Answers from the Abyss

After tending to my children's dinner, making them take their evening bath and tucking them on their beds, I told Mio and Yukari about what they should do tomorrow.

"I've already prepared your breakfast for tomorrow, so you just need to put it in the microwave oven. Mio, can I depend on you for that?"

"Mm! I will do my best, Rai-san!"

"Alright. And for you, Yukari. I already separated the whites from the colored clothes earlier. I want you to help out with doing the laundry since you are the one who always have a lot of dirty clothes there."

"Muu! I am trying to keep 'em clean but I can't help if it's an accident!"

"Alright, alright. I get it already, sweetie. Just do what I taught you before and the washing machine will do the rest of it. Your Mio-nee will watch over you and listen to her if you don't want to make a mess."


Seeing that they have understood their chores for tomorrow, I opened my arms to receive them into an embrace.

"I love you, Mio… Yukari. Thank you for helping me out in everything."

"Mm, mm! Yukari loves Rai-nii, too!"

"We should be the ones thanking you, Rai-san… for everything."

Having hugged them for one last time before I leave for my investigation mission, it eased my heart and mind and let me focus for the task before me.

"Well then, see you tomorrow by dinner, alright?"

"Mm! Stay safe, Rai-san!"

"We will wait for you, Rai-nii!"


I stood up from their bed while the three of them gave me a gentle goodbye before they all went to sleep. But for me…

"Fuuu… Now then…"

…there would be no sleep tonight.

"Agent Chronia… Your items."

"Thank you. Are you the mechanic that will attach the external utility box?"

"Yes. Please adjust the optics of your guns while I am installing it. This wouldn't take too long."


While the motor pool mechanic was attaching the storage box to my motorcycle, I took my guns and adjusted their scopes and sights into the right magnifications and also tested the visual equipment if it works for the settings I asked for.

"I'm finished, Agent. I have also loaded the items you left on your locker."

"Thank you… I just noticed something here."


"Why is the main convoy group's vehicles not here? Is Director Nakamura out?"

"Yes… She and some higher officers was requested by the Prime Minister to go to New Tokyo for an emergency meeting."

"Emergency meeting, huh? Sounds like crap hit the fan."

"It does… even us in the auxiliary department are getting caught up in it. Imagine being told that the main convoy will leave in half an hour and our team has to make sure all the vehicles are ready before they get here…"

"Huh… then those guys are…"

I spoke while looking at the men with pale blue uniforms laying down in front of the motor pool's shed house. Those are the mechanics here who must've been drained with that task earlier.

"Yeah. We got the short end of the stick today… but it feels good knowing that we're helping out in the S.S.S's work."

"You guys do help out more than some may credit you with. Well then…"

"Sure thing, Agent. Godspeed and may you be successful in your mission."


I rode my motorcycle and drove out of the bunker's underground parking space to head to the western gate of Old Tokyo where the isolation gates leading to the road to Mt. Fuji is located.

"Halt! Turn around at once!"

"I'm a government agent. I have my identifications!"

The western gate of Old Tokyo Containment zone number 8. One of the most heavily defended gates of the city with about 300 guards armed with top-of-the-line weaponry and even some automated gun turrets that can shoot both people and vehicles that may try to pass the containment area.

"I'm their team leader. Show it to me."



Unlike Containment zone number 3 in Kabuki-cho where those infected by the MB2 virus are being isolated away from the healthy populace, Containment zone number 8 is where the last living infected individuals carrying the highly lethal MB1 respiratory virus is being kept.

"Do you have a biological-grade mask, sir?"

"I have some. Let me wear one right now."

"…S.S.S, huh? I heard about your agency before. Can't believe one would go through our area, though."

"It's mostly due to our operation areas. We already have an office in Old Osaka, so it's rare for us in Old Tokyo to need to head west."

If the MB2 virus was known as "Gabriel's Trumpet" because of the ills and permanent disfigurements of the infected that almost made it look like it's the beginning of the Apocalypse, the MB1 virus was known as the "Python" because of how the virus basically fills the lungs with fluids to the point that it feels like you are being coiled around and suffocated by a snake.

"Am I cleared?"

"…Yes, sir. You are cleared. Just keep your mask on your face until you get past through the other side where our men will fumigate you with antiseptics. As you know, this zone became the isolation and containment area for those who didn't die quickly from the illness. We can't let that pesky plague to leave this area again."

I took my Agency ID and the letter of request from him and placed it all in my suit pocket before securing my mask on and driving into the gateway opened for me.


"Help… please help me…"

"Please don't leave… don't leave us here…!"


Though I feel bad for all of them unlike those infected by the MB2 virus, I cannot do anything but to continue driving past them as they keep on calling out to me for help.

"Please… s-s-sir…!"

"Help us… please… p-p-please help us… s-s-s-sir…!"


But just like how the guards said and what I know through my own studies, I cannot entertain their desperate requests at all because of how deadly the disease they are carrying is.

"Get back! Get the hell back!"

"Sir! Pull your gas and burst through the crowd!"

At the other gate leading out of the city walls, a group of guards are pushing the infected individuals away using their riot shields and after spotting my motorcycle's headlight, shouted towards me using their megaphone.

"Alrighty! Get out of my way!"



Although I tried my best to not hit them, some still ended up being swept off their feet or hit by the blast of wind as I drove past them at high speed.

"Open formation! Open formation!"

"""Yes, sir!"""

"I'm in!"

"Close it! Close formation and push them back!"

"""Yes, sir!!!"""

From my side mirror, I looked at the guards who began to march forward and shove the infected individuals back, making them turn away from the gate where they expected to be allowed out of the zone.

"Fuuu… That was quite something."

"Something indeed, agent…"

"Are you this gate's team leader?"

"Yes. I take that my counterpart in the interior gate have informed you about me?"

"He did. Here's my documents and identification while I am being fumigated."

I handed my documents to him while some men wearing hazmat suits sprayed my entire body using a diluted alcohol solution. A standard procedure after leaving a containment zone for the MB1 virus.

"I see. A letter from the ministry itself… this must be pretty important, huh?"

"Sorry. That's confidential."

"Of course… of course, it is."

The elderly man replied with a slight laugh between his words, seeming to have heard my refusal to give further information before from others.

"You're cleared, sir. Your vehicle as well."

"Mm. Thanks a bunch."

I took my documents back and rode my motorcycle as they opened the gate leading to the outskirts of the city.

"Whatever your mission is, we wish your success and safety."

"I appreciate that. Well then, I'll be leaving."

As soon as I exited the gate, I heard some shouts from inside and before it became inaudible due to the strong wind and the sound of my motorcycle engine, the whirring of the gun turrets that proceeded to fire inside the city.

"…Damn psychopaths."

I muttered those words beneath my breath, knowing full well what was happening inside of that place because of the bloodstains and dead bodies that I saw while driving around.

"To think that the Bureau of Biological Isolation is doing this to keep their budget afloat by stating repeated skirmishes with the infected… damn it."

It was pretty obvious to me. The almost theatrical action of forming that riot formation against only a handful infected and how they smiled at me to make it seem like everything is well in there… I know what is happening but I have to forget it for now.

"No… there's something more personally important right now. I gotta keep everything in their place."

It took about an hour before I arrived at Narusawa where I was greeted by partially inhabited houses of the sparse locals outside the major cities.

"Good evening, officer."

"W-Wah! Ah! G-G-Good evening, sir!"


"A-Ah! I-I-I wasn't sleeping, sir!"


When I came close to a police outpost and greeted the lone officer on duty, he suddenly jumped up and raised a salute without even checking if I was an officer myself.

"A-At ease… I'm not a policeman, see?"

"H-huh? Oh, darn…"

"Let's just forget that, alright? I'm from Old Tokyo and I'm here on a task to Aokigahara."


I showed him my ID and the letter from Yurippe in case I meet someone who doesn't know about the S.S.S. He looked at it for a moment and after I took it back, replied to me.

"Are you sure about entering the forest during night?"

"I need to do it in darkness. Strict orders."

"Alright then… let me just… look for the ledger book."


"Here! Found it!"

He took out a record book whose paper is yellowing due to age. He then opened it to a page hightailed by a bookmark and showed it to me.

"We need a record to know who enters the area and exits it. As you know, there are still urban tales of people being spirited away inside of it and some hikers who ended up being lost inside until a rescue team can be assembled to save them."

"I understand… wait, when did this name last come here?"


"This here."

I pointed at the last recorded name in the book, and it says a name very familiar to me.

"Furuta Renjiro… oh! The man who always strolls around here!"

"Pardon me?"

"Renjiro-san is a regular of the forest trail. He sometimes comes here every month to walk around in the regular trail. It seems like he's familiar with the place since he always denies to join a tourist group or hire a tour guide."


Why is Furuta-sensei in here? What could he be doing in this kind of place without telling us anything?

"Furuta-san came by here last day to stroll and eat lunch before heading to Old Osaka. He said he'll be out of the country for a short vacation and he made a detour to rest here."

"I see… I should take note of this."


"Don't overreact. This is just for my report."


I snapped a photo of the pages that has records of the names. Once I get home, I should search for these people and see where it may lead me to.

"Alright… I have signed it."

"It's been honored, sir. You can go ahead now to the forest reserve as you wish. Just please don't do anything illegal or reckless out there."

"I won't."

I rode my motorcycle again and drove towards the outskirts of the forest where I decided to continue on foot even if a designated and clean pathway through the woods is already present.

"I should use night vision for now. I don't expect to see anyone moving here for now anyway… Urf! I wish I tested this out earlier…"

I wore the helmet that has the power supply and settings of the goggles. It was a bit heavy on the head, but it is not so serious to hamper my movement and posture.

"Bolt… clear. I wish these would be as reliable as they say it is."

I then prepared my guns, inserting a magazine on each one and chambering a bullet to prepare it for firing in a moment's notice.

"Well then… let's start this, Ephraim."

I heaved a sigh and after steeling my nerves, went out of the trail to head to the place I will never forget about.


"Move your feet, Mana-chan!"

"Yes, sir!"

In the icy plains of Sapporo, a young knight whose sword glows with pure white light and a young woman whose fists burns with flames lit the training hall of the local estate of the Sumeragi group.

"Don't slow down! Don't let your enemy's reach intimidate you and sweep you off your feet!"

"Yes, sir!"

*Fwip! Tak!*

"Don't cease! Keep your head in the entirety of the battle! Don't let yourself to slow down or be distracted!"


Today is the third day since I started my apprenticeship under Sir Lucas Alfonse B. Tetian. A European knight and one of the Kanbu officers of the Sumeragi Syndicate.

"Come on, Mana-chan! Don't let yourself be on the defensive! Be flexible and react sharply!"



And in just that short amount of time, probably because both of us are very enthusiastic with combat, I have learned a lot from him about the untapped potential of my psychic powers and a way to supplement my wide range of weaknesses by being flexible in a fight and staying focused on myself and the enemy.

"Yes! I finally hit-"

"You're forgetting a vital lesson again!"



"I told you to not be taken out of focus by small victories!"


But from how he cleanly parried my strike using his sword and used that position to send a blade of light to my way before lunging forward to hit my abdomen with the flat of his wooden sword, I knew I still have a lot of vital things to learn.

"Kak! Kuh…!"

"…Cease combat."

"Agh… Kak!"

"Sorry… did that hurt too much?"

"N-No… I just got… the wind knocked out of me… Kak!"

Sir Lucas knelt beside me as I was coughing up violently and desperately trying to regain my breath. He made me sit down comfortably and begin taking deep breaths as he ordered one of his men to prepare the infirmary if needed.

"Huuu… Huuu… Much better."

"Are you alright now? I'm sorry again for getting carried away and hitting you fatally."

"No, no… This is alright, sir. I just didn't get to brace for the impact fast enough to lessen the damage."

"Still, I am your instructor, and you are here to learn… not to be put in harm's way by the training meant to strengthen you. Some instructors would say that this is alright. But it was never in my training regimen to ask anything beyond your body's current ability. For me, safety is the first and foremost priority."


"If you are alright now, let me help you get back to the lodging building. Let's rest before turning in for the night."

"Sure, sir. I'll follow behind you."

Sir Lucas is just as courteous and thoughtful as Kai and Ephraim told me. I know fairytale knights are nothing but hammed up versions of the real-world counterparts, but it sure feels like he is one of them. A man of honor and duty that looks after the safety and enjoyment of those around him.

"Your posture and control over your powers are improving. Just a little bit more and you can finally finetune it to its most efficient form."

"Yes. I can feel that too, sir. But I still feel like something is missing."

"That's normal. It has just been three days since you arrived anyway. You still have a lot of time to work on breaking your limits."

"I get that but…"

"…Are you worried that those two may have already got their answers and are moving towards it?"


He's also very understanding and open to those around him. A trait I highly noticed and appreciated as we trained for about 16 hours every day under my own request. Although I knew he is a busy man running the Sapporo branch of the Sumeragi syndicate during Lady Kirin's absence, I never heard him complain about it at all since I first arrived and personally requested that long and rigorous training schedule.

"I got a call earlier from Kirin-dono. She said Rai postponed their sparring and training exercises for a few days to go to a personal errand."

"What kind of personal errand could it be?"

"Something about going to the forest near Mt. Fuji to find something. That's what I got from her words earlier."

"Oh! That, huh?"


"It's… something that I can consider as a personal issue. Since we came from the same school, I am partially aware of what that is and how much he is tangled with it."

"Given that this forest might be the infamous Sea of Trees in the volcano mountain's feet… and you mentioned the two of you sharing a common educational area… Can I assume then that it is a-"

"Rai doesn't believe that it is true."


"I don't know that guy too much. But if Rai, who is a friend so close to him that he left his sisters to him after his death, believes on that thing… I will believe in that too."

"Then that would be a bit better than what I assumed."

Rai has told me about him again and again during our time in Motomiya bunker. He narrated some memories he had with him and how he sees that guy as needlessly optimistic and devoted to his love with a certain girl that both of them ended up dying at almost the same time.

I only knew about Miyazaki Hiro after his apparent suicide that spread rumors in the school about Ephraim breaking him mentally for fun after his parents' death in an arson. A rumor made by envious students to further tarnish Rai's reputation by making him look like a sadistic psychopath.

Although he said all of those through his own words, I can sense that deep inside, he was gravely affected by the loss of his only close confidante in this far-away land and the weight of suddenly needing to be a dependable parent to his best friend's siblings.

"If he thinks that the unsolved mystery of Hiro-kun's death is his limiting factor, I think that would be a true challenge to him. But if that will calm his mind, I don't think it is wrong."

"Ephraim-kun must be doing the same for the sake of those kids who also need to find a closure to their brother's death."

"Is that so? I do feel like he is the kind of guy to go that way."

"That… or he wants to find out now that he has the power and connections to do it."

"You can say that too… It's quite obvious who is responsible for Miyazaki-kun's death anyway."

"Wait… can you say that again, Mana-chan?"


"The full name of Ephraim's friend… can you say it again?"

Although I didn't fully understand Sir Lucas' intention, I spoke Hiro's name which in my surprise, made Sir Lucas to almost freeze on the spot.

"Miyazaki Hiro. He died a year ago in Aokigahara by being hanged on a tree."



"Are you fully sure of that, Mana-chan?"

"I-I am… At least from what I heard in there."

"Furuta… that guy-!"

Without any warning, Sir Lucas ran off with me following behind him as he headed to his office and shouted a command to his righthand men.

"Vasily! Pedro! Get me a secure line to Old Tokyo estate! If possible, connect it to Kirin-dono's dojo phone line!"

""Y-Yes, sir!""

"S-Sir Lucas! What is happening here?!"

"Please… not now, Mana-chan. At least let me talk to Kirin-dono first before I answer your question."


"Sir! We got your patched up!"

"Alright, toss it here!"

Although I was as clueless as an infant about what is truly happening beneath our noses, even I was knowledgeable enough to deduce what might be happening.

"Kirin-dono! This is Lucas! I need to call Ephraim-kun right now! W-What? clandestine mission? No open communication unless it's through the S.S.S?!"


But even more than his panicked voice and anxious mannerisms, I heard a statement that he wanted to be told to Rai-kun as soon as possible that shook me in fear.

"He needs to leave Aokigahara! He mustn't get to that tree where it happened! Get him away from there by force if needed!"

"S-Sir… what are you-"

"Renjiro is hiding something there! He mustn't see it!"