Close Call

It is now Sunday and…

"Hey nii-san, mom told me that when I get here, we should video call them."

"Heh~ So when is it?"

"Right now."

"Right now?"

"Yup, the earlier the better. After all, don't you want to go back to procrastinating as soon as possible?"

"Hmm.. That's true… Well, I guess I'm free right now."

"Yosh, I'll set it up upstairs in my room then. Just go back up there as soon as possible."

"Yeah sure."

And so, my little sister went upstairs. I stayed for a few more minutes downstairs and was now about to go upstairs. But…

Ding dong


I went to check the door and sure enough.

"Sakurai-san?" I said after I opened the door

"Ah yes, are you perhaps busy, Inoue-kun?"

"Kind of… but you can just go hang out in the library or the living room. We'll be done in a few minutes. Feel free to eat some snacks as you wait."

"Thank you very much, Inoue-kun."

"No problem. I'm just gonna head upstairs now. See you in a few minutes."

"Ah yes"

So I finally went upstairs and the family meeting began.

I am currently inside Inoue-kun's house. Apparently he is going to be busy for a while so he just told me to do whatever I want…

So, I decided to explore the house. I went to the back and noticed that there was a door. So, I decided to open it and see what was on the other side, and what i saw was…

"Eh? They even have a backyard…"

How rich are they? I thought to myself.

I went back inside and went to the library.

"The library is quite large too… there's 6 bookshelves… Just who are they…"

I explored for a bit and read some "manga" from the bookshelves. I picked a manga called Shigatsu Wa Kimi no Uso.

"That was pretty good…"

I finished a volume after 30 minutes. After that, I wondered around the library again. I then noticed a section with a label called Shoujo…

As I was about to get a manga from it, I heard someone talk…




We just finished the family meeting, and I went downstairs to find Sakurai-san… I found her in the library as she was about to grab something poisonous.

"You probably shouldn't touch anything from that isle."

"Ummm… why?"

"Shoujo manga is very poisonous for high school girls."


"It's… hard to explain. Just don't… trust me."

"Uh… sure"

And just like that, I saved Sakurai from something very sinister.

It's now 3 pm and I'm about to go outside to get some groceries.

"Hey Sayuri."


"I'm going to go outside to get some groceries."


"Don't tell Sakurai anything weird okay?"


I have a bad feeling about this…