P.E Class

It is now Friday, and I've been cooking lunch and dinner for Sakurai for the past few days now. Our time eating together have been pretty uneventful, but I did notice that she was looking more tired day after day.

We only have short conversations when we talk, but I keep remembering the conversation we had on Wednesday.


"Sakurai-san, I've been wondering... Is it okay for you to be in my house this late at night?" I said while we were eating stew.

"It's fine, I'm already used to it." She said with the usual expressionless face.

I was shocked by her answer. What does she mean by "I'm already used to it"?

"You're already used to it? You sound like a middle-aged woman who works in a black company. Do you always go outside at night to do something?"

She stopped her chopsticks for a moment after she heard what I said. She then quickly at the food and left my house.

The next day, she acted as if she forgot what I said yesterday.


But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is the present, not the past. And currently, we are about to have a joint P.E class with Class 1. And the boys in our class are excited. Why you might ask? Well...

"Yo Haruki-kun, are you also excited about our joint P.E class?"

Kento approached me and asked me a dumb question.

"No, I'd rather read a novel than do something physical."

"So you're not interested about the school idol, Sakurai Fumiko?"

"No. not a single bit."

Yes, our class is going to have a joint P.E activity with Class 1 which is Sakurai's class. The boys in our class are excited because they'll be able to see her.

So why are we having a joint class? Well, apparently our class, class 2 have the same P.E period as class 1. And because both of our teachers wanted to do an activity at the same place at the same time. They fought each other and asked the school management who would be able to use the oval. The school won't allow inequality by only picking one class and said that they'd have to share it.

So, they decided on a compromise by just making it a joint activity. Our teacher then announced this today, which leads us to what's happening right now.

"Why does everyone like Sakurai anyways?" I asked.

"I wouldn't know, the moment I saw Hina I instantly fell in love and lost interest in any other girl"

"Yeah, just shut up if you're just going to say useless and unnecessary things."

He then chuckled and said this:

"Fine, I'll be serious. Well, there is no doubt that she is a beauty. But that's pretty much it. Nobody knows anything about her. Her true personality is unknown. But that doesn't matter for most boys in our grade. They only care about the outer appearance after all."

"How stupid."

We then left the room and head outside to the oval in our school.


We are now outside and the teachers told us to run 6 laps around this massive oval.

"Our teachers are crazy!" Ikeda shouted while jogging with me on my left.

"Really? I think running isn't that bad though?"

"That's because you're weird. You say that you hate P.E but you're the fastest runners in our class."

"Well, sorry for being weird."

"Don't worry about it. I forgive you."

After this exchange, he continued on his complaining.

"Man, I wish we had a joint class with class 3 instead."

"Oh shut up, you just want to see your girlfriend."

"Of course! She's the only one I need in my life! As long as I'm with her I fell like I'm able to do anything!"

"Sure." I just ignored him as usual when he talks about his love life

"Man, trust me. When you meet someone you love, It will change your life. Then, you'll finally be able to understand what I mean."

Wow, he actually said something that sounds smart for on-

"And when you get a girlfriend, let's go on a double date, okay?"

"Never happening." I instantly denied any possibility of such a thing happening.


After a few more minutes, we finally finished 6 laps, and we sat on the clean grass while exhausted and talked about anime. It might not look like it, but Ikeda actually likes anime. I mean... he isn't super deep into otaku culture, but talking to him is still fun.

Anyway, as we were talking about the anime that aired last night. In the corner of my eye, as I was looking at Ikeda, I saw Sakurai almost collapse.

I was about to go help her but I remembered I shouldn't talk to her at school. Thankfully, there were a lot of girls were right next to her when she nearly collapsed, so they were able to help her. That's also the reason why I decided not to help her.

Still though, why did she collapse?

I may have an answer to this question. Because, when she went to my house at morning to get her lunchbox, I saw that she had eyebags. She tried hiding it with makeup, but I still saw it.

Now why would she need to sleep late in the first place? It looks like I'll need to investigate later.

And so, I decided that I would go visit her after school.