It’s Just A Cold

After "giving" Sakurai my umbrella yesterday, I immediately headed back home.

And immediately after I went inside the house, I did the necessary precautions to avoid getting sick afterwards. But, despite that...


"Jeez, at least look away from me when you sneeze, dude. Also, social distancing please."

"Just shut up."

I still got sick.

And since I arrived at school 7 hours ago, Ikeda has been teasing me about it for some reason.

"So? What's the story behind your cold?"

Ikeda, who is sitting right in front of my desk asked.

"Well, I just gave it to a lonely girl I saw on my way home."

"Ara~ I see that love is finally blooming within you."

"That's not it."

Ikeda's teasing have become stronger than before because of the words (fuel) I just added. And against my best efforts, I still wasn't able to stop him

"So, did you guys ever talk before this romantic event occurred?"

"Nope, but she's also from this school."


A smug smile formed on Ikeda's annoying face.

"Shut up, I probably won't talk to her ever again."

"So basically, you just gave her your umbrella from the goodness of your heart?"

"...Well, kinda... I guess?"

"Well would you look at that. How nice of you~ Should I call you 'nice guy Inoue' from now on then?"

"I'll kill you"


We continued our talk for a few more minutes until he finally stood up from his chair and began his preparations to leave.

"Well, I have to leave now. Good luck on your cold. I'll see you on Monday... As long as you don't die during the weekend that is."

"Don't worry, even if I die, I'll come to school as a ghost and haunt you forever."

In response to what I said, he just laughed and left. Apparently, he and his girlfriend are going on a date... normies.

'Guess I'll buy some medicine first before going home'.

Even though I'm not as sick as Ikeda makes it out to be, It's still better to make sure I recover as fast as possible.

And with that task in mind, I began my journey to a drugstore and while on my way to my house; I began to formulate my plans for what I'll be doing tonight.

'Yosh, time to plan what I'll be doing tonight. First, I'll eat dinner and take my medicine. Then, I'll read some novels for a few hours until I feel sleepy. Yup, It's a flawless plan!'

However, this perfect plan of mine is about to be ruined by the girl I met yesterday.

As I was about to open the door to my house, I felt someone touching the sleeves of my uniform. So I looked around to see who it was, and I saw...

"Sakurai Fumiko..."

"Yes. That is indeed my name, Mr. Inoue Haruki"

"...What are you doing here?"

"Well, you see, As I was walking back home, I noticed someone familiar. 'He looks like the guy that forcefully handed me an umbrella yesterday' I thought ."

"Ah yes..."

"So after I recognised you, I got curious if you got sick because you gave your umbrella to me... and sure enough..."

She said, looking at the face mask I'm wearing.

"Yes yes, I got sick. Please mind your own business. I can take care of myself."

I opened the door and was about to enter my house. But I was stopped by Sakurai.

"I see... then, why did you give me your umbrella?"

"Because I was guilty of leaving a girl out alone in the rain with no protection from it what so ever?"

"Yes, and right now, for me, it feels wrong to not take care of someone who got sick because of me, even if they forced their help. So don't be stubborn and let me take care of you. Okay?"

Although I was confused by her argument, I just gave in as I didn't have enough mental energy required to deal with this right now.

"Are you okay with it though? You are going inside a boy's house alone. I live alone you know?" I asked. She then responded with:

"It'll be fine. I mean, Inoue-kun won't attack me, right? And even if you have the plans to do so. I could easily destroy your school life." She said to me in an emotionless voice and smiled.

...She's right. She can easily destroy my life if she wishes to do so. Guess I have no choice here huh? But still though...

"You can be quite scary sometimes huh, Sakurai-san..." I said, feeling a cold sweat dripping from my forehead

"Of course. Any woman can be." She said with a straight voice.

Afterwards, we went inside the house.

And what we saw inside was...