Advancing To The Second Year (3)

"Two daggers, six needles, and a small pocket knife. Should be enough to move around." Aiden muttered as he threw a needle forward and teleported with it.

He could move 25 meters at once with his shadow walk skill so it only took him a few minutes to cross the entire place. But in the end, he hit against a black wall.

'Now I don't know what I should do…' Aiden thought since he had no idea where he was or how he could get out.

< Try using the inspection skill host. >

'As you say system. Inspection.'

[ Void of Darkness (Pseudo)

- A pseudo version of the god of darkness's special move, the Void of darkness. The original version is the size of Earth.

- Deals a 20% nerf to all stats.

- Can only be removed by the creator or can be destroyed from the inside. Damage will be directly dealt to the person's body since he/she is supplying the void with continuous EE. ]

"So there is a way for me to break this place huh." Aiden muttered to himself as he testingly picked a dagger and hit the wall with it.

In the arena, Zoe suddenly gritted her teeth.

'So he took weapons with himself. I knew this would be painful but I didn't know it would be similar to getting punched in the guts.' She thought silently but still stood straight with an expressionless face.

Zoe had many experiences with pain. Her entire life had been built on the foundation of pain so being kicked wasn't anything major for her.

But still, the sudden pain had shocked her.

But more than that, she could feel a constant gaze on herself. It was as though someone was continuously watching her.

'Did father and mother send him here to keep an eye on me?' She took a deep breath and tried to maintain her composure.

'Stay calm Zoe. You only have to win and then you will not get hit. You just have to keep Aiden there until he decides to give up. That's all you have to do,' She slowly started motivating herself as she felt more pain creeping up in her bones. 'It's easier said than done though.'

Zoe wasn't afraid of getting hit. But the fact that she would get hit from three sides terrified her. The only thing she could do to prevent herself from getting hit was to win.

But her legs soon started to tremble as standing straight was getting harder for her. The blows on her Void were extremely painful for her.

It was as though Aiden was using everything at his disposal to destroy the void.

"Zoe, please stop the void." Kisuke's eyes turned sad as Zoe's head whipped in his direction.

"No! I can still keep on going!" She exclaimed as the trembling worsened. Her entire body was shaking now as she bent down on her knees.

She clutched her stomach as her breathing started to get heavier.

"The pain will become unbearable for you and you will soon run out of elemental energy. You will be knocked unconscious," Kisuke moved forward and bent down on the ground beside Zoe. "Just stop the spell and concede Zoe."

"But… But…" She said between blows of pain. The pain was so bad that she couldn't even speak now.

Tears were rolling down her eyes as her will power finally vanished.

"I… I… I concede…" She finished and crashed down on the ground as Aiden suddenly appeared in front of the duo.

"What happened to her?" His eyes immediately traveled to Zoe who was lying unconscious on the ground.

"She overused her elemental energy which knocked her down and canceled the spell. All of you should wait here while I take her to the medics." Kisuke lied as he picked up Zoe and called for a shadow element user.

But what he didn't know was that Zoe was half awake.

She slowly felt the presence slip away as her body trembled once.

'He saw the entire thing.' That was the last thought in her mind before she fell unconscious for real.

One of them soon appeared and took the duo away. As for Aiden, he had been standing still on the exact spot the entire time.

'He was lying.' Aiden had lied many times in his orphanage.

When the owner had seen Aiden all beaten up and roughed up, he would lie that he had fallen down the stairs or something like that.

But most of the time, he had sneaked away before the owner could find about it but he was caught sometimes and had to lie then.

He was an expert liar and easily recognized how effortlessly Kisuke had lied to him. After all, only a true liar could identify another liar.

"Tell me what really happened to her?" Aiden moved forward to stand beside Will as he asked the boy about Zoe.

"When you were attacking her void, it directly caused pain to her body," The boy replied while handing Aiden his coat and helping him wear it. "It was as though you were directly hitting her."

"Is that so…" Aiden muttered as he felt a strange feeling inside him.

He had killed many beasts but hurting someone he knew felt different. Perhaps it was just the way he was built. He was still a kid and was definitely not a psychopath.

Many would say that he was acting weak and many would say that he should let go of such things. But Aiden wasn't them.

People didn't change at once. Change took a long time to happen and then getting used to. Perhaps Aiden was feeling guilty or perhaps it was something else.

But what he did know was that he didn't want to hurt people he knew, even if only for a short time. Well, annoying people deserved a slap once in a while so there was that.

"So let's continue the matches. Children with the number two, please step forward." Kisuke said the moment he appeared back. He went back to stand at his place.

"I will go now while you take care of this." Will said as he handed Aiden his coat and walked forward.

After he stepped forward and stood a few feet away from Kisuke, another boy came forward and stood in front of Will.

He was oddly buffed for a ten-year-old but when Aiden looked at his body, he saw that he was quite fit as well.

'Compared to the ten-year-olds on earth, I am definitely fit.' Aiden thought as the boy and Will locked their eyes.

*Bang!* As soon as the bang happened, Will made his move.

He raised his right hand and suddenly closed his eyes. Aiden was confused about this but a second later, he understood why Will did it.

A white flash of light went through the entire place and blinded Aiden's vision.

"Match over." While Aiden's vision was recovering, he heard Kisuke's voice.

After getting his vision back, he saw the other boy lying on the ground unconscious as lightning sparked around his body once.

'He really is formidable.' Aiden thought in awe as he looked at Will who standing over beside the boy's body with a calm face.

Aiden was now excited to know what the future held.