There are no more Heroes

None of us admired him… even before and until now.

To us, Ephraim Seliah Chronia is an upstart who ruins everything that he lays his hands on and sow discord in any gathering of people that he gets into. He is an outsider who is supposed to know his place and not stick out like a crooked nail head… but I think the old saying that "no matter how much it hides, a bright star will always be seen when put amongst the dim ones" applies really well to him.

He is a person who does well in everything that he does… not enough to come out on top, but high enough to be seen by those below him as an indomitable opponent, and those above him as someone who can usurp their place if they make a mistake that he can exploit.

Ephraim's entire identity amongst everyone in the school is rooted in intimidation… but it is not something that he actively does, but instead, something that others see from his actions and words.

Many people usually mistake adulthood as the ability and freedom to do things that you want, or comply to the expectations and social hierarchies around you, or worse amongst all of this, the ability to let go of what you hold dear in order to do what others want you to believe in or do for them… but it is through him that everyone is reminded that the "adulthood" that we think about, and the adulthood that is true and righteous are worlds apart.

And because of that, I believe that the true reason why everyone hated Ephraim isn't because of what he is, but instead, what he reminds everyone of whenever he is around… that compared to him, none of us can call themselves as matured and truly capable individuals… and thus, can never actually be considered as dependable and responsible people.

I mean, how can a bunch of teenagers who can only think of themselves and prioritize their own happiness even match up against someone who was ready to step into an unfamiliar country, work himself to the bone and study in a harsh academy filled with schoolmates who hates him, all in order to provide for his family back at his home country?

And yet, none of us can find it in our hearts to ever admire such a person… because no matter how much we wish to admit that he is worthy of such praise, we ourselves are held by the neck by those around us… and if ever we show any respect for him, we too, will be ousted from our places and our "friends" will not like that kind of thing.

But… that was back then for us six…


Now… we are free to see and treat him as how we wish.

"You six! Stay right there and don't try to help out. You'll only endanger yourself."

"Y-Yes, sir!"

"Alrighty! This would be the last of you!"

Right now, we still do not admire him as individuals… but instead, we have come to respect him as ones who are under him.


"Heh! Are you rejects, or are you actually top-of-the-line artificial Malignances?"


"Oh, shut it…"


After bisecting or making the monsters explode by manipulating their blood, Ephraim turned to us and gestured that it is alright for us to hop down too in order for us to continue on.

"Sir, these monsters are…"

"Just as I said… Artificial Malignances. Unlike the natural ones that manifest in populated areas and come from the coagulation of human emotions and desires, artificial Malignances are manufactured by our enemies as either cannon fodder or opponents with specialties."

"Artificial… Wait, so these are from Gardener Aokigahara?"

"You're right, Hotaru-chan. These monsters are her handiwork for sure. Must've found out a way to make them after meeting with their big boss again."


"In any case, we should split up to three groups made up of three members except for me. Asato, Kageyama, I'll leave you two to lead the other four. Let's map out the entire Subspace and meet up here after an hour."

"W-Wait, Vice Chief-! You're going around by yourself?!"

"Yes I am. What's wrong?"

"P-Please let me or Hotaru to join you at least! We can split the team in some way, so you don't need to be alone!"

"What? Ahahaha! You say the most amusing things, don't you, Goro-kun."


I heard from everyone when we were just inducted in the S.S.S all about him and his achievements not even a year into being an S.S.S agent such as the fact that he defeated a Gardener candidate in a mission at Chiba or the foiling of several Miyazono psychic attacks in a music festival, a rebellion in Fukushima and the battle in Old Tokyo Academy.

Vice Chief Ephraim has a myriad of experiences and achievements under his belt… and I know that there are many more that I do not know either because I do not have enough clearance, or it was never allowed to be known outside of the Inner Administrative circle of the S.S.S… that's why I knew that I do not have the right to say these things…

But there is still fear within me… that if there really comes a moment that he is killed, we may not be able to defeat the Miyazono corporation and its Psychics anymore.

"Ahem… This is an order from me, Goro and Hotaru… lead Koji, Kanna, Jun and Misaki around the Subspace and map it out. I'll do the same by myself. I chose to make you six form three-man cells since all of you are inexperienced and hasn't faced any battle yet where you're really fighting for your lives."


"This is just standard procedure as you're still learning. Don't look so glum… believe it or not, our Department Chief and me belonged to the same three-man cell when we were just recruits, with the third member belonging to the Sumeragi group who also provided our teachers and group leader."

"Y-You were teammates with Chief Fujikawa!?"

"Yep! We're like peas in a pod, y'know? From patrols to the battle of Old Tokyo Academy, our group went on all kinds of places before we went our separate ways due to the current restructuring of the combined Psychic forces."

After I learned that him and Chief Fujikawa's missions weren't coincidental, but instead, intentional as they belonged to the same task group, I understood why he can so confidently say that he's going around all on his own.

I and Hotaru was once borrowed by Chief Fujikawa for a black ops mission under the request of Department Chief Naoi Ayato and we saw firsthand the abilities and raw power held by Psychics who went through one life-or-death battle after another… that, and the fact that most of them has become ruthless against their enemies, as was the case with Chief Fujikawa who left nothing but ashes in the Miyazono hideout that we attacked.

"In any case, let's not waste our time anymore. Go on your own routes and let's meet up here later after an hour. If you find the main hideout, don't attempt to attack it and come back here. Let's raid it together to make sure everyone will come back in one piece. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Good. Now, scatter!"

After we were given that order, I and Hotaru brought with each other two of the new recruits and went our separate ways. Her team headed to the part of the cave that seems to lead up, while my team went to the tunnel that leads down.


"What's wrong, Kageyama-san?"

"…It's nothing, Misaki-chan. Let's be vigilant and find the enemy hideout properly."



Vice Chief Ephraim… if Chief Mana was already a monster, how much more are you who was said to have triumphed in every battle you got into?


After the six left, I approached the wall where the Malignances appeared earlier and placed my hand on it.

"If those six can't even sense the illusory spell in this wall, I sure as hell can't let them join me and end up dying here."

I injected my Astra energy into the "wall" and the moisture and faint light that made it look like such dissipated to show a wide crevice that leads into a clearly man-made tunnel.

"I'm sorry, you six… I can't entrust you with the success of this mission. I'll just make up for it later."

I walked into the cave that had clear cut embrasures and pick marks that proved that it was man-made using Geokinetic psychics and mining tools. They must've ran out of Psychics to make this cave for them to employ manual labor to make it wide enough to get into.

"Well, well… ain't that anticlimactic?"

At the end of the tunnel, I found a metal door that even has a nameplate on it that denotes the place's name.

"Malignance Test Lab 14… So, this is where those monsters came from and why they looked like they appeared from the walls and ceiling?"

I looked up and sure enough, there were holes on the ceiling from where the Malignances crawled through to ambush anyone who steps into the cave.

"Whatever, even if this isn't the HQ, it's dangerous to let this thing stay as it is… "

After making my blood enter the insides of the metal door, I crumpled it forcefully until it became undid from its hinges and fell like crumpled paper on the floor. This is when I got into the laboratory and saw almost the exact same sight that Furuta-sensei and Kirin-sensei told me about in that laboratory we raided in Chiba.

"Well, this is awkward…"

"You… you dullard!"

"H-H-How dare you step into here and ruin everything!"

"W-W-We will make you pay for this!"


Inside the laboratory, I found three men wearing lab gowns and eyeglasses with thick lens… yes, I know exactly what they look like, and I am not in the very least amused about it.

"We could've made a breakthrough if you didn't enter the Subspace!"

"W-W-We were about to find out a way to create the perfect Artificial malignances! You really just had to ruin it!"

"Master Miyazono would've praised us plenty once we got to do it and he'll let us date Young lady Aishi!"

"W-Whoa there, you three… You're getting too ahead of yourselves."

What the hell… these three are making me remember people back in school that I really pitied for some reason.

"A day and a chance to win over our goddess are within our grasp! We will not back down even if it's against someone like you!"

"No! Backing out is out of the question! We will prove ourselves by offering you head to them!"

"For Lady Aishi's love!"

Argh! I remember it now! It's those boys in the first years who's heads-over-heels for their class beauties!

"Release the Chameleon dragons!"

"Go, our creations! Teach him a lesson!"



From the Replicator tubes, twenty large artificial Malignances that looked like Komodo dragons that has the color-mimicking ability of a chameleon came out and turned to me with aggressive-looking expressions.

"HYAHAHA! With these many of them, our victory is assured!"

"A date with Lady Aishi is within our grasp!"

"I will be the one to prove my love for her the most!"


These three… why do they sound like the same person speaking from three different bodies?

"Well, I can't have you three geeks claiming my death, can I?"


"Heed my call, Senbonzakura (One thousand cherry blossoms)!"

"A-An Augmenter weapon!?"

Just as one of them blurted out, an Augmenter weapon appeared on my hand. It was a rapier with an ornate gold-plated handguard, but its main defining feature is the fact that its blade was shaped in a way unlike that of a normal rapier sword.

"Is that…"

"…a syringe needle?"

"What kind of weapon is that?"

"You three wanna find out? Don't worry, it won't take long before I get there and make you three wait for your beloved Aishi-sama in the afterlife."


"You bastard!"

"Don't you dare lay your mitts on her! Chameleon Dragons! Get 'im!"

After hearing my statement and threat for the girl that they love, the three began to act rashly and shout insults to me. With their command, the artificial malignances charged towards me from all directions ahead of me.

"Let's get this going then! "

From my flask, I manipulated out blood into a small hole at the butt of the handle and made it flow half-way into the syringe needle-like blade. I shot it out through light lunges into the monsters and without even a pause, they fell down and died on the spot.


"The dragons!"

"I told you three already, didn't I? It's not going to take a lot of time before I get to you three!"


"R-Release more! Even the prototypes and failed ones!"

"You dolt! Even if they are stronger, we can't control them!"

"Then release them and let's get the hell outta here!"

"Come on! Come on!"

As I made quick work of the huge chameleon-like Malignances, the three pulled all kinds of levers which opened hatches and cages in the laboratory.

"Whoa! These ones look more intimidating than I expected."


"Quite loud too, if I say so myself."

All kinds of mish-mashed monsters appeared from the cages. One of which is a bear-like Malignance that had two heads with two horns each and six legs that has razor-sharp claws protruding from each foot.

"But… you're not that much of a big deal."


"See? You get cut down just as good as the others."

A single lunge and launching of blood into its body was all that I needed to create a large gaping hole into the Malignance's body, piercing through its core and making it fall down to the ground with a resounding thud.



"Well, well… Who's next?"

As soon as they saw the largest and strongest among all of them falling to the ground with a single attack, the instinctual sense of fear that they were engraved with because of their animalistic forms emerged, and the Malignances all began to quiver and take a step back from me.

"Hey. Just because you got cold feet doesn't mean that I am going to spare you. I'm a Psychic, you know? Whether it's the Miyazono group or us in the S.S.S and Sumeragi group, all of you are basically our mortal enemies."



"That's it! Now that you know that surrendering and living another day isn't an option, you can bare your fangs on me now, huh?"


"That's more like it! "


Who the hell is that guy!? We were never told that the enemies would send out someone of that caliber here!

"Hey! You said that those prototypes and failures was enough to wreak havoc throughout an entire city district, right?"

"I did! What about it?"

"Should we get back here to get a trace of his remains later?"

"Are you stupid?! We're running away from here!"

"Huh?! What are you talking about?!"

"Those artificial Malignances aren't going to even scratch that guy! Did you not look at the Astra wave scanner?!"

At that moment, I realized that I made a great mistake…

"He's at the level of a Gardener… no, maybe even beyond that!"

"G-G-Gardener-level!? You're delusional! There's no way that guy could actually be able to defeat all of those Malignances! Even Gardener Yoshino wasn't able to-"


"What the-!?"

At that exact moment, we heard countless death throes from the laboratory and all the hairs in my body stood on its end.



If we were running away earlier, I didn't know what possessed us three for our legs to move as if the earth behind us was crumbling and about to devour us.

"He's here! He's here!!!"

"Get off the-"



Before he can grab me by the shoulder in order to overtake me in running, his hand slipped, and I sensed a heavy aura behind us accompanied by his muffled shouts.

"Mrgh! Mrgle!"



"Mother of-!"

"Don't waste your breath with curses! JUST RUUUNNN!!!"

As one of us ended up being dragged into the dark abyss behind us, we ran harder to the point that I felt like my bones are about to give out and my muscles snapped apart.

"I-I can see it now! The exit is near!"

Finally, we saw the exit of the tunnel that leads out to the emergency route to the surface. Once we're outside, we can exit the Subspace and finally-

"Hey… you two sure took your time."


At the short cave route leading to the emergency hatch, the one responsible for all of this was standing and even greeted us with a seemingly innocent smile.

"You two sure liked to play tag with my dogs… one of you was kind enough to be caught and offer himself as an early dinner for my pooches."

"N-Number 2… what did they-"


"Sorry, you two… my bloodhounds are really messy eaters. Your fellow Replicant didn't even get to have a decent death throe before he was ripped apart. Ah! He did cry out for your Lady Aishi. Do you want a recording too?"

"You animal!"

"How dare you!"

"A-ah! No resisting, alright?"



"Number 1!"

"W-What the-!?"

"Grrrr! Rargh!"

There, the mutilated corpse of Number 2, who was torn limb from limb and leaking out all of his blood profusely, laid motionlessly as both I and Number 1 stood there in utter shock. Around him are beasts resembling large dogs… but all of them are made of blood that he is manipulating.

"Oh no… It seems like my bloodhounds has sniffed your blood. Wanna play with them too?"

"N-No… NOOO!!!"

Without even being able to put up a fight, Number 1, a fellow researcher of mine and a part of who I used to be… or should I say, what we used to be… died in front of me.

"You there."


"I'll leave you alive so that you can tell all of this to the Miyazonos… include the Gardeners too if you want. I don't care."


"Tell them… that we're done with cleaning up their mess. You see, the Amano Hogosha, especially Kirin-sensei is running out of patience with your shenanigans. I'm here to give all of you a warning."

What is this guy's deal…? After brutally murdering Number 1 and 2, he's just going to leave me alive?

"Hm? What do you want to join your fellow Replicants too? I'm easy to talk to, you know?"

"N-No! Let me live! I'll do it! I'll do it, believe me!"

"Uh-huh… If that's what you want to."

"…C-Can I-"

"Go. Leave now before those dogs get distracted from eating your other Replicant."

After I got back to my feet and ran away, I had noting else on my mind other than to escape from this place and tell everyone about him.

If I tell them about his capabilities and the extent of his powers, we will be able to make countermeasures against him. If that happens, forget about him being able to fight back, he'd die as soon as we trap him in a Subspace!

I may have lost my fellow Replicants, but their deaths wouldn't be in vain! I promise you, Number 1 and 2… I will avenge you! I will make him pay for ending your lives before we can achieve our dream!

"I will-"



"Found one runner."

W-What…? Why am I on the floor? No… that's my body over there, but-

"Hey… this one's not a fighter. He's dressed in a lab gown and all."

"That doesn't matter, Jun. We were given the order to dispose of anyone, including the research staff. Misaki, end his misery and let's continue down the cave. Maybe we are heading at the right direction if he appeared from somewhere in here."

Is he… not alone?! No, forget that… if he has teammates in here, they'd surely end up finding that thing! They can't be allowed to get that… Huh… why are my vision dimming? Why do I feel so tired… wait, am I going to die just like this…?

"Lady Aishi… I… love-"

"Rest in peace… whoever you are."


"Hmm… It seems like I was right after all. The Replicator cells that were missing are all in here. If so, this isn't a simple hideout, it's a production facility."

From the memories that my Blood Hounds was able to scrounge from the corpse of the two Replicants, I found out about the true purpose of this facility and the fact that we arrived just at the right time to foil everything in the plans of the Miyazonos.

{"Numbers! Numbers, respond already dammit!"}

"U-Uh… This is Number 3 speaking, sir…"

{"You damned useless failed Replicants! Are we asking too much from you three except for managing that production site?!"}

"S-S-S-Sorry, sir… We got engrossed with talking about Lady-"

"What head are you three using for all of you to mind nothing but your damned infatuation with Lady Aishi?! Do your job or we will dispose of you!"

"Y-Y-Yes, sir!"

"Hrmh! Now, tell me about what's happening in there, and quickly!"

As disgusting as it may sound, I used the dead body of one of the Replicants to speak with the higher-up that was calling them through a two-way radio. Although he was pretty mutilated by the bloodhounds earlier, he was still in a good enough shape for the job.

"I see… I will tell all of this to Gardener Aokigahara. Good job with maintaining the production site. Expect a task force to come and inspect the new Replicator cells by tonight."

"A-As you say, sir. And about your promise earlier of telling our achievements to Lady Aishi-"

"You will get your reward when you have done enough to be rewarded! Don't test my patience!"

"C-Certainly, sir!"

As the line was cut, I pushed down the dead body in frustration. I knew that something would happen here, but I was surprised that it would happen so soon…

"Argh! Forget it… I didn't want to ask for her help, but at this point, I need all the people that I can get."

I wanted to give her more time and some space to process her losses and the burning desire in her heart to pursue revenge… but as this is the kind of situation where he cannot cut corners and compromise everything, he decided to bring a comrade and close friend into this battle.

"Operator Yusa… I need to make a direct call with someone."

An hour passed before I sensed that someone has entered the Subspace from the same direction where we entered it earlier. When I looked at Goro and Hotaru, it seems like they have also noticed the fluctuation and looked at me expectedly for an answer.

"Stand up, everyone… Our fiery chief is here."

"Yes, sir!"

It took a while for them to notice the stairs leading down to the cave and safely hop down to the main cavern where we agreed to meet.

"W-welcome, Chief Fujikawa!"

"It's an honor to have you here!"

"…At ease, everyone. Be as you are."

After receiving their salute, Mana turned her gaze on me and looked at me straight on the eyes.


"…I see. So, that's the reason why Yusa-san didn't give me any details."

"We're still in a Subspace made by the Miyazonos. You already know the other reason, but the main reason why I didn't send it over the comms is because of protocol."

"…I understand. Let's set up everything then."

To say that I and Mana didn't change after everything that happened would be a complete and utter lie… She lost her parents whom she dearly loved, and her siblings are basically eternally threatened by the Miyazonos that they would kill them.

As for me… I guess even the longest scroll cannot contain all of the reasons why I was forced to change after the events in Old Tokyo Academy… After all, I acquired knowledge that I ended up regretting to have later on… and even until now.

"How's your raids and attacks?"

"It's just like how Yurippe speaks about it. I've been in solo flight for a while because of what I want to do that I can't have those newbies to get into…"

"Hearing you say that makes me feel both relieved and worried for your health."

"Hehe… what the heck does that even mean? You really end up sounding like an old man when you do that."

"I heard about the Tokyo University encounter, you know?"


"I'm sorry, Mana… This time, I can't hold back my conscience and pretend that all of this is alright. There's a line that divides a rightful vendetta and a mindless slaughter… and unfortunately, you have been swerving nearer and nearer to that line as you go about your path of revenge."

"Rai… you know what I feel since you lost important people to you too. Of all the people that I know, I thought that you would understand what I am feeling and-"

"I do."


"And that's exactly why I am telling you to not be tunnel visioned by your desire for revenge that you forget about the innocent people around you that you are stepping on just to achieve that."

I was speaking all of this for her sake… but as I expected, she didn't want anything to do with it and was about to turn away when I held her by the shoulders in order to meet my gaze.

"The Fujikawa Mana that I know wouldn't disregard the innocent people around her to achieve victory. She will go through the most roundabout way if needed to not let those who has no business with the fight to stay safe."


"Even with all that happened, that side of you will never change… so please, Mana… stop doing things in this way."

I hoped that this time, I was able to break through her shell and make her look back and regret the losses that happened because of her… but it seems like this was not that time.

"I can't stop now, Rai-kun…"


"If those monsters cannot stand by the same values, I have no reason to stick with it too."


"My losses are my losses… and everyone else is their loss. I see nothing wrong with culling off the people that they would most likely trick and bring into their folds later."

There was a tinge of sadness and regret in Mana's expression and tone, but I knew her enough to know that it was only a miniscule part of what she really feels and thinks about overall.

"If for them, humans are animals that can be easily thrown to the slaughter for the furthering of their goals, for me, it's the exact same thing… but I am more brutal about it that they can ever be."


"I'm sorry, Rai-kun… this is the answer that I have arrived on after everything. I will just apologize as much as I need later."

Mana… I'm sorry too…

I am stopping you not because I want you to give up on your revenge… or I want to protect those people that you are getting mixed with into this thing… but because I already know how all of this will end.

When that day comes… I will do my best for none of us to end up with the worst possible ending.


As the Gardener Candidate under the tutelage of Gardener Aokigahara Yoshino, there are a lot of errands that I am running for her in order to win her approval to have me take my own position.

"Sir, we're here."

"Mm. Let's not waste our time. This is only an on-site inspection, so I expect nothing much to prop up… especially with those three dolts that are running this site."

As the topmost ranker in Gardener Aokigahara's AR-MMORPG game, I had the honor of receiving the best game implant that they are providing which has increased my already overpowered abilities to its greatest extent.


I've raided countless mob spawn sites and even met and killed a number of real-time enemies inside special game areas called "Subspaces".

(TL: For those not familiar with video games, the "mob spawn sites" are basically populated areas where Malignances appear whilst "real-time enemies" are either S.S.S operatives or Sumeragi psychics that he finds and kills out in the open.)

"Hahaha! Another classic hidden cave level that we repurposed… the game is just getting more and more dope and exciting!"

"Shall we proceed now, sir?"

"That's not even a question! Let's charge in!"

What should I fear? I'm at the very apex of the ranking boards and not even the one who is behind me can hop the gorge between our skill levels and raw power as Psychics.

If there is anyone who can defeat me right now, I don't know what cheat program they are running just to face off against me! Let them come then! I have nothing to be afraid of-


"What's wrong, sir? Why did you stop all of a sudden?"

No way… I know they are weak, but for these three to end up like this…

"It seems like you arrived a tad too late to help them out…"


"W-Who's there?! Show yourself!"

Where is the voice coming from? Why does it sound like he is speaking from all possible angles?

"I fear that I cannot comply to that… after all, you lot aren't getting out of this place alive."


"You… are not going to receive even an ounce of our mercy... remember that well."



Without even a hint of a warning, a blast of white-hot flames went past me and burned Inuchiyo27, a fellow gamer that I brought with me, into fine ashes.

"We can't have interlopers here while we are fighting, do we?"

"You darned mob! I will kill you!"

Who the hell are these mobs!? I thought this was a stronghold of ours, but why did it become a dungeon like this all of a sudden?!