Clean Slate

"Director Nakamura… I believe you already know why we must conduct this meeting away from the eyes of everyone, yes?"

"I am aware, sir."

"Well then, let us begin."

Inside the surface level of the Motomiya outpost of the S.S.S, the Director of the agency is having a meeting with people who inarguably holds the highest seats of power in the country.

"We haven't fully understood the depth and reach of your Agency's authority and duty, but I must state my displeasure, Director… I am not amused with the free rein that the previous Cabinet and leadership has given to you and your agents."

"I apologize for that, sir. I have no excuse no excuse to give for any of your concerns."

"How should I say this… your men have been too wild and immature with your actions. It has cost lives and damage to property not only to the public but also to private individuals and groups."

All of a sudden, someone beside Yuri stood up and spoke with a bitter tone towards the men sitting at the other side of the table.

"If I may speak with utmost respect, sir. I believe that we too, have sustained such losses for this kind reminder of yours to not be warranted anymore. I wish that you wouldn't exclude our departed fellows from your words."

"I appreciate your reminder, Vice Director Hideki. But let me remind you that the agents and police officers that was lost during the battle have signed up for such dangers. I don't believe it's necessary to shed a tear or even mention them in the context of truly saddening losses."


"HINATA! Sit down! This is an order!"

Before Hinata can spit out curses towards the man who just called his comrades who died as not deserving of any mention or respect, Yuri commanded him to return to his seat.

"Heh! You really are dogs who need to be kept on a leash."

"Geez… just what would happen to Japan if we didn't come and stop you."

"Pfft! Savages, all of them."

Subjected to the chorus of mumbled insults, the other officers of the S.S.S are fuming in anger and wanted to raise either their voices or the holstered gun that they brought with them towards the government officials.

"Let's return to the subject of our meeting. Time is of essence, didn't you say so yourself, Prime Minister?"

"Oh. Right, right… Time is of importance."

It has already been three months after the battle of Old Tokyo academy, seven months after the Aokigahara incident, nine months after the end of the battle of Fukushima, ten months after the S.S.S and Sumeragi group foiled the Freedom Dive music festival and a year after the awakening of Ephraim Chronia.

Many things have changed since then… in more ways than one can ever imagine.

For one, almost the entire government cabinet and leadership was changed after the election only a month after the battle of Old Tokyo academy. The entire thing became a scandal to the government officials who cannot possibly explain the details of what truly transpired there. Because the entire district's residents were forcibly evacuated and needed an answer about how their homes were broken into or damaged during the fighting, this only caused more and more inconsistencies with the alibis provided to them.

"I believe that the news reports and interviews has already informed you about it, but I wish to remind you that the Miyazono corporation isn't glad that one of their oldest and most renown academy became the epicenter of a "government publicity stunt gone wrong" and no one in the past administration or even your agency can provide any details about it. Again, I wish that you would finally fill up the operation report and provide it to us, Director Nakamura."

"I will try to send it to your office as soon as possible, sir."

Second, the anonymity of Psychics and their powers are starting to show cracks and can possibly leak out to the public. Because it was a seemingly simple operation that ballooned out into one of the biggest combined operations of the S.S.S and the Sumeragi group, the systematic set-up of security measures wasn't done and there was a real possibility that video and photographic evidence regarding the existence of Psychics and their powers exists somewhere.

Because of this, the set of alibis that the S.S.S have on hand became useless. This new set of government higher-ups who aren't aware of the Psychic world knew that the S.S.S is hiding something but would probably not believe the truth anyways.

"Lastly, I would like to ask the whereabouts of the two young ones who was seen leading your agents by the students shortly before everything happened."


"I believe it's obvious at this point that we demand to know if your agency truly hired agents that are under the age of military service and probably haven't received any formal training given their age."


"Hush, Vice Director! I am not talking to you! Sit down!"

"Why, you basta-"


"URGH! Kih-!"

"W-Woah there!"

Hinata was about to pop off another cork when he suddenly received a solid punch on his chest that made him fall to the floor and squirm in pain.


"…I apologize for the behavior of my subordinate. It seems like I truly need to reorganize and reeducate my agents to lessen these kinds of insubordinate actions and words."

"R-Right… You are right indeed, Director Nakamura. We thank you for swiftly realizing such a thing."

Lastly, there was the undeniable involvement of two people who shouldn't be there nor even partaking in the operation meant for older and more professional individuals.

To the S.S.S, protecting the personal information they have about their agents is a no-brainer. However, it is the government that is demanding it from them. These are their higher-ups and the ones who are providing them with funds and the authority to perform their activities.

In a normal setting, the S.S.S would've already provided these kinds of information both due to superiority protocols and the fact that the people who will be viewing it are their comrades who are working under the same goal as they do. But this isn't such a setting… the new leadership and thus, superiors of the S.S.S are people that clearly doesn't like them or wouldn't give them any whiff of a favor.

"We are mostly concerned about the young lady that wasn't clearly identified by the witnesses. You can call me old-fashioned and all, but as a father of two girls, it pains and worries me to no end that such a young woman is being sent by her superiors to such a dangerous place without any reservations about her safety… Don't you think the same, Director? Can you confirm it for me now?"

"I apologize, sir. But I cannot provide information without being sure that it is an undeniable truth."

"Che-! This woman…"

"Still covering for her subordinate's asses, huh?"

"Well, if she admits, her beloved agency is gone forever."

The other government officials beside the new Prime Minister mumbled to each other about Yuri's response.

"Is that so, Director?"

"It is, sir… I wish for your understanding about this matter, but as I said, it is what it is for us right now."

Keeping a resolute expression, Yuri seemed like a rock that her new superiors cannot crack at all. With at least a decent response, they moved to ask about the other person of interest.

"Then about the young man that was recognized by the witnesses…"


Hearing the mention of who they are going to ask about, Yuri's expression wavered for a moment which the Prime Minister caught and smirked about.

"Uh-huh… It seems like this other person is someone that you cannot cover for, can't you, Director?"


"So, tell us, Director Nakamura…"

Yuri's glare towards the conniving government officials was filled with hatred… hatred that she bears for the sake of the young man that they are about to mention.

"Who is Ephraim Chronia… and where is he now?"


Meanwhile in Shibuya Bunker of the S.S.S, a new office sector built in the newest refurbished subway station had a number of people walking around from their office cubicles. In the room at the far end of the office space, a young man clad in the beige-colored S.S.S uniform walked in and was greeted by someone.

"Assistant Chief Chronia… I have returned."

"Oh, Kageyama-kun… Is this your action report?"

"Yes, sir. Findings from north-east Old Tokyo including Sectors 8 and 11."

"Wow. All of you six are doing well, huh? It sure wasn't a waste being hands-on in training all of you."

"The others would be glad if they heard that, sir."

This is the Psychic Services Department of the S.S.S. The specialized task group of the Agency that is made up of Psychics and deals with Psychic threats. And the one who is leading it, at least for now, is none other than Ephraim Chronia, someone whom all of the six Psychics of the department already knew before they even met as S.S.S agents.

"A sudden spike in Malignances… and unstable Psychics? Have we not received the research study of Professor Imamura Akari yet?"

"Not yet, sir. Although I highly doubt that what you are suspecting isn't the case at all… It may have already dissipated, but the Astra energy pollution in Sunogahara-cho still attracts a lot of Malignances and even some unstable Psychics that we had to capture and dispose of in private."

"Keep everything under wraps as much as possible. The entire agency is concerned about us Psychics being discovered by the public and thus, being paraded around in news channels like a rare animal."

"We will, sir… Another thing of concern, if I may ask."

"What is it?"

"Hotaru-san is asking about when you think Chief Fujikawa would be back."


"You see, they were friends and she wanted to know how she is doing since "that thing" happened."

The neutral expression of Ephraim's face became a bit distraught after that question, but he soon answered with a kind tone towards his subordinate.

"Tell Asato-chan that Mana still needs more time to deal with her emotions… She lost both her parents in a single day and her family can't even step back into Japan without fearing for their lives."


"She's alone and even if it may sound bad, it is a bit better for things to be like this for now. In this way, she can avoid having to force herself to deal with it quickly to fake that she is alright and those around her shouldn't worry anymore. Do you understand what I am saying, Goro-kun?"

"Yes, sir. I'll convey all of this to the others later."

"Mm. Leave your report to me for now. I want to analyze what we should be doing for the next few operations."

After his subordinate left the room, Ephraim looked at the action report and the internet newspaper of his computer and from there, connected the seemingly disconnected accidents around Old Tokyo in the news reports to a few events narrated in the action reports of his subordinates.

"You sure brought hell to them quickly haven't you, Mana?"


For the past few months since the end of the battle in Miyazono Old Tokyo academy, the number of fires across the city increased exponentially.

"Lady Fujikawa, here is your coffee."

"Thank you. Leave it there on my table."

"…Would you be going out tonight too, ojou-sama? Should I prepare you a warm bath once you come back?"

"Sure. I might be back before ten o'clock, so don't stay up for my sake and just leave it there in the bathroom for me."

"As you wish…"

Because it has effectively been attacked and even vandalized to an extent by the attack there of the Miyazono armed groups, the estate mansion near Sagami Bay is no longer the home of the only Fujikawa left in the country as she considers it as the grave of his parents and a large number of their loyal servants who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect them.

Now, she lives in a penthouse owned by her elder brother alongside a few maids who wasn't in the mansion during that terrible day. These maids, although aware of the fate that befell their departed coworkers and masters, still decided to serve their young lady even if it meant their deaths. After all, they aren't just maids bound by a work contract to the Fujikawa family but has a deeper connection to their masters.

"Ojou-sama, the car will arrive at the lobby in five minutes. Let us take our leave now."

"I understand… Inform the others of where we will go today and what we will be facing against."

"As you order…"

The Chief of the Psychic Services Department… has a raging inferno in her heart that burns with the flames of vengeance.

Fujikawa Mana is no longer who she used to be before all of this happened.


In the laboratory of Professor Imamura Akari, the final leg of her research about the archeological findings of Astra energy in Europe was about to be finished.

"Mother, you got to see this."

"Give me a moment, Kaede. Just a bit more and we can finally find out the nature of the Astra energy traces in these rocks. We can finally know who it was that-"

"I've already found that out."


After hearing her daughter speak those words, Akari removed her attention away from her microscopic spectrometer and turned around to see Kaede holding a piece of paper containing her supposed findings.

"H-how did you…?"

"When I placed it in the spectrometer earlier, I felt like the traces of Astra energy seemed a bit close to the Astra energy signature of certain people… I took the main wavelength from the traces and compared it with the files we have for those people and sure enough, I was right on the price."


"That debris from an ancient building is awash with almost the same kind of Astra energy as Miyazono Keiji and Himari. I suspect that this is because of their Spirit…"


Never in her almost twenty years of research regarding Astra energy and Psychics did such a breakthrough been done before… and to say that this is groundbreaking is simply too much of an understatement.

"We have to inform the entire organization, mother… With this, we can finally know the extent of their ambitions and how they plan to fulfill them."

"…We can't yet, Kaede."


"This is… too much information to be just given out for everyone's ears."

Uncharacteristic of her, the usually calm Professor Akari began to pace around her laboratory while continuing to read the contents of the piece of paper and seemingly distressed about something.

"B-But mother! This is the information that we have been going after for so long! We can't just keep it under wraps now that we have infallible information about our enemies that can lead to their downfall!"

"You don't understand, Kaede… This is so much more than that."

"What do you mean that I don't understand!? I was beside you all this time and we are always on the same page! What are you talking about that I don't understand why this is more than what it seems?!"

"Because this would fracture the entire organization!"


"Forget about the Onkenha and Sakoku factions! The entire Sumeragi syndicate will fall into pieces once this becomes known to everyone else!"

Kaede's eyes became wide in shock after hearing her mother's words. She thought that Akari was making a mistake about telling her that she understands nothing, but she realized just now that it might be the truth.

"Just think about it… what would everyone start to think if they learn that Astra energy originated from the being that our enemies are serving under? What do you think that would make us seem like?"


"This piece of an ancient building is our oldest relic from that time when Astra energy must have originated. And right now, it has nothing more but the trace of the same kind of energy as our enemies wield… if they learn about this, that will make us rebels against the source of our powers."

"…We are not in the right side?"

"That… is what I am trying to avoid."

Kaede held her head in frustration after hearing those words. She thought it was the time for everything to come to light and for the entire Sumeragi syndicate to unite against their enemies as the rightful force in this Psychic war… but now, the opposite has been revealed as the truth.

"No… there must be a different interpretation to all of this…"

"Yes… there must be another answer. That is what we will be finding next."

"…I'll take a break before we continue, mother."

"Mm. Go on."

After Kaede left her laboratory, Akari looked at the piece of paper again and thought about how this new finding would affect everything going forward.

"Just why is the supposed source of this power seemingly fighting against us…?"

Unbeknownst to Akari, the piece of ancient rubble that she is studying and seeing as a record of the very first time in the world where Astra energy became present, was no other than a piece of stone in the Tower where the ancient reign of terror ended.

"…It's rare for you to sitting outside all by yourself, Kaede."

"Oh… Luc-kun."

"It is me. Is it alright to sit next to you?"

At the main courtyard of the Sumeragi clan's estate stronghold, Kaede was approached by the foreign knight named Lucas Tetian. After she gestured a "yes", he gently sat down next to her on the bench.

"With that expression… did your research not go well again?"

"That… I guess you can say that is right."

"Hehe… I've somehow memorized your expressions after being with the group for so long even if I am not here in the main estate that often."

"Are you saying that you've been keeping an eye at me all this time?"

"Well, it's hard not to look at anyone else here. With much of the stay-in members belonging to the Sakoku faction, only those in the Onkenha faction and the other Amano Hogosha Kanbu officers really talk or even look at me properly."


"Additionally, Sapporo estate has been peaceful for a while. It seems like they are forgetting about extending their influence in Hokkaido after we basically crippled them in this place they thought would easily be under control."


"…Hey, Kaede… are you alright?"

Noticing her lack of reply or even enthusiasm to listen, Lucas decided to ask her upfront about how she is doing.

"I know that it is wrong… but I still haven't moved on about him, Luc-kun."


"William is… a very special person to me."

Those words bit harder than anything else at Lucas' heart… and it wasn't for a reason that he wanted to admit to just be normal…

"He betrayed the group and killed someone important to everyone… Even I can't forgive him about that… but whenever I remember him and try to tell myself that he is someone that I may end up facing and finishing for everyone's sake… I just can't…"


"William is still the only man that I ever loved."

"Kaede… you know that-"

"I know that! I know that I would probably be expelled and be held in prison since I may end up betraying the group too for his sake! But…"

"I still love you, Kaede…"


"I'm sorry for saying that again… but so long as you hold feelings for him, I find no wrong in letting you know that I feel the same towards you no matter how much it may disgust you."

"Lucas… you know that it would be meaningless. You did this before and it didn't end well. I already told you before that I can't respond to your feelings because the one that I love is your brother. I still can't acknowledge it now and-"

"Then I guess we are in the same boat."


"You can't reach him… I can't reach you… You will be in danger if you chase after him and you will never accept what I feel about you. We're both in a helpless situation because of what our hearts cannot let go… And I guess that is something that we both have to suffer through."


"Still, my oath to take William's life to end every evil he will do is unchanged. But I can at least promise you that you can have a body to mourn at after we are finished."

"Luc-kun… you-"

"I'm sorry, Kaede. This is the best deal that you can get from me."

After he left, Kaede clutched her chest tightly as she tried to hold back her tears. A mix of emotions caused her breakdown… but what probably caused her this much pain was the fact that even after so long, she is still a person easily led by what her heart truly feels.


"Assistant Chief… this is it."

"This is it, indeed… Just a sweep of my eyes on this place is enough for me to sense that something not good is going on here."

After analyzing his subordinates' reports earlier, Ephraim managed to narrow down an area in Old Tokyo where he suspected that remnants of the Miyazono corporations' forces are hiding out and bidding their time to crawl back out and attack them.

"All Operatives, check in."

"Operative Asato Hotaru, on point."

"Operative Kageyama Goro, on point."

After the two beside him spoke up, the four others responded by radio earpiece.

{"Operative Satoru Koji, on point."}

{"Operative Kamiya Kanna, on point."}

{"Operative Endou Jun, on point."}

{"Operative Amamiya Misaki, on point."}

With his roll call finished, Ephraim stepped forward and by clashing his own Astra energy against it alone, dispersed the illusory layer of psychic light and mist that hides the true appearance of the old, abandoned office building in front of them.

"Alright… you know what to do. Commence operation!"

"""Yes, sir!!!"""

As soon as the order was given, the six Psychics charged into the building and methodically cleared it in the physical world first in order to make sure that there are no innocent people stuck on the place before the real clearing happens.

"Everything's clean, sir. We can proceed now."

"Alright. Let's proceed then…"

Ephraim loosened his control over his powers, drawing out just enough Astra energy for his next move.

"All hands, prepare to enter the Subspace. Officers, we're leaving our bodies to your group."

"You can leave everything to us, Sir."

"Mm. Everyone, enter in 3…2…1…NOW!"

In but a single second, all seven members of Ephraim's team including him, fell down to the ground and was brought to their van by some S.S.S Agents that was with them.

"Wheeew… That took me by surprise!"

"You should be used to it by now, Jun-kun. We'll be doing this frequently from now on."

"I heard you clear, Misaki… I'll try to get used to it."

"Kamiya-san and Satoru-san, are you adjusted now?"

"Yes. I'm fine, Endou-kun."

"I'm fine here too. Just a bit buzzy at the ears."

"Everyone, in here!"

"Get in, now!"

After Endou Jun, Amamiya Misaki, Kamiya Kanna and Satoru Koji made sure that everyone successfully entered the Subspace, they heard their two superior Operatives, Asato Hotaru and Kageyama Goro speaking from inside the monotonously colored building and followed inside.

"What on earth…?"

"What the hell just happened to this place?"


"Chief Rai… what's going on here?"

The four newbies can only say such words after seeing the massive difference between the physical world version and Subspace appearance of the old building.

"…This isn't any normal hideout. This was an outpost that they are steadily fortifying."

Instead of the straightforward structure of the building in the real world where it only leads upwards, the flight of stairs now has one leading down to a dark cave.

"Hotaru-chan. Your call."

"Aye… Everyone, cover your ears… Haaah- "

An ear-piercing high-pitched sound came out from Hotaru's mouth, and it echoed out into the cave where it bounced on the walls, floor and ceiling until it dissipated out of hearing distance.

"It's clean for the next 100 meters, anything beyond that is out of coverage."

"That's good enough. Everyone, be vigilant and stay on a single file. Don't be afraid to speak up about anything that catches your attention."

"Yes, sir!"

The group followed their leader into the cave, lighting it up with balls of fire or emissions of light… after those one hundred meters, they were surprised with what they found.

"So that was the reason why I haven't heard any other echoes."

"This place looks lovely… if only it isn't accessible through Subspaces."

A large underground cave that even has an underground river… it was something that seems impossible for Japan to have as an island nation that always suffers earthquakes… and that's exactly what Ephraim had in mind.

"You six… stay right in here."


"This place… isn't what it appears to be."


Ephraim jumped off from where he and his men was standing at and landed softly at the damp cave floor by manipulating his own body's fall speed.

"…Come out, now."


"Do you really want me to drag you out of your hiding place? Come on, make this easier for yourself."




From above his head, a mishappen monster appeared and dove with its mouth wide open to gobble him up, but Ephraim wasn't careless.





Without even lifting a finger, Ephraim cut the monster lengthwise and walked away from the spot where its body will fall, saving his clothes from being stained from the blood splatter

"Hehe… seems like you monsters are now ready to dance."



"Well then…"

As monsters with the same form appeared from the crevices of the cave walls, Ephraim brought out blood from his flask and with an amused expression, spoke up.

"Let's do this!"