I just had my parent teacher conference and of course all are ME(95) but my mom said you can do better and study more.I already fucking study and I'm in honor roll like how much do you want me to do.She's always acting like I don't try hard enough or isn't giving my all.I don't know what her standards are but there way up the mountain and I don't think I can make it and what's worse is that she's deliberately doing it like if I'm just some play thing.Either way I hope it rains today cause I love the rain I just feel so calm and it makes my day.Well if it doesn't then I brought this big umbrella for nothing and that's just fucking stupid.Welp there's nothing I can do about I already have it so there's no point in turning back just wish it was my stop already tho.But why does it take so long to get to the point of why Mother is always complaining like a bitch she really can't just shut the fuck up like no one wants to hear you and so what if you work all day to keep a roof over our heads gives clothes and get us food.We never asked and we keep the house clean and she's the one who fucking said our jobs is taking care of ourselves and going to school.I just don't know what she wants all she ever does is drink wine and complain like she has nothing else to do.