My Almost You 2

Kiseia totally forgot what Lance said, he just grabbed his hand towards a bench and immediately sat.

Lance: "Excuse me my hand..."

Lance reminded her. She abruptly let go of Lance's hand and apologize what she have done. They were silence for about five minutes, not until Kiseia broke the silence.

Kiseia: "You have beautiful pair brown of eyes..."

Kiseia said and Lance was shocked by the sudden compliment. Lance was not able to hide his blushing face he cursed inside his head.

Lance: "T-thanks"

He stuttered, he was actually not sure how to respond. He was embarrassed by his action. Lance slightly faced his right side since Kiseia was was on his left side.

'Get yourself together Lance even if the girl is very attractive you should have act properly!!' He said to himself

The went back to the mansion after how many hours of just sitting and feeling each others presence.

Kiseia: "If you need something just call through your phone I'll just settle my things in my new room."

Lance: "...Okay"

Okay was only his response and about to walk away.

Kiseia: "Wait, where are you going?"

Lance: "I know this place more than you, and I'm going to the music room to play my piano..."

Kiseia: "But, that's not the right way to the music room..."

Kiseia said, and Lance paused for another embarrassing moment, he didn't realize he was taking the wrong direction.

Lance: "...I'm getting some water first"

He tried to lie, Kiseia chuckled, she messed Lance's hair and said...

Kiseia: "I may be younger than you but, you're way cuter than me..."

And then Kiseia pinched Lance's right cheeks.

'What's with this kid?' he ask himself and raised his right brow and decided to left her.

He walked to the kitchen and open the fridge to get some water, he went to the kitchen table and searched for a glass but the moment he held the glass it slip on his hand and fell on the floor.

"Oh no not again!"

He said, being clumsy as always he tried to clean the mess he made.

Kiseia: "Don't tou-"


And it's too late for Kiseia to stop him from picking the shards, he immediately approached the wounded boy.

"I told you, you need my assistance!"

She said and dragged Lance to the kitchen sink to wash his wound.

Kiseia: "It must really hurt, wait here."

She added Kiseia searched for the first aid kit and finally found it

"You know, sometimes you need to have someone on you side, so let's be comfortable with each other."

Lance: "I just met you, do you expect me to be comfortable with you in just one day?"

"I know, but it's better to settle things earlier."

Lance: "Fine, I'll try to."

Lance said, while Kiseia was smiling to him. So Kiseia grabbed his hand and did a shake hands.

Lance: "Awe, that hurts"

Lance complained as he felt his wounds being squeeze...

Kiseia: "Oh sorry"

She withdraw her hand

"I'll go to my room now, do you want to go with me since your room is beside mine" she suggested.

"I told you I'm going to play my piano"

Kiseia: "Right... but your wounded... okay whatever you want to do, I'll go now..."

Kiseia uttered

Lance: "Wait, I like what you said earlier... Let's be friend"

Kiseia smiled

"Of course, let's be friends"


A week have passed and the two indeed became friends, they've opened up with each other about their struggles in life, in short they've already built a trust with each other.

Lance: "Did you ever think about finding your parents?"

Lance asked while munching his burger

"I once dreamt of living with them, but now that I grown up, I just let that dream to be a dream. I'm just contended with what I have right now."

Kiseia sighs for a second

"How about you, what's the first thing you want to do when you can already see the things around you?"

"Honestly, it was to play the piano before but I've changed it just now, maybe the first thing I want it do when regain my eyesight is that to visit the nearest park with Shin and you"

"That's a good idea, I wish that you'll have a successful operation"

"I hope so too, thats why I'm very thankful to the donor, but I wonder how will the person live after donating his cornea, it'll be hard for the person I think"

"That's why you need to take care of your eyes after that operation, you need to cherish every blessing you received"

Lance: "Yes Ma'am"

Lance said after eating the last bite of his burger.