The Heavens shall be the Judge

As I shouted my threat to him, the dream that he used to trap me dissipated one object after the other, slowly returning the two of us back out to the subspace where we were fighting at earlier.

"You… YOU-!!! How dare you threaten me! I will make sure to kill-"

"That is my line!!!"


Before everything from that recollection of my memory became fully dissipated, I used the crystallized blood I trapped him into to crush his torso.



I'm sure that amount of damage to his body is enough to absolutely kill him, however, I soon sensed that his breathing was abruptly stopped and his eyes rolled to the back of his head, showing his death wasn't from the damage he sustained.

"Go back to sleep again!"


From behind me, he possessed another near body and attempted to imprison me again into an artificial dream. However, I am now aware of his tricks.

"Get away!"

"Huh?! Guak!"

"For those that aren't on you side, you have to touch them to use your powers, right? You're stupid for letting me learn that!"

I threw the body that he was using earlier to his new one, blocking his outstretched hand and tripping him before he can reach me.





Since his new body was holding his former one, I casted my blood ability on the deceased one, making its blood crystallize outwards into spikes and take him with it.

"Haah… Is it over-"

"Not yet!!!"


To my surprise, I heard his voice from a short distance and saw him possessing another body that belonged to yet another of his men that he's been using as fodder since earlier.

"Argh! Why won't you just die?!"

"You'll run out of Astra energy before I run out of bodies here!"

"Kuh-! "

I made my palm bleed and waved it into a kind of open-palm slash, using my blood as a sharp and quick blade that split his neck crosswise.

"Another one!"


This is getting absurd.

"From here!"

"Damn it!"

Each and every time I kill him, he will just possess another body and charge towards me again.

"Here too!"


And the bodies that he doesn't possess, regenerates their wounds while I am fighting off the others.

"Come on, come on, come on! Tire yourself out more!"

"Haah… haah…"

"Don't slack on me, son!"

"Ahhh! "

"Nooo! Urgh! Kaak…!"

"Haah… Is it… over…?"

"Sike! Your back is exposed!"


This is getting tedious… this is pointless!

Where is he getting this much reserve of Astra energy? Isn't something as advanced as soul manipulation supposed to cost a lot of energy to use?!

"Hey, hey, hey! Did you say earlier that you're going to break my soul into oblivion? Where's your confidence and arrogance now, buddy?!"

"You damned…! Kuh! Haah… haah…"

"Heh-heh… You peons are all so stupid. You fools think that you're hot stuff just because you can wield an element or two, but you're no match against the pure powers that are destined to rule the world!"

"Why am I… running out of energy so quickly…? I've used my powers efficiently, but this is…"

"Let me rebound your insult to me earlier then… are you so stupid to not connect context clues and information given to you?"


After he said those words that I gave to him earlier, I slowly understood what was happening and why things seemed to be stacked against my favor.

"First of all, I am the one who beat you into creating a Mental Subspace. Second, I traded blows with you earlier, letting me plant some of my Astra energy into your body that caused the hallucinations you had earlier."

"That is… you can't be saying that-"

"Third, I trapped you in a memory of yours and watched over you in a dream using that woman that you seem to be very fond with, giving me another chance to directly manipulate your soul… although I didn't get to complete it because of my own mistakes."

"Damn it… even after sensei kept on reminding me about it…"

"Lastly… you didn't even think about seizing control of the Subspace from me when you caught me. You just went on with your "I will torment you" act, letting yourself be consumed by anger and losing your rational mind in the fight."

I screwed up really bad just right now. Even after all of the training and actual fighting that I did, the fact that he used the identity of someone that I dearly love shook my logical mind off the fight and made me act out of rage.

"Now… you're just an exhausted little prick that I can crush under my feet. And instead of going all out against you, I defeated you just like how any insect that defies me should be destroyed. On your knees, you son of a bitch!"


"Raise your filthy face! I want to break that first before I end your pitiful existence!"



"Urgh! Agh!"

"HAHAHA!!! Not so prideful right now, aren't we?!"


Abusing my limp and dilapidated body's state, he used me as a punching bag, continuously throwing punches to my face while laughing maniacally.

"You're the fool here…"


"Seems like both of us are really bad actors, aren't we?"

"Wait… how are you still able to talk-"

"You may have drained my Astra energy, but I don't need that rip you apart!"

In an instant, I grabbed his hand that was holding my collar and snapped into it a tool that I only realized was on my pocket all this time. It is my Diminisher bracelet, something given to me so I can avoid leaking out my Astra energy to the surrounding people around me.


"Now that we're out of the subspace…"


"I'm going to break your face in!"

As soon as I noticed that the colors around us are returning, I shot forward to headbutt his chin with my forehead.



"Argh! Why, you-!"


Our exchange of blows was nothing out of the ordinary. After all, I have almost no Astra energy in my body and his' was locked by my Diminisher bracelet.


"How did you-?!"

And when I felt that I have recovered enough Astra energy to create one Susbspace, I casted the ability and in an instant, all of our surroundings turned into a monotonous gray.

"Wait… Hahahaha!!! What do you think you're doing?! Now, I can remove this bracelet that you-!"

"Go on! Be my guest!"


"Take it off and you'll help me tear you into pieces!"

As soon as he mentioned that he will be removing the Diminisher bracelet, I shouted a sarcastic enticement to him.

"You can't be…"

"Take it off! Do it!"

"What did you put in this thing?!"

"Only one way to find out! Remove it or I'll be the one to tear it off your wrist!"

Faced with my words that I shouted with a smirk and a maddened tone, I sensed that he was thinking about it was safe and worth it for him to remove the bangle on his wrist.

"Hehe… hehehe! I'm not falling for your tricks! I am aware of how low peons like you can go when you're fighting! Even if I have to fight manually, I'm not worried… not even in the very least!"

"Then let's continue! "

I manipulated my blood to carry peak capacity of oxygen, maximizing all of the strength of my body's cells.



He sent his fist forward, attempting to hit me squarely on the face. I sent mine too, straight to his head.





He thought he can simply catch my fist prematurely using his forehead, but hitting his face was never the plan. Instead, I changed the angle of my fist, pointing it downwards into his throat.



"Not done yet! "




From the blood that he vomited after I basically broke his throat through blunt force, I formed it into a sharp crystal of blood that quickly lunged into the center of his chest, planting itself deep as he tried to catch his breath.

"Haah… haah… haah…"

"Urgh! Kak! Kah!"

Finally, I forced him into a situation which he isn't the one in control, nor does he have a chance to be the one in control.

"How do you like it…? Ptoo! How do you like the feeling of having your own blood be the thing that will make you bleed like a pig?!"

"Why, you…! Urk! Kak!"

"So, you really forgot that I just crushed your throat? How careless of you."

"You… Kh!"

With his Astra energy locked by the Diminisher bracelet, he became unable to switch his body and trapped himself into a situation where he cannot depend on the tactics he is used to. He, however, seemed to have become overconfident as he didn't have any shred of fear on his face earlier.

But that's the thing… it's earlier…

"Officially speaking, both the Sumeragi group and the S.S.S needs you alive. You are an important bargaining chip and someone with a rare and useful power that they are inclined to know more about…"

"What are you- Kak! …talking about…?"

"I'm thinking of just ending your existence right here and now."


"For trying to harm my children… for being the reason why Kirin-sensei almost died in battle… for causing all of the innocent people around here to be in a comatose state because of your jailbreak…"

"No… I can't… die here…!"

"And most of all…"

"I can't die here!"

"How dare you use the identity of the woman who loved me and raised me!"

With enough rage in my heart, I mustered up the small piece of Law's power that he gave to me. Something completely separated to the currently depleted Astra energy of mine.

"This aura…! You can't be-!"

"Come forth!"

"No, no, no, no!!! You've gotta be kidding me! You can't possibly be here! She told us that she will handle you!"

"Primordial Blood Oath!"

From the droplets of my blood on the street, formed the ornately designed spear of Law that I wield in the most difficult and dangerous of fights.

"Screw this! You're no peon! You're not a monster either! You're a demon! A demon, I say!"


"Forget about holding back…! I now have a better reason why to finish your life!"

"That's my line!"

I lunged forward with force, the street's cemented surface cracked and flew in all kinds of direction, destroying everything on its path.




As soon as I heard a different sub-casting type on that familiar ability, I stopped from my charge and raised my situational awareness about whatever may be coming my way. It was at this moment that I noticed that the Diminisher bracelet became broken in half due to the sudden surge of power that he is emitting.


"A total opposite of the one I know… this can only mean one thing."

When I said that it was a total opposite of the one I know, I meant it literally.

"Despair, poor insect… Plunge into despair."


"These ashen walls of basalt shall draw out all of your hope… the tar-filled chasm on your feet shall devour your petty morals… and the dome of darkness upon your head will be the last thing you will see as I drag your soul to my belly!"

If the Ars Caelestia variant of Subspace Subjugation brings the caster and the casted into a hall of marble and gold, this one brought the two of us into a dome that might be described as a scene out of a hellish movie.

"Fear, fear, fear! Tremble in fear as I show you what it means to be plunged to the depths of hopelessness and darkness!"

"Are you finished?"


"Are you deaf? I asked you if you're finished with your stupendous monologue."

"How dare you disrespect me-"

"I'm tired already… let's end this!"

As soon as I shouted that, I lunged forward towards him, spear in hand and ready to cleave any part of him that it may reach.

"Come forth! Beelzebub!"


"Hehehe! Didn't expect me to take out my own, right?!"

From the tar-filled floor of the subspace, a sword with a blade as dark as a raven's feather materialized and went to his hand, which he used to block my spear with almost no effort.




"What the-?!"

"I told you! I'll make you regret disrespecting me!"

With my spear and his sword, we exchanged slashes and stabs, most of them being blocked while some made it through both our defenses to inflict light wounds on our bodies.

"How are you holding up?! Ready to be tormented again? Prepare yourself!"



"Crap! ""

With my blood, I attempted to block the incoming monster that his ability formed. A monster that looks like a huge ghastly piranha.

"Fool! You can't block that soul beast physically!"

"Damn it!"

Instead of being blocked, the monster simply passed through my barrier of blood and would've reached me if I didn't jump back from where I was standing.

"Come on! Dance! Dance some more!"

"Tch! How many of those are there?!"

To my utter shock, another ten or so of those monsters appeared and began to lunge towards me with no hesitation about what is blocking them because they are soul-like beings that can pass through anything.

"Another one!"


"And another one!"

Yet again, I found myself back to square one as he pinned me into a defensive place that I've been trying to put him into to finally defeat him and end this tedious fight.

"Come on! Fight for your life! Entertain me, your predator!"

"Screw you!"

"Nuh-uh-uh! We can't have you getting out of your pen, you swine!"


From below on the floor of the subspace, the tar-like fluid stretched out towards my limbs, dragging me back to the ground before I can reach him with my weapon.

"Back to the ground where you belong, peon!"

"Tch! AAAAHHH!!!"

As I slammed to the floor, I saw his face that was absolutely exhilarated with the fact that he has overpowered me yet again.

"And don't even think that I'm going to let up right now! "

"What will happen now- Urgh!"

"Come on! Don't hold it back! Don't fight it!"

"No… Kh! Don't you dare…!"

"Give me your soul! Give it to me so I can torment it!"

After he casted his ability, I felt something crawling out of my mouth, as if something from within me is trying to come out. Of course, I forced myself as much as possible to stop it.

["Hey, Ephraim."]

"Law?! Why did you pop out just now?!"

["His Subspace Subjugation's defenses took far too long to crawl into. I'm sorry if I appeared just now-"]

"Forget it! Just help me!"

["Help you?"]

"I'm constantly getting torn apart here! At least give me some power boost or something!"

While simultaneously doing my best to not open my mouth to let go of my soul that my enemy is attracting out, I was also talking internally with Law. I wanted him to help me out of this situation.



["I won't be lending you a hand."]

"What on earth are you talking about?! You told me earlier that you'll be waiting for me to get out of that dream!

["I did say that."]

"Then why aren't you helping me out?!"

["Did I tell you that I will be helping you?"]


That's right… he didn't say that.

["I've given you far too many handicaps during your past battles, Ephraim… I gave you a small portion of my power, partial authority to use Caelestia-level Astra Arts and even the ability to access my Divine Armory to use the Primordial Blood Oath."]


["I believe that giving you a hand any further would make you fail on the necessary qualities needed to fulfill your title and position as the Divine Challenger."]

"S-still, you could at least take over for me for a while or-"

["A "no" is a "no", Ephraim!"]


["Challenging the rule and position of someone who has enough strength and will to deify themselves into godhood requires equal or even greater strength and will… that is something that I want you to learn early on so you will not be swallowed by the weight of your responsibilities in the future."]

Finally learning and understanding the reason why he wouldn't help me, I hung my head and simply asked him one thing.

"Well then… I will do as you say."


"But I have one question to ask before I push myself into my absolute limits…"

["Go on. I will answer it to the best of my knowledge."]

"This title and responsibility of being the Divine Challenger… what will happen to it if I die?"

There was a short pause after I internally asked that to him. Perhaps, Law wanted to say it in the most acceptable way possible. A kind of way where I will be least bothered with the truth.

["I was the one who chose you to be my vessel and also offer you the title of the Divine Challenger… So, if ever you would die, I will simply change my human vessel and after analyzing their potential, I would also offer them that title."]

"So, I am nothing but a disposable pawn in the board of all of you Spirits?"


"I knew it…!"



["Sometimes, even the weakest of pawns can outsmart and outmatch the strongest pieces in the board…"]

After hearing Law's words, I heaved a sigh and gave him a condition.



"If I win here… I want you to tell me everything."

["Is this about Cecilia?"]

"Yes… I want to know it. I want to know why my family has been keeping something like that a secret and what it really means for me since you chose me yourself."

Another short pause came to the both of us… but the words that broke that silence was one that I will remember for all of eternity.

["A promise has been made upon my name, Law, Spirit of Law."]

"Well then… Let's do this!"

Going back to the fight, I raised my spear which caught my enemy's attention.

"Ohoho?! You're fighting? You're still fighting?!"


"Stop struggling already! Just accept it, you fool! You have lost! You can never come to defeat me!"



And in one swift motion, I stabbed my abdomen with the blade of my spear.

"Uruk… Gu-hak!"

"W-w-w-what…? What on earth? What the heck? What the hell?!?!?!"

"Desperate actions… I didn't expect that I would ever come to actually use these self-destructive abilities."

My blood flowed out of me, creating a small stream of that crimson liquid around me as it mixed with the sticky tar beneath my feet.

"I get it… I absolutely understand it! You can't accept it! You can't accept the fact that I will be the one who will kill you, so you did it by yourself!"

"That's where you're wrong!"


"Kuuu… Ack! This wound… is not something meant to kill me or even injure me…!"

"Your abdomen's wound… no, even you own blood!"

"Yeah… good job at noticing it!"

Slowly, the copious amount of blood that I shed out of my now regenerated belly wound crawled towards me, covering me from neck to toe.


"Your eyes… No way!!!"

"… it's my turn to drive you to the ground!"

This form is something that I made after studying Kai's flow state form and Mana's fiery way of fighting. Instead of doing everything internally, both of them increases their physical strength by covering themselves with either their elements or strengthening their auras.


"So fast-!"



The thin layer of blood around my body explosively increases my strength as it aids each attack that my limbs do.


"Again already-?!"


I threw a few drops of my blood to his arms and by directly manipulating it, managed to make them burrow into his limb and forcefully rapture out of his flesh.





And for my last attack on this form, I sent all of the blood that is covering my body towards him, locking him in place before casting the whole purpose of the attack.

"No, no, no! What are you doing?! What is happening right now?!"

"…Aila, dar Divia Chala, expunio iyo pirum erav dar visagra eu dia lumeria. Aila Vino wai bor dar los memria eu dia yumeo seria."

"That language-!"

"Caelestia entu dia lumeria wai bor winolkia tot iyo drada…"

"DAMN YOU-!!!"

As I finished the incantation of the spell that I spoke in the language that only I and the Spirits are supposed to know, the layer of my blood that wraps around him tightly entered all of the orifices of his body as he continued to struggle until the inevitable end.

"Ovian iveyo iyo lisana, pache bor rikya entu matro bor ivyinra."



In one single instant, each and every part of his body bulged up violently and stretched his flesh and skin. It was as if something from within him is trying to rip out of him.



And soon, my rampaging blood inside of his body went haywire until it had enough pressure to basically rip out of his abdomen and kill him in an instant out of pure shock.

"Come forth… Primordial Blood Oath."

From my shed blood, came out the crimson-colored spear that I intend to use for something that I just recently has been told about.

"Law said that he once sealed both Malignances and tainted humans inside of this spear's blade, so they won't be a problem to the world anymore after the reign of peace."


"It's your turn now."

I stepped forward to connect his soul that is helplessly clinging to his dying body to the spear's blade that would imprison him for all eternity inside of it.

However, I heard his voice not from the ruined body in front of me, but from the cloud of dust behind me.

"I don't think I would be entering that place."

"What?! How did you-!"

"Soul Manipulation, buddy."


That's right! His Diminisher bracelet became overloaded earlier, so he must've been preparing to change bodies even before I casted my last attack.

"And now, I finally caught you…"

"Darn it-!"

While holding the back of my head, he sneered as if he was already sure about his victory.

"I've gotta say though, you're quite careless… To think that someone as incompetent of a fighter like you became his human vessel, it truly is a disappointment."

"Changing bodies, huh? I will just repeat everything that I do!"

"Nah… It's time for me to get exactly what I want to get out of this fight."

Without even a moment of pause, he sent his Astra energy through my head, and my vision was filled with light for several moments.

"Where are we…? Huh?! Chains?!"

"Just for a precaution… after all, I have been dreaming for a long time to finally arrive at this place and I won't be very glad if you bug around here again."

"Books… scrolls…. The white marble walls and the golden floor-!"

It took me a while, but I finally confirm that this is indeed something similar to that place.

"Did you know why I hate peons and pests? Because they don't shut up when I am trying to gather all of the knowledge that I so solemnly desire."

"This is… Caelestia?"


Caelestia… from the stories that Law told me about it, he often describes it as the birthplace of Spirits before they receive the wishes of mankind that gives them their own unique reason to exist and authority over a certain aspect of this world.

Additionally, it also acts as the largest and most accurate archive of knowledge in the world. As Law once said, there is nothing to be hid from the eyes of heaven and in Caelestia, dwells a spirit whose entire existence is for the collection and compilation of all the knowledge in the world… no, even the entire universe.

"Hrg! Get off!"

"It's futile for you to try to break out of those chains. I was the one who entered this place through your own soul and I am the one who is in control between the two of us."

"Screw you! I won't let you enter that place!"

"Hahaha… Ahahaha… AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"


As I continued to struggle to get the chains that he bound me with, he laughed maniacally while walking towards the door that leads into the interior of Caelestia.

"Stop! Don't you ever set foot in that place!"

"And who's stopping me? You? The wimpy and useless you? Don't shit with me and just shut up right there!"


As he walked within arm's reach of the door leading to Caelestia, I slowly lost my hope to ever stop him…


"Hold it right there, youngster… I don't think I'll be glad about having someone like you in my place."


"By my name, Logos, Spirit of Knowledge, I rebuke your existence to touch this hallowed place."


Before his hand can graze the door of Caelestia, a man wearing a pure white robe appeared beside him and after some words, sent him flying across the misty, white field around us.

"And you, Divine Challenger."


"Go and finish what you started. You have a word to keep even though I technically lent you a hand."

As soon as we had that exchange of words, the chains around my body that was keeping me in place dissipated and I felt all of my strength and Astra energy come back to my body. With this, I activated my portion of Law's power and prepared an ability that can finish all of this in one stroke.


"Hrgh! What the hell just-"


With my spear in hand and my enemy stumbling in front of me, I charged explosively towards him in a speed that must've exceeded the speed of sound.


"This is the end for you!"


As I closed the distance between the two of us, a tidal wave of blood appeared behind me, following my charge as if there was a massive army following on my footsteps.



After I reached the peak of my speed, I threw my spear forward and at its flight, it was followed by the wave of blood behind me.


Before he can even finish his words, my spear reached him, planting itself deep into his chest.


After he gave me that threat, his words became lost to the wave of blood that swallowed him whole before losing its strength and dissipating back to pure Astra energy.

"Haah… haah… It's finally finished…"


After confirming that he is no longer in here, all of the fatigue finally caught up to me as I fell on the floor like a puppet whose strings was cut.

"Darn it… he could've at least told me that being the Divine Challenger is this hard…"

"Ahaha! I can't really see that buffoon as someone who speaks before acting."


"Oh? Ahaha… sorry for surprising you, kiddo. I forgot to even present myself properly."

I initially didn't pay much attention to him as I was in the heat of battle earlier, but now that everything was finished, I finally realized that this mysterious being was a total stranger to me.

"I am- Oh… Ahaha! I don't think its proper for me to talk to you out here in the open. Come on, let me bring you inside to we can speak to each other properly."


"I'll even prepare some coffee and cookies for you!"

"Are you… a Spirit?"


He was laughing and acting all casual earlier while offering to let me inside of Caelestia and having some coffee and cookies, but after I directly asked him that question, he showed a brief moment of a frown as he faced me again.

"I am… And I'm glad that you are aware of the qualities that we Spirits possess."

"I've met about three already… two are friendly and one is-"

"Debauchery, the Spirit of Indulgent Pleasures who dwelt in the body of Hamasaki Satoshi."


I was shocked to discover that he is aware of the name of the spirit that I killed alongside its vessel, Hamasaki Satoshi.

Then this Spirit is… Is it possible that…?

Only then, did I connect all of the things that I know and formed a thought that he immediately confirmed.

"That's right, O Divine Challenger."

"So, you really are…"

"Yes… Representing the Logic, Knowledge, Data and all memories and experiences that has happened, is happening and will happen in the universe. My name is Logos, Spirit of Knowledge, and I am truly gladdened with this opportunity to finally meet you in person."

That day marked the beginning of the dangerous war that I will wage for the sake of this world's future.

"Say, Child of Cecilia… Do you still bear the promise given by your ancestor?"