Pseudo-Spirit and the Formula of Truth

{"Sir! They ain't here!"}

{"Same with us in the south gate! We can't detect that Astra wave signature!"}

"Alright… Continue to search around and report immediately if you detect them. Remember, we need to secure that Awakened Psychic no matter what happens! Am I understood?!"

{"""Yes, sir!"""}

After I gave that order, I continued to go around the outskirts of the school campus, weaving through the remaining group of people who still hasn't been evacuated out of the area.

"Where is that person?! By this time, they would've already emitted some Astra energy that we can detect!"

"Sir! There's really no one out here that is emitting her Astra energy! I believe we should get in and help out in there now!"

"Tch! But if the enemy gets that person, all of this is for naught!"

"Sir! We can't waste any more time finding that person! Let's go in and plug the Astra energy pool already!"

Though I was desperate to find whoever it was that received the power of the sleeping Replicant that I brought here, I also cannot dilly-dally out here anymore by ordering my men to find that person when we're supposed to help out in stopping this mess.

"Everyone! Stop the search and gather inside the campus! We're closing down the Astra pool now!"

"""Aye, sir!"""

Darn it… I just wish that whoever it is that received that power isn't so gullible to side with the Miyazonos.


"Kai! Kirin-san!"

"Renjiro! So, you guys have finished your fights too, huh?"

Once we arrived at the other side of the campus grounds, I found Kirin-san being aided by Kai, the replicant of her son, as she is sitting on the floor and exhausted from her fight.

"Wait… this lingering Astra energy…"

"Right… I fought and defeated William."


Since his mother was exhausted from the fight, it was Kai who told me all about the fight and how that guy managed to escape death through the help of one of his comrades.

"If it is the same as before, it would take months… maybe even a year before he becomes able to fight again. But since they already have the technology to revive that guy…"

"Yeah… I doubt that it would take that long for them to bring him back to tip-top shape. In any case, I'm surprised that you are here when we haven't received any news about you coming back from Okinawa yet."

"I heard that there would be a commotion up here from our men in the old man's dojo. Once I passed the last test, I asked to be flown back here immediately and ran from Kabuki-cho to here."

"Ran? I see… Old man Naganohara really put you through the wringer."

"He sure did… By the way, there's something that mom and I wanted to ask."

"What's that?"

"Where is Rai-kun?"


Once he asked that question, I remembered that there was one other person in our side who is yet to contact us again.


"A-Aniki! The Astra energy detector-!"


"Kh-! What the hell!?"

Just as I began to think about where he could possibly be right now, all of the Astra energy sensors that we brought began to immediately emit a high-pitched sound, showing that it's detecting enormous amounts of Astra energy around us. It continued to do so until all of them short-circuited and was destroyed.



"Make a metal dome around us! I'm sensing something coming towards us!"

Just as Kirin said so, I also sensed something big coming to where we are standing around and immediately put up a defensive barrier to protect all of us.


"…Here it comes!"

Just after I closed the metal dome, the ground shook and debris started to patter the barrier, some of the stones was large or had enough speed to leave dents in the metal.

"What on earth is that?!"

"An explosion? An earthquake?!"

"N-No… this is… That's pure Astra energy!"

One of my men that specializes in sensory detection of Astra energy said those words and we can hardly believe it.

"How on earth can a simple emission of Astra energy shake the ground and send rocks and concrete flying around like this! Don't be absurd!"

"Focus and you can sense it too! The blast of Astra energy was so dense that it materialized into that wave! Kh-!"

"Wear a Diminisher bracelet, Ikuto-kun. I don't want you to fall into a coma."

"Y-Yes, Aniki…"

After a few moments, the pelting of rocks and the earthquake finally stopped. I opened up the metal dome and the sight ahead of us wasn't the same as before anymore.

"What the hell is happening here…?"

"The academic buildings were there… and over there was the campus center…"

As someone who worked in this place as a cover for my true affiliation, I know the layout of the area like the back of my hand. And because of that, I was the one who realized entirely what kind of damage that wave of materialized Astra energy brought to this place.

"Tch! Everyone! Bring Kanbu Imamura back to safety! NOW!"

"B-But Aniki-! We should stay together and-"

"Bring her to safety first and make sure she receives medical and Psychic treatment! Once you make sure she'll be alright, then come back here and help out. This is an order!"

Hearing my words, my men looked at each other and nodded before helping up Kirin-san and bringing her as quickly as possible out of the school grounds.

"Kai, you're with me! Let's get to where all of that stuff came from!"


"Don't forget to keep your Astra energy emission low. The last we two want to get into around here is be ambushed out of nowhere."

"Don't worry, I know that already!"

We ran as quickly as possible to the Northern gate of the school grounds and as we got nearer and nearer, the accumulation of Astra energy in the atmosphere became thicker and thicker.

"Kuh-! I can't think straight…!"

"Here! Wear this and let's hope they will hold until we get there!"

"Diminishers? How convenient…"

"Always gotta be ready… I don't regret doing this since its saving our lives now."

Both of us wore a pair of Diminisher bracelets on each of our wrists. This neuters our Astra energy emissions, making the ones around the atmosphere glide past us rather than detecting and attacking our Astral forms.


"….is that?"

We were so dumbfounded after we stepped foot into the place where that blast of Astra energy and the tremors came from.

"You lot are late for the main event…"

"Mm. Unlike Mirai and the others, you missed the point where it ended."

"Be silent, Jester and Lumen Child. Nothing has ended yet. I, as the Juror, shall declare it myself."

In front of us are six people standing next to each other and watching a fight that is about to end as if it is the most normal thing in the world. When I saw a familiar face though, I immediately took a combat stance and Kai followed suit in response to me.

"You six! You're the Mori cult's Seers of Death!"

"What did you just say these guys are, Boss!?"

"My, my… Someone seems to have done their research about us."

"They're also fighters… Knowing is half the battle."

"Still, it would be troublesome to have them attack us like this…"

Unlike the five others who had their eyes glued on the fight, one of them, an old man, turned around and looked at us cordially. Kai and I were cautious, but after what he said next, I was bewildered to learn about what is happening here.

"Your student is fighting out there… and he's winning."

"Student…? Wait! Ephraim?!"


After hearing those words, both I and Kai focused our Astra energy to our eyes to enhance our vision range and sure enough, what the old man said was right.

"Is that really… Ephraim?"

"What happened to Rai-kun…? His Astra energy signature and physical strength is nowhere near it used to be."

It wasn't just the sheer amount of Astra energy that he is emitting and using for his attacks that sent out shockwaves… there are also the blows that he sent to his opponent that sounded like pile drivers piercing solid bedrock with impunity.



"Is that… Miyazono Keiji?"

"He is. Looks like he escaped the S.S.S prison and got here to help out… But being caught by those attacks by Ephraim seems to not be helping him or his allies."


"Primordial Blood Oath!"

"Tch! Cancelled out again!"

I recognized the young woman who caught Keiji's wounded body and blasted out humongous amounts of wind towards Ephraim as Miyazono Aishi. She expected the winds to stop Rai on his tracks, but he cut the gust down with his spear and continued to charge towards them two.

"That spear… where did that come from?"

"That's a Divine Weapon. The closest thing it may be similar to are those things that you humans call as Augmenter Weapons."

"Like Boss' Taihou?"

Hearing all of that made me look down at the revolver on my hip holster and hold the handle gently. The reason for this is that when I compare the sense of power that Taihou and that spear has, mine is nothing but a speck of dust.

"Wait! Boss! Look down there!"

"Huh? Is that-!?"

"Right… That's Miyazono Ryuichi."

Once the old man confirmed my suspicion, I knew for sure that the fight in front of us and the Astra energy blast and tremors that we experienced earlier wasn't something that happened out of nowhere. It happened in order for this man to be brought to that state.

"Buy me more time, you two!"

"Got it, Himari-nee!"

"Grrr! You won't get to reach our father anymore!!!"



"Why, why, why?!?!?! Why isn't it taking effect!?"

Miyazono Ryuichi is being desperately brought back to health by his daughter, Himari. On his torso was a large and deep open gash that exposed his sternum and ribs while the upper left part of his head was gone… and the way it looked like was that it seemed to have been pulled apart from the rest of his head.



The two Miyazono siblings fought with perfect synchrony and with complimenting kinds of psychic abilities…

"I'm done with you two."


Ephraim was about to be cornered by the two when we all heard him say those words and for a moment, it seemed like I was made to hold my breath and blink before I saw the horrendous thing that happened to the two Miyazonos.

"Boss… those two are…!"

"I know. This is…"

This is no longer the Ephraim that we know.


Hmm… It seems like Ephraim is still talking with his mother in that memory.

It seems like it was the right call to dilate the difference in how time passes there in comparison to out here in order for me to do what I should do.

I promise you, Ephraim. Once I end this and you finally come back, I will be done with my personal battle, and I'll leave everything to you and the other Celestial Spirits just like how we agreed it to be.

For now, this is a battle that I have to fight in… for the sake of all that I failed to do back then…

"Now then… You two are next."


"Darn… it…!"

"Let's not waste my remaining time here… ."

Now that only Himari and Ryuichi are left after I mortally wounded the two others, I stopped worrying about what would happen to Ephraim after all of this has ended since everyone sees him as the one who are doing all of this.

"Father… I apologize. I may lose a bit of my memories including this wondrous day of your return… But if this will let us win, maybe even just escape from his clutches, this iteration of my life is nothing but a small sacrifice."


"Please, Father… Let me be of use to you and take your leave."

"No! You and your siblings are-"

"We will meet again!"


"We are your children who has longed to meet you again for thirty years… I am sure that we will meet again, Father."

As Himari stood up after binding his father's wounds just enough for it to not be mortally dangerous, she stood in front of his father and spread out her arms as if telling me that she will not let me pass.

"…Move, or you will lose your life before that man loses his'."

"I will not… You can leave now before I use all of my power, but if you will insist, I will-"

"I wasn't asking for your approval."

"What the-!?"

"You wasted your chance to escape, Ryuichi… You really are a disappointment to all."

"Why, you-!"

"Now… Let's end this."

I raised my spear and took a heavy step forward.

"NO-! FATHER!!!"


And along with the plume of the bright red fluid that spurted from his neck, the sound of his detached head hit the concrete just as the rest of his body did.


"It's closing! Just a bit more, lads!"

"Don't let up with the isolation barrier! If even one side shows a leak, we're starting over!"

"Sir Lucas! We're about to wrap up here!"

In the middle of the school grounds, my men are closing the Astra energy pool that emerged hours earlier and almost spread out towards the rest of the city district.

"Alright, make way! I'm sealing the source!"

"Just a bit more, lads! Hold on and we'll be finished here!"

I jumped inside the place surrounded by my men who are continuously resisting the Astra energy being emitted by the pool and took out my longsword from its scabbard.


I brought down my sword to the ground and from it came out several arms made of light that meandered throughout the pool, spreading out more and more until it reached the endpoints where my men are holding them back.


I drew out my blade and those interlocking arms in the pool shone brightly before slowly dissipating into particles along with the residual Astra energy in the pool. After a few moments, there was no longer any traces of it.

"Fuu… That's one less thing to worry about."


"We did it, boys!"


As my men cheered and patted each other on the back for a job well done, I took the sheath of my sword from my hip and put the two together again.

"Man… this really is a long day, huh?"

Because my men and I scoured the area looking for the person that was possessed by the Replicant girl that we brought, we had more encounters with the Miyazono Psychics than we wanted.

In the end, we didn't get to find that person… Though by finishing up with what we were tasked to do here, I can now have my men return to searching for that person, I doubt that they would still be around here after over an hour since all of this happened.

"Haaah… I guess it's better if I just report the truth to Oyabun-sama and the others. Maybe they can help out afterwards… Okay, boys! Let's-"

I sheathed my blade and turned to my men, however, I quickly realized that I wasn't standing at the same place that I was at just moments before.

"Where are-!?"

"I sensed that you were searching for me earlier?"


"You should rest for now… just as what was ordered of me to do for you."

"Wait… What are you-"

I didn't have enough time to see who this person is and what they were doing… for after I faced them, I heard a ringing on my head that made me collapse unconscious right at where I was standing at.

"Strange… why do I feel like I shouldn't have done that?"

Before I lost consciousness, I heard the voice of the one who made me fall down and I realized who it was… and it made me shake in terror.

Ephraim… Please do the right thing and don't let all of the good things that you did to be for naught.


"It is finished… My promise has been fulfilled and my work here is done."


"After 5,749,480 sunsets… I have ended everything."

As Himari bewailed by his father's corpse, Ephraim… or whoever it is that's using his body right now stood still and spoke words that didn't make sense to any of us.

"He's dead again… But I don't know if this is good or bad…"

"Right… whoever it is that's using Rai-kun's body is a bigger problem than the Miyazonos."

"…Now that he's been brought back to his grave, what now?"

Kai and I seems to be at the same wavelength when it came to what we were thinking about the current situation. It's the six people next to us who seemed to not be comfortable with what they are looking at.

"Charon-san… This is…"

"Right… This is too easy. I wish to caution Spirit Law about how easily won this fight is. But…"

"But? What's with the tone, old man?"

"Why do you sound uneasy, Charon-jii? Mirai is confused."


Being questioned by his fellow Seers, the elderly man sighed heavily as if he's got something on his chest.

"Come on, Charon-san. We're all in this together… What is it that's bothering you?"

"…I do not sense the Tainted Spirit in that man's body."


"Charon-san! What did you just say?!"

Kai and I was surprised with their expressions and tones. As people who belongs to a secretive group and having these many combat-type Psychics, we didn't expect them to have this kind of shock as if it was such a vital realization.

"Tch! If this is how it is, we have no choice but to get involved as well!"

"Mirai is right behind you, Jester!"

"Don't forget about me! My baton hand isn't tired yet!"

Three of them expressed their desire to join in the fight, taking stances that are ready to jump into the fray anytime they are allowed to do so. It was however, quickly turned down by their fellows.

"You three, stay down and don't do anything."

"But Innkeeper! We are-"

"I said stay down! We can't risk breaking whatever kind of oath that Spirit Law put down in this fight and be his enemy! Am I understood?!"

Though that was the decision that the six of them had, Kai and I aren't like them.

"I'll provide you with cover! Go take Ephraim away first before we confirm if that guy really is dead."


We ran to where Ephraim was standing at and made a simple plan to both bring him back to our side and confirm Miyazono Ryuichi's death.

However, the air suddenly became still, and it was as if our bodies was forced to stay at where we are standing at… Everything seemed to be frozen until out of nowhere, a woman appeared beside Himari that was crying right next to his father's body.

"I didn't make it in time… But this is not a problem…"

"You are…"

"Lady Himari… You and your family shall be reunited at this very moment. I shall guarantee that…"

Wait… who is that person…?

"Charon-san… That aura belongs to…!"

"No way…"

The six Seers spoke to each other with dumbfounded tones and expressions… it was as if they can hardly believe what we are looking at right now.

But why? Why are these people seemingly unable to fathom what is happening?


This aura… This sensation… It can't be…



"Is that really you…?"

No… Don't screw with me… You can't possibly be her.

"Tell me, is it you who did this horrendous thing to him?"

"And what if I am?"



No, no, no! It can't be! It shouldn't be possible! It can't be like this!

"Primordial Blood Oath! Hah!"

"A Divine Weapon… that ancient spear of all things…"

"Why… Why are you siding with them?!"

"Well then, I shall use all of my power too."

What happened? Why did it turn out like this?!

"How did they bring you back to take their side? Spirit Love!"


"Hak! Kah! Kak!"

"Ma'am! She's awake!"

What happened to me…? Argh! My head hurts…

"It's good to be here just as you woke up, Mana."

"Wait… Kaede-sensei?!"

"Yep! Since you can recognize me, it means you're up and running again. That's good."

"What… happened to me anyway?"

"You were brought in by S.S.S Operatives who said that they were instructed by Renjiro-kun to have you be given immediate medical attention. It seems like you overexerted yourself physically and mentally after the fight that you and he had with one of the Miyazono Gardeners."

Once Kaede-sensei said all of that, much of the details about the fight came back to me and I finally realized the reason for the over exhaustion that I can still somewhat feel throughout my body.

"In any case, Mom and I has patched you up so you can join in on the wrap-up operation."

"Wrap-up? Was I unconscious for that long?"

"No. It's because Lucas and his men has successfully sealed the Astra energy pool and have either defeated or arrested the Seed Psychics of the Miyazonos. Both Oyabun-sama and Director Nakamura has agreed that it's time to finish this up before it blows up more than both our groups can contain."

"I see… Let's do this then, Sensei."

"Mm. Get into shape first while I'm gathering my men, then we'll join in the others in charging to the only place that still has a fight going on."

I stood up from the bed that I was resting on and stretched my muscles and joints a bit before activating my Psychic power.

"Woah! I knew Akari-sensei's specialty are healing abilities, but this feels like I didn't fight earlier at all!"

Both my body and Psychic powers was at their prime. I still feel fatigued, but my body has no damage at all, and my flames are frisking and ready for action!

"Mana! It's time to move!"

"Aye, sensei!"

From the medical tent, I headed out to gather alongside the members of the Sumeragi Psychic Corps under Kaede-sensei's command and we entered the school gates together in a cohesive manner.

"Imamura-sama! A report from the S.S.S drone operators! They've launched another drone and can only see one battle area by the northern gate of the main campus grounds."

"Any intel about who we will be facing up there?"

"…Nothing so far. The operators said that they still can't penetrate the airspace without the residual Astra energy in the air fizzling the circuitry of their drones. They can only detect about seven or so distinct Astra energy signatures inside the battle area, but as to who they are, the static of atmospheric Astra energy is hindering the identification of it."

"I see… Everyone! Formation C! We're entering the battle area as soon as possible! Be ready for anything!"

"""Yes, Ma'am!"""

"Mana! I'll have you handle the opening barrage of attacks if it is needed. Preserve the element of surprise and make sure that we'll deal as much damage to them before they can retaliate!"

"Yes, sensei!"

"Now everyone! To arms!"

After quite the lap through the school grounds, we finally arrived at the northern side of the campus where none of our pre-planned discussions became useful.


"Imamura-sama… I feel…"

"E-everyone! Are you alright?!"

"Sensei! The Astra energy here is suffocating them!"


It was shocking to see how except for me and Kaede-sensei, the rest of our group fell down to the ground like puppets who had their strings cut off all of a sudden. They then began to hold their heads as if in extreme pain while breathing shallowly and hastily.

"The Diminisher bracelets! Have them wear them!"


We took out the Diminisher bracelets that we have and put them on our comrades who seem to be at the most distress from this sudden event. However, only about twelve out of the thirty-six of them had one and returned to a somewhat sober state.

"Tch! We didn't bring that many!"

"Urgh… Imamura-sama. Please go on without us."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"We who can stand would bring the others back first and tell the other teams to anticipate this area's dense Astra energy environment. So please go on with Agent Fujikawa… We'll retreat for now."

"No! I won't leave you guys here! I'll go back with you and-"

"Sensei, they're right. We can't blunt our advance if even you would go back with them. Let's continue and leave bringing the others back."

Before she can fully speak and probably set in stone her words, I stopped Kaede-sensei and told her that it would be for the best to leave bringing our unconscious men back to the base to the ones who can still stand.

"…Alright. But I want you guys to promise me that you'll make it back safely."

"We will, Imamura-sama… Alright… Lads! Lift the others who can't stand up to your backs and let's retreat! Leave the advance to Imamura-sama!"


As they began their trip back, Kaede-sensei and I continued towards the center of the battlefield until we too, felt the dense Astra energy concentration that must've rendered the others who didn't have as much Astra energy as we do unconscious.

"Darn… Haven't faced this much Astra energy since Old Osaka."

"We're almost there, sensei! I can sense a gap in the dust clouds!"

We arrived at the battle area and the sight in front of us made us stand still in both awe and shock.

"Is that… Miyazono Ryuichi…?"

"He's… dead again?"

On the ground and surrounded by his three heavily wounded children was the owner and supposedly deceased Miyazono Ryuichi. They are crying while caressing the body of their father who had his head decapitated.

And the one who did it was undoubtedly the person standing a few meters away from them with a bloody spear on his hand… someone that I immediately recognized but can hardly believe my eyes to be really the one who did this.

"Is that Rai-kun?"

"What…? It really is him, but the amount of Astra energy gathering around him…"

Rai… what is happening here?





Your aura, your reflexes… even your true power of manipulating existence itself!

"You shall pay for slaying him."

"Don't screw with me! "


"Damn it! Take this, then!"


You Miyazonos! How dare you desecrate her memory with us like this!?





I will… I will…!

"Primordial Blood Oath! Open the Eye of Stagnant Time!"


I don't care anymore if this world will be destroyed!

I don't care if none of what I promised will be fulfilled!

"You… what are you doing…?!"

"I don't care anymore if all will end with this!"

The words that she spoke to me as I cradled her cold, dying body in the Inner Sanctuary of Caelestia was what allowed me to endure for so long and abate my fall into Taint… Those words comforted me… It gave me strength… It gave me happiness… It gave me hope that all that we envisioned together would still be fulfilled…

"I will seal time until this reality collapses upon itself! If even our last promise cannot be fulfilled…"

"I will not let you- AGWAH!"

"…then this world does not deserve to continue on towards its destruction as well!"

I was about to bring down my spear to start the process that will make time to stand still to an innumerable extent until the universe itself collapses onto itself.

"You will… not do this-!"


"You were so enraged that you didn't notice… I already got out of that memory!"

Suddenly, the left side of this body that was holding my spear stopped moving and I sensed that my control was taken over by Ephraim.

"Kh! Cease your meddling, mortal! Even if you are my Vessel, I will not think twice of crushing your soul if you will hinder me!"


"Now then! This is the-"

"Not so fast!!!"


As Ephraim and I wrestled over the control of this body, Love began to regain her bearings and was about to charge towards us.

"You dolt! Now she's back on her feet!"

"You're the idiot here! Look at her face!"


My eyes that were clouded with rage cleared up after Ephraim spoke those words and instead of depending on the aura that she was emitting, I saw the body she was using and was frozen in shock.

"Is that the girl that-"

"Akamine Kaori! I don't know why, but she's been possessed by Spirit Love!"

After I saw him fending off her attacks using only the side of this body that he can control, I rescinded my control over the other half and let him fight to his full capability as I contemplated what is happening here.

Why is Love possessing this girl? Wait, take more steps back, me… Is this really Spirit Love that is right in front of us?

"I actually got to talk to Spirit Knowledge before I got to regain consciousness. He said that something weird is going on in the Insight Stone of Caelestia."

["What did he say?"]

"He said that he can't be too specific about it towards me, but if I tell you about it, you will understand… He said that the Insight Stone has stopped compiling Aleph-Null as it should be doing if the Stagnant Reality is to be reordered…"


"He said that he and Justice can't connect to the world right now as they are handling that problem over there that's interfering with their connection down here. He did say one possible solution though to either clear that interference or get rid of these problems altogether is for you to authorize me to use your Truth Formula."

What the hell are you thinking, Knowledge? Why do we need to use that again?!

"I don't know anything about this Truth Formula of yours. But please, if it will separate Kaori from Love, let's do it!"


"Come on! She's getting stronger every passing moment!"

I can't… That thing is the last thing that I want to be seen by anyone! If even that gets seen and recreated, it's all over for us!


"You will die along with your Spirit, mortal Vessel!"

If this will somehow save you… I don't care anymore.

["In time primordial, in space unfettered…"]


["In heart human, in thought pure…"]

I began to chant those words from within our shared minds and Love must've sensed the sudden change in my aura as she began to send more force in her attacks.

["I was born from their will. I am their wish incarnate…"]


["I am the law that their hearts possess, I am he who shall guide them to order."]

As soon as I finished ending my chant, the spear on Ephraim's hand began to glow from bright crimson red to pure glowing gold.

["Finish the chant as my Vessel, Ephraim. Listen to the voice of the great bloodline that is within you, and it shall guide your words."]

"On it!"

If you really are the last generation that Cecilia said would fulfill her promise to us… then you will be able to use this power. All of my authority will be yours to command… if you are really that person that she speaks of.

But I don't want to believe that fully yet… I know that you are not ready yet and you still have a lot to-

"My name is Ephraim Seliah Chronia! 276th child of Cecilia Chronia!"


"Upon the authority vested upon me by Spirit Law, I enact this order to the very marrow of this world's essence!"

Hahaha… Hahaha! You… You really are Cecilia's child!

You were right, my old friend! This world's true fate has never abandoned us! We still can… we still can change this world!


With this… I am no longer afraid of what will come for us in the future…

"Rend Reality! Reorder the Truth!"

For at this very moment, I already know that you are indeed worthy of all the things that the true fate has brought to your life. Not the cruel destiny that those Tainted ones has cursed you with… but the true fate that has promised you and your principles the greatness it deserves.