Moving In

Two days have passed since the meeting with Uncle Ken, and it is now Saturday.

Normally, my weekends would be fun and relaxing. However, right now, that really isn't the case, because…

"Umm… Fumiko-san."

"What is it?"

"…Did you really have to move immediately?"

"Well… yes, actually. I won't be able to pay rent this month. That's why I wanted to move immediately."

"I see…"

Yup. Sakurai wanted to move immediately. It wasn't really that hard since she owned very little, and everything she has could easily fit in her room.

But I still have to help her out since it's common courtesy, no? I can't just let a girl unpack all the things that she owns without helping, especially since she owns some heavy things, mainly an entire box filled with books.

"So uh, where do I have to put these?"

Fumiko asked, after moving the last box from outside to the living room.

"Your room will be next to mine… Is that fine for you?"

"Ah yes, I'm fine with that. I'm not scared of you attacking me so I don't really have any worries."

"That again…"

Afterwards, we organised everything in her room. We finished at 7pm, and because it was already so late, we decided to just eat some instant noodles.

"…Didn't you scold me for always eating instant noodles?"

"Yes, but don't you crave some every once in a while?"

"Well, yes…"

"Good, we're eating instant noodles then…"

Immediately after that, I headed to my instant noodle cabinet where I looked for what we'll be eating today.

"Hmm, hey Fumiko-san."


"What would you like to eat, Curry ramen or Indom*e?"

"Indom*e? What's that?"

"Well, it's just an Indonesian instant noodle."

"I guess I'd like to try that then."

"Great, just give me 5 minutes."

I then quickly cooked the 2 instant noodles…

What? Did you expect me to have a 5 paragraph inner monologue about making instant noodles? Sorry, it's not happening.

I just followed the instructions on the back. Though I did leave out a tablespoon of the water I boiled the noodles in.

But anyhow, after the noodles, I just fried 2 eggs, sunny side up, of course, and brought them to the table after I finished.

"…The fragrance is pleasant. But it smells spicy…"

"Ah… I forgot about that…"


"I'm sorry, there was actually a separate pack for the spice, but I just put everything in out of habit. It's not really that spicy though… I think? Well, it isn't that spicy when comparing it to other Southeast Asian food, so you should be fine."

"I don't really want a chance of me being fine, I want to know that I'll 100% be fine."

"It's just spicy noodles though… it's not nearly as spicy as sh*n ramyun so you should be fine as long as you drink water every now and then."

"Fine… Let's eat then…"


Finally, we started eating.

Surprisingly, Fumiko-san was able to handle it. Although be it with a lot of coughing.

Sakurai said she wanted to sleep early for today since she wasn't able to sleep very well for the past few days.

But before she slept, I gave her 2 more things… just in case.

"A lock and… pepper spray?"


"Wait, aren't pepper sprays illegal?"

"If it's for self defence, women can use them. So I think it should be fine."

"And… why do I need this?"

"In case I lose rationality and attack you."


Sakurai stared at me with a confused face… why?

"There you are again… paranoid about you attacking me… why even?"

"Just in case… I guess?"

"… I'll sleep now. Goodnight, Haruki-kun."


Fumiko finally closed the door to her room, and I was left staring at her door.

"Why is she like this? I'm just concerned about her safety…"

It would take me a few more weeks to realise how stupid I was thinking about me attacking her when I'm the one being protective of her…