Dinner With My Little Sister And Sakurai

And so, now, we are currently watching oreg**ru. The three of us, me, Sayuri and Sakurai.

"Heh~ It's been a while since I've watched this." Said Sayuri as she ate the popcorn I made in the bowl.

"Yeah, You've only watched season 1, right?"

"Yup. Never got the time to watch season 2. Rather, I was too lazy to watch it."

"As expected of my little sister."

"Of course! I am very similar to my brother after all!"

As we were having a conversation as if we're at home, I noticed Sakurai, who was behind Sayuri, looking uncomfortable. So, I decided to change the subject, or rather, retreat for now.

"Can you pause the TV for now, Sakurai? I'll get our dinner ready. I just realised it's pretty late now."

"Oh, uhh… sure."

I then turned to my sister and whispered:

"Oi, try to make her comfortable with you. It's pretty awkward leaving her out of our conversation"

"So you finally noticed… we've been just sitting there awkwardly for 30 minutes straight you know? Sigh, Don't worry. I'll get to know her while you're doing your own thing. Besides, what's for dinner anyway? Will there be enough for the three of us?"

"Don't worry about that. There's plenty for the all of us. Be glad that I made something sufficient for more than 5 people today."


"Anyhow, I'll go prep it now. Go talk with Sakurai or something"

"Yeah yeah, shoo shoo, go to your station then"

And so I went to the kitchen and got the roast chicken and Crème brûlée I made, and also made a quick mashed potato as I reheated the chicken.

"Here it is." I said ass I brought them all onto the table. They soon came to the table too.

"Woooow, it's a roast chicken with sides and… oooh what's this? Crème brûlée… Hey, nii-san"


"…Why are you making all these fancy food?"

"Because I finally have a reason too."


"Seeing someone reaction from eating my food is nice, you know? Besides, I want to test out more food too."

"…So you're giving this girl all of these food?"


"…Simp." She said in a monotone voice with an emotionless face, similar to what Sakurai did back then.

"No u, besides, she actually needs the help."


Sakurai then came near the table too.

"Uh.. What were you guys talking about?"

"Oh, I was just asking nii-san why he's such a sim-" Once again, I blocked her annoying mouth before anything bad was said.

"She was just excited about the food! Yes!"

"I-is that so?"

"Yup! Anyhow, let's start eating, shall we"


"Tasty! As expected from my brother! He can even make western cuisine!"

"Western cuisine?" Sakurai asked.

"Yup, we actually lived in the US for a while. Though, I didn't adjust very well, so my English still sucks. But my brother on the other hand… well, let's just say he adjusted very well."

"Heh…" Sakurai muttered as she looked at me with shining eyes…

"…Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Ah, nothing… I was just fascinated that you guys were able to go and live in the US."

"Ahaha, me and my brother went and lived there because of our father's job. Ah! Did you know? My dad is actually the founder and CEO of the game company called- m@^&$%"

"Alright, that's enough talking while you eat. Sayuri, just eat silently, okay?"

"As expected of Inoue-kun, the meal was delicious. Again, thank you very much for doing all of these things to me."

"Don't worry about it. I'm doing it on my own accord. Well then, see you tomorrow I guess."

"Ah, yes. Goodbye."

And finally, Sakurai left the house. Leaving only me and my sister inside.

"…That was the most tiring day I had since forever. Thank you very much, lil sis."

"You're welcome~ Still though, I'm quite surprised that you made a female friend. I actually didn't even believe that you made a male friend, you know?"

"How rude of you. Well, whatever. Just get ready to sleep. Kids like you should be in bed early"


It was only the first day of her being here. But, it already made me exhausted.