Broken Promises and Fulfilled Curses

Several months before the current events, the long overdue "decommissioning and disposal" of one Imamura Kai was finally set.


"Oof… It got away."


"Looks like it even took your hook with it! Hahaha! The fishes are really beating you and your luck, buddy!"


In the small private lake owned by the Imamura clan in their estate lands, two young men sat by the quay and had some leisure time with fishing. Unfortunately for one of them, all of the fishes that bit his hook not only got away but the last one even took with it his fishing hook, much to the loud amusement of the other young man.


"Right. Meanwhile, you've already got some Koi, largemouth bass and even a catfish."


"Meh, it's just years of experience finally paying off. If anything, I'll be leaving them to you to cook them for dinner, so you don't have to sulk over there."


"I'm not sulking, stupid. I'm just annoyed that I have to buy another hook now that I lost that one to the fish…"




After hearing his reason for being annoyed, the other guy sighed and looked down from his previously lively self.


"Hey… You didn't have to take it like that."


"I… I'm sorry. I can't help it. Given that things are progressing in that way and my time has come, I can't help but be reminded of how this day will end through everything that I hear and see."


Today is the day that Imamura Kai, or to be exact, the Replicant clone that took the place of the real Imamura Kai, would be "disposed".


Continued progress on the revival and reawakening of the real Imamura Kai has been going well and it was said that in the next following months, he may finally awaken and return to his rightful place and life.


Because of this, the continued existence of his Replicant was seen as unnecessary and there were even rumors that his sole remaining parent and mother, Imamura Kirin, although secluded in her private dojo deep in the Sumeragi syndicate's estate land, has already gave the "go ahead" permission for the clone to be "disposed".


"I've already made peace with it long ago… In a way, spending almost all of my time alongside boss Renjiro who is almost at the same situation as me made me feel like I am not some kind of special case with no one to relate to."


"About him, did you hear about where he's currently being kept?"


"Yeah. They said that he's in the Shackling Sanctum. Looked after by Mira and Eika-san, he's going to spend his time there until Oyabun-sama can hear his case and enact whatever sentence he deserves."


"Except for insubordination, I don't believe he has anything major to be charged with anyway. He'd probably just be given a slap on the wrist."


"An offense is still an offense. He'd probably be shunned and demoted from his Kanbu position."


"Forget about Furuta-sensei for now. If anything, have you heard about the dissolvement of the Sapporo division and Sir Lucas returning to being a simple foot soldier?"


"I did… For some reason, he didn't even seem like he's bothered about it. There are even rumors that it gave him more freedom and flexibility to go around and do whatever he wants."


Their conversation was cut short when Kai's fishing rod bent with force and with experienced handling, he brought out of the water another large and meaty largemouth bass.


"Seems like I'd be having some trouble with cooking that many fish… Not that I'm complaining though."


"Hehe! Give it yer' all, buddy!"


By noontime, the two of them went their separate ways with Ephraim bringing the bucket of fishes to the Imamura mansion's external kitchen. As for Kai, he went to the dojo where he saw a familiar young woman practicing sword swings while emitting spurts of blazing flames around bundles of dry twigs and hay.


"Practicing your control over the fire?"


"…Yeah. I've learned from what happened in our last fight where I did more danger than good. I quit using wide-ranged attacks in favor of finer and more concentrated ones."


"That's good. I can't count how many times you've created collateral damage whenever we're out there."


"Oi! All of those fights have no innocent bystanders around. Even those "collateral damages" are stuff that only our enemies would see as a loss."


Hearing Mana's retort, Kai giggled lightly before taking off his shoes by the doorway and entering the dojo with a bow. After that, he took off his shirt and took a fighting stance that Mana returned without any words.




As soon as the Subspace around them has completely covered their surroundings, turning everything into monotone white and gray, the two fighters clashed with their full powers let loose to the point that everything that was not nailed to the floor flew out in an explosion.


"Hahaha! You still need more force behind those rookie swings, Mana-chan!"


"Oh shut it, you muscle headed brute!"


Their opening clash had Mana swing her sword towards Kai's neck, intending to finish the battle quickly. However, Kai activated his Flow State form, powering every cell in his body that when he raised his arm to protect his neck, his forearm muscles and bone was tough enough to stop the blade.


"Oww… it does sting though. Hey! Don't tell me you were really after my life!"




"At least answer my question!"


Their fight continued with Mana consistently sending out attacks made of fire and utilizing her sword to further enhance the damage it was doing. Meanwhile for Kai, he grew out several hardwood plants around him, using them as both a shield and weapon that was resistant to a certain point against both the flames and blade slashes of Mana.


"You're getting slow, Kai!"


"Same goes to your sloppy slashes, Mana!"


Their fight became so intense and so fast that it surpassed even the sharpened senses of Psychics. At that point, only the two of them who has faced against and surmounted countless life-threatening battles managed to see and react against the attacks doled by the other.






Suddenly, one of the wooden plants under Kai's control finally gave way against the flurry of Mana's attacks and seizing the moment, she prepared to make the attack that would end their duel.


"This is the end, Kai!!!"


"Hah! You fell for it!"


"What the-!"


However, with a speed and force that she has never seen him use before, Kai grabbed her outstretched arm that was wielding her sword and pulled her in towards his other hand that had an extremely sharp bamboo spike growing from his wrist.


"Hahaha! It's my win!"


"Haah… Yeah, yeah. Savor your first and only victory against me."


Ever since they first met, Kai never managed to win against Mana due to his Psychic power being in a disadvantage against hers. There is also the case of natural talent being on Mana's slight advantage. But what is perhaps the greatest factor that contributed to him being weaker than Mana was his limited Astra energy output.


Although genetically, Kai should have inherited the incredibly powerful traits of the Imamura clan, him being a Replicant clone completely disabled much of these inherited capabilities. In the first place, the overwhelming Astra energy capacity and output of the real Kai was the reason why he needed to enter into a cytostatic sleep shortly before he was born.


And thus, this one last victory against Mana, the one that he has long considered to be his greatest rival, not only brought him his greatest wish, it also acted as the parting gift that Mana can give to him as a teammate, rival and friend.


"Hey, Mana-chan. Can you promise me something before I go?"


"What is it? Please don't ask me some harebrained wish or I would beat you to a pulp right here and now."


"W-Woah! Calm down… I just wanted to ask you to look after yourself and the others once I am gone. Even if it was only a short time, I did find great company with you, Rai-kun and the others… if anything, it makes me feel a bit at peace that with my help, no one has died, and we became this strong."




"…There's also something else that I want you to keep for my sake."


"Your sake?"


"Once Kai, I mean the real Kai, not me who is just a clone, wakes up and meets you, he'd probably have an inkling already about our adventures, fights and even secrets from the video recordings I made for him. Although he'd mostly be inept about things and would probably be of a different personality and quirks than I am, I still wish that the way you treat me right here and now would also be the way that you'd treat him once he meets you."


Hearing all of that made Mana mellow out her expression from a stiff and unfeeling one.


"You idiot."




"Real Kai, clone Kai… what kind of stupid, self-depreciating joke is that?"


"Mana-chan. This is basically my last wishes. Why are you-"


"It doesn't matter. I want you to stop calling yourself like you're a substandard version of what you actually are. Stop referring yourself as a Replicant and the real you as the only real you. It makes me sick!"


Those words, spoken by her of all people, shot straight to Kai's heart, making him feel equally ashamed and frustrated.


"For all I know, the real Kai that I met back then in the courtyard of the Sumeragi estate is the only Kai that I know. He's a blockhead who'd charge into a fight, a reckless guy who would go after enemies clearly stronger than him and would sleep like a log while snoring so loudly it can shatter glass and clay pots."




"But even though he's a muscle-brained brute and someone who just won't give up about the things he wants to do, Kai is a dear friend that I know I can only meet once in a lifetime. Even if he's been given this terrible fate, I would never recognize anyone who'd tell me that he can just be replaced."


"But you don't understand, Mana-chan. Once I'm gone, I will be gone. The real Kai-"


"What did I just tell you?!"


"Okay, okay! The… the other me! Once he replaces me, I may have given him a recap of what has happened for the past 17 years of life that I lived for him, but he'd surely be different from who I am right here and now. So please, treat him the same way as you do to me."


"I will not!"


"Why do you have to be so damn stubborn?!"


While he is simply being practical and following the orders of the higher-ups in the Sumeragi syndicate, Mana still kept her ground of not recognizing the need of having him and her memories with him replaced for the convenience of the reawakened Kai.


True to her personality and traits, she clung to this decision stubbornly, much to the annoyance of Kai who charged at her in frustration.


"Because I don't want to, dumbo!"




However, as if he just didn't prove that they are finally on equal grounds when it comes to strength as a fighter, Mana made quick-work out of him and locked him in a chokehold that he can't escape from.


"Why the hell should I treat a stranger the same way as I treat you? Did all of the times I beat you to a pulp finally cause you enough brain damage to not understand common sense?"


"You're being the unsensical one here!"


While she is strangling him, Kai kept on fighting back against her. However, Mana didn't show any weak point in her chokehold, keeping the upper hand while also telling him to not be cocky just because he won against her once in a fight where she may have even held back.


"Here's what I want to do, Kai. I want to remember you differently from whatever guy the other you is. All of the experiences we had and the memories we shared is between you and us, not his."




"For now, I'll let you off. But next time we meet and you insist that you're just a shmuck that is way below the other you, I will give you a beating you'll never ever forget."


"Urgh… Kah..."


As the chokehold tightened and he struggled to breathe, he lost consciousness and would only wake up an hour later in the real world with Mana no longer in sight. Being alone in that place, he shed some tears of relief, knowing that Mana didn't just treat him as a Replicant but a real human.


As the noon slowly gave way to dusk, Kai gave his farewells to the other people still in the Sumeragi syndicate that he grew up with and he must now part with. Although all of them did carry the frustrated expression of knowing that he will forever be gone, none of them voiced out any of these opinions, knowing well that it would go against the order given by the higher-ups and the resolute will of Kai himself.


By dinnertime, he retreated to a private dining room where he was met by a few friends and family members… although even this meal did not have every seat occupied by their intended individuals.


"I see… Mana, mother and aunt…"


The seats of the three women were empty. For Mana, he understood that she already gave him her last regards and attending this meal would defeat the purpose of her actions. As for his aunt Akari, she did not attend out of decency. After all, she's the one who'd be handling the reawakening of his real self and coming there would metaphorically be like meeting with one of the people complacent with your death. With those two, he understood their absence.


However, it was the last one's absence that he didn't understood… Imamura Kirin, his "mother" and the one who raised him.


"As bitter as it is, you'd have to understand, Kai… Kirin-sensei cannot bring herself to face you… even more so that the situation has become like this."


Ephraim's response beckoned him to look at the only other man seated at the table. Although he was wearing a nice suit and looked prim and proper, a visible pair of Astra energy Diminisher shackles on his wrists and ankles showed that he is a convicted Psychic.


"Ephraim got me a pass for dinner down here. Just in time too when I've grown weary of the bland meals in the Shackling Sanctum cooked by Eika- UWAAAA!!!"


"I beg you to mind your words, Renjiro-dono. When compared to him, anyone's cooking would pale in comparison."


"Now, now. Let go of his ear already. You too, Kai. Take the seat of honor already."


At the table, there was Ephraim, Renjiro, the twins Eika and Mira, Kaede and a few other familiar faces of Psychics that serves the Imamura clan. For a while, they conversed as Ephraim kept on entering and leaving the room with covered dishes that came from the kitchen.


"Have you finished every lingering business that you have left, Kai-kun?"


"Yes, Kaede-nee. I gave my goodbyes and my last wishes to the others. Some of them even wanted to bring me out to a bar so we can have a drink, but I humbly declined."


"Hehe… so cute. Even when this is your last chance, you still kept up your promise of not drinking until you're of age."


"Of course! You taught me to keep promises after all."


"By the way, I felt that something happened in the dojo earlier. Did you have a fight or something?"


"I sparred with Mana-chan for the last time and I won… but it feels like she just let me win."


"No way. I know her, she'd rather die than let anyone get a victory from her."


"Is that so? I guess it was a fluke then. She gave me a chokehold and put me to sleep before she disappeared after all."


After one last round trip from the kitchen, Ephraim brought the last covered dish to the dining room and took his seat. With that, the meal started with a courtesy raising of cups. While the other adults had premium Sake, Kai drank iced tea as per his promise to not drink alcohol while Ephraim also took a cup of iced tea because of medical reasons against alcohol.


"Mm! This tastes so good!"


"You certainly outdone yourself again, buddy!"


Kaede and Kai both exclaimed after taking their first bites out of the various dishes in front of them.


"Geez… at this point you're going to be unbeatable by anyone, Rai-dono."


"Right. As heavy as it may sound coming from me, this is certainly something that I have to admit, Rai-dono is a great cook."


"Ahaha… No need to praise me too much like this. It's just the product of a lot of training and good mentors."


Eika and Mira followed suit with their comments about how good his cooking is, prompting Ephraim to chuckle lightly in slight embarrassment.


The group all ate heartily until the night became deeper and so did the lighthearted discussions.


"It's come to this point now, Kai… It's time to say goodbye."


"…Right. Although it's only been seventeen odd years, it's still a blessing to have lived this life alongside all of you."




"Even though it's not really my life that I lived in here, I… I guess I have no complaints to give anymore about it."


The exchange between Renjiro and Kai was short, but it contained all of the pain and somberness between these two people cursed with the fate of being Replicants.


"I know I shouldn't be saying this… but I don't think I would ever see the real Kai at the same light as you."




"While it's true that you're just a Replicant made to console aunt Kirin, you are a unique person that has been beside us for a long time… as wrong as it may sound, even the real Kai cannot replace you."




As Kaede embraced him lightly, Kai gave back the gesture and sobbed lightly on her chest. The sweet and somber scene of these two who have been close cousins for a long time made the others empathize with their pain as well.


After a while of consoling each other and whispering teary-eyed goodbyes, Eika and Mira came back to the room, dressed with their ceremonial shrine maiden robes, and beckoned for the young man.




"It's time." 


Kai let go of Kaede, intent on following what amounts to be he last orders he would receive. However, Kaede took him by the arm and placed his hand by her cheek.


"Thank you for everything, Kai… and may we see each other again later…"


"…Yes, Kaede-nee. May we see each other again… but not too soon, okay?"


Walking towards Eika and Mira, Kai extended out his hands which was promptly cuffed by the twin with Astra energy Diminishing links. 


"Everyone is waiting for us."


"Let's go now, Kai-sama."


Outside the estate, what little that remained of the Sumeragi forces under the Onkenha faction gathered to watch for one last time the Replicant that took the identity of their faction leader's son.






Much to his surprise, everyone in the crowd promptly knelt on both knees and bowed their heads towards him.


"Thank you for everything, Kai-sama…"


"Everyone… I… I feel the same way. Thank you for everything too."


All throughout his walk towards the designated place, everyone bowed their heads and gave him their last farewells and appreciations.


At the end, he was led to the same lakeshore where he and Ephraim was catching fish earlier.


"From here on out is the land of the dead…"


"Continue there and you will meet your designated executor."


"Mm… thank you for coming this far for me, Eika-san, Mira-san."


"…You're welcome…"




After that exchange, the twins put up a barrier and disappeared from view. With that, Kai continued towards the shack by the shoreline where he can make out a cloaked figure.


"Furuta-sensei… I'm here."


"…Hey, Kai."


"Y-You are-"


Much to his surprise though, the man that met here wasn't Renjiro, but instead, Ephraim.


"Listen well to me, I don't have much time to explain everything in detail, but I have a very good reason to come here instead of Furuta-sensei."


"…And what is it?"


"This world still needs you… From here on out, we'll be acting on our own, so you have to listen to me properly."


At that moment, what should've been the last farewell to Kai, the mere Replicant, became the start of something that was more important than every other fight that he participated in.


That brings us back to the present time, at a bunker deep in the Miyazono corporation's headquarters. There, a cloaked figure came out from behind a wall of wood and walked past several corpses skewered by sharp bamboo stakes. Beyond that was a laboratory containing numerous enormous glass cubicles filled with a semi-transparent crimson fluid. It was a Replicator Cell.


"Finally… the last Replicator can now be destroyed."


"Hehe~! Not so fast now, silly little one."




From the ceiling, a fleshy cocoon fell down and from it emerged a woman familiar to him.


"Aokigahara Yoshino…"


"Yep… Just a clone though, the real me is out there and caught in some attack by the Mori cult.


"A clone, huh? Underestimating me now of all times?"


"Oh please, darling… I wouldn't dare to do something as uncouth as that."


As the two clashed, it resounded with the battle at the surface that has already transcended into a realm beyond the reach of man.




"Just die already, Ryuuichi!"


"Never… NEVER AGAIN!!!"


As entire structures of concrete and glass alike fell at the shockwaves and debris caused by their fight, the surroundings became more and more polluted with Astra energy.


"R-Run! RUUUNNN!!!"


This massive leak of Astra energy caused the people surrounding the area that hasn't been evacuated yet to faint and promptly die.


However, this isn't the only place of wanton slaughter. Inside the alternative realm created by the Seers of Death, all of the Psychics trapped inside fought ravenously.




"Step back, Renjiro! "


Whether it be against waves upon waves of Malignances that are being sent to whittle their strength down.






"Ufufufu~! AHAHAHAHA~! That's right! Curse me! Be wrathful and seethe in anger against me, you two~!"


Enemies that they have long desired to bring down to stop their rampaging massacres.


"Say, Sir Lucas… have you ever wondered if what you are about to do would really lead to the effect that you desire?"


"…That's not for you to ask. Walk along."


Or even an agenda that both the perpetrator and sacrifice know would lead to a many people dying…


In the end, they knew of the dangers and are willing to do whatever is needed to be done if it would mean their victory.


In that respect, one young man whose entire journey led to this outcome for both the world and its inhabitants is not exempt from this action.


"H-How did you…?"


"You said you wanted to ascertain if I am worthy of my place in your so-called "performance", right?"


However, torn between what is fated and what he truly wants to be the outcome of these battles, Ephraim has held back his strength… or at least, that was his intention in the start.


"You're strong… I can at least be honest about that."




"But you… you are going against the very future that you've seen… You understand nothing about the great fate that you have been given! You and us, the Seers, know that you will end up destroying this world and bringing everything to nothingness!"


As the Seer of Death who dueled him tried his best to reform his broken body alike that of a ceramic doll, Ephraim knew that his opponent is already beaten beyond any chance of surviving past this battle.


"So just embrace it, Challenger! Destroy Freedom's order for a new world! Demolish the works of the Tainted Spirits and once and for all, give peace to all of us who died because of their evils!!!"


"…You're the one who understands nothing, Seer of Death."




"It doesn't matter if the dead thirsts for the rest of mankind to join them in their damnation… or that those alive face the perturbation of choosing between dying virtuously or living in excess of vices. I challenged the Tainted Spirits who declared themselves as gods not because I stand for something, but simply because I have people that I wish to protect."


That answer caused the Jester to recoil up in shock, learning of that all this time, the person they awaited to help their cause isn't here to stand for the things that they literally exist for, but because he has people that he wants to protect.


"This is a huge mistake, Chronia! This… this isn't what your ancestor promised Law! You… You are meant to destroy them! How can you just abandon your fated work and-"


"How can you be sure that helping you kill all of humanity and destroy this world was my fate?"


Although the Seers knew that alongside them, the Divine Challenger would know about the fate of world, they didn't know that they are in the disadvantage since only the Divine Challenger would know about how that would come to pass.


"You said that the Maestro is preparing his piece to signal the end of this world?"


"Y-You wouldn't dare!"


"And what will you do? Stop me?"


As Ephraim stood and was about to leave his dying opponent behind, he sensed a sudden spike in Astra energy in front of him and in a flash of light, two figures appeared in front of him, stopping him from leaving.


"Y-You are…"


"You will not leave this place."


As this familiar person declared that with a forthright tone, the Seer who takes the form of a young child walked towards her mortally wounded comrade and pieced him back together slowly but surely.


"You were too reckless, Jester."


"Yeah, yeah… thank you for this, anyway."


"You should really learn to thank people properly."


Back to the two fighters staring down each other, a look of grief grew on Ephraim's face for the reason that he knew that the person impeding on his way was someone that is normally on the same level as he is…


"Why of all times… do you have to appear here…"




…and that he doesn't want to hurt her at all.


"I don't want to fight you, Kirin-sensei."


"…You have no choice."


Student against teacher… such a cruel faith between them that could've been avoidable is now an inescapable duel.


"Right… I have no choice."



At the Hall of Words, Spirit Knowledge's Domain, the fierce battle between the two women who had the greatest unresolved questions in the world continued as their points exchanged hands constantly and less and less of the cards on the table became available.


"This will be my victory."


"I doubt that."


"…Damn it!"


As their questions were given their appropriate and truthful answers, they were able to uncover the truths that were kept from them.


"We're approaching the end of this game, and yet, it seems like both of you do not want to spend your points unless you have secured your victory."


"We have reasons."


"Right. We won't get the entire truth that we want from you unless we get all of the points from the other."


"…I see. Suit yourselves."


And thus, their fight continued… or that's what was supposed to happen.


"As much as I want to continue this, it seems like circumstances beyond your or even my control would lead us to suspend this game."




"Hold on, this isn't what you promised us!"


Knowledge stood up from his seat amidst the protests of the two, yet he kept his silence and looked up at the enormous Insight Stone on the ceiling of the room that flickered with an image of two people staring down each other.


"Hold on, is that-!?"


"The head of the Imamura clan… Imamura Kirin?!"


As Sayaka and Himari both recognized the woman wielding a sword at the projected image in the orb, they realized why their game had to be paused as Spirit Knowledge's expression contorted into a horrified visage.


"No way… She… she gave her word to both him and me. So why… why is she there and about to fight him?!"


"What are you talking about?"


"Why are you worried about this, Knowledge?"


His short answer to them gave all of the explanation that they need to feel the same horror that he does.


"That's not Imamura Kirin controlling herself! That's Spirit Justice and he's going to kill Ephraim!"