Our Plans For The Month

When I woke up, it was already 9 am. I am supposed to wake up at 7 today but… I guess I got careless…

I did read novels till 3 am last night, so that was probably the cause.

After a few more minutes of laying in bed and having my thoughts clear again, I remembered something.

'Sakurai hasn't eaten yet…'

I immediately got ready on heading downstairs.

I still haven't told her where food and other stuff are stored, so there's a high probability she hasn't eaten yet.

But thankfully, as I was walking down the stairs, I saw Sakurai eating some bread from the small table while sitting on the floor.

Seeing this, I slowed down my steps and calmed down. Though it's not like I can relax completely since I have some important things to talk about with her today.

Noticing me coming down from the stairs, Sakurai greeted me.

"Ah, good morning, Haruki-kun."

"Good morning to you too, Sakurai-san."

"Eh? Sakurai?"

Realising my mistake, I immediately apologised.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that… I just kind of got used to calling you Sakurai…"

"No worries… I can understand you…"

While we were conversing, I finally reached the couch, where I sat down.

"Fumiko-san, I'm sorry I overslept by 2 hours…"

"Please don't worry about that, I also just woke up 15 minutes ago."

"Eh? Really?"

"Yes, I've been heavily sleep deprived after all. But thanks to you, Haruki-kun, I was able to rest properly last night."

Fumiko-san said while bowing.

"Please don't bow at me. We're in the 21'st century now. Besides, it's not like I just helped you because I'm kind. I'm hiring you, not helping you. Didn't I already say this before?"

"Yes, but I still can't thank you enough, Haruki-kun."

"Well… you're welcome, I guess?"

In response to what I said, Fumiko-san smiled.

After that, I went to the kitchen to make something quick. I decided on an egg sandwich… I asked Fumiko if she was ok with, which she said she was. I was worried that she might've gotten sick of bread already, but she reassured me and said she had only eaten one before I went downstairs.

Finally, I made the sandwiches, and we ate them together with a cup of coffee… with milk, of course. There's no way we could drink black coffee.

But while we were drinking, I noticed Fumiko putting 5 sugar cubes in her coffee… 'what an amazing sweet tooth' I thought to myself, as I stared at her putting the cubes in, one by one.

Anyhow, as we were eating our breakfast, I brought up our schedule for this month.

"Oh yeah, Fumiko-san. I already thought of our schedule this month."

"That quickly? Can you tell me what's in it then, please."

"Of course. This month will be spent on your training."

I explained, to which Fumiko-san tilt her head in confusion

"My training?"

"Yes. Since you're not very familiar with Otaku culture, I thought I'd teach it to you by watching anime, reading manga and novels, and most importantly…" I said, while crossing my arms together.

"Most importantly?"

"Playing visual novels."

"I see…" Fumiko said so, while putting her fingers up her chin.

"Since we're making a visual novel, isn't obvious that you should play those too?"

"That certainly makes sense…"

"And in the last week of the month, I want to make the character designs."

"Character designs?"

"Yes! I already have them in my mind, but please try your best drawing them with the descriptions that I will give you."

"Yes, sir!"

"...Why did you stand up? …When did this turn into an army bootcamp?

"I dont know…"

There was silence for a while…

"Well, that's basically it for this month. Starting next month, we'll be working on the game till the second half of January. Any questions?"

"No sir."

"Good. Now then, let's continue our meal."


Once again, silence filled the room as we ate.

Well, that was until Fumiko-san mentioned something about our school.

"Um… Haruki-kun…"

"What is it?"

"Have you heard about the sports festival?"

"Sports festival? Didn't get that delayed for a month?"

"Haruki-kun, they announced that one month ago."



"*Ahem* What about it?"

"Ah, yes, they said it will start on Saturday."

"This week?"

"Yes, this week."


Well, it's not that I hate it, but…

"So Haruki-kun, will you be taking part in one of the events?"

"Nope. I have more important things to do."

"I figured…"

There's no way I'm attending something unnecessary. It'll just be a waste of my time after all. I'll just stay back and watch, just like what I've always done.