The Story written in Blood

"This is a story that is both truth and fantasy. A dream that is real and yet unreal. A memory passed from parent to child… and etched in the blood of all those who are born or has sworn to belong to the line of Lady Cecilia."

I can still remember the nights when I was nothing but a young and innocent child and my mother would tell me stories that seemed like nothing but fairytales to me but would later on bring me the truth that I needed to easily understand and survive through this cruel world of Psychics that I have gotten myself into.

"And so, Cecilia spoke to the crying spirit: "I will bear your pain, your anger and the burden of your responsibilities. I will fulfill that which you cannot bring yourself to perform anymore. I will do all of this… so my dear friend, take my hand and believe in my promise.""

"What happened next, mama?"

"…The crying spirit held the hand of young Cecilia, at first, doubting if such a young girl can truly bear everything that even he cannot bear in his heart. And yet, as soon as the young girl grasped his hands and received what she asked for, the tears coming from the eyes of the spirit ceased, and though just a moment before, his heart was filled with hopelessness, the spirit muttered the words: "I have never felt this peace since she spoke to me for one last time.""

Back then, I thought that this is just something that my mother told me every night so that she can lull me to sleep. I thought that she intentionally made the story pointless by telling them without any primary context such as who the characters are and what is happening in the story in order for me to be disinterested and just fall asleep.


"Yes, darling?"

"Good night…"

"Mm. Good night too, Ephraim. Sleep well, okay?"

Though I was truly puzzled about why she gave such stories back then that I wasn't truly interested in, my memory remembered everything well enough that once I slowly learned more about Psychics and Spirits, I eventually made sense of what is happening and how my family seems to be involved in all of these things.

And because of that… I had no regrets in my heart when I shouted the words that ended all of these horrible things that are happening around me.


At the exact moment when I shouted those words, my mind was flooded with so much information and senses that it overloaded my ability to receive and understand them. It was a very painful feeling… it felt like forever in my mind, but my body sensed that not even a second has passed.


My pained shouts added to the sensory overload that I am experiencing. It all echoed back to my ears endlessly in a loop that seemed to never end.

"Kh! I gotta… stay sane!"

Still, I held on to my sanity as I knew that even a momentary loss of my command over the Truth Formula may end up dispelling it and make us lose our chance to finally get rid of our enemies.

{"I'm sorry-… want to hurt you-… and thank-… everything you did-… good-"}


Suddenly, I heard a voice that kept on being cut off whilst also sounding very grainy and garbled.

"Wait… don't tell me that-"

Before I can connect my thoughts, I saw a memory in my mind that must be the last thing that Lady Cecilia left for us who are her descendants.


What I saw can never ever be described through words… even I can hardly comprehend the content of the memory that I was entrusted with.

"Lady Cecilia… how… how is someone supposed to do this thing?!"

I can't believe it myself. How… just how on earth am I supposed to be able to make it through all of this?

I tried to sense if Law is still connected to my consciousness, but I felt nothing but my own self inside my own body… I am the lone audience of the memory playing right in front of my eyes.

"…It can't be… I can't…"

With no one there to share this burden with, I became convinced that there must be a reason why this memory was showed to me and only me… and that its contents would come to pass exactly as how it is showed to me.

For the first time in my life, I felt powerless and feared for what will come to pass now that I have become aware of this thing from a memory that I inherited from my ancestor.


"It's done… It's finally done."

Inside his own Domain in Caelestia, Spirit Knowledge finally heaved a sigh of relief after watching the events from the ground through a gigantic glowing sphere imbedded on the ceiling of his library. From inside of it, he watched a young man covered by the crimson red aura of Spirit Law casting an ability that stopped the time of the entire world.

"Kh! Now!"

As soon as he confirmed that time has stopped, Knowledge raised his hands and poured his power towards the sphere, meticulously manipulating something that he knew Law was aware of if Ephraim has communicated his intentions properly to him.

"I will not forgive them… for desecrating my sister's legacy and making her take their side! She will… never side with them like this! They will pay! And for that…!"

With Law's Truth Formula set by Ephraim, Knowledge began to chant his own Truth Formula with bloodshot eyes carrying absolute hatred against the humans who did this horrible thing to someone he held dear.

["In eons unabated, in records remembered…"]

His chant stated first and foremost his reason to exist.

["In mind curious, in feelings resolute…"]

Followed by the qualities of humanity that brought him to existence.

["I was born from their inquiry of their world. I am their wisdom incarnate…"]

He then stated how he was born and for what reason he has gained his sentience.

["I am the keeper of their knowledge and he who shall keep it for eons that has passed, is passing and will come to pass!"]

The last line of the chant was spoken before his voice echoed with the name of his Truth Formula.


As soon as he finished his chant, the entire Hall of Words shook as if an earthquake passed through it. Books, scrolls and stone tablets all jostled in their shelves until they fell down and hit the floor of the room.

Although all of this happened, the owner of the Domain never minded the mess as he poured all of his focus and power towards the sphere that is showing the happenings down in the battlefield.

"I've been waiting for so long just for this moment, Cecilia! The question that you didn't answer… I will pry it out of your descendant's memory so I can crush those Tainted mortals!"

He directed his power towards Ephraim but was quickly repulsed with something that forced him down to his knees.

"AAH!!! What!? What did just- Urgh-!"

["I knew that you would try to find it out in this way. Too bad, I have already predicted and secured it."]


["I apologize, Knowledge… But I cannot let you know that answer yet. It is something that you must learn as it happens in the world."]

"You… How could you possibly know about this from way back then!?"

Though he knew that the voice in his head that responded to his attempt to break into Ephraim's memories was nothing but a recorded response, Knowledge was too frustrated to even mind it and glared bitterly towards the young man carrying all of the answers that he wanted to attain.

"Cecilia… If only you and Law didn't form an Oath. I would be able… I would be able to know what is in the future and finally get rid of those Tainted ones!"

Though they are absurdly powerful beings, Spirits are not omnipotent nor omniscient. In truth, one of their worst weaknesses is that they are shackled by the qualities of the aspect of reality that they are born with… and for Spirit Knowledge, his fetter is the fact that he cannot act without being definitely sure of what will come out of such an action.

"Sister… I promise you...!"

And so, his long-awaited chance to finally gain the knowledge that Cecilia never gave him became for naught. Yet he still held onto the great wish that he holds dear in his heart.

"I will know how I can save you… and I will make all of humanity pay for the evil that they have done to all of us!!!"


["I'm sorry for being the one who was used by her, Senpai. I didn't want to hurt you at all."]

I was fully conscious and aware of what is happening around me as someone else controlled my body and fought against the person who once saved me and has continued to do so out of the kindness of his heart.

It has been almost a year since we first met… and even though you are not obligated to do so or even begged for help by me, you risked your life and almost died just to save me.

I don't deserve to even show my face to you anymore after what I got you into… You almost died and even though I could've at least come back to save you as well, I just ran and ran with nothing but fear in my mind.

And yet, you accepted that it was the only thing that I can possibly do back then… and continued to protect and support me as I tried to get my life back on track.

I owe you so much that I can hardly think of a way to repay you. I do not understand why you are making so much of an effort to protect me... and yet, you still do so.

Just what kind of person do you see in me? What pushes you to continue on putting yourself in harm's way for my sake? At some point, I began to think…

Am I… special to you?

It was only when I saw you along with your government agent coworkers that I understood the answer that I have been looking for… I am just among those whom you are commanded to protect. It was just because I was in constant danger that you looked after me all this time.

I was not special… I just happened to be in danger because of that guy that you have been protecting me all this time.

And now that I have been separated from the one who possessed my body and fought you with it, I can finally say it for one last time…


Even if I felt that warm and painful sensation through my abdomen as soon as the possession was over, I had nothing but a smile on my face… one that came from a sense of satisfaction deep in my heart.

"Kaori… You-"

"Thank you for everything you did for me, Rai-senpai… This will be a goodbye."

I'm sorry for leaving all of it like this, but I know that you need to do this in order to protect everyone else.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder, feeling for one last time the strength and kindness of the person that once saved my life… and now, had to take it with his own hands.


"Aishi! Take father's head and bring it back to New Tokyo! I'm sure they can still salvage his memories and give him a new body!"

"B-But Himari-nee, father is-"

"Shut up and just do it already! We can't afford to all die in here! Go!!!"

The worst possible outcome in my predictions has become a reality… Father is dead yet again, all three of us are mortally wounded and for some reason, we can't activate our Psychic link with Spirit Freedom.

"I'll do my best to hold them off! Take father's head with you and save the rest of our plans!"

"We can't just leave you here, Himari-nee! You're wounded and your Augmenter Core is damaged! You don't stand a chance against him!"

"That's why I am telling you to take father's head and Keiji with you!"

This is the only way for the rest of our dreams to be fulfilled, Aishi. I know that I never taught you any of this before, but we three exists solely to pursue father's great dream… That is our first and foremost reason to exist.

"Go!!! Get out of here now while they are still not attacking!"

"Kh! I'm sorry, Himari-nee!"

With tears in her eyes and a visible sense of pain inside her, my younger sister hoisted our younger brother on her back and placed our father's severed head inside her coat to hide it from the eyes of other people.

"Thank you, Aishi… Now that I know that we will not fail, I can-"



As I turned my head around to face the enemy that has ruined all of our plans, my entire body froze up and I can hardly stay conscious as a heavy aura filled the air, robbing me of any chance to put up a defense.

"I will not let you do as you wish anymore..."


"I can't let you… and your people… do as you wish!"


I suddenly sensed something emanating from him that I have only felt once… No, this sensation isn't from my body… It's from my own spirit!

"Miyazono Himari… your family and those who has sided with you…"

"You monster!"

"I will end all of you!"


I'm sorry, Himari-nee. It seems like all of what we envisioned was truly for naught.

"What's this? You forgot about us just because Spirit Law appeared and took our place?"

"You disappoint us. Even Mirai would never forget about that kind of thing."

"Kh! Damn it all!!!"

Mortally wounded and having my brother and father's severed head on my person, I am sure that the moment these two Seers of Death catches up to me, it will mark the end of all of our endeavors. Still, I jumped and ran from roof to roof just to escape from our pursuers.

"Come on, girlie! You're just stalling for time by running away like this!"

"Shut your trap! "

"Whoopsie! Not very kind of you to throw attacks like that, ain'tcha?!"

I released a massive wave of wind to stall the two of them, but he easily cancelled it out and hurled a drum of water towards me that exploded and covered the next building's roof ledge with water.



"Right on point, Jester."

I didn't get to land on a dry part of the roof and when my foot slipped on the ledge, I turned around, only to see myself staring down the shotgun barrel of the child Seer who looked at me with an apathetic expression before speaking as if she's giving me my last rites.

"From dust to dust. This is the end for you."


"What is this feeling…?"

For a moment, it felt like my entire body was given a light electric shock. Normally, I would attribute this to my Psychic power having some light relapses inside of my body, but this one is strange.

["Stand up, my Vessel. All that you are trying to protect are in danger."]


["Hurry up! Time is not on your side!"]

She cut off my power earlier after I disobeyed her order. I know that such a being wouldn't talk to me after what I did, and yet, there is a sense of rush and worry on her tone.


["I'll supply you again with my power so that you can ignore your injuries and rush to the frontlines… You're a disobedient Vessel, but I do not have the luxury of revoking our link now."]

"Just what on earth are you talking about…?"

I stood up slowly and grinded my teeth in pain from my injuries and the sheer fatigue that I got from my previous fight. There is still some sense of lethargy at my limbs, and I am barely managing to stay awake.

"Alright… Let's do this."

["The fight is located at the northern gate of the school campus. If you use "that" you can get there faster."]

"Tch! No need to remind me…"

My head's already in pain and she's making me rush to where this fight is. I didn't want to sound defiant after I just disobeyed her, but I wasn't in the right state of mind to have a more polite conversation with her.

["There… You may already feel it rushing to you."]

"Mm… "

I raised my hand and gathered storm clouds above the tent where I was left to rest in and after a moment, a lightning bolt struck nearby which I joined in by dematerializing myself and rematerializing back at the place which she described the crucial fight is happening in.





"Khh! He's gone amok! Kaede-nee! Over here!"

"Don't move yet! "

What on earth…?

"Hold him back and try to bring him to his senses!"

"He's not listening to our voices! He's not in the right state of mind, Furuta-sensei!"

"I don't need you to remind me of that! Just go on with pushing him away from her!"

"You're back to shape, Kai! Don't risk injury anymore after this!"

"I know! "

Renjiro, Kaede, Mana and Kai… They are all fighting against someone that they are supposed to be at the same side with.

"Get out of my way, you four!!!"

"Snap back to your usual self already, Ephraim!"

"Stop being devoured by your anger!"

Ephraim… why are you being held back by these four?

"Tch! My Psychic healing isn't working well on her! Darned Miyazonos and their Replicants!"


Once I heard Kaede mutter those words, I recognized the young woman lying near and being desperately healed by her. It was without a doubt, Miyazono Himari.

["Now that you understand what's happening, go there and stop Law's Vessel already. Your comrades can't contain his rampage any longer."]

"I understand. Come forth! Sin-searing Righteousness!"

I heaved a breath and with my body already used to it after I conjured it in a previous fight, I summoned my Divine Weapon and Raiment.


I am not sure how much powerful Ephraim became by being a Vessel, because of that, I intended to prepare myself with my best form to fight him back.


Plates of armor covered my pure white robe and with all preparations complete, I lunged forward into a gap that the other three coincidentally made in their tag-team effort to push back Ephraim.





My sword crossed with the tip of his spear, and I stared at him straight on the face, wanting to see his expression eye to eye.

"Not you too!"

"Stop already, Ephraim! I am ordering you!"



With monstrous strength coming from his body that is currently coursing with Astra energy from his Spirit, Ephraim pushed me back and intended to run into the gap that would lead him to Miyazono Himari's battered body.

"I won't let you-!"






He charged towards me with his spear in hand while I was caught undefended by the stance I had after my attack. I could've been stabbed by his weapon if not for Renjiro manipulating a thick metal sheet in front of Ephraim which blunted his charge.

"Kirin-sensei! Switch!"



"Why, you…!"


"On it! Lookie here, big buddy!"


After saving me, the three proceeded to continue on their coordinated tag-team attacks but now, with me among them.

"We'll whittle his defenses! Strike him out once we get an opening, Kirin-san!"

"I understand… Let's go!"

The four of us are doing our best to bring down Ephraim while Kaede is trying to at least save Himari's life. With her in our custody, there would surely be chaos in the ranks of the Miyazonos afterwards… but now isn't the time to worry about that yet.

" Furuta-sensei!"

"Gotcha! "

Pelted with fireballs, Ephraim didn't notice that Renjiro was wrapping his arms and ankles with metal rebars. This made him defenseless against Kai's coming barrage of attacks.


"Gih! You annoying pests!"

"Just give up already, buddy! We don't want to hurt you anymore!"

"Who the hell told all of you that you're hurting me!? You're just annoying me to no end! HAAAH!!!"

*Clink-! CLANG-!*

"What the-!?"

"Get outta my way!"


Without even flinching in pain, Ephraim broke the metal bands on his limbs and kicked Kai on the side, launching him back before attempting to charge again.

"He's just like a raging bull! He's not even minding our attacks, Sensei!"

"Then use something that would stop him! Forget about limiting yourself! Use your flames as much as you want!"

"Hehe! I've been waiting for those words! Here we go!"

Having Renjiro approve her plea to use her powers more, Mana increased the heat and strength of her flames, letting them lick and frolic around her fists before charging towards Ephraim.

"You're being too much of a hothead, Rai-kun! It's pretty ironic for me to say this, but I think it would be good for you to cool off!"

"Just get out of my way! My only goal is to end that person's life!"

"…Then I guess we would be having a bit of a problem, Rai-kun. Regular you wouldn't ask for something like that."

"Stand aside!"

"I will not!"

Although I can sense that he possesses incredible amounts of physical strength right now, Ephraim exchanged blows with Mana just above her level of strength. Once I noticed that, I knew that he isn't being simply blinded by rage.

"Renjiro, I need your help."

"Everyone of us here needs one, Kirin-san!"

Slightly annoyed after I interrupted his attempt to gather enough steel to bind Ephraim, Renjiro responded to me as such.

"I'm not talking about just this! There's something that I find strange about Ephraim."

"And what is it?!"

"I don't know yet, but I will do something to try and make sense of it. I want you and Mana to give me some cover."

"Alright! Have it your way, we two will provide backup!"

With his cooperation with my plan secured, I charged towards Ephraim and signaled to Mana to retreat back to Renjiro's position.


"Tch! "

After both our Divine Weapons infused in our Psychic-controlled materials clashed, the ground beneath us cracked and sunk.

"Get out of my way, Sensei!"

"You simmer down right now, young man! I'm warning you! I will not hesitate to give my all to make you stop on your tracks!"



"Why are all of you so adamant in protecting that monster…?"

Before, I can barely make out the expression on his face because of the dust clouds and the speed in which the fight is happening.

"Tell me, Sensei! Why are all of you protecting her? After everything she's done! After everything that she is doing?!"


"Let me stop her! Let me stop her before she can do all those horrible things she is about to do!"




Darn it! We have no choice!

"Renjiro! Mana! Now!!!"


"Kih! Not you again, Mana!!!"

"You left us with no choice, Rai-kun!"

"Tch! I can still-"

"No, you don't boy! "

"What the-!?"

All around him, metal rebars and steel beams showered down. But none of them hit him.

"It all on you now, Kirin-san."

"Yeah. Thanks, you two."

"Don't tell me that-"

"I'm sorry, Ephraim… This is the only way that we can stop you."

As soon as the last of the metal beams hit the ground, I charged up my electric output and I knew that Ephraim already had an idea about what will happen.

"I won't let you! I will break out of this- What-!?"

"Heh! You forgot about me already, buddy?"

Although he wasn't informed about the plan, Kai connected the dots and before Ephraim can try to break out, he threw in seeds that became trees with tough wood that kept Ephraim in place.




I slashed down with my Divine Weapon and the enormous lightning storm that emerged from the blade split the ground and crashed the air, creating a shockwave that flattened all the structures in sight.

"DAMN IT!!!"

After that scathing storm of lightning bolts reached the metal beams and bars that are sticking out of the ground, it jumped from one beam to another, all clashing and augmenting each other's voltage until it reached the person in the middle and released all of the pent-up electricity to him.


"Renjiro! Now!"

"I'm aware! "

While I am supplying the circuit with more electricity, I gave the next signal to Renjiro who manipulated the metal beams and forced them to stop vibrating because of the electric current. This increased the voltage of electricity further.

"I won't… GIVE IN!"

"Mana! Kai! Throw everything you have left to him!"

"Roger! "




After being struck by several hundred thousand volts of electricity, being wrapped with constricting tree roots and then drowning in flames, the indignant shouts of Ephraim ceased and I cut my attack, followed by the other three.


"I won't… let her…"

"Rai-kun… just what is going on in your mind?"

We approached his body that was so heavily injured that he can barely stand up and stay awake.



"Please stop them…"

"Ephraim… You don't understand. She can-"

"No… You are the ones who don't understand…"


"She and the Miyazonos… The Tainted… The world…"

Before he can say everything clearly, Ephraim passed out and I caught him on my arms. Seeing that he's no longer in any shape to put up a fight, I released my Divine Raiment and lifted him onto my back.

"Rest for now, boy… Whatever it is that made you fight this much, it should already be gone once you wake up."

I turned to the others and they all had an expression on their face that showed their pity towards Ephraim along with the sheer amount of fatigue that all of them sustained just to stop him.

"Let's return for now, everyone. Even though the other three Miyazonos have escaped, we at least know that the two children are mortally wounded and the newly revived Ryuichi has been killed by Ephraim."

"You're right, Kirin-san. Those three might be Replicated in the near future, but we at least know that they won't be a problem for a while."

"There's the fact that we scratched another Gardener off their ranks, the other one escaped but would surely need a lot of time to recover as well."

"Speaking of which, let's go back and see how Kaede-sensei is doing with Himari."

We headed to Kaede's position where she just finished treating Himari's injuries to ensure that she would be alive to be captured by us.

"She got injured so much by her fight with Ephraim-kun, but she'll live."

"Good. Let's bring her to the outpost and slap a Dimisher shackle on her before she wakes up and get to fight back."

"Understood… Mana-chan, can you help me hoist her to my back?"

"Sure, sensei."

And so, the Battle of Old Tokyo Academy ended in a good tone for the combined forces of the S.S.S and the Sumeragi group… but the same cannot be said for the other group that went after the Miyazonos that escaped from that battle.

"Haha… Hyahaha! Darn it, they got us good…"

"Shut up, Jester… Mirai's head is still hurting."

"Considering the situation that you two got yourself into, I believe you two should consider yourselves lucky already."

Inside the bar that they call home, the Six Seers of Death lounged about and discussed the outcome of the Jester and Lumen Child's pursuit of the Miyazonos who attempted to escape.

"Nah, nah, Charon-san! There's no luck in that at all. I looked at all the probabilities before throwing that water drum and none of them contained a probability where that "being" would appear out of nowhere."

"He's right, Charon-san. I've checked it as well and it is as the Jester speaks. That "being" is a total anomaly to his insight on probabilities."

"See? Even the Juror speaks the same."

While lying on a soft-padded sofa, the Jester knocked back the rest of his drink while being looked at by both Charon and the Juror.

"Still, you two are wise to retreat after that happened. If you became cocky and attempted to start a fight, you won't stand a chance with only the two of you."

"It was Mirai who pulled Jester back. He insisted on wanting to fight it, but I know that we can't defeat it by ourselves."

"Is that so, Mirai? Good job then. Here's your milk and cookies, don't be shy to ask for seconds."

"Mm. Thank you for the food, Judy-san."

After Judy handed her some snacks, Mirai sat up on the sofa she was lying in and an audible crackling from her body was heard in the room.

"…Mirai-chan. You should take the next month off."

"Hm? Why?"

"You sustained much more damage than any of us after that engagement. It would be wise to let yourself rest and leave your injured body to recover back to its usual state."

"Mm… Mirai understands. No need to look at Mirai with that much worry on your faces."

Although she wanted to protest initially after it sounded to her that she'll be left out of their activities, she sensed the worry on the faces of her fellows and accepted the suggestion.

"We still have those three to go after. By now, they are surely in their turf of New Tokyo…"

"And now that we have confirmed that that "being" is really on their side, that makes things a bit harder for all of us that are after them."

Leaving their two wounded comrades to rest at the lounge area, the remaining four Seers gathered at the bar counter to discuss what they would be doing next.

"Shisui and Mirai are out of commission for now… but the same is supposed to apply to us too. Just look at what the monster did to us."

"That's already obvious, Maestro. We were prepared well enough for everything except for the sudden appearance of that "being". Still, our preparations saved our lives."

"This just proves that we cannot underestimate and remove unexpected variables in our calculations. The last thing that we want is for another loss in our ranks…"


"The Physician, huh…?"

Hearing the Juror mention that loss made the other three look down with a complicated expression on their faces. It seemed to be a sensitive topic for them.

"Juror, please avoid mentioning him anymore. Kawasaki Endou is-"

"A failed Seer, I am aware. I know that it's a sensitive thing to all of us, but I wanted to use his memory as a reminder for everyone that we cannot afford to stick our necks too much for the sake of completing our directives."


"Remember… it's already a miracle that we received a chance to return to life from Spirit Death. If we cannot keep our end of the deal, or we send ourselves into harm that we cannot get out of, we will waste the opportunity given to us."

"Well said, Juror."

"What can I say… you are right in that."

With all of them understanding the situation at hand, the Seers all agreed to stop their activities as well to rest their souls and recuperate their bodies.

The battle ended with much loss from the Miyazono group. But with their size, it is barely noticeable. The true loss that they sustained is the fact that one of their vital leaders has been caught by their sworn enemies… and for the allied faction of the S.S.S and the Sumeragi group, the odds has tipped slightly to their favor.