Extra Chapter: A Reason to Go on

["Tomorrow will be another day for change…"]

Such was the lie that this world made me eat up throughout my entire life.

["So long as you follow the orders given to you, please those who are above you, favor the products and services that these popular people endorse and live your life to the fullest, you will be happy all the days of your life."]

Such was the lie that this world gave to all of us.

[Everything will be alright, so long as you do as others do. Follow the flow, never doubt the system. Do as instructed, and you will be happy.]

What an utter load of bullshit.

["Nothing ever gets better."]

These were the words that I spoke as I finally accepted that this rotten world will never give me the life that I wished for… not even the life that I deserve as a living human being.

["I deserve to own my own shelter. I deserve to have the people whom I spent my entire life with around me throughout my life. I deserve to decide what makes and doesn't make me happy."]

It was far too late when I discovered that I could push back against this world's wishes and pursue my own happiness. My heart was already broken beyond recovery, my soul battered by all kinds of suffering, my body destroyed by injuries given to me by those who wanted me to keep conforming.

["I am a human being! I am not this world's slave!"]

My name is Miyazaki Koshiro. This is the cruel story of how I was demolished by this world… and how I intend to give back the favor even beyond the grave.


"Good morning, darling! You slept in a bit today."

"Hrm? Oh… I don't need to check-in early today, so I tried to take back the sleep I missed these past few days…"

"Hehe… Then I guess you'll enjoy the breakfast today. Ta-da! It's bacon and egg fried rice!"

"Wow! I love you so much, Shiro-kun!"

My name is Miyazaki Koshiro. I am a 27-year-old happily married man living in New Tokyo with my lovely wife, Tsukino.

My wife is an accountant at Miyazono Accounts and Finances. A business consultancy company in Akatsuki district. If you are asking about whether it is her or I who is the breadwinner, I would powerlessly confess that it is her.

She is very talented in numbers and has been well-known to find all kinds of ways for her company's clients to save their businesses or get out of dangerous financial situations that would usually end up making them bankrupt.

As for me, I have a more humble and apparently uneventful vocation.

"Are you giving your manuscript again to that haughty editor? Even I am pissed that you are still trying to give him your light novel… when will you decide to just self-publish it?"

"Come on, Tsu-chan… I don't want to burden you with that kind of thing. Do you know how much it cost just to commission an illustrator to do the cover and picture pages of a light novel and arrange for a printing house to manufacture all of it?"

"Muu… I still like my idea better. You've been holding onto that novel for years, so it deserves to be read by a lot of people already!"

"…Then let's make this the last one, then."


"If that old man would still turn me down later, I'll get a part-time job to save up for a self-publication."


"I told you already, Tsu-chan. I don't want to be a burden to you more than I already have been. I'm already thankful that you married such a pathetic guy like me and stayed beside me all this time. If I push my own desire on you such as asking you for money to publish my work… I don't think I can ever face you properly again."

I knew how much I have burdened her so far… Unlike her, I am just someone imaginative enough to make stories. I am not smart enough for technical jobs and I've already missed out on learning more things to get a useful and high-paying job.

"Shiro-kun… you're such a dummy."


"When did I ever told you that you're a burden…?"

As I raised my face, I saw her trying to stifle her tears and stop herself from crying.

"You dummy… I married you because I love you! Why do you still look down on yourself when I am wholeheartedly loving you!"


"You dummy… I… Try loving yourself too!"

Love myself… when was the last time that I even thought about such a thing?

"That's it! I'm calling my office!"


"I'm taking a leave of absence today! I won't let the day end without you finding a way to do this!"


"You're going to value yourself that way I value you! I will do everything that I can!"


Looking back at it now… Tsu-chan was the only saving grace that this world gave to me. An oasis in the middle of this world that has nothing but hell-fire and definite suffering for me.


"Well, that is how much I can lower the printing fees, Miyazaki-san. I would only be making a 100-yen profit per copy, but since my daughter is a big fan of this show, I guess that's enough for me."

"T-Thank you very much, sir!"

"Much obliged, Mister."

In the end, the publishing company's haughty editor rejected my manuscript, but Tsukino managed to know someone who is willing to lower the printing fees for me. From what I heard, his printing press was saved by Tsukino once, so with that and the fact that her young daughter loves Magical Mirai, which I planned to revive through my light novel, I was able to self-publish it.

As for how I would pay it…

"That would seem like it is against the law, sir. But by entering this loophole where we can label this department as a humanitarian branch and make our client regularly donate to charities, our client can legally escape from these corporate taxes that I have highlighted here."

"I see, I see… Hmm… Impressive as always, rookie."

"Pleased to be of help, sir."

I entered into a Law course at the internet and by devoting myself on it, I was able to join a Legal firm company. The head of the department seemed to be pleased with my quick-thinking skills that even though I haven't taken the Bar nor was I eligible for it because I only learned Law through the internet, he let me in and paid me just a little less than a real lawyer.

"Welcome back, Tsu-chan!"

"Urghhh… I'm tired to the bone."

"You're quite drunk too. You should've just called me so I can pick you up."

"Nahhh… I don't wanna!"


She drunkenly spoke before slipping from her heels. Good thing I caught her before she fell down.

"I don't wanna let anyone from my coworkers to see you…"

"And… why is that?"

"…I'm embarrassed."


Maybe it's because she's drunk… or we reached that point already in our relationship where these kinds of things pop up.

"…Are you… embarrassed that you're married to a guy who's not being paid enough in his work since he isn't a college graduate?"


"Come on. I won't be angry since it is the truth. You can say it to me truthfully."

This is one of my many fears… that one day, she'll hate my pathetic self and try to hide me from other people.

"You dummy! Shiro, dummy, dummy!"

"W-Woah! Stop hitting me!"

"Why would I be embarrassed of my husband who's giving it his all for his dreams? Hic! I'm embarrassed since everyone in the office tells me I become all giddy and soft when you're around!"


"I'm embarrassed that we go all lovey-dovey whenever we're together!"

"…Yeah. We sure go all lovey-dovey when we're together."

"Mm… Shiro, bring me to the bed."

"Hehe… Sure thing, darling."



"Lemme sleep on your chest tonight."


"…I dunno… I just… love to smell you when I'm drunk."

"Geez… what am I going to do to you, you spoiled wife of mine…?"

It was at this night when I finally got over my fear that she might one day be sick of me and recaptured my heart that I was able to wholeheartedly please her as her husband.


"You're done already? What does it show…?"

"What does two lines mean again?"

"Ah… Ahh! Yipee!!!"

"W-Woah! W-W-W-What are you doing?!"

"That's a positive! We're gonna become parents!"

"What?! Yahooo!!!"

It's been three years since we were married. And finally, we've been blessed with a child.

"I should arrange for my maternal leave before I get my baby-bump. Better tell my boss and the others about our little gift so they can fill in for me for a while."

"Sure. Let's go together then."

"Eh? H-Hey! They will tease me again and-"

"Nah! I'll make sure we can celebrate this! Let's make everyone know about this!"

"Ahhh! We really shouldn't!"

After hearing from her that she was pregnant and filling in her maternal leave request, her boss threw a party for everyone at a local family restaurant. It seems like Tsukino really is valued and loved by her co-workers for them to hold her in such high regard and celebrate her pregnancy.

"Ufff…! I'm stuffed. The others kept on giving me the carbonara pasta and basil pizza so I can "fatten up" for the month ahead."

"Ahahaha! You sure need the stored energy. You'll have to share your body with our child… it needs just as much food as you do. Especially midnight snacks."

"H-Hey! Are you telling me I am gaining weight?! How dare you!"

"Ouch! Stop hitting me!"

"Mmph! It's just the baby that's making me heavier!"

"It's not even your first trimester..."

I could never ever be happier as a man. I will soon be gaining a lot of money from my book, my wife has already settled for her maternal leave and before the year ends, we will have a child.

Everything was pointed in a positive way. There is no need for me to be afraid of the future.

Until one day, a strange man called out to me after I passed the third volume of my light novel to the printing press and asked me something so vulgar and deplorable that I can never come to accept what he meant.

"How much?"


"Your wife. I want her. How much do you want?"

"…I beg your pardon… Are you serious with that question?"

"Serious. Dead serious. I saw her last week while you are partying in a family diner that I passed by while bar hopping. She seems like a delightful girl… you should know what comes next."

From his business card, I learned his name.

Hirayama Taka, general manager of Miyazono Amenities. Holding both the electrical, water and gas supply in New Tokyo, it would not be wrong to call him as the one who hold the most sway in the city's day to day services.

"She is my wife."

"I don't give two shits about that. I want her."


"I'm not like that brat Satoshi though, so I'm willing to make a fair deal. Name your terms, I'll fulfill it so long as you can file for divorce within a day."

If he thinks that he can just stroll to me, disrespect my wife and bribe me to split with her, he has another thing coming.

"...Do you know what this is?"

"An ordinary saltshaker, why do you ask?"

"Here's my first term. Shove this up your ass starting from now on. That means you can never remove it."

"How dare you-"

"Stop, boy. Stand down."

"I-I'm sorry, sir."

One of his bodyguards tried to grab me, but he stopped his man, seemingly cautious of the surrounding people who is already making them the center of their attentions.

"Unlike a certain someone, I do not enjoy pain, Mr. Miyazaki. This term of yours seem more like an insult than a legitimate request for the terms."

"It is. So you should already know what my real answer is."



After confirming my answer, he chuckled lightly before answering back to me.

"If I cannot get her legitimately from you, I just have to depend on a bit direr way…"

"Bring it on."

"Hah! Let's see if you will still say those words in the end, you peon. If you think I'll give you any respite, you are making a big mistake."

It indeed was a mistake… but not one that I will ever regret in my life.

"D-Darling? What's wrong?"

"The publishing house… it was burned by an arsonist last night."

"Y-You mean-!"

"Yeah… the fourth volume that everyone is waiting for can't be printed and distributed. The owner told me that it would take some time to get printing presses, so I should find someone else to do it for now."

"I see… that is a tragedy."

"…It is."

I knew already that it was his work. The owner has no business rivals or personal enemies. Only I have one that is powerful and fearless enough to do something like this.

"We know that this is the new iteration that has been the talk of the town for a while. As you said, this has a huge market and we would be in advantage by publishing this series of yours."

"However, the risk is far too much for us, Miyazaki-san. I'm afraid we will have to pass from this."

"…Can I… at least know what this risk is that you are speaking about?"

I went to publishing houses and companies. But all of them said the same thing and when I asked what risk it is, they all silently pointed their sights on the logo of their business.

"…I see."

Written in fine print in those logos, are the words "Miyazono conglomerate". Indeed, it was his work yet again.

"I understand… I'll lend you some money until things calm down."

"Thank you, dad… With Tsukino giving birth soon, I really need some money for us."

"Don't mention it. Even though I already have a new family and you clearly stated that you don't want anything to do with us anymore, you are still my son. I still need to help you when I can."

In the end, I came back to my father to ask for help. As for the rift that separates us… let's just say that I didn't agree with the morals of his medical research…


"W-waaah! Careful, darling. I almost dropped Rea!"

"S-Sorry! But this news is very important! Look at this!"

Three months after my wife gave birth, I was lulling our daughter to sleep in our bedroom when Tsukino opened the door and made me follow her to the living room where a news coverage that broke my heart is being displayed.

["Today, we are in Old Tokyo's end of Sagami bridge where rescuers are still busily looking for survivors in the bridge that collapsed all of a sudden just ten minutes ago. An estimated four hundred vehicles are in the bridge when this tragedy happened during the evening rush hour, placing the estimated number of dead, injured and missing to upwards of three thousand people."]

"Wait… Dad and the others went to New Tokyo today. They can't be-!"

"L-Let me hold Rea! Go to the phone!"


After passing to my wife our daughter, I ran to the landline phone and dialed the number of my father, wishing that the worst hasn't come for them.

"Dad… Dad! Is everything alright? Is Hina-san and the others alright?!"

"…Everything will be alright soon, son."


"Hina, Hiro, Mio and Yukari… they will be alright. I promise…"

"Will be…? What are you trying to say?"

"I won't let anyone take them away from me…"

At this moment, I understood what he was trying to say with that exhausted and hopeless voice of his.

"Dad… Don't! Don't do this on-"

"No one will take them from me. Not this world, not any demon… not even god."


Before I can beg him to stop, he cut the call and I was left there, horrified of what will be coming next.


"Kh! Let's go, Tsu-chan."

"Go? Go where? Why?"

"We will be dragged into dad's crime! We have to run away now and hide!"

"That-! O-Okay! I'll pack up our clothes. Handle our necessities!"

"Okay. Let's do this quickly!"

Tsukino already knew about father's research work from what I confessed to her back then. This was due to the fact that after learning that I studied Law, he asked me if his research can be made legal. However, I knew that kind of scientific work will never be legal.

"Tateyama, Chiba. Quickly. No questions asked."

"…Roger that."

"…Is Rea alright?"

"She's asleep. I don't think she will be making any noise for now."

"Good. We have to get to Sendai before dawn… maybe we can hide at Hakodate since there's Siberian army presence there."

I was hiding the fact that it wasn't only father's reckless decision to use his research method on his new family that caused us to run away. All this time, that bastard has been trying all kinds of ways to force me to divorce Tsukino… and I have always swerved away or endured through his dastardly actions.

I love my wife and my daughter. I don't care what kind of hell I have to go through. I will never let a scum like him to best me.

"Wait… darling, did we actually ride a taxi?"

"Huh? Wait!"

"Calm down, you two…"


Because of our panic, we both didn't realize that we rode a car that wasn't a public transport. It was only after Tsu-chan noticed that there isn't a driver-passenger divider on the front seats that we realized we rode a stranger's car.

"Here's much of your cash. I'll take just a bit to recharge the car later. After all, we have a long trip ahead of us."

"Long trip… you can't be-!"

"Let us out! Let us out or we will make a noise in here!"

"I said calm down, you numbskulls!"


"I'm not kidnapping you. I'm here to help you."

"Help us?"

"I sensed something about you two. It's dead in the night, you have bags filled with haphazardly packed clothes and food, you ran into the first car that you saw near the taxi stop without checking if its really a taxi and you hurriedly forked over a ridiculous wad of cash, wanting me to drive you to Chiba with no questions asked."


"You must be running away from someone… or maybe something."

"We… We are."

"Then that's settled… Buckle up, I'm bringing you three as far as Oma."

"O-Oma?! A ferry boat away from Hakodate?"

"Yeah. The furthest to the north that I can bring you… Husband, do you know how to drive?"

"Y-Yes! This is an electric car, right?"

"Yeah. Let's take a rest stop in Sendai where there's an electric vehicle charging station. From there, let's switch places until we reach Morioka. With this, we can reach Oma by tomorrow afternoon, just in time for the last boat to Hokkaido."

"Why… are you helping us?"

"…I just want to."

"Is that really all?"

"Shut it. If you want me to keep our agreement, don't ask anymore questions."


With the help of the old gentleman who said that he's willing to drive us to the northernmost tip of Honshu, we got to finally heave a breath of relief.

"…It's full. Husband, take charge."

"Y-Yes, sir!"

After we have bought more food and baby supplies for Rea such as milk formula and diapers in the rest stop, the old man confirmed that the car was fully recharged and gave me the driver's seat and wheel.


"…Quit shooting stares at me. Come on, ask away."

"But you said not to ask any questions earlier…"

"I said that because I'm focusing on driving and I am a bit sleepy. Do you have any brain power to spare answering questions when you're exhausted and giving your all to stay awake while driving?"

"A-Ah. I guess you are right. Well then… who are you, mister? I at least want to know how to address the person who is saving us right now."

"The name's Higuchi Sora. I used to be a research fellow in Miyazono Medical Research Institute until the outbreak of the MB2 virus. After that was barely contained, I resigned."

"MB2… are you the ones who…?"

"Yeah. I'm among the researchers who studied that plague and proposed ways to stop its spread… while my co-workers are looking for more socially or bureaucratically acceptable solutions such as making better contraceptives or making the infected undergo therapy to control their urges, I was the one who proposed the Isolation zones where the infected can be locked up."


"You're the one who made those?"

"I proposed it and the government agreed. It might look inhumane, but it is the best stopgap measure possible… If anything, it helped immortalize the lessons that we should've learned from it."

"And those are…?"

"That if you're going to do that thing, make sure that it is with someone that you truly love and value. For much of our history, nothing really pushed such a lesson to humanity as much as the MB2 virus did. Because of that, a lot of horny bastards and bitches have propped up in every era… with that disease, they are no more."

"Actually… there are still some outliers."

"What do you mean, kid?"


I looked behind for a moment to check if Tsu-chan is asleep. After seeing that she is, I spoke to the old man about my personal trouble.

"Since you used to work for the Miyazono conglomerate, I believe you know about Hirayama Taka, yes?"

"Of course. The rotten brat of my former boss. Before his family took over the amenities business, they used to be a shareholder in the research hospital. He's a real spoiled brat who thinks he can buy off anything he wants."

"You see… A year ago, that bastard pulled me to a restaurant and asked me to name my price in exchange for divorcing my wife. He seems to have seen her once and got interested in her."

"What did you tell him?"

"I showed him a saltshaker and told him to stick it up far into his ass. That pissed him off, and since then, a lot of what I wanted never went the way I wanted it to be."

"That's what those Silver fund brats can do… They think they own the world and everyone living in it. A lot of them have a god-complex and it shows up an awful lot of the time. That's why making them fall down feels the best."

"I have another question, if it wouldn't be too personal."

"What is it?"

"Do you also have a wife, Higuchi-san?"

"…I used to."

"Used to? Oh! Sorry…"

"No, no. She didn't die… at least, that is what I want to believe in."

"What… does that even mean?"

"We were so in love with each other and when we finally got married, I promised to do the same thing for her for the rest of our lives…"


"That was twenty-three years ago when I am still about your age… three weeks into our marriage, I woke up to see that she disappeared. I thought she was only out to shop for breakfast, but she never came back. I thought she ran away, but she never brought any of her belongings and her wedding ring wasn't at home. I suspected a kidnapping, but our house's alarm never went off even once…"


"It's like she disappeared from this world like a bubble… never to be seen again."

"How… does that even work?"

"I don't know it myself… I just know that she's out there somewhere. And as someone who promised to love her for eternity, I want to find her."

"But… it's been twenty-three years already, sir. She can't still be-"

"If you are in my shoes, I bet that you'll be doing the same thing."


"A lot of people throw a shade on men when it comes relationships. They keep on lampooning us by saying that we're unfaithful, conniving and heartless monsters who doesn't care about our wives or do things that make them happy."

Hearing those words, I remembered something from the past when I was still young… when much of my classmates and friends talks about their parents who always quarrel and how even though they know that their dads are doing their best, other people keep on hurdling more and more expectations onto them.

"And yet, here are we two. An old guy who still hopes to be reunited with his wife after so many years… and a young man who is risking it all to save his family and run away from the clutches of the lustful beast that wants to take his wife. Superheroes and comic book protagonists got no shit against us."

"Yeah… when you put it in that way, it really is inspiring to me."

Our trip went on and on until we finally reached Oma city where we rode the ferry ship. Before we boarded, we thanked Higuchi-san properly and I would've given him money for the trouble, but instead, he just asked for a small thing that to me and Tsukino, seemed more like an encouragement than a favor.

"Make sure to raise your child properly. Love her in her youth and respect her in her age of independence, and she will give it all back once you are the ones who are in need of care."


"Go on. Leave your worries here and start anew in the other shore."

""Thank you very much, Sir!""

And so, we boarded the ferry to Hokkaido and settled down in Sapporo. I took a job in a local hunting shop where I sold hunting rifles and ammunition alongside other necessary tools to the mostly hunting-centric people here in the north.

I befriended some hunters. Even got to join one hunt where the hunter I am with got pinned by a bear and after grabbing his rifle, I shot the animal straight in the heart. Though it was just a couple of shots, it gave me enough courage and knowledge for the next predator that I have to take down.

"…Someone's by the door."

"I'll take Rea to the bathroom, then… Shiro, if you can, just turn them away… but if things get dire-"

"I know."

It has been six months since Rea was born and almost two years since that time when that guy brazenly tried to take my wife away. I have nothing to fear now. I have prepared myself and my family for the worst…

"We know that you are there and that you know what our boss wants!"

"Give her up and we will leave you alone!"


"Don't test our patience, you beggar!"

"You won't like how this will end, I promise you!"

"Bring it on, you scum-sucking rats!"


"You really area handful-"

*DUG-! DUG-!*


"MY…! MY ARM!"

As soon as they kicked down the door, I fired my shotgun onto their bodies, immediately killing both as I hunkered down to wait for the others whom I knew is still around.

"Come on! I'll bring all of you to hell!"

"You're too loud, you know?"


"Haah… just for a girl you could just discard anytime. You're really pathetic, you know?"

I don't know how, but he appeared behind me and before I can turn my gun around, something cold and solid hit the back of my head and paralyzed me because of the extreme pain.

"Come in. Get the girl and let's get the hell away from here before the Sumeragi dogs get off their parapets for us."

"Yes, sir!"

"N-no… Tsukino… Don't you-!"

"Give it up, man. I want her and instead of doing fair trade, you kept on snubbing and insulting me. I'm just getting her the other way I told you I would do."

"No…! I won't let you… get to her!"


"Oh, looks like you're too late."

From the bathroom, I heard Tsukino struggle as his men dragged her out.

"Sir… there seems to be a problem."

"Problem? What is it now?"

"…She's a mother now."

As his fellows dragged Tsukino out, one of the men brought out Rea who is crying loudly from all of the noise.

"You… You f*cking prick!"


"How dare you… how dare you take her away from me!"


"Koshiro! NO!!!"

He kept on kicking and digging the heel of his shoe on my head while spouting ridiculous nonsense about me, her actual husband, stealing her from him, the rapist who has been stalking us all this time.

"Let me enlighten you about this, you prick. I love taking things that I want so long as they stay the same. I wanted your wife. And for the past two years, I only wanted her because she is your wife and nothing else. But now, you had the audacity to plant your seed in her and make this wench- You know what, give her to me!"


"Give that brat to me so I can erase its horrendous existence from the face of this world!"

"NOO!!! REA!!!"

"Unyaaa!!! Ngaaa!!!"

He took my child from the arms of one of his men who himself looked conflicted with the fact that his boss wanted to kill her.

"No…! I will not let you!"

"Kids like this should be wiped from the face of the world! You think you can take away what I want just because you got created?! You should've been aborted!"


Before he can haul my child out of the door and into the three-story drop outside of the hallway, I was freed from my paralysis in exchange for a great deal of pain all around my body… but that never entered my mind.





I don't care who you are and what you are! I will tear you to pieces if you lay a finger on those that I love!

Again and again, I was kicked to the curb by this world! Tormented by its inequality! Robbed by its elites! Terrified by those above me!

But not anymore! I don't care what will happen! I will not let you, no, I will not let anyone to take from me anymore!

Not my dreams! Not my dignity!


"That aura-!"



As soon as I grabbed Rea from his hand and turned around to shove the men who is holding Tsukino away from her, my vision became dark, and I felt like something forcefully exploded out of my body.

[The Oath is signed. The Juror is here.]


["Evil shall resign. For the righteousness bought by tears."]

"What is happening-"

["To you who has chosen for this world, a curse rather than a praise. One gift shall be given in exchange of an eternal promise."]


My vision became filled with light as I returned to the real world.

[To the worthy, comfort they shall taste. To the wicked, an eternity with no bliss.]

"Rea… Tsukino…"

Instead of being inside our apartment room, I saw myself standing by the hallway which pooled with the black ooze from the rooms beside ours. It seemed like it was flowing only at the rooms that has someone inside of it.

"Rea… Rea…? Urgh! Gaaahhh!"

I looked down at my child that I grabbed from our assailant, only to see her cold and pale… with her eyes that released no tears, but instead, the oozing black liquid that was also on my feet.

"Tsukino! Rea… Rea is-! WAAAAHHHH!!!"

I turned to my wife for help after the sickening sight of our child's death horrified me… only to see her at the same condition, crying out that black liquid that flows out like crude oil.

"You… How did you… how did you manage to become one of them…?"

"You're still alive…? You are alive?!"

"You monster! This will be your grave!"



Enraged that my child and wife died and yet, this monster in human skin is still alive, I shouted a word that echoed around the room.

"N-No… NO!!! Not now! My clone is still too young! I won't be able to-"

"Haah… haah… haah…"

From his left chest, he slowly turned into the dark ooze limb by limb until he eventually turned completely and died.

"Rea… Tsukino… Hik-! How… how did this happen?!!"

"I apologize for your loss, Juror… But given the situation, maybe this is the best end for these two that you dearly loved."


From outside our apartment room, an old man wearing black from hat to shoes spoke to me after removing his hat and placing it over his chest, showing genuine condolence to me.

"You can just call me Charon… I am here after I sensed that someone became a Seer of Death through their sheer power of will instead of my permission."

"Charon… the Boatman of the Underworld?"

"Well… I can't really be picky with what I am to be called. Anyways, I wish to comfort you about this loss… they are your child and spouse… victims of that monster's desires."


"You must have thousands of questions right now, don't you? Like what happened to you, what were the voices that you heard earlier, what this black ooze is and why are they flowing out of everyone's eyes right now."

"I… I do."

"Well then, I shall enlighten you. But first, I want you to have some closure with them first…"

The old man walked towards me and placed the heel of his palm on my forehead. After this, my eyes were flashed with a bright light and when it dissipated, I saw my beloved for one last time.

"Oh, Shiro-kun…"


"Hehe… It's quite a shame that things went this awry, isn't it? I didn't understand earlier what was happening… and when I did, I was crying out some kind of black liquid out of my eyes… and then I died."


"I was still quite awake when you came rushing into the room… Is Rea…?"

"She's… not with me."

"I see… so that means she'll be with me."

"Not quite right, you two."

"That voice…"

"It's the Boatman. Since he connected you with me, he can interject on us. What do you mean about us not being right?"

"Your daughter is far too young and innocent of what happened earlier for me to take her. It may seem like I am picking things here by not taking her in when death is supposed to not choose between anyone, but right now, that child deserves to have a chance in her life."

"Well… you heard the man, Koshiro. You won't be alone after all."

"How can you say those things so easily, Tsu-chan…?"


"I… I just lost you… Hik! I just lost you and you're accepting all of this so easily? How can you so easily accept that this is how everything should end?!"


"I… I only got this far because I had you… It was only because you loved me that I gained enough courage to continue with life and reach for my dreams! I…"


"I don't want to lose you… I can't imagine living on without you!"

As I bawled my heart out, feeling unending pain and despair with the prospect of never being able to see her again, I fell on my knees… feeling so powerless just as I used to be before I met her.

"I need you to live on and be strong, Shiro…"

"I can't! I can't do it! Didn't you hear what I just said? You are the only one that let me get this far! You're the one who convinced me that I can do things that I thought I never can't! I need you… I need you to tell me that I can do it…"

"Alright then… as the last thing that I can do as your wife…"

Suddenly, Tsukino knelt to my level and wrapped her arms around my back before leaning my head on her bosom.

"If this will help you push on to the future, I will give you a reason to live on even though I am no longer by your side."

"What… is it?"

"…I learned earlier from the Boatman that we cannot move on to the afterlife until some kind of war starts and ends. Now that I am dead, I am among those souls that has to stay here until that thing happens."


"Now that you have that power, you will be included in that war. As a Seer of Death, you will have to take part and make sure that it will end in our favor… or else, we will be at the mercy of the enemy… and most likely will have to suffer damnation."

"That would-"

"That's right… You, I and Rea… since us three are departed or will be departed by that time, we will be included in there. That's why I want you to do this, Shiro."


"Win. Take part in the battle and make sure that our side will win. Only then can we be at peace in the afterlife together. Do you understand now what I am asking from you?"

"Yes… and I will give it my all."

"Good… with that, I guess it is time for us to be parted for a long while, darling."


"Remember, I will always be rooting and watching over you. Take care of Rea… and let's see each other in the far future."

Before I returned to the real world, Tsukino planted a kiss on my lips for one last time, giving me both her parting words and last reminder that I may be alone now, but I still have her within me always.

"…You have a very wonderful wife."

"I do… that's why I will give her the justice she needs… and the happily ever after that we deserve."


There used to be a riddle in a far-flung land that has a philosophical mystery.

["When humans are tried for a crime, a judge must uphold justice. But what if it is the world itself that must be convicted of unfairness? How shall one judge the world for how it is created and how it is being run?"]

This riddle has been lost to time and tongue… likely due to the fact that humanity has accepted that the world is unfair, and it is better for it to be like that because it is far too troublesome to fight against it.

And yet, in the dark corners of the world where the light of ignorance, mediocrity, meaninglessness and hedonism cannot reach. Where distractions given by the world cannot grasp the hearts of those who still believe in justice and equity, there are shifting shadows and voiceless whispers that move and tattle.

"We will be seeing each other later, Rea. For now, I shall leave you to him just as how your uncle left to him your aunts… although given the closeness of your ages, you should just treat them like your siblings."

"Baa… baa!"

"Yes, Papa will be away for a long time. So be kind to him and your new family. I'm sure he's a good person and he'll love you as much as I do."

Step by step, the war that I was told about became more and more visible. Every judgement that I give, every death that I cause, every life that is taken by me in the name of correcting this world… all of it leads to one and only future where I shall give it my all to return to my beloved's embrace for the rest of my afterlife.

"No… NOO!!!"

"None of you deserve to live after everything that you have done."

"No! Not Sonya!!!"

Every step that I take, I lose a piece of me which is replaced by the cold and unfeeling self of the Seer of Death that I have been given.

"You were crying in your sleep again, Juror."


"Was the song that I played on my piano remind you of her again?"

"Yes, Maestro… I saw her again and the entire time, she gave me the smile that she used to give me when we were still together."

"Lovely… Though I wasn't able to have the same experience, I am glad that I helped you relive yours."

"Thank you."

The war is coming for all of us. The awakening of the Challenger has happened. The revival of the Tainted Mortal is being prepared. The secrets that lie beneath this false earth is being uncovered and the last conditions for that great battle is being fulfilled.

"Juror. You are being called to the gathering in Aokigahara. It is the gathering that we were unable to detect and stop last year."

"Good… though it will only be to the owner of this body, he will have justice for his half-brother's death."


Death comes to all of us. No matter who you are and what you are in life. Death is a constant reminder to everyone that from the start and until the end, everyone is equal.


"Get out of your rooms! We're being attacked!"

"Pitiful children… to think that the last generation before the end would be this horrendously rotten and lustful in flesh."

From dust to dust, we leave the womb naked, and we board the coffin bare as well.

And yet, in the end, we are not remembered for how we are born, but on how we leave this world.

And so, whenever I see these humans, I feel nothing but disappointment, disgust and annoyance.

"Every one of you… Die and despair eternally."

"What on earth is that-?!"


"Get out of the way!!!"

"Let us out! Let us out of here!!!"

I am the Juror of Darkness. He who holds the souls of over billions of sinners that even after being damned, does not wish to accept their wrongs and repent.

"" (TN: Eternal Damnation)

I am the 1st Spirit of Death. Juror Miyazaki Koshiro.