William Alroz

'This place is huge.' Aiden thought silently as he walked through the hallway to reach the throne room of his father.

He was accompanied by the rest of his class and his teacher as they made their way to the throne room. Out of the fifteen children that were in Aiden's class, only eight remained.

If he counted himself, only nine children remained out of the sixteen total children. Since Aiden had only watched Tonpa die, he didn't know how what happened to the other students.

But judging from Kisuke's expression, the other students were probably dead.

Just as Aiden was lost in thought, he didn't see one of the students moving towards him.

"Crown prince, you are so powerful!" Aiden suddenly jumped in surprise as he turned around to see one of his classmates standing near his shoulders.

"Sorry if I surprised you but I watched the fight between you and the pack of those wolves. You were fighting so incredibly!" The person exclaimed with an excited expression as Aiden narrowed his eyes.

'How was he able to do that without alerting either of us, system?' Aiden immediately asked the system as soon as he heard the person's words.

While the system was trying to find an answer to Aiden's question, he decided to carefully examine the person standing in front of him.

The student was around Aiden's age and had lightning purple hair. His eyes were hazel in color and his face was set in an easy smile. The boy had an aura of excitement around him as Aiden sighed and just decide to ask the boy how he managed to remain undetected.

"How did you manage to watch me fighting the wolves without getting detected?" Aiden asked the boy's excitement died down.

"You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about me." The boy replied in a low voice as Aiden felt like chuckling.

"Who do you think I can tell it to?" He asked the boy with a dark smile as he looked confused.

After all, Aiden didn't really know anyone in the demon realm. It had been years since he had seen his father and if not for the incident from earlier, who knows how long Aiden would have had to wait to meet his father.

"Doesn't being a prince automatically mean that you will have many friends around you?" The boy asked as Aiden looked confused.

"How does that guarantee anything?" Aiden asked as the boy's eyes suddenly started shining.

"You can have tons of maids. They will serve you anytime you want. You can also ask your parents to get you anything so of course, you can have many friends." The boy replied as Aiden sighed.

'System, does this guy have a maid fetish?" Aiden asked while walking since the system still hadn't replied to his earlier question.

< don't ask me that host. I am not a mind reader and when it comes to fetishes of young boys, let's just say that I don't have much knowledge on that topic. > The system replied as Aiden sighed mentally before looking at the boy again.

"I didn't see my parents for years. The people who take care of me are covered in completely black clothes and they hide their faces. I basically am left by myself for the entire day or well, that's what happened before I started appearing at the classes." Aiden replied as the boy looked quite shocked.

"I didn't know that being the crown prince was that lonely." He said in a low voice as Aiden shrugged.

"It's what it is. I have gotten used to being alone by this point." Aiden replied as the boy suddenly went silent and looked as though he was deep in thought. Aiden left him to his thoughts as he started thinking of ways by which he could level up.

'System, how can I teleport from one place to another using shadows?' Aiden decided to ask since his shadow walk skill had a very short range.

< You might unlock that skill later on host or you might just learn it yourself. It depends on your abilities. > The system replied as Aiden fell silent.

If he somehow managed to get the teleportation ability, he would be able to leave the palace and go into the forest of night again. And by being there, he would be able to grind exp easily.

And the more he grinded, the more powerful he would become. But the question was how could he learn this skill.

"All right, I have decided something!" The boy suddenly announced as Aiden raised his eyes.

"And what is that?" He asked even though his attention was still diverted somewhere else.

"I will become your friend if you want!" The boy said with a resolute expression as Aiden blinked his eyes in confusion.

< What happened host, why aren't you saying anything? > The system asked as Aiden had been silent for a few minutes now.

'It's just that… I have never experienced such a thing before.' He replied as he remembered his school experience in his past life

Throughout his entire life, he only ever had a single friend and that too had vanished when he had reached high school.

Even the system was left speechless when it heard Aiden's words. Even though it knew about Aiden's past life, it was still surprising to hear about it from his own words.

"Um, what is your name?" Aiden asked in a slow voice as he didn't know how to ask such a question without coming out being awkward.

It was surprising how he could kill beasts yet didn't know how to talk normally with a single person.

"My name is William. William Alroz." The boy replied as he raised his hand in Aiden's direction.

Aiden stared at the hand for a few seconds before he raised his hand and clasped William's hand.

"My name is Aiden. Nice to meet you, William." Aiden replied as he didn't know what else to do so he just gave William a small smile.

"William is too long. You can just call me Will. That's what most people call me by." Will said as Aiden nodded.

"So Aiden, from today onwards. I am your first friend." Will said as Aiden nodded. He felt something inside him come up. Something which he hadn't felt in a long time.

< I told you, host. Life is always full of unexpected things. And sometimes, those unexpected things might just include a hyperactive kid. > The system replied as Aiden didn't say anything and retracted his hand.

"Children, we are here." Aiden suddenly raised his head to look forward as he saw a black gate in front of them.

He had been walking at the back of the class with will and had been lost in thought that he didn't notice the gates earlier. They seemed like the entrance to hell as they were omitting an ominous aura.

"Remember children, be on your best behavior. Even though I don't need to remind you this but still, remember that we are going to meet the demon king." Kisuke said as nervousness slightly crept up in his voice.

After all, they were all going to meet the most powerful person on the demon realm/

"Let's go." He said again and pushed the gates open.