
After she finished touching my keyboard, we finally got started on our studies.

It only took us 30 minutes to finish my assignment, so we reviewed some lessons for our midterms. These lessons included math, science, computer science and history.

"Huh, you're surprisingly competent." Sakurai said.

"Thanks? I guess?"

After she said those weird words, I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost time for dinner.

"Hmm it's already 5 pm… Would you like to eat with me again, Sakurai-san?" I asked her.

"What's with that weird speech… But anyhow, I would like to accept your invitation."

"Okay then. Is pizza okay for you?"

"Yes, that would be fine."

Hearing her confirmation, I went on the pizza delivery website and ordered a pizza. I just ordered peperoni and cheese and placed my order.

"Is peperoni pizza fine?"


"Okay then. I'll order it now… and done. It says that it'll arrive in 30 minutes."


Still sitting on the chairs inside the library, we just sat there silently, looking at each other. Not wanting to keep this awkward silence, I asked her about what we watched recently.

"You liked the anime we watched yesterday, right?" I asked.

"Hm? Yes I did."

"Well, did you know… that there's actually a manga of it"

"A manga?"

I have also decided to pull her into the rabbit hole that is otaku culture.



"Here it is. The volume that continues after the anime."

"Heh… So why are you giving this to me?" She asked.

"Well, you liked the anime, right? So as a normal otaku, I thought that giving the continuation for it would be the only logical thing to do."


"Besides, you can probably use those for reference in your illustrations."


"I mean, you can't draw character expressions properly, right? The moe genre is full of character expressions. You can probably use those as reference and develop your own style with it… or whatever you guys call it. I'm no artist, so I can't really understand what your problem really is. But giving you some references should work when you couldn't find one yourself."

"Inoue-san… Have you actually been making me watch anime, hoping it can give me more ideas on how to draw characters better?" She said.

"Eh? Are you perhaps mad?" I asked her, while backing off a bit.

"Mad? Of course not. I just don't understand why you're helping me so much…"

"Oh please. It's not because i'm a selfless guy. In fact, it's quite the opposite."

"That's what i'm confused about. What do you exactly mean by tha-"

Ding Dong

"Looks like the pizza delivery guy finally arrived. Shall we eat?"


After I miraculously dodged her question, we started to eat the pizza I ordered. However, I didn't know the worse thing that will happen today is only about to come.

"Uhh… Sakurai-san?"


"Why are you using a fork and a knife to eat a pizza?"

"Isn't this how the rich people eat pizza?" She answered as she stared at me.

"It's not! Watching you eat pizza with utensils is literally giving me pain!"

"Eh? don't rich people eat pizza like this to avoid getting their mouths dirty?"

"No! Rich people eat pizza like everyone else! Please just use you hands!"

"Well… I do usually eat pizza by hand…"

"Then why did you not do that today?"

"Because i'm eating in front of my benefactor." She said, while I stared at her with a blank face.

Why is this sounding like a weird h*ntai I thought.

"…Just please eat your pizza normally."

"Sure… I'll eat slowly though, to avoid getting the sauce in my face." After this, she finally started to eat pizza like any sane person would.

While we were eating, I noticed that despite Sakurai being careful, some sauce still got into her cheeks. I then told her about this as I gave her some paper towels.

"Thank you very much." She said.

"Yeah no problem."

And after this, we ate dinner peacefully, and she finally went home with the copy of the manga I gave her.