Prologue: The Sum of all that Transpired

{"Good afternoon, everyone. We are currently in the outskirts of the city district of Old Tokyo city where the renown Old Tokyo academy campus of the Miyazono conglomerate is located. From the statement given by the local police, they received an order from Old Tokyo city Mayor Yoshito that a civil disturbance is happening in the premises of the school, and it is to be evacuated immediately including its surrounding residential area. Though the exact details of the said disturbance is yet to be fully confirmed, we were cleared to interview the first batch of evacuated students, staff and passing residents that reached their designated drop-off points and-"}


I turned off the television and spoke to the men who has indescribable expressions on their faces.

"…I believe this is enough to warrant a state of emergency, Prime Minister."

"Again, what you're asking for is difficult to perform, Director Nakamura."

"Right… First of all, we have to contact the National Diet and the city council of Old Tokyo. If we declare that district to be in a state of emergency, we are bound by law to request this through the appropriate authorities first."

"Please understand our position, Director… We are-"

"I know about the law and the need for due process to declare a state of emergency! What I'm asking right now is for the Self-defense forces to be deployed in order to cordon the area and limit entry in it! The bulk of the Miyazono group's most powerful individuals are in there! If they manage to slip in any vehicle, they can draw out their VIPs out faster than we can scour the area for them!"


"Please, sirs! We've been looking for a valid way to incarcerate these people for 30 years! If we let go of this chance, we will not have any more situations to ever catch them!"

Though faced with the truth of my words, the reluctant thoughts of the government officials in front of me is still solid. Unwilling to do something disturbing to the public at the current date when national elections are drawing near, they are caught between our long-standing objective of bringing down the Miyazono corporation and their personal interests in the coming electorate polls.

"Yurippe… No, Yuri!"


"Look at this… This came from our drone in the air!"

My subordinate's voice beckoned me to look at the image on the monitor. An image that confirmed the arrival of someone we have been wary of for a long time.

"That person… No, it can't be-!"

"Director Nakamura, this is an order!"

What Yusa showed in the giant screen of the Main Operations room showed enough proof for the unwilling politicians to cast away their personal interests in order to sack the person shown in the video feed.

"How this will be received by the public is no longer important! This proves it to us now."

"Prime Minister… I understand, sir!"

"Mm. Minister Fudou and Moria … Inform the Diet and the City council for me."

""Understood, sir!""

"Chief Yusa, please set up a communications line to Ichigaya HQ right now. If possible, patch me directly to Major General Azuma."

"Aye-aye, sir. Just let me connect to his office landline."

In but an instant the politicians who was willing to stall for things in order to preserve their good graces with the public overturned their attitudes and went to work.

"Move in, move in, move in! I repeat, lock down the school campus and never let anyone escape from inside of it. Those are your RoE."

"Hinata. Is that ground control?"

"Yeah… I ordered all operatives to shoot down anyone not with us or is a civilian who will get out of that place. With that guy alive and inside, we can't take our chances."

"Right. We really can't."

Such measures must be taken… After all, he is now alive and kicking.

Miyazono Ryuichi is alive.