My Almost You 3

It was already Kiseia third week and next week will be Lance's operation.

"You must love piano so much"

"Yeah, playing it made me happy and reminds me of my Mom, she used to play violin while I'm playing the piano"

He answered Kiseia softly.

Lance: "Do you know how to play this?"

"N-no I've never tried to playing it... I only know how to sing."

"Do you want to sing while I'll play the piano? Or do you want to learn the piano? I can teach you but let's do all that after operation since I might teach wrongly with my condition" he smiled to Kiseia and Lance laughed softly

"Why don't you try to sing something, I want to listen to your voice..." Lance added.

and Kiseia begun to sing...

Do you know wherethe most beautiful flower bloom

Where it's always spring under the clear blue sky

In that place

In that place

I want to live

I love you and I love you

Where I can die with you

In that place

In that place

Where I first met you

It was like at the Oblivion River

when I first laid eyes on you

It was like a majestic white Jade Statue

Standing in a field full of red roses, Lily and glowing gently

Lance: "Whoa, you have a refined but beautiful voice..."

"And I u-uhm have something to tell you, actually Lance I have something to do in the orphanage and I'm not sure if I can visit you after my contract expires..."

Lance: "Is that so? I'll visit instead then"

Lance said confidently and Kiseia chuckle.

Kiseia: "you just want to see me, you'll miss me right?"

Lance: "N-nonsense, it's bold of you to assume that, I never went to an orphanage before so might visit you to see one."

Kiseia: "But seriously though, you don't have to, you need to be careful with your eyes first."

Lance: "Yes I know but still I will visit you okay."

Kiseia: "Good luck with your operation next week."

"Thanks, I owe you a lot Seia..."

Lance was shocked by Kiseia's sudden hug but he managed to hug her back.

"Are you crying?"

Lance asked when he heard a sniff

Kiseia: "No, I'm just happy for you"

Lance: "I'm also happy that you're my assistant, thank you for always cheering me up and waking me from reality and of course being my friend"

Lance sulked


It was Saturday in the morning when an unfamiliar boy went to Lee's mansion.

"Hi, I'm Sion , I'm Kiseia's friend, I'm here to tell her something." A mysterious man said, claiming to be Kiseia's friend.

Shin immediately called Kiseia, and let the two talk. Lance was standing from a far, he was curious as what the two was talking about but nonetheless he didn't disturb them after how many minutes Kiseia went to Lance and told him something that saddened them.

Kiseia: "Lance I have something to do on the orphanage and I don't think I can come back immediately... I'm sorry"

It's okay, you have to think of yourself first, I'm fine and I have Shin, you don't need to worry"

But the truth is he wanted the girl beside him until his operation.

"T-thanks for understanding , I'll go now, good luck to your operation, in case i won't be able to see you again"Kiseia uttered.

Lance nodded, Lance wanted to hug her for the last time before his operation but his body didn't move nor his mouth, he didn't told Kiseia to stop he didn't told Kiseia that he already like him.

A week have passed and the It was finally the day of the operation...

"Congratulations Mister Medici for your successful operation..."