The Tale of Two Brothers

Both of us were cursed before we even grew up enough to understand the darkness and cruelty of this world.

Born to parents who chased after the lust of their flesh and eyes as well as an unimpeded pride as humans who believed that there is nothing nor no one to shackle them from those hedonistic pleasures, we were primed to not know what is right from wrong… and yet, once they were gone, we were led to the light even when the world around us has begun to sink into darkness.

"We can do this, you two… I know that things may seem hard right now, but I truly believe that we can get past this."


"Big bro…"

You, Priscilla and I… once we were orphaned and left to our own hands as Sicily fell to squalor and anarchy, you led us to the doors of the Knight Order and even pledged to work for them without pay just so they can take us three together. Your sacrifice for us was enough that both of us promised to ourselves that we would repay you for not giving up on us and leaving to pursue your own chance to a better life.

And yet, where did that brought for you and your heart?

After you were sent here to Japan, you discovered your hidden power and fought for what was right… until you were ensnared by your infatuation with an abomination who opened you to an unfettered pursuit of sin.

I made a promise to Priscilla that I will bring you to your senses and we can go back to being the family that we used to be… but now, that is all gone. All possibility of that is now gone…

"She looks pretty even when she's wearing a nun's garment. Must be beauty running in the blood, huh?"

"…Yeah. Both our father and mother were gorgeous looking… our two elder brothers who died in the war were also good-looking and had wives who loved them dearly."

"Wives? If you had sisters-in-law, why did the three of you ended up becoming orphans?"

"They… they became casualties in the end of the war."

"…At the end of the war? Oh!"

"We heard that the enemy army buried them in unmarked mass graves… we don't even know where to put a candle for their poor, battered souls."

"I see… Priscilla-san must still be praying for them fervently if you can't dedicate a candle at where they were laid."

"No… I don't think so."

"Huh? Why not?"

"It's too late for redemption… for the two of us, that is."

It was during the chaos following the opening of the gates by the Seers of Death that I received a call from way back in the Order's headquarters in Malta… they said that it was the last remaining stronghold in southern Europe against the Malignances and among the heavily wounded was my sister, Priscilla Tetian who protected the orphanage until they were rescued by the knight order.

"Brother… I'm sorry."


"I was the one who was supposed to be left in the safest place… and yet, I have to be the one to give my farewells to you."


Even through just the phone, I felt the gut-wrenching feeling of once again losing a loved one. Her labored breaths as she endured the pain of her fatal injuries… her words that desperately hid the dread of her impending death.

"Lucas… brother, just forgive William and accept that it is the life that he chose for himself."

"I can't Priscilla. William… he's not snapping out of it any soon. At this rate, he may even lead this world into-"

"Let what should happen to just happen, brother."

Her saying that made me realize that there is no possibility for him to ever realize his errors using the method that I have used so far. Chasing after him and defeating him in battle would only add more fuel to his pursuit of power and pleasure.

"You're right, Priscilla… I just have to accept it."


"You rest well over there, Priscilla. Once everything is done, we can all be together again… all of us siblings who deserve eternal peace in heaven."

My dismissal from my Kanbu position as well as the disbandment of the Sapporo detachment was presided by the council of clan elders that was held in Kabukicho estate. However, my demotion to a foot soldier position wasn't the only reason why I accepted to be arrested and be brought back to Old Tokyo.


"He is here."

Led by Mira and Enka through an illusory Subspace pathway to avoid prying eyes, I arrived at the mystical inner sanctuary of Kabukicho estate which exuded a different atmosphere in comparison to the two outer courtyards.

Outside, it was high noon and yet in here, the full moon gave a faint brightness to the surroundings and seem to not move at all from its place in the sky. When I looked at the path through the torii gates, it was flanked by the cherry blossoms and wisteria trees in full bloom despite the fact that it was already the middle of autumn.

"Follow us, Tetian-dono."

"The entirety of the inner courtyard is coated with our illusory barriers and traps that would kill even the strongest of Psychics once they trigger them."


The twin gatekeepers led me through the thousand torii gates that line the entirety of the path towards Misao shrine, the residence of Oyabun-sama.

"A few warnings before you come face to face with her without the protection of the golden veil, Tetian-dono."

"…What is it?"

"Unless directed to, don't raise your head to peer upon her face."

"Do not speak out of turn. She must end her words before you can speak."

"Do not question her directions. She knows more than you do in everything."

There were a few warnings that I expected, but what came next surprised me to say the least.

""And most of all, do not let her touch you.""

"T-Touch me?"

"Right. It would be alright if you are the one who would make first contact. But in the case of her touching on her own discretion, make distance without raising your sight towards her."

Touch? I know that this might be something about Oyabun-sama being some kind of shrine maiden or something like a vestal virgin as I heard from rumors, but why does this sound like she cannot be allowed to initiate contact with others on her own accord?

"I understand. I'll keep all of that in mind."

Finally, we arrived at the last torii gate where I was told that they cannot follow me through anymore. I stepped into the shrine grounds and turned around to see Enka and Mira disappear amongst the mist, probably through another one of their illusory psychic barriers taking effect.

"They said to just walk through the shrine grounds until-"



In that instant, I sensed that someone was behind me and knowing that there was no one else in here save for her, I immediately put some distance between us and bent on one knee with a bow that hid my face from her but can still see her shadow.

"I see that they have warned you properly, Lucas-kun."

"…They did, Oyabun-sama."

"Right… you don't even speak out of turn. Impressive, if I must be honest."

She walked past me slowly and I watched her shadow and feet receding behind me.

"Wait for me for a while in there. I'm sure that we can't have a proper conversation if you stay bowing like that the entire time."

"I will wait patiently, Oyabun-sama."

From behind me, I heard the shrine building's wooden sliding door open and close. My signal to turn around and bow down with it on my limited line of sight.

I thought back on what happened just moments ago and sure enough, I sensed that she appeared behind me all of a sudden and attempted to touch me by the arm… and the way she did it was as if we were familiar with each other, like a daughter clinging to her father's arm.

"Why… does that feel like it's normal even though I don't ever remember being close with any child?"

Before I can entertain any other thoughts, she came out of the building and with her instruction, I raised my face to see that she is wearing a wide-brimmed conical hat with a veil made of golden cloth hiding her face.

"With this, we can talk normally."

"I wasn't told that you have one of those, Oyabun-sama."

"I thought you were told enough by those two. It seems like you didn't. In any case, I want you to follow me for a stroll."

As she led me to the pathway beside the shrine building, I noticed that there were hydrangeas growing along the way. They were baby blue and faint pink colored, arranged in a way where one side has one color, and the other side has the other.

"There are many ways to describe our situation at present… and "precarious" is one of them. As you may have heard from the information given by Kirin's strongest student, with the death of the overseer of the seven Seers of death, the remaining Seers have opened the gates that contained high-class Malignances that ravaged this already ruined world."

With a gentle voice and slow stride, we walked through the shrine's garden of flowers populated by the cherry blossoms, wisteria trees and the hydrangeas. For some reason other than the bright moonlight though, it seems like they are glowing.

"Coupled with the massive wave of people leaving our group, as well as the numerous casualties that we received from the countless skirmishes that we had with the Miyazono forces, that word really describes our situation very well."

"It's indeed regrettable that it had to be like this for us."

"No. You're wrong about that, Lucas."


"There used to be a saying among metalsmiths that when the dregs and slag of the steel has been hammered away, it makes for a blade stronger and sharper than what it could've been if it wasn't reforged and struck by the mallet. In a way, you can say that our group has undergone such a challenge and change, would you not?"

"I… don't understand."

"To put it simply for you then, all of that loss, may it be through desertion or death in battle, was needed to make our forces stronger. For blood to be stronger and more resilient, it must first be bled out."

After a while of walking, we arrived at the garden behind the shrine, and I was amazed with the flower that blossomed everywhere there is soil in that place.

"Red spider lilies…"

"The so-called "flower that blooms in blood"."

Suddenly, I recognized a tall piece of stone where the pockets of dirt stuck on it grew out copious amounts of the red lilies.

"T-These are-"

"Everyone who dedicated their lives for my cause, decided that this is the path they must tread on… and ultimately held their faith for all of this, will receive my blessing in the great battle to come."


"Indeed, Lucas Tetian, the child dedicated to the spirit of the moon as per your family's long tradition."

"How did you-?"

"Any faith, unfit for the true deity is addressed to me."

In an instant, my eyes were awash in light and I was pushed back by the force of a concentrated wave of Astra energy. Every fiber of my being shouted at me to take up a combat stance and yet, it was as if I froze up after being subjected to the presence of a higher being.

"Peer not onto my face, mortal. Lest you lose your sanity and I bestow you a merciful end."

Once I heard that ever familiar line though, I snapped back to consciousness and directed my words towards her without any sign of repose.

"…I know only one God and I refuse to bow down to any else."


"What are you really? A supernatural being… a human trying to usurp divine authority like the Miyazonos… or are you one of their abominations? Answer me, Oyabun-sama…"

As she continued to assail me with her halo of nearly blinding light and the endless wave of Astra energy, I pressed her for an answer which she didn't answer… until I spoke about something that has been ringing in my ears ever since I faced her.

"…Until when are you going to hold onto your flawed promise, child?"


"You… You were supposed to help mankind, not bring them to this kind of situation where their only choice is to… kill or be slaughtered."

This voice in my head… why is it ringing…? Why do I feel like this isn't something that I am saying by my own accord?

"How did you…"


"You… are you… the Vessel of Courage?"

This is when I realized that perhaps, the irony of me being born into a family carrying the tradition of paganic worship, and yet, chose and held onto the teachings of Christianity, wasn't an irony or a coincidence at all.

"F-Faith? Child?"

"Y-Yes! This is me!"

I became aware of a knowledge only a handful were privy about in this world… and from then onward, learned that if I want to lead this world into the end that I believe it should go to, I cannot just act as things happen to me.

I have to take the initiative.

"Just where are we heading, Mr. Knight?"

"You will know later."

"Mnn? I'm gonna be honest, this is getting boring, y'know?"

That's right, William. You're not the only one who has an ace up his sleeve anymore.


At the laboratory beneath a supposedly empty building in New Tokyo, the clone of Aokigahara Yoshino and Kai fought savagely against the other.

"Come on, come on, come on!!! Gimme all that you got, you damn failed Replicant!"


Despite his opponent just being a clone, Kai was on the backfoot as both his plant-controlling Psychic power and his ability to enhance his physical characteristics using by using his hair as photosynthetic fibers are in a disadvantage in the concrete basement that they are in.

All around her, the fleshy cocoon that she emerged from rapidly multiplied and spread around the room, further reinforcing her flurry of attacks as well as cornering her opponent into a chokepoint of her attacks.


"Oof! Tch- Darn it!"

On and on, the fleshy appendages that grew out and tried to attack him continued to assail him without fail. It was when his back hit a wall that Kai realized that he cannot back away anymore.

"What are you gonna do now, boy~?! If you surrender now, I will-"



"Surrender? Why should I surrender?"

The clone of Yoshino was having fun playing with her prey that it took her time to realize that the dull explosion that she heard came from her left-side torso. An exploding seed pod has blew off her body. 

"Y-You! Kha-ak!"

"Don't mistake my way of sizing you up as some kind of weakness. The moment you said that you were just a clone, I knew that you're not worth any serious effort or time."


While the Yoshino clone was hacking out blood from her mouth as her body began to rapidly die off after her Replicant core was destroyed, Kai cracked his knuckles and raised it into a stance alike that of a martial artist.

"By the way, you think I wasn't throwing out seeds because this place is too dark? Oh please, you're not the only one who toughened up during all this time."

"W-when did you-!?"




And to deal the killing blow, Kai activated the pieces of bamboo shoot shavings he scattered around the room and with the snap of a finger, they all consumed the Astra energy that he put in them as they instantly grew out into a field of bamboo that pierced her body profusely. 

"Haah… that was quite the chore."

After getting past the corpse of his enemy, he touched the Replicator cell and with an explosive burst of Astra energy, destroyed it to the point that repair is impossible.

"With that, they can't mass produce their Seed Psychics anymore. Now, to get back to-! Hhh-! What the-!?"

He was about to celebrate this small victory when he sensed that there was someone, no, something behind him.

"H-how did you manage to-"

"Hyahaha! I've surpassed my physical limitations. Don't think that this is unfair now, got me?!"

Behind Kai, a twisted mass of flesh and blood blasted towards him with tendrils made of razor-sharp bones and congealed blood. He skillfully dodged all of it but slowly, he was driven to the backfoot by the unrelenting attacks.

"This damned wench!"

"Hyahahaha!!! Come on, Replicant! Give it your all!"


At the area in the Subspace where Renjiro and Akari are fighting together, the unending wave of Malignances led them to retreat towards a vehicular overpass where they can use the high ground to not only funnel in the monsters but also gain the advantage when it comes to the momentum needed by their enemies to charge at them with full force.

"Not yet tired, Furuta-kun?"

"They'd need a lot more number and power to make me bend the knee!"

"Good! Cause I'm not losing steam here either!"

Although it was a long time ago, the two managed to regain the synchrony they trained with in regard to the psychic power that they are wielding, increasing the output, efficiency and destructiveness of their attacks.

"Do it now!"

" Hyah!"

By encasing highly pressurized water in a metal sphere, they created bombs that caused devastation amongst the Malignances.

"It's done! Now!"


Using metals around him, Renjiro formed various nozzles from where Akari forced the water she was controlling to pierce, slice or drown the Malignances to death.

"Clear the back for our retreat!"


However, the wave of Malignances remained unabated in charging towards them and in the end, Akari called for a retreat which Renjiro quickly handled by pulling out various metal struts out of the overpass and forming them into a flat metal sheet that both of them rode.

" HRAH!!!"

Afterwards, he destroyed the road by collapsing all of the metal rebar that supported its structure.

"Haah… they're not running out of bodies to pile onto us."

"Right, I guess your hunch was right after all."

Akari already suspected that the endless waves of Malignances weren't charging at them out of instinct but instead, because they are being commanded to do so.

"This means only one thing… Can you do it?"

"No need to ask, I'm on it."

As the metal sheet that they are riding on hit the tall skyscraper that Renjiro launched it towards, both of them stepped out as Akari began to form a water orb that glowed faintly.

"Give me a moment to make the arrowhead."

"Go on. No pressure."

As the Malignances that survived their previous encounter consolidated themselves into another overwhelming wave and began to move towards the building that are on, the two combined what they made into an arrow whose point was covered by the psychically manipulated water.

"We only have one shot to get this… if we fail, whoever is controlling the Malignances would know what we are doing and would hide their self more."

"I know that… so pray that this would be a success."

Akari loaded the arrow onto her bow and pulled it back with an enormous straining sound coming from her body.


Beneath them, the Malignances are literally devouring the building just to reach them and in a matter of seconds, even the enormous pillars and foundation stones would give in and collapse the skyscraper.


"Do it, Akari-san."



Finally, Akari let loose the arrow and it glowed across its path with a light that can be seen even in the bright daylight.

"…It has changed course."

"So should we."

Just as Renjiro said that, the building began to shake and fall down towards the monsters underneath it that hungered for the two Psychics above it.

"That-! It hit!"

"Alright, hop back into the panel!"

The two rode the metal sheet once again that launched towards the place where the enhanced arrow struck.

"Prepare for combat!"

"No need to tell me!"

A few meters before they struck the building where the arrow plunged itself into, both Renjiro and Akari jumped off the metal sheet as they prepared to destroy the concrete roof of the house and attack their enemy with a surprise strike.


Renjiro took out his revolver and with exceptional speed, formed a bullet in its chamber that glowed with an exceptional hue.


Akari nocked an arrow made of highly pressurized water onto her bow, ready to let loose it once her companion has broken a hole into the roof.


Renjiro pulled the trigger of his gun and what exited its barrel was a bullet that contained an enormous amount of Astra energy which enhanced its velocity and destructiveness, piercing a hole into the roof of the house.


Akari's attack came next as she let the water arrow go and once it struck the floor, it formed countless spikes of water that destroyed everything it hit before dissipating into shapelessness puddles to let the two to safely land inside. There, Renjiro found the corpse of two Malignances that was mangled by their successive attacks.

"Good shot. These two could've caught us unaware if you missed."

"Appreciation accepted, but our problems won't stop with them."

As the clouds of dust dissipated, a human figure emerged from the darkness and spoke to the two with a composed tone.

"We didn't take the two of you as any kind of handful to deal with… but it seems like they were wrong after all."


"But it doesn't matter anyway… Because I'm the one assigned to deal with you two."

Stepping out towards the faint light made by the hole at the roof, the man showed his face and was immediately recognized by the two to be one of the Seers of Death.

"The Juror… must I say, this is quite the honor."

"What the hell are you talking about, Renjiro?"


As the two of them pointed their weapons to him, the Juror remained stoic until Renjiro spoke towards him casually, much to the confusion of Akari.

"You… who sent you?"

"The hell would I know… You're the ones who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and dragged us here, you bozos."


"Renjiro! Just what is this about, dammit!"

While Akari began to panic about why Renjiro and their enemy began to have quite the hostile exchange of words, she realized what it was about when the latter mentioned something that instantly made her realize that this wasn't just a random encounter.

"Are you sure that this is the right decision to take after the innumerable times that you repeated all of these events?"

"You… how did you know that-"

"Renjiro… No, Furuta-kun."

"Kh… Tsk-!"

As Akari turned her bow towards him, Renjiro's face contorted into a frustrated expression as his secret was uncovered by the person closest to the truth.

"That explains everything. All this time… you… how could you do-"

"I did what I must do for the good of everyone."

Not breaking eye contact with the only person in this standoff that he considers as a hindrance, Renjiro spoke his reason which made Akari to become more agitated.

"Good of everyone?! You traitor! So that was the reason why you joined the Amano Hogosha?! To get closer to Oyabun-sama and freely do your bidding without any prying eyes?!"


With a shout, Renjiro silenced Akari who was shocked that he would so blatantly admit to his treachery to the Sumeragi syndicate.

"None of you will understand… Not Kirin-sama, not Kaede and definitely not you!"

"Renjiro! You shut your-"

"Only that brat whom you didn't even give a decent farewell to would know and understand my struggle, my sacrifices, my reason for wanting nothing more but to finally live in peace! What do you say about that, huh?! Did you ever wished that brat whom you treated as your nephew for 16 years to "rest in peace" or is he just another test subject to be discarded now that he's no longer useful?!"

As he poured out all of his wrath towards Akari through his words, she realized that what Renjiro was talking about wasn't any misguided or misinterpreted hatred but one that was valid given that it was factual.

"If the Sumeragi syndicate can't manage to do that and the Miyazono's end goal is far too corrupt because Ryuichi has returned… then I will forge my own path to the future."

"And what? Side with the Seers of Death who wants to destroy the world and all of humanity?!"

"Who said that he's siding with us?"


With the interjection of the Juror, Akari realized that she misinterpreted what Renjiro was planning to do.

"I don't want to simply stop the Miyazonos and for things to remain this way for the rest of the future as dictated by the Sumeragi group… nor do I want to raise Ryuichi towards godhood as his children and the misled masses are doing."

As he stated his intention to do things his way, the standoff between the three began as they manifested their powers and drew out their weapons.

"You'll regret this, Renjiro."


To fight one's mentor is something that all students dread to be faced with. Proving that you're more right than the person whom you studied under is something that isn't only difficult due to a disparity in experience and knowledge but also because you have formed a bond with your mentor.

Normally, he wouldn't be so worried since both of them have formed a bond deep enough to form an understanding that doesn't even require an exchange of words… but circumstances have changed, allegiances are being shaken and worse of all, bonds are being severed alongside the promises that was made with them.

"You're making a big mistake, Sensei."

"Enough with the words. Draw your blade!"


With an instantaneous burst of speed that made her appear at arm's length with him, Kirin took a fighting stance and began to materialize her sword to cut him down.

"You won't!"

However, Ephraim materialized his spear faster and caught it before it can reach his body.


"Snap back to your senses, Sensei! This isn't you!"

Ephraim tried to reason with her as she started to rain down more and more attacks towards him but in the end, she ignored his words and amplified his attacks more.

"Darn it, why won't you listen?!"

"Fight me, Vessel of Law!"


Once he heard those words, Ephraim realized that he isn't fighting Kirin herself.

"I see… that explains things."

"Huh? Khh---!!!"

Undoing the seal he placed on his true power, an enormous wave of Astra energy surged from his body and pushed back Kirin.

"You're not her… I can sense it, you've just used her body."

"Finally noticed it, mortal?"

"Yeah… and I'm not going to hold back!"

Overcharging his Divine Weapon with Astra energy, Ephraim charged towards her with thundering steps and at the moment of contact, his thrust burst out an explosion that destroyed all of that surrounded Kirin.

"…It's incredible that you managed to live through that."

"Don't make me consider myself lucky. You'd break my heart."

"Do you have one?"

"Shut up, you don't have one either."

Bearing witness to the battle, both Seers of Death talked with astonishment and slight thankfulness that the Jester survived fighting against Ephraim.

As their battle became more destructive, they dolled out more and more deadly attacks that they either dodged or parried away from theirselves.

Between the ceaseless barrage of solidified and exploding blood and the surging lightning bolts and stunning electric fields, the two showed no shortage of calculated attacks that aimed to disable the enemy's ability to fight.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself, Justice?!"

"You have no right to demand any explanation from me, mortal!"

Ephraim charged at her and locked her in place with his spear. He started into her eyes in an attempt to connect with her consciousness, but Justice struck back before he can force her hold on Kirin's body loose.


"You never learn, do you, Ephraim?!"

Staggered by his failed attempt to overtake her control, Ephraim stumbled and was beaten around by Justice.

"I am the Spirit of Justice and Judgement! I'm the pinnacle of Divine Order and the Equality of all creation!"

"Rah! Gruah!!!"

"If you think that a mere mortal like you can defeat me, you have another thing coming!"

As he was thrashed to and fro by her ceaseless attacks, Ephraim began to lose consciousness. His body was beaten to a pulp and his spirit waned slowly as he lost control of his powers.

"This is the end, mortal."

Justice was about to deal the killing blow when all of a sudden, her body began to freeze still and from the bottom of her soul, she felt something that she has never felt before in her long existence…


"I understand your reasoning. You feel betrayed by his decisions and his actions are not the one you agreed upon the last time you met."

"You are---!"

"However, you have no right to enact their punishment. You seem to misinterpret my absence as your chance to usurp my responsibilities."

Leveling the battle, Spirit Law assumed control of Ephraim's body and confronted Justice in the fight.

"You want a fight, right? I'll give you one then."