Extra Chapter: The First Promise (Final)

{I regret… that this would probably be the memory that you will remember of me… A sight that marked the parting of us two. Though we had just promised to be with each other till the end of time… I apologize that it has to end like this. I apologize that of all the ways that I can say my farewell to you, it had to be this way. Oh… how I wish that I became one with you sooner. How I wish… that we can be together for longer… if only…}



"You should already know what my response to your suggestion is…"


"I will not accept that to be done to our people."

In the domain of Swistu, the capital of the northern continent that is embraced by fertile mountain valleys and coursed through by bountiful rivers, stands Eashenbal Palace.

To the residents of the Northern continent who has for many centuries, lived under the protection and light instructions of the Spirits, Eashenbal has become known as the place where their ethereal guardians would gather every now and then to dine and discuss about matters in their land.

Though one can call the type of governance in the Northern Continent as some kind of aristocracy by immortal beings, that cannot be any further from the truth.

"May it be a monarchical, oligarchical or democratic type of governance, we all accept them so long as our laws align, and it causes no harm to others. We respect everyone's faith and allegiance to their religions, way of life and governance. We simply look after them and handle the issues that them as mortals are yet to be strong and brave to face… we are in no way, their leaders, as you revile us as."

"What difference does it make? You live in a palace hewn out of a mountain by the people that you declare as simply depending on you for leading and protection. What separates you from a tyrannical spirit that lives off the unfair exploitation of the mortals living under them?"


"Tell me, Mother. How different is this "oversight" that you and your fellow spirits are performing in comparison to the Tainted ones that rule over the poor mortals of the surrounding lands?"

This is Spirit Freedom. The surrogate daughter and student of Spirit Love. Since she was born, she has been under the care of Love who has showered her with both pampering embraces and strict words of conduct. However, as she grew older and developed her Principles more and more, she began to want to lead her own journey, much to the disapproval of Love who knew that she is too young and naïve yet to judge what she really has to be as a Spirit that represented an integral idea of humanity.

Love rightfully thought as such as even she and her spiritual brother Knowledge had changes in their will and Principles even though they are millions of sunsets old already.

And yet, even after losing in their duel that should've forced her to stay beside Love and receive more insight on what she should become as a Spirit, Freedom left her one night, never to return again to her surrogate mother and teacher's sight… well, until this day when she came with a proposition for the Northern Continent and its people that sounded beyond ridiculous and destructive to Guardian Spirit Love.

"And what is this "land of the free" plan that you propose about any better? The way I see it, there is nothing good that will come out from dissolving all governing bodies and consolidating everyone under the same system of just doing whatever they wish to do."

"Pfft! I never expected you to understand the brilliance of it anyway… With you still stuck on your Principles of caring for each other and leading the young ones to whichever way you fancy."


"Wasn't it because of exactly those things that even if I lost our duel, I still decided to run away from you?"

"I did not raise you wishing for you to take only the route that I want you to take."

"And yet, you forced me to stay beside you!"

"Because you are still naïve!"

As both Love and Freedom shouted at each other, the tea set that was on their table shook and its contents lightly dripped out of the cups.

"Naïve…? What do you mean? I perfectly understood what I wished for and wanted to do back then. I am aware of what idea gave birth to me and how I should fulfill humanity's wish to be freed from strangling things such as your so-called "oversight"!"


"When I was still under you, I have always wanted to do things my own way, but I am afraid that whatever I may do and its results, you may not like and accept them. I was locked in this state of insecurity… I do not know what I should follow… should I do as my heart desires, or should I do what you desire?"


"When I parted ways with you, I did all kinds of things that I wouldn't have done before in fear of disappointing you. I helped a child who was starving in an alley find a way to fill his stomach every day. I helped a king who fears that his weak nation may one day be removed from existence as time passes. I helped an impoverished society of peasants to be freed from their tyrant of a leader… but the one that left the most impression to me is when I helped a young woman who wanted to be with the man that she solemnly loved."

These stories moved Love's heart. Somehow, her surrogate daughter and student still helped out people even though she isn't beside her to help her decide and do things.

"That's why I am proposing for this system of society to be implemented as well here. Humanity isn't meant to be led by anyone. No spirit, ideal or even their own kind deserves to have any higher authority to them than themselves. If humanity is free, they will attain happiness… If humanity is allowed to do as they wish, they will learn how to stand by themselves and prosper even with no one telling them to do things."


"I implore you, Mother… do it for the sake of your own people."

Though she was moved with the achievements of her daughter, Love still had some reservations about this subject. After all, how can she convince everyone in their lands to change their way of life that has been unchanged for hundreds of years?

"I still need time to consider all of these things, child. Leave for now until I can make my decision."

"…If that will give you time to resolve it. Then I will let you be."


As Freedom left her room, Love found herself looking out of her window and into the city of Swistu that is awash in the crimson light of the coming sunset.

"This feeling…"

She spoke while clutching a hand over her left chest.

"…the last time this happened was when he told me to stop senselessly caring after humans and overlooking the evils in their hearts and minds that Psych-Malignances can use to manifest themselves…"

That was hundreds of thousands of sunsets before, and now, another one will set upon them to mark another day since the time when she and Law enacted changes throughout the Northern Continent.

"…Am I wavering again? Am I thinking that all of this isn't right after all?"

For hundreds of years, the Northern Continent had nothing but everlasting peace and bounty, save for times when civil disputes prop up from the natural differences of their people or when an outside source of evil summons a Psych-malignance in their lands.

None will dispute that this system they have in place is effective and does not need amendment… and yet, there is something new in Freedom's proposal that may end up bringing more peacefulness and abundance to their people.

"There is no doubt that Freedom isn't lying with that she said. She indeed helped out people in her own way after she parted ways with me… I know that when it comes to those things, she will never speak any lies…"

And yet…


There is something that bothers Love about what Freedom spoke about to her just now.

"…what is this feeling about? Why do I feel like this isn't a complete fact?"

A feeling that even if it wasn't a lie, enough information has been gleaned from the statement to make it as appeasing to the truth as possible while still hiding something undesirable.

"I need to investigate these things."

There really is only one way for her to know for sure what is truth from false and what separates fact from fiction.


"So, that was that, huh?"

"Yeah… She seemed to be happy when I asked her about it. But the arrival of her student and surrogate daughter made her lose her bright expression… perhaps, she didn't expect to see her after so long that she forgot about the happiness she got from us promising to be with each other starting from now on."

"I see… well, all's well that ends well."

A few days after I formally asked for Love's hand, I went back to Cecilia's domain in the north-west lands of the Northern continent to talk to her about how things developed.

"Now, the only thing to worry about is the day when we will publicly announce it."

"Would that turn out to be some kind of state holiday?"

"Not really. Although some human groups here in the north does celebrate weddings as a large occasion encompassing the village or town, most of the "Pact of Oneness" that I saw between two spirits or one spirit to a human is usually a private affair attended only by their closest of confidantes."

"I see. That sounds a bit like how we Chronians celebrate weddings. Everyone in the village that the two are acquainted with are highly encouraged to send their regards through a letter to be read by both the bride and groom, although most of the celebration is conducted only to those with direct invitations from the two including their immediate families."


"Hm? You got silent all of a sudden. Something wrong with stuff?"

"When you spoke about family…"

"Yeah? Something wrong about it?"

"I was wondering how the two of us would deal with that thing."

I know that it is a very stupid thing to think about as a spirit.

"As you already know, as existences who are born from the ether of the world's essence and the ideas of humanity, our physical bodies are simply manifestations that has no other job but be the vessel from which we can directly move around and affect with the world… it's quite near to a human being's body, but definitely lacking in some respects."

"Like "that part", yes?"

"Yeah. We don't have those…"

Because of that, one of the things that a married couple would usually enjoy after getting together is barred from us. But it really isn't something that I would call as a limitation or inconvenience.

"So, you're concerned about having no little one to connect the two of you in a tangible way?"

"Not exactly… there isn't a lack of orphans after what happened last time anyway. If we wanted to, we could take in a human child and have it as our adoptive child… but that isn't what I am thinking about."

"Then what is it?"

"…I am thinking about how she and I thinks about our Guardianship over our lands… like how she is implementing the suggestion I made before her ascension that it might be better for humanity in the long-term to slowly become disconnected with us as they begin to be able to handle the problems of this world."

"How does this connect to your concern about a family?"

"Because I know that in one way or another, Love has begun treating her Guardianship as a substitute action for the parenthood that she lost from her surrogate daughter who ran away from her."


After what I said, Cecilia seemed to have understood what I am trying to talk about Love and the observations I have about her recently.

"No matter how much you twist it, our more than seven-hundred year long reign together as Guardian Spirits is something that also changed her from tolerating humanity's shortcomings to simply overseeing them and correcting their mistakes. Though it is an improvement, it is still a slow transition for her. As humanity develops more into a race that can stand by itself, she may end up feeling too attached to humanity to let go of them when the time comes…"

"So, you are concerned about her maternal side towards humanity?"

"Yes… add to that the fact that humanity may not end up sticking to what we wanted them to be in the end before we disappear from their lives."

"What… do you mean?"

As Cecilia asked that, I looked sidewards and saw the map of the Northern continent on the wall. As we are having tea inside the schoolhouse she is teaching at just hours before, the map is an integral part of much of her lessons to her town.

"Justice's Domain of Kleiv, Faith's Domain of Itole and Knowledge's Insight stone that he placed in the other side of the Atla sea are all sending heightened alert messages to Caelestia. It says that there are spikes of chaotic Astra energy in the areas they are looking after and the human inhabitants there might be coming to a breaking point with their desire to expand out."

"Hmm… Kleiv watches over the northern tundras and eastern plains, yes?"

"That's right."

"And Itole guards the southern border where the rainforests and savannahs are placed."

"That is also right."

"What is the Insight stone on the other side of the ocean saying exactly?"

"I believe Knowledge said that it detected presences of the humans in there who seem to be determined to finally escape the isolated isles there and expand out."

Cecilia seemed to ponder about what I have told her first and after a while, gave her verdict.

"This is just my own look at things… my opinion after everything that you just talked about earlier…"

"Sure. I will listen to it carefully."

"…I believe that the peace we are having right now will not last for long."


"With the northern tundra and eastern plain areas being highly populated by many of the people that you drove off from the Northern continent, I doubt that they didn't instill an agenda of one day returning to their lands of origin… even if it will need to be forced."

"And for the southern continent?"

"You already said it once… that huge continent is a ruthless land where only the strong can remain living and well. Because of that, their inhabitants are battle-hardened people accustomed hardship and lack of resources… which will make them a difficult enemy to defeat."

"I see…"

"As for the inhabitants of the isles in the west past the Atla sea, I believe my fleet can handle them without breaking a sweat."


"Oh… Only Love knows about it. I'd appreciate if you don't poke your nose into it. Although I can assure you that you can leave this front to me and my people if they do come for our shores."

Only Love knows… is she talking about that time when Love sensed that an outsider came to our lands and independently investigated it and came across them?

"In any case, I believe you should prepare yourself for what is ahead of you. I do am aware of some spirits who performed a pact of oneness to each other or to a spirit who did the same to a human… but your pact with love will be the first between two celestial spirits. It is bound to become a good occasion."

"Yeah. I feel a bit giddy about it already."

She's right. I should worry about these things when they are already on sight. There is no point on overthinking and spending my time worrying about these things… I should think more about what is already in front of me right now.

"So, where do you plan to get hitched? In one way or another, humans who are fond of you would want to at least bear witness to the ceremony."

"Hmm… I was thinking of the same place where we first met."

"And that is at what place?"

"A little down in the southeast of the continent. There's a place there that has special flowers from horizon to horizon. We haven't agreed upon what to call them, but it is a flower that glows faintly bright under moonlight."

"Oh… that, huh?"


"…Nothing. Forget that I said anything."


I am not sure if I can call it as that, but there is an expression in Cecilia's face that somehow looked uncomfortable or… disturbed.

"In any case, I believe you two should handle this carefully. Since there are developments in the hostile areas around us, maybe your union would calm the people and let them know that everything will be alright."

"Yeah… I guess you are right."

As I calmly sipped the tea that Cecilia had for us while talking about my marriage, little did I know that the other person who arranged for such wasn't safe anymore.




"So, in the end, you would still do things through combat, huh?"

In the Domain of Swistu, two weeks after Love and Freedom talked, an explosion at the outskirts of the city rang out as one of the inns collapsed moments after two figures came out of it from a hole.

"Hahaha! What did I expect… what did I expect from someone like you who can only force others to follow them through fear and control? I shouldn't have even expected a sliver of understanding from you-"

"You shut your mouth, you naïve wench."


"I don't care about what you would say after this… but you… You have done something that I can never accept."

The sheer amount of energy that exuded out of Love's body was enough to pin Freedom down on the ground. Making her tremble in fear as the feeling of an incoming death filled her mind.

"The starving boy that you said you helped to fill his belly was only able to do so by stealing from others, and thinking that it is all right, he grew up to become a leader of ravaging brigands on the central continent."

Her investigation led her to the land outside of her control where she confirmed that the boy Freedom mentioned turned to banditry, thinking that it was the right thing to do to get whatever her wants.

"The king that was afraid of having his kingdom lost to time immortalized themselves… by waging unending war on their peaceful neighbors and inflicting unending suffering to those inhabitants… did you know that millions died just because you supplied him with the thought that such brutal actions would make his kingdom feared by others?"


"How about the peasants that you inspired to rise against their leader? Did you know that the leader is no tyrant? And instead of the fault of his rule, it is the relentless disobedience of his people that brought them the discomfort of their lives and the famine that made them suffer. And yet, in the end, they murdered their fief and his family, before warring with each other for control over the land rather than settling on a peace between everyone. In the end, a lot of innocent people lost their lives."

"You don't understand! I just wanted to-"

"And that young woman!!!"


"She was such a kind-hearted and pure girl… and yet, just a drop of your poisonous words was enough to turn her to such a deplorable woman! Have you no conscience?!! That girl had such a beautiful future ahead of her, yet your words made her run off with a terrible man who did nothing but desecrate her womanhood and turn her into someone indistinguishable from a swine!"

There was nothing but disgust and pure hatred on Love's face as she spoke those words to Freedom who was still pinned on the ground and shaking in fear of her.

"You once failed me when you desired to save the people of Pelmarle by telling me that Law, Justice and Courage had no right to decimate them for their evil actions which you vindicated as their difference that we have to accept. I fought you once when you told me that instead of nursing humans in order for them to treasure virtues, they should be free to practice vices with no consequences… and even though I became happy when I learned that you helped people after you left my side, I was beyond horrified when I learned that all of that help… ended up causing nothing more but suffering to others and spreading malice across the world."

"W-Wait! I am-"

"You have done far too much damage, child… As your surrogate parent and teacher, I shall stop you from causing more harm to humanity and this world…"

"T-The clouds!"

"Is that-?!"

The humans who surrounded them after hearing the hubbub was shocked after they saw the clouds above Swistu being parted to show a gigantic floating island.

"Caelestia… the domain of the Celestial Spirits…"

"Heed my call, Camael!"

From the floating island above their heads, a sword wreathed in bright red flames flew down to the ground an arm's length away from Love who called for its name.


"Don't resist, child… I shall simply stop you from interfering with this world's improvement."

"Grrr! Let go of me!!!"




"The Guardian spirit… she's really fuming!"

"Let's go! Leave the area, now!"

As the people surrounding the two of them learned that it wasn't a normal ablution between their revered guardian and this stranger spirit, they began to run away from the scene, vacating their homes in order to not interfere with what is happening or be a hindrance to their guardian.

"If you think that the way you used your Principles and led those humans to those kinds of life is how you must perform your duties… You need to rethink all of it for a long while."

"Stop… STOP!!!"

"And that kind of thinking doesn't require you to have a physical body for the next few millennia…"


Love was about to raise her sword and bring it down to Freedom's neck when from a rooftop, a person jumped down with a weapon on hand.

"-! Hup!"

"Tch! I missed…"


With her combat knowledge from training with her fellow spirits though, Love was able to step away from where she was standing as soon as she saw a shadow growing from behind her.

"Are you alright, my lady?"

"I am now… Her aura was strong enough to restrain me. Be wary of it."


"You… Are you a Tainted Spirit?"

"…And what if I am?"

"How did you get past our borders… You can't possibly have slipped in here without any of my fellows knowing."

"Oh, haven't you heard? Your land is being besieged right now, lady Guardian spirit."


"From the shores of Atla sea, the southern frontier that faces the wild jungles of the south and into the plains past the Domain of Kleiv… all of it is being attacked by our league of liberators right now."

Spirit Love staggered for a moment after that revelation. Never did she expect for Spirits to come to their land with the intention of attacking them. Still, her instincts as a guardian took hold of her quickly and she tried to contact her fellows through Caelestia.

"Knowledge… Knowledge! What is happening at our borders?!"


However, no one answered. Not a single pip came through to Caelestia nor back to her.

"It's useless, Guardian."


"I've already isolated this city away from the intervention of Caelestia… You have no chance to call for help from your fellow spirits."

"They're busy with handling the invasion in their own domains anyway. Don't make it harder for them."

With the two spirits declaring that help will be nowhere to be found, Love stood up and with her sword in hand, took a stance of combat.

"Just because I am not a martial spirit doesn't mean that I cannot be an opponent to be terrified of in the battlefield."

"I'd like to see you prove that to me."

"We outnumber you, but we'll humor you, Love. Why don't you-"



"I told you…"




"…don't underestimate me."

Feeling confident with their numbers, Freedom and her companion insulted Love whom they thought cannot be any good in combat. However, before Freedom can finish her words, the body of her comrade was bisected laterally before being consumed by unremitting flames.

"You! How did you become so powerful?!"

"Are you really asking that when you never won against me even once before?"

"How dare you bring that back up!"

"Because this is the only way for you to know that going against me will never end in your victory. And right now, there is only one way for me to completely rip apart that thought from you."


"Prepare yourself, you foolish child… This will not end with both of us having a physical incarnation."


"What on earth…"

A bell alarm from the lighthouse of Cecilia's port city brought everyone in a state of heightened alert.

["Law… Law!"]

["Can you hear us?!"]

"Huh? Justice and Faith… why are you calling me?"

["It's an attack! Kleiv is under attack!"]

["Same for Itole! Both the jungle and desert warriors are marching towards the cities!"]

"T-The sight is the same here in the west! An unknown fleet of ships is present at Atla sea right now!"

Just moment later, both Justice and Faith called me through our link in Caelestia, informing me that same invasions are happening in their Domain lands.

["There too?!"]

["Tch! This isn't a coincidence, huh? Someone has coordinated this attack."]

["It is! I can see it from my Heaven's Eyes!"]

"Knowledge? What do you mean with that?"

["I am in the Hall of Words, sorting through the footage of my Insight stones. It seems like all of the Six Sinful states are coordinating an invasion to our land. As for the mastermind, the footage of the Insight stone at where I detected them was cut off before I can make sense of things."]

Knowledge stated after connecting with us that someone has coordinated all of this and it isn't simply an invasion that happened by coincidence.

"And where is this Insight stone located?"

["Tch! It's in Swistu!"]


["How did they get that far into the continent?!"]

"No… She couldn't have been…"

["It's the only logical conclusion, Law… she must be that Spirit that hitched a ride with you."]

What am I going to do…? I have to defend this shore, but Love must be locked in combat and in danger right now in Swistu…

"Leave, Law."


"My fleet can handle these savages from the sea. Go on and help out Love."

"But I have to defend this land!"

"And I am saying that we can do it!"


"…Go help out Love… she needs your help more than we do."

Cecilia, whom I thought would be brought by her guardsmen to her castle, stood beside me and told me that instead of staying here, I should go back to Swistu to help Love.

"I told you… Love was confident enough about my people to give us this land that will likely be invaded by the residents beyond the sea."


"Go now. My people are more than capable of destroying these savages."

"Do well, Cecilia!"

With Cecilia's words, I was assured that even if I left this place, they would be safe. With that, I ran outside of the city and visualized Swistu in my mind to teleport there, but I immediately felt something blocking me out of the place.

"Knowledge! Why is the Insight stone there not letting me in?!"

["It's jammed! I think our attackers has cut off the Insight stone's link to Caelestia to stop anyone from instantly getting in there!"]

["How are we going to help her out now?"]

["Both Kleiv and Itole is being attacked! We can't go there and force the jamming off!"]

"…I'll do it myself."


["What do you mean with that?!"]

"Exactly what I said! I'll use all of my strength to fly back to Swistu and pierce the isolating dome! I know that I can do it!"

["Well then, we'll leave it to your hands!"]

["Yeah. We'll give it our all in our own fights! Help her out in our stead, Law!"]

Both Justice and Faith spoke those words before cutting off their link to us. I was expecting Knowledge to say something concise before I flew off too, but instead of encouragement, what I got was something akin to an order.

["I'm leaving my sister to you, Law… Save her from whatever harm she might in right now."]

"…I'll do my best."

Those three words, spoken half-heartedly in the heat of the moment, became an eternal regret for me… for instead of promising that, I simply said that I will do what I can do.



"You… you couldn't have…"

"AHAHAHAHA! I'm alive! I'm finally alive again!!!"

Defeating her and breaking her body so she can atone for all the wrongs she have done is something that I planned to do and knew I can do easily in a matter of moments…

"This dark aura… this essence that came from the Original world…"

"Sin! Wrongness! Chaos! It will be done! It will be brought back!!!"

"The Icon of Chaos… the one being hunted by Law all this time… So, you were hiding inside of my student, you parasite!"

"Do not make that mistake, Celestial Spirit!"


"This young one has accepted me equally. Instead of looking at me as the enemy of all existences that your Celestials call me as, she took me in with honor and equality! She is more noble than any of you can be!"

"I see no honor from someone like you who only exist to destroy everything!"

I lunged forwards with my flaming sword in hand, intent on driving the blade deep into her body to silence both this Chaotic spirit and Freedom.


"Be burned to nothingness! Ignite!



However, before I can release all of the flames inside of the sword that is now sunk into her, a flash of light brought me a memory that immobilized me.



"Yes, child?"

"Why do… why does everyone become taller and weaker… but the two of us won't?"

It was a memory far back when she was still a young spirit that I took under me as both a child and student.

"That is because we are Spirits… and they are humans."

"What's… the difference?"

"Well, there are a lot of them. First of all, we are ageless. Though we do grow up as we develop our Principles, we stay in the prime of our physical bodies after we mature. You can see it with how you became taller as we travelled around and helped these humans."

"Mm… what about the others?"

"Secondly, we are born from the essence of the Original world and the wishes of humanity. I, as the Spirit of Love, was born from the wishes of humanity to devote their selves to others and the attachments that keep them together, growing and becoming more and more intwined with one another."

"Then… we aren't a real mother and child?"

"You… can say that. But you know, there are times when a lonely mother and a lovely child will meet and can become a real mother and child. That's called adopting one another. And sometimes, they can be as strong as one made from a blood relation."

"Mm! So that's it!"

"Ehehe! Yes, yes. That's it."

These memories… I can still fondly remember them.


"Yes, child?"

"You haven't said anything about the last one of those differences."


Ah… that's right…

"The last one is… something that I think you're not ready to learn yet."


"Because you haven't developed your Principles enough yet and grew up enough… you need to be taller and brighter to understand this one."

"But I wanna know it!"

"No, no. I'm not telling it to you yet."

"But I wanna know!!!"

The Last difference… now that I remember it, I should've told you back then already so you can hear it from me who can calm you down about it… instead of this rotten chaotic spirit who must've poisoned you with those kinds of ideas.

"Kekeke! That is right, young one. That is the last thing that separates humans from spirits like us."

"Then mother… she must've kept in away from me, so I won't leave her side!"

"Yes, yes… that is right, child. That is the reason why she never told you about it. Because she knew that so long as you will fear for your life, she can make you stay beside her and be able to shape you as how she wishes."

"Khh-! To think that she would keep this kind of dangerous thing from me… I cannot forgive her!"

"That's right… yes, yes… let the anger and frustration flow out, child. That will make you stronger… make you grow more and more as a spirit. Let it all out!"

That's right… I should've really told you back then the last part…

"If we Spirits die, our Principles will also be lost forevermore. And humanity, who made us as the images of such ideas and aspirations… will also lose it."

For you, if you die… humanity will never know freedom, liberty and choice. And it will be, for all of eternity, the worst future for all living beings.



"Now, now, now… Kekeke! You seem to have understood why I chose her."

"You foul beast! How dare you poison her of all beings!"

"She was free to make that decision. It's just that she ended up choosing such a rotten being like me for it."

"Remove yourself from her!"

"Make me."


"Now that you know that I've intwined myself into her spiritual self, you know that you cannot just kill me lest she too, become erased from existence."


"Come, Celestial Spirit!"


From being an ablution, this thing has now turned into a separation work.

"Let us revel in this moment where this world shall know all evil yet again!"

"I will revel once I rip you out of my child's physical and spiritual form."

"Kekeke! That will only happen if she allows you to do so."


"This young one hates you to the core, oh dear Celestial! You should know that she will never let you part from me who has properly given her the answer which haunted her for so long."

That's right… Freedom detests me for hiding from her that truth. I have no chance to convince her to separate herself from this parasite.

And yet… there is a part of me that wishes to do this even if the chances of this working are below nothingness.

That's right… from the very moment that I picked her up from where she manifested, all the way to the night when she thought I was asleep but are actually crying ceaselessly out of my regrets about how I treated her wish to be free before she ran away… all of that, I felt one thing and only one thing that made me want to be with her for the rest of eternity.

"I love you, child…"

"Kekeke! Do you really think that such shallow words would win her heart back, you foolish pest?!"

The buildings around us fell like twigs in a storm after she let out a shockwave.

"From the very moment I laid my eyes on you, I had nothing but your own good in my mind and heart…"

"You can keep on yapping, but she will not hear you!"

I lunged forward with my sword on hand. My footsteps are weighed down by the regrets I have… and yet, something else pushes me forward more and more.

"Though I know that I lacked greatly at times… sometimes even outright denying from you the things that should've helped you grow more and more…"

"Enough! Let us end her, Freedom!"

"…I am sure that you understand now how I protected you from the pain of the truths that you are too young and fragile to receive."

The pressure of the air around us exceeded the limitations of a physical body which made me slowdown in my approach. But such a hindrance was not enough to make me stop.

"Even after thousands of years of being apart… and me caring for humans in order to supplement the void that your disappearance gave me… I knew that only you can fill it again."

"You will die now, Celestial!"

"That is the reason why…"

A storm gathered around us in an instant. Razor-sharp gusts of winds enough to rip anything apart inside of it filled our surroundings. I knew that with my limited physical condition and their combined powers, I may not come out of this situation without life-threatening injuries.

"I am prepared to die if that means I can save you."


No… don't say those words…

Don't… don't break my resolution to see this through!

{"Let's destroy her! I don't want to hear her words anymore!"}

{"Kekeke! Don't worry! We will do just that!}

I will finish your heartless tyranny! I will not let humanity to experience the same treatment that I got from you!

After so long… I have finally learned about what my Principles should be and how important I am to humanity… I will not let you destroy that!

{"I will not-"}

"I love you, child…"


"From the very moment I laid my eyes on you, I had nothing but your own good in my mind and heart…"


"Though I know that I lacked greatly at times… sometimes even outright denying from you the things that should've helped you grow more and more…"

{"No, no, no!"}

{"Enough! Let us end her, Freedom!"}

{"R-Right! She needs to be silenced!"}

"…I am sure that you understand now how I protected you from the pain of the truths that you are too young and fragile to receive."

{"Shut your tyrannical mouth!!!"}

"Even after thousands of years of being apart… and me caring for humans in order to supplement the void that your disappearance gave me… I knew that only you can fill it again."

{"I will free myself from you!!!"}


You've always been a fragile child.

Even the slightest of breezes makes you shiver at night… and even the death of the most insignificant of insects is enough to hurt your heart.

To you, your own discomfort and the discomfort of others are equal. You are very sympathetic and thoughtful of others, to the point that you have more capacity to be selfless than me.

That's why I know… that even if it would cost my life, saving you will not erase the compassion of humanity towards each other.

If it cannot be the shared feelings of their heart, even just the ideology of being free and staying free can make do to keep the peace of this world.

"You will die now, Celestial!"

"Astral Awakening! Full Celestial Form!"

A millisecond away from the tempestuous winds that would shred me apart, I activated my full spiritual power.

"What on earth-?!"

"Heed my call, Boundless Warmth!"

In an instant, the area around us was covered in a sea of flames.

"How did you hide such a powerful form-?!!"

"Disappear from her body, you filthy being of the void!!!"

On my hand, instead of the sword that was once gifted to me from another Spirit, I now wield an orb made of gold that pulsates with great heat… an orb that Law said contained "the heart of a star".

I leaped high up into the air, wanting to lessen the damage around us by making the ground absorb the residual heat and pressure that would break his hold on Freedom's body.


But before I absorbed out the energy from the orb, I saw once again a vision about her.


"My and her principles just can't be together… that is just how things work."

"Does it really?"

It looks like a tavern from the eastern plains… she seems to be drinking ale with the Tainted spirit that helped her earlier.

"What are you trying to say now, Luxuria?"

"I don't have to hide the fact that I am a Tainted to you anymore, so I can say these things freely… The thing is, I have been Tainted the moment I have been born."

"Say what? I haven't heard something like that before."

"Well, what gave birth to me is actually crime done by a man to another man's wife… That is why my name is Luxuria… the word in one of the Original World's languages for Lust. That is to say, my life was a sin the moment I was born."


"Throughout my entire early life, I wondered if anything would ever change. I always just come in contact with humans, and they end up either breaking the bonds of their marriage with one another or attacking the spouse of someone else… at some point, it became sickening to me. I hated doing what I should be doing."

"So how does that all connect to my concern about the incompatibility of my principles with Spirit Love?"

"I'm saying that it's possible that in one way or another, your surrogate mother could've agreed in much of what you believe in and you too, can agree on what she believes in…"

"But that's against the limitations of us Spirits. We must hold fast on our principles lest we poison ourselves with such doubts."

"That's not true at all."


"I mean, ever since I met you, I was never able to affect humans anymore unwillingly. Look around us, there aren't any man or woman who's looking lustfully on each other here. Unlike before where we would always see many unsavory things when we pass by a settlement."

"That is…"

I see… so they have been together for a long time. He must've followed her because he wanted her. Such is the Tainted Spirit of Lust…

"Spirits can change too… You can, she can, anyone can. We can change ourselves without denying what we are integrally. After all, I am the Tainted Spirit of Lust… but my devotion to you is purely out of heart…"

That's… unbelievable. A Tainted Spirit, one of carnal desire too, is now solemnly devoting himself to someone.

"…If that is so… then should I have not left her, then?"


"If only we talked more and fought less… and if only I told her that I wanted to come to a compromise instead of pushing what I want to her without any concern about what she thinks as well…"

Oh child… you are right… If only things can be like that…


I have the power right now to make things right.

If anything, this fight can work as your starting point in going after that!

I know that it can be done!

I will do it!


Child, everything would have changed once you come back to your senses.

The world will no longer be the pretty place that we once walked through.

Everyone's lives as we know it will be replaced by a cruel future.

But… never give up. Never ever give up on it.


"Stop right there!!!"


"Don't you dare!!!"

"Immolate my soul in heavenly flame! Make me a vessel of Divine righteousness!"

"Get away from me!!!"

"Bring me the future that will bless this world!"

The flames of the orb licked throughout my body, covering me with fire that is enough to scorch the entire world if I wish to do so.


"DAMN YOU-!!!"

This is it. My final burst of flames. The last attack that I kept for the direst of situations.



"URGH! I can't… move!"


As the pillar of flames hit my enemy squarely, everything around turned into ash, and blinding light covered every corner of the place.


"Say, Love…"


"You've never really taught me how to smile properly… You know, smile without me knowing that I even smiled."

"Ehehe… I think I did forget that at some point. We've been busy with making everything here well and working, we even forgot about that teeny-tiny thing."

"Well, anytime that you are free from your work would be good to me."

"Hm? You're not gonna ask for it to become important or something?"

"No. What's important to me is that the first smile that I will have, you should be there to see it for me."

"Sure, sure. I want to see your immovable expression change too one day."


Be brave, my child! Push away from his hold!

You can still end all of this the way you want it to be!

I have faith in you! I believe in you!



The entire land was scorched, and I hit them squarely. I knew that there is no way for him to still be holding onto Freedom after such a great attack.

But I also believe that she has forced him out of her body. After everything that I said she should already know that this chaotic spirit isn't truly on her side.

"Ahh… Child…"


Even with my strength all drained and my vision slowly fading, I walked towards her to see if we have won in breaking his hold on her.



"You did it child. You-"

I looked and called to her and she smiled at me. I thought we have won, but after I let down my guard…

*FLISH-!* *TUK-!*


"Finally… I will be freed from you…"

"…I see. You didn't separate with him at all."

"I need him to finish you. I need him to free humanity from your hold."

She stabbed me on the belly with her hand… a critical place to be hit. I knew it already… I am done for.

"Urgh… Ahhh…"

"W-what are you doing…? Why are you raising your arms? Are you going to take me with you-"

"Live, my child…"


She thought I am raising my arms around her to take her life as well… but I am already too weak to do as such.

And I can never harm her to such a point. After all, she is my child.

"That is… my last lesson to you…"


Please be safe… Please be safe, Love!

"Faster… Gotta go faster!!!"

I cannot waste even a fraction of a second!

"There he is! Boss says to bring him down!"

"Let's do it!"



More and more spirits try to stand against me as I approach Swistu… I don't like what this may mean.

"Faster… FASTER!!!"

Finally, I saw the river that flows into the city and saw a dome made of Psych energy surrounding it. This may stop anyone else… but I am not one of those.

"Heed my call, Primordial Blood Oath!"

I summoned my spear and threw it into the barrier, breaking it into pieces in a single hit.

"Love… LOVE!!!"

These flames around the city… she couldn't have used that weapon!

"LOVE! Where are you?! Answer me!!!"

I ran speedily through the city until I reached a place which seemed to be flattened by a fight. And when I tried to sense her aura, I found it behind a corner.

"Love! There you are! You-"

"Oh… Law…"


There… instead of her triumphant smile… I saw a sad smile that carried both pain and regret towards me.

"I'm sorry… Looks like we can't be together after all."



"I… leave everything to you now… Guardian."

As the Spirit that has her hand through her belly took it out, a fountain of blood came out of Love…

"No… No, no, no! Don't… Don't just-"

"Die! Celestial spirit!!!"



A spirit who seemed to still be regenerating his body that was bisected tried to attack me from behind, but in my rage, I brought out a portion of my power. One that was enough to erase his existence in an instant.

"You…! YOU-!!!"

"My goal is finished."


"On to the war we go, Spirit Law."


Some say that the story ended just like this… Guardian Spirit Love meaninglessly died for her surrogate child who never hearkened to her, Spirit Freedom chose to side with Chaotic Spirit Babel, killing her surrogate mother and inciting the destruction of the northern continent, and everything went according to the wish of Spirit Freedom and her cohort… and yet, I and what little remained of the Celestial spirits know the truth that even we had to erase due to just how brutal that era was after all of this has happened.

Spirit Love's death didn't just cause all of her wishes to become true… she too, paid such a high price for all of these things.

For after the First Promise, the one made by Law and Love to one day be together, was made and yet, not fulfilled… it caused a cataclysm no less destructive than the one that destroyed the Original World. And due to that, we have called it…

[The War of Heaven and Earth]