Lunch break

Yesterday, I talked with Sakurai about me making lunch for her. And in exchange, she would teach me history for our midterm exams as it was bothering me how she was only going to eat cup ramen for the rest of the week.

And right now, I am currently in the cafeteria, sitting in a chair and in front of me is a massive table. There's currently a group of boys to my right, and I am currently trying to distance myself from them.

Kento and Hina isn't eating with me today because they decided that they will eat lunch in a restaurant outside our school. They did invite me, but I refused because I don't want to waste any money when I already cooked my own lunch.

Meanwhile, Sakurai is currently sitting with her "friends" on a table to our the right. As always, she is on guard and is just acting as a perfect model student. Their table was close to ours so I was able to hear what they were talking about. And what I heard was:

"Hey hey, Sakurai-san, did you make that lunchbox?" A girl asked her.

Hearing this, the group of boys in my right also got interested. They stood up and tried to look over the girls surrounding Sakurai to see what is inside of her lunchbox.

"No, my friend made this for me." Sakurai said.

"Hehhh~ So, is this friend of yours a guy or a girl?" Another girl asked Sakurai.

"Who knows" Sakurai said this and turned her head around to look at me and grinned.



She then quickly looked back at the girls surrounding her and went back to her normal expressionless self.

"Did you guys see that? Sakurai looked at me"

"No you idiot, she looked at me!"

"You're both idiots, she looked at me!"

I heard the boys from my right fight each other as they argue who Sakurai-san looked at. Forgetting that I was sitting right next to them. But, I did not care about them as there is only one thought in my mind right now.

'She considers me as her friend now?'