Epilogue: Unveiling the Hidden Truths

It is said that our world's history was filled to the brim with things that act as lessons about what should and should not be done. Things that lay below our feet or tower over our heads, constant reminders that there are things that are simply too horrid or unacceptable to even be done again after they have been remembered simply as a footnote in the memories of this world…

"Fujikawa-chan… why are you here?"

"Oh, Sir Lucas…"

I used to think that Psychics and the powers that they wield are the epitome of the supernatural that I can ever know and experience. That anything beyond these things would simply be too bizarre to ever be believable and acceptable.

"I noticed that you've been visiting this place more frequently during the night… may I know why?"

"T-There's really no special reason… I just…"


"I feel comfortable whenever I see this Replicant…"

Inside the holding room of the Sumeragi group's Sapporo detachment estate is a special instrument used by our enemies, the Miyazono corporation, to clone humans called a Replicator Cell.

"Why? Does this clone remind you of someone?"

And inside of this tube of glass filled with a nutrient-rich liquid, floats a body of a woman in a fetal position. A woman of no remarkable beauty or other outstanding qualities.

"No... I don't know her at all. I've never met her or the person she was cloned from before."

"Then do you have another reason why she gives you peace?"

"No… and I don't know why as well."

I really have not met her before nor do I see anything attractive with her for me to come back here this constantly. But as Sir Lucas said, even I noticed that I've been coming back here again and again every night before I go to sleep.

"You know, Ephraim-kun had the same expression on his face when we discovered her from the raid where we retrieved her."

"Rai-kun did?"

"Yep. He looked so clueless and lost when he first saw her… as if he's under a light trance."

"I see…"

Why did Rai-kun have the same kind of experience upon seeing her?

Is this person somehow connected to us two?

How can that happen? If you ask me, we have almost no similarity with each other.

"Except for…"

"Huh? What was that, Fujikawa-chan?"

"Is it possible for that to happen…?"

I don't want to believe that what I think is happening is the case… but with what I know right now and this gut feeling that I have in me, I can't shake off the possibility that this might actually be the case.


"What the-?!"

"Mana! Get behind me!"

While I was thinking deeply about it, a sharp noise came from the tube of glass which was loud enough to send me to an alerted state and for Sir Lucas to hurriedly place himself in front of me before materializing a sword made of light on his hands.

*Pyiii!!! Pyiii!*

"Where is that noise coming from?"

"Sir Lucas! Look!"

After I noticed it, I pointed my finger at the computer monitor in the room that is wildly glitching into all kinds of screens as if some kind of high-speed hacking program was happening there.

"A notepad?"

"T-There's something in there…"

After the glitching codes and applications ceased, a notepad application opened and words appeared on it.

"It looks like it's in English."

"It is. I'll read it."

Still cautious about his surroundings, Sir Lucas walked forward to the computer monitor and read the contents of the message.

"Now, now… circumstances just became more difficult to understand."

"What do you mean, Sir?"

"…Call your agency's leader and tell them to bring Ephraim-kun here as soon as possible."


Sir Lucas looked at the monitor and using the keyboard, typed something in there using Katakana. After I read it, I understood immediately why Rai-kun had to be brought here.

"Ephraim Seliah Chronia, Child of Cecilia… That lad has to explain why this Replicant knows his name."