sponge bath."

"Exactly. See this woman here? She's my mother-in-law who also moved in with us after we got married. Half of the reason is because Yui asked me that she didn't want her mother to feel empty after being relieved of the duty of taking care of her and the other half of the reason is because she's aware of my job…"


"Whenever I think back on it, I feel like I am worsening my wife's condition by worrying her like this…"


Hinata-san looked out of the trolley and stared off at the wall of the tunnel, seemingly wanting to hide an anguished expression on his face.

"But as you know, this is my sworn duty… I am an essential officer of this agency which I co-founded with Yuri. I am now more than neck-deep into this thing involving supernatural monsters, tyrannical dystopian companies and superhumans that bends the very materials of this world."


He sighed and looked back at me with a neutral expression.

"Although unlike you, I am not yet a father, as a family man yourself, you should understand what I am about to say."

"What is it?"

"As the guy in the family… it's really all up to us in the end to lead, nurture and protect them."


"You know, things may have changed greatly from the past and right now in our present… but just like before, we as men have to stand up and be the pillars of our families. Strong, resolute and dependable pillars that they can love and look up to as prime examples of those values."

While he is saying all of those things, I found myself looking at the lock screen wallpaper of my phone to see the picture I took earlier while my three children are eating their breakfast.

"I love my wife… I love her so much that it hurts to know that she is always worried about me. But it is exactly because I love her and want to protect her that I need to keep on with this job that protects not only her but everybody else."


"Ain't that a good reason for everybody else to do their best?"

As Hinata-san gave that question, the trolley car's small bell pinged and stopped at the platform of the supply department's storage area.

"Seems like it's time for me to continue work…"

"Take care and do a good job, Hinata-san."

"Mm! Thanks for your well-wishes, kid."

After Hinata-san left the cab and entered to the department's area, I was left alone on the cab to think deeply about what Hinata-san left as a question.

"A good reason, huh?"

I pressed the power button of my phone again to see the picture of Mio, Yukari and Rea, reminding me of those three that I care for more than anyone else in this world.

"Yeah… they're more than a good reason."

After a while, I arrived at the armory department's station and after entering the interior room, was shouted at by someone.

"Get the hell away from the line, brat!"


"Didn't you read the safety manual?! Don't step on the orange line when its restocking day!"


A forklift vehicle driver shouted as he passed by. He was transporting a large crate that has Russian letters on them, showing the source of the cargo.

"Oh! I haven't seen you in a while, Rai-kun."


"Just let go of the salutations. We're just in the warehouse. No need to act so formal here."

"I-I see…"

This is Chaa-san. The armory officer of the S.S.S who is responsible for both the internal production and outsourcing of our weaponries. He looks older than he actually is which are usually seen through his grizzly beard and bulging muscles.

"I just received the message from Yusa. Follow me to my office… So, you're here to look for supplies and weapons?"

"Yes. I am planning to go to Aokigahara where my investigation starts."

"I see. Any specific tools you may need on that?"

"My initial list are a pair of goggles with FLIR, Infrared and night-vision settings, a metal detector, olfactory scanner for human items and a reusable defibrillator kit."

"I see… that's a simple list of essentials but given you're going to that site, I guess I'll throw in some more items you may end up needing there."

"Thanks a bunch, Chaa-san."

When we arrived at his office, he handed a list that he's been writing while we are walking around and gave it to a guy who ran off to gather them.

"Alright then. Let's talk weapons and armor. Any specific stuff you want?"

"I'll be cautious enough and assume a firefight there… An AK-12, Vityaz SMG and a couple of concussion and explosive grenades would be optimal for me on the go when it comes to weapons."

"Going Russian this time after you saw that ammo shipment, huh? Alright, what's for ballistic armor?"

"Hmm… Carbon fiber-Kevlar mesh. I think micro-rifle grade is enough."

"Okay… worn over or under-"

"Uniform lining."



"Are you sure about placing a carbon fiber and kevlar armor mesh inside your uniform? I know you heard Motomiya branch's agents using it, but I can assure you that it isn't as good as you think-"

"I just wanna try it, Chaa-san."



"Haah… Dang it, alright."


After a moment of thinking deeply, Chaa-san sighed and wrote my request to have my body armor sewn inside a new set of my agent uniform.

"We already have a size fitting for you. Just bring this to the supply technician outside and go ahead to the range to get a feeling with your weapons."

"Mm! Thanks a lot, Chaa-san."

"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead already."

I gave the piece of paper to the technician in the designated area and after wearing the new uniform that felt a bit heavier, I went to the gun range to receive my requested firearms.

"AK-12 and the Vityaz SMG. Both are imports from the Siberian Union. Best of surviving eastern designs."

"About that, how did we get there through the border and why is restocking day done today?"

"Chaa-san personally went to the border to receive the order we requested to the Russians a year ago. It's a secret from the public, but we actually expect to temporarily transition to more affordable armaments soon because of the interrupted supply chain with the Pacific states of America."

"Huh? I haven't heard of that before."

"Well, it's fairly recent. I think it has something to do with the captured weapons in Fukushima city that the Miyazono corporation sourced from America and gave to the rebels. The government ceased all imports which also affected us here."

"I see… Well, it's not like it will be a full change, right?"

"I sure hope so, man. Another thing, I heard Agent Fujikawa hitched a ride with Chaa-san when he left for Hokkaido. You're teammates, right? Why did the young lady go to Hokkaido?"

"Ah. I can't say too much, but it's for training. I and Mana-chan need to improve on some aspects, you see."

"Oh! Thanks for clarifying man! Good luck on your mission!"

After I have taken all of the items I need, I headed back to the main office station and by the elevator to the motor pool, I saw Yusa-san with her usual plain expression.


"At ease, Operative Chronia."

I lowered my salute and she extended to me a letter in a sealed envelope. This should be the approved letter of request.

"Thanks a lot, Yusa-san. Please say that to Yurippe too."

"I'll go tell her about it in her free time. She's still on a meeting with the ministers and she even called Hinata in after his finished with his duties. From the few times I entered to serve them tea, it seems like it's a headache given the words of the politicians."

"For them or for us?"

"I think it is both."

"Ooooh… that's a pickle."

"Yep. That's why we're considering about requesting for Mana to cut her training short and recall your team together… but don't worry, that's just a consideration for now."

"I see… Well then, Operator Yusa."

"Mm! Take care and do your best, Rai-kun."

I raised one last salute to her before entering the elevator and going to the motor pool to place my items on my storage locker where I will be taking them later in the evening.

Before all of this will start, I have to secure those three first and foremost.