Battles long overdue

Tens of thousands of years ago, way before the fateful day that Caelestia lost one of its Guardian spirits and all the earth faced damnation against the sole arbiter between mankind and it the Divine Principles, a destructive duel between two beings covered the central continent with ruined landscapes to the point that it formed rivers, split summits into plateaus and formed hills and mountains.

This duel only ended when the challenger, a woman who wielded a blade wreathed in surging lightning broke her adversary's guard and for a split second had a chance to wound him.

Unfortunately for her, this was a total bluff and after parrying her blade with his bare hands, she received a kick to the side that launched her across the ground where she finally laid down and claimed that she won by technicality. Her opponent, giving her skill and tenacity due credit, accepted her victory although he also mentioned that he hasn't used his entire power.

This all happened long, long ago. The next time they met, they became friends and the sparring partner of the other as one believed that there would come a day when she can exchange blows with him in equal footing and the other expressed his interest about how she would work onto it.

They shared the same vision for humanity to be taught to live a purpose-driven and righteous life while they protected mankind, so much so that there would eventually come a time when man would no longer need their direction and protection.

However, after a great disaster struck in the form of the same kind of beings as them but didn't share their vision, their dearest friend was mortally wounded and eventually departed from the world and those who pledged to fight alongside them betrayed them, the two became split apart and so did their thoughts about what to do from thereon.

"This is a mistake, Law… Leaving everything to outsiders like them? If you wanted this world to end and our cause to fail once and for all, you could've just asked me to help you destroy the Roots of Reality so we can die as well, knowing that we have done what must be done to correct this world's sins."

"…As much as I want to explain everything to you, I unfortunately can't subject you to be a part of this thing."

"Huh? Don't give me that stupid excuse, Law! Save for Love, I am the one closest to have the right to be a Guardian Spirit! What on Caelestia do you mean by telling me that you can't involve me in this?"

"…You speaking like that with those words proves it. I can't have you involved in this."

"Enough of this… If you will not heed my words, then you shall---"

As he stood up and was about to retreat once more to his Domain, Justice can no longer hold back her indignation and drew out her blade to strike down Law.

"You know better than anyone else that you striking me will never happen, Justice."

"Kh-! Why you, damn pest---!"

However, it only took just a split second, the very same amount of time that once gave her a chance against him, for him to prove once again the distance between their combat skills.

"Although things have become like this, I still very much respect you and the principles you represent. You are now the one closest to my principles and someone who still remains steadfast amidst everything that has happened."

"Then set things straight! Correct this mistake that you've done by trusting those outsiders and let's handle this by ourselves! Only the four of us remaining in Caelestia is still alive! And only you and I have not suffered Taintedness!"

Justice pleaded to Law. She wanted to end this while the option is still available and she didn't want to leave it to Cecilia and her people unlike how Law decided.

"Unfortunately, that's one thing that I can't compromise on, Justice."


"You and I can end this world just like how you have said. We can end it all… we could stop the spread of Chaos before it leaks into the Sea of Stars and contaminates the Original World… but that isn't what we should do. If there is anything that Love left me with, it was the ability to see hope and choose the decision that can achieve a better result."

"But they are humans! They are imperfect mortals that can just be easily led astray and tempted into evil like lambs led to the slaughter! How can you be so trusting of that vague idea of hope that you'd risk it all? In comparison, we are more capable and we wouldn't be led astray from our---"

"How can you be so sure about that? I am a Guardian Spirit just like her and I failed to protect her… and of being led astray, what would you call the treachery that we suffered from all of them who tried to stop me when I was almost able to claim the life of Freedom and Babel?"


"No one is perfect. While you're right that we are more capable, we suffer just as much as they do with this thing called a "heart". And because of that, I chose to believe in what Cecilia told me back there."

Law peered down to the surface where what little remained of the humans native to the world gathered into new societies and identities, and embedded into one of them is Cecilia and her family who has made a promise to stay and fulfill her promise.

"As for me… I have to face the consequences of my own mistakes."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Those who was martyred for our mistakes still require the peace that I owe them. Their souls have scattered around the world now and the monsters that will be born from the awakening of their dread and hatred against all of mankind's sins in due time could plunge the world into death and destruction. For now, I will work to resolve this problem… or to be exact, I will hold it back until the right time comes."

That was the last time that they met face-to-face. Justice knew that Law went to gather all of the Malignances that would be born from the dread and hatred being carried by the tortured souls of the seven human leaders who was martyred in the tower. For thousands of years, he did so dutifully and without fail, locking the monsters into a subspace of his making where no time passes between the moment they were imprisoned and the day that they were released back into the world to spread death and destruction upon the order of the Seers of Death who was given this authority by Law.

The next time that she felt his presence was during the time when her Vessel was meditating in her dojo and sensed a surge of Astra energy from afar. Kirin may have mistaken it as just a random person Awakening into a Psychic or a fight happening outside of a Mental Subspace, but Justice knew that there was only one being who can carry that aura and make every Tainted Spirit nearby to retreat back into the shadows.

"I see that you have also come to choose your vessel after so long."

"I have heard your pleas and heeded the Principle that I gave long, long ago."

"Has it begun?"

"Yes, the Divine Challenge has begun."

"I see…"

After Ephraim successfully reined in his powers, the two who finally came face to face after tens of thousands of years conversed about a topic that has been brewing all that time.

"That fool has declared itself a deity… It has broken the Principle that kept this world balanced and in peace."

"And because of that, I have come."

"…Can I ask, why this boy?"

At that moment, Justice stated her doubts about Ephraim whom she didn't recognize to be Cecilia's descendant by then, prompting Law to tell her that it was a secret.

"That is a secret, Justice."

"I see. I can't believe that you really are in the mortal realm as a Spirit guide. Well then, our reunion has concluded. Once "that time" comes, you have my permission, Law."

"I appreciate your help, old friend."

And yet, she trusted Law's plan. She placed her hopes on Law guiding that fragile boy into the decisions that would lead to the right outcome. But slowly, the mortal boy went further and further away from what she believed to be the right course of action… and finally, what broke that hope altogether is that Ephraim took on the promise of reporting to the remaining 5 Seers of Death that their overseer has died and due to this, they opened the subspaces that contained the Malignances that she assumed Law has already taken care of.

To Justice, this was a betrayal by Law and breaking of their oath by Ephraim. At that moment, she didn't need to hear any explanation or excuses.

"Once and for all, I will strike you down, Law. For betraying me… and making me believe in that false hope that you spoke of."

And now, here it was. The chance that she was waiting for and the duel that has long been overdue.

"You've arrived too early. I was supposed to instill pain into the body of that mortal before I fought you."

"Too early, you say?"

"Yes… makes you wish that you were early instead at that day when we lost her."


"I once respected you very much as a fellow fighter and Spirit. As you have said before, we are alike in our Principles, and if one of us falls, we can take on the Principle of the other. But now…"

Justice supplied her sword with a greater amount of lightning and above them formed rolling clouds spiking with lightning bolts.

"I have no other wish than to see you fall for failing to do what you should've done."

A still silence covered their surroundings as both of them stared at each other and awaited even an inch of difference that may signal that their adversary is about to initiate the first attack. Instead of an action, it was the words that came from Law that started it.

"…What I should've done… You still believe that destroying this world through the Roots of Reality is the right solution."

"It's the only solution that can solve all of this. As I've said before and I still hold on to this day, I am not afraid to die if it means that I have served my purpose in this world."

Justice spoke with resilience and firmness. She displayed no doubt or regret about what she just spoke about.

"I bear the justness and rightfulness of all things. I will accept death… unlike how you seem to be afraid of it by doing all of this---"

"You're wrong, Justice… I too, am not afraid to die."


"It's just that unlike you, I know that there is a better solution that would come from our deaths."

"A better solution? Rubbish!"

Justice was sure that there is no other solution that can be used. She believed that her way was the only way out of this.

"You're not going to subject me to another one of your trickery, Law! I already trusted that hope you spoke of and all that happened was that you chose this boy, and he caused more death and destruction that made people cleave more into the Usurper!"


"I am tired of your lies, Law! You may think yourself as still the most righteous of us, but you are no longer befitting of your Principles! For all I know, you may already be Tainted and leading this world to ruin!"

In the instant of the flash of a lightning strike, the distance between the two of them was crossed by Justice and the thunderous sound of the swing she used to cleave Law across the chest resounded all around them.


"What now, Law?!!"


Every strike she made was heavy and has blinding speed. Her strikes never missed to the point that even Law struggled to keep up with her.

"What does it feel like to bear the consequences of your poor choices?! Do you understand now why I wanted to end all of this back then when we still can?!"


Just as it was back when they last fought, Justice was able to find an opening in his guard and with that, lunged towards him with killing intent.


As she reined in her momentum in order to proceed with her strike, Law finally acknowledged her as a danger and moved around his fingers to manipulate the boulders around him as shields that stopped her attack from hitting.

"Why you… so you haven't seen me as a worthy adversary after all."

"…I know you wanted a fight, and I can give you one. But this isn't the right way to do this, Justice. We can still talk this out."

"Words are cheap! I already told you that I'm done with your lies!"

As if they are in the middle of a lightning storm, flashes of light and deafening noises of thunder covered their surroundings as the endless flurry of strikes from Justice and her sword cleaved towards Law and he narrowly dodged or parried away the slashes and lunges.

Law was consistently on the backfoot. Justice never gave him an opening to escape or a chance to counter-attack. But he never let her wound him and kept finding a chance to break her hold on him or an opportunity to swat her away from himself.



Capitalizing on her speed, Justice managed to corner her adversary and would've slashed his head cleanly off if not for another enormous building debris that absorbed much of the momentum of her attack and gave Law a moment to regain the distance between the two of them.

"Fight me, you coward!"

As her rage grew more and more, the clouds above the city became more tumultuous and continuously flickered with lightning strikes and roaring thunder.


"Damn it, Justice!"

Finally, one of the thunderclouds gained enough energy and struck where Justice stood. She raised her sword to absorb the lightning strike, regaining its buzzing static and vibrant glow before she charged at him once again with blinding speed.

"Your life is mine!"

In that instant, a shockwave emanated from the strike, and it was followed by a deafening thunderclap that echoed across the city. This was felt by two people that was limping out of the area.

"Mirai! Get behind me!"


"Kh! Good grief… just how strong are these monsters?"

The two Seers who are yet to make a full escape was struck with the shockwave from Justice's slash and sensing this, the Jester took Mirai into his arms and protected her against the incoming shockwave and debris.

"We have to get out of here now, Jester. I'll open a portal, let's go!"

"…No, I can't."


Jester looked at his battered body and although Mirai has diligently repaired it to a point that he can move around with some support from her, the black tar-like substance that comprises his insides has already leaked far too much for him to have any purpose if he makes his escape now.

"I'm grateful that you've brought Justice here so that you can have a chance to save me… but I can sense it, this is it for me."

"W-What are you talking about, Shisui?! I came here to save you! I'm not leaving without you!"

With his power, Shisui materialized his partner and the symbol of his status as Seer, the black kitten he named as Haru.

"Hey buddy, this would be it for me."


"Don't be so sad. I've served my purpose and I can finally be at peace. With that, take care of Mirai and the others for my sake, alright?"


As the kitten nuzzled and licked his cheek, he turned around and softly placed the feline to Mirai's chest.

"Shisui-san… please don't---"

Before she can finish her pleading, Shisui pushed her into the portal before turning his back on her and the portal and ran towards the battle between Law and Justice.

"Forgive me, Mirai… First, Charon-san and now, it would be me."

Smashing open the ceramic torso over where his heart is supposed to be, he let the black liquid inside of him to flow out as he neared the place where the fight is happening and saw Justice slashing her sword towards Law. The former doled out numerous attacks while the latter kept his guard up.

"I'm giving you one more chance before the curtain closes, mortal."


Justice was about to slash at Law again when Shisui ran towards her and clung onto her.

"What the-? HOW DARE YOU---"

"It's not yet the time for that, honored Spirit."

In an instant, everything was covered in darkness and the duel that should've ended with either Law or Justice's death became one with an unclear outcome.


The three-way battle between the Juror, Renjiro and Akari consumed the city in the Mental Subspace.




Each one of them attacked the other and there didn't seem to be any shred of cooperation as they never seem to give one a chance to regain their defensive stance or use an opening that wasn't directed to them.

It was a clear and cut fight between the three where there was no truce or sides to belong to. Each one fought for their own reasons and for their own ends.

"Kh! Just bow out of this, Akari! You're not my enemy here!"

"Well, you're my enemy here! You traitor! How dare you hide your intentions all this time and end up pointing your blade at the group!"

Renjiro rushed towards Akari with his sword, keen to cut her down as soon as his attack connects, but Akari was swift to place her arrows into the bow and shooting it towards him, stopping him at his tracks as the arrows carrying super-pressurized water exploded out wherever they struck.


The Juror, not missing out on this moment where attacks were not pointed at him, conjured a pool of the dark, tar-like substance and out of it came out several misshapen creatures that rushed towards both his enemies. Although not as numerous as the hordes he unleashed earlier, these Malignances were strong.

"Don't get confident now, Seer!"

"You're on my list too, jackass!"

However, none of the summoned Malignances were strong to overpower or even make the two break a sweat. 


Renjiro drew out his revolver and shot a single bullet enhanced by his Psychic power that blew out half of the torso of two Malignances charging at him.


For Akari, the arrows that she shot out began to coordinately strike the Malignances as if homing onto their targets and their designated weak points.

"Tch! Got a little too used to this now, huh?"

Once again, the distance between the three became arm's length as punches, kicks, blades, bullets and many other means of hurting or killing were exchanged non-stop.

Sounds of flesh receiving blows, sparks coming from metal hitting metal, the whirring of a bowstring returning from being held taut and the occasional gunshot rang out in the flurry of attacks that was sent and received equally by everyone in that fight.

"Gotcha both!"

"What the-!?"


Suddenly, the Juror held both of their wrists, much to their shared surprise, and threw them through buildings at the opposite side of himself.

"Agh! Gah! That guy is… huh? Crap!"

Renjiro went through several walls until he ended up inside a house that collapsed on him.

"Grrr, this will leave a scar… Even though I cushioned it with water, it was still quite bad."

Akari was able to survive the throw and only with a wound on her right shoulder that rendered her Augmenter weapon unusable. Of the two, she was the one to quickly bounce back to the fight and confront the Juror.

"I can heal it with infused water, but it would take some time… Time that he would also use to gain advantage or make his escape."

At that short moment, Akari made her decision as she covered her bleeding wound with water and took out a filled syringe to infuse it with the necessary nutrients to heal the injury while she walked towards the Juror.

"I can attack now with all my strength and probably manage to knock him out of the fight or even kill him… but that leaves Renjiro and whatever plan he has in mind about betraying us."

And then, she thought about the other choice she has.

"I can wait here and let my injury heal so I can drag this out more and win once they're out of steam… but that depends on whether this monster has no more aces up his sleeve, or he has no plans to escape from here."

Two choices that make sense. That was what she has on the table that can turn this fight to her favor somehow. It surely isn't the best as it has the "buts" there, however, it is the only one she has.

"No, there is another way."

At where the Juror kept his ground, the other opponent he was facing finally emerged from the collapsed house he was in and even though heavily injured, showed that he is not backing down yet.

"Hey… You really are quite the monster, aren't you? I already knew you'd be a pain to deal with… but not to this extent."

"You should've expected that already given that I am the first Seer of us remaining five."

"Right, right… the first Seer of Death, what a fitting title…"

Renjiro gnashed his teeth as he took out the metal bar that has plunged itself deep in his left shoulder. Blood spurted from the wound that soon closed itself into a dry scab.

"That technique…"

"A certain something that I got from a certain someone. It's barely in my Psychic type, but after being given the right leaps and bounds, I managed to do it."

"You damned apostate… Just what did he give you to give up this much of yourself for that forbidden knowledge…?"

One by one, the wounds, injuries and tiredness of his body that he sustained from the entire fight dissipated and he returned to what it was before he was taken to this Subspace.

"I've turned my back against the people who I lived and fought with all this time. I am not someone like William, deep inside, I would still wish to be on good terms with the Sumeragi syndicate."


"But after I lost the only other person who shared my circumstances, I realized that I can't just follow along them."

"You're going to die a long and painful death because of this, failed Replicant."

"I know."


"It's not like I don't know the price I must pay for this."

All around both of them, every kind of metal emerged from the ground and levitated around.

"No way… You… You're not a failed Replicant. You're a failed experiment!"

"That, I am."

The whirring sound of metal levitating above their heads echoed in a deafening cacophony that even the Juror grimaced in pain. He held his head and chest as the black liquid that comprises the insides of his artificial body resonated with the noise being created by the metal objects.

"I only found out from him later that I am not a failed Replicant. I am an experiment made to inhabit Spirits when they haven't found out a way to bind their Psychics to a Tainted Spirit."

Renjiro walked towards the Juror with confidence as his adversary writhed in pain from the noise around him. He conjured Malignances from his portals but every time one would attempt to destroy them, it would be skewered by a metal bar that would pop from the ground and immediately kill it.

"You're making a big mistake, mortal! Knowledge is going to betray you!"

Finally, the Juror shouted the name of the being who has given Renjiro all of these things in exchange for something. He knew that there is no way for Spirit Knowledge to favor any human and turn them into his Vessel given what has happened to Love and what Knowledge has been doing to the past thousands of years after Law disappeared into the Subspaces to hunt down and contain the Malignances that emerged after the War of Heaven.

The Juror, not Miyazaki Koshiro, but the very fragment of Spirit Nihil or Death, shouted at Renjiro, trying to reason to him to turn away from Knowledge's plan as he knows that just like any other human victim that Knowledge used to his own end, Renjiro wouldn't be any different and this time, can bring a lot of other people with his downfall.

"Don't worry. I know."


"What makes you think that I don't have a plan myself about this?"


At that moment, the Juror realized that except for the Divine Challenger, there was someone else who are moving around the pieces of this grand game.

A someone that is willing to do anything necessary in order to claim victory.

"Before he does it, I only have to betray him first."


In Caelestia, the Domain of Impartiality and Righteousness was covered in thunderclouds and struggled to contain the rage of its master.

"Despondent scum!!!"

Justice was enraptured with unbridled wrath after Shisui's intervention caused her Vessel to lose consciousness due to her injuries and she was forced to return to Caelestia to recover the exhaustion that she sustained during the battle.

"How dare you, fragment of Nihil! You are not even a true Spirit, and you dare to intercede in my duel?!!"

Her domain became covered with rolling thunder and destructive bolts of lightning, flashing a short pulse of light amidst the darkness of the room that has sustained innumerable damage.

"And you, mortal! How dare you escape from our battle?! I will give you a fitting painful death once I have regained control of my Vessel!"

Her rage didn't wane but instead, grew stronger and stronger. Once she spat that threat, she followed it with an oath that will not be broken until she has achieved it.

"I swear on my Principles! Vengeance shall be mine and mine alone! None of you, mortal or Spirit will stop my pursuit of vengeance!"


Back in the Subspace, a fight that was more than unfair ended with the fall of two motionless bodies to the ground. The one left standing was a woman dressed in a scarlet dress and from the hem of her skirt emerged several appendages that crawled across the ground and writhed with motion.

"My, my~! That was such a bore, isn't it?"

Suddenly, several appendages emerged and took the two people beaten beyond recognition and covered with countless injuries by the feet and wrapped their selves on their bodies.

"Hmm~~~ You will be interesting test subject to play with later. But before that, I sense that someone interesting is on their way here."

She perked up her nose and sniffed at the air, trying to learn who it was that is coming closer to her location.


Suddenly, her entire face lit up in joy and ecstasy and beads of sweat began to form on her forehead and dripped down to her slender neck as she caressed her arms with ecstatic wriggling.

"N-N-N-N-N-No way… T-T-T-T-T-This can't be…!"

Her fingers went towards her lips which she bit lightly as if barely holding back a state of arousal.

"R-R-R-R-Right here~~~? Right now of all times~~~!"

Aokigahara Yoshino, the Miyazono Gardener whose mind bordered into insanity and found no interest with anything she deemed to be too mundane was enamored by one person and one person only ever since she bore witness to his power.

"Rai-sama… My dear Rai-sama~~~!"

And right now, that very person is about to come to where she is and not her alone. For wrapped within the fleshy appendages are two people that was dear to Ephraim and are now almost crossing into a state of death.

"Some…one… please…"

"Help… us… Rai-kun…"