
"Fuck you Zhong family trash!" a slender youth stomps on a Zhong Yi's face. "Jiang Chen! I will remember today's disgrace and I will pay off tenfold next time I meet you!" Zhong Yi screams. "You can come find me any time and fight me if you have the balls to do so. HAHAHA ADOPTED BOY!" Jiang Chen kicks Zhong Yi's abdomen and left. Zhong Yi spits out blood onto the floor.

"Fuck this shit! Why is life so unfair!" Zhong Yi cries. He walks towards the edge of the bridge. He has no hope left for his future. He looks up at the sky and sighed. Suddenly, raindrops start to fall and rain cats and dogs. Zhong Yi cries as he jumps off the bridge screaming, "FUCK LIFE!"

BOOM!! His body hits the surface of the water. His muscles feel like he got stabs by many needles. Even though he felt pain, he did not scream nor cry, because he know that after feeling the pain, his consciousness will fade away anyway. Water flows into his ear, blocking all the raining and traffic noises."So quiet, I can finally die peacefully. I wish I can isekai into another world and gets some op cheats." His consciousness fades away.





"BREAKING NEWS! It's been 24 hours since a woman walking on the street saw a boy jumping off the bridge. That boy happens to be Zhong family's adopted son, Zhong Yi, who went missing at midnight after jumping for the bridge. The scuba divers did not found his body but found his shoe and a necklace. The police suspect that his body might be rotten and destroy. " a news reporter stated on the television. "Dad, little brother Yi is still alive. I know he is still alive. He can't die easily!" Zhong Yan mourned. "Little Yan, we have searched for his body throughout the neighborhood." Zhong Fa replied as he pats Zhong Yan's head to calm her down. 'Haha, I didn't even need to hire assassins to kill that annoying brat. He killed himself. Now that the brat is gone, I can be the next Zhong family patriarch. I wonder what father's face will be after he found out that his own adopted son suicided. Life's good.' he thought himself.

"Not only mother left me, but also little brother left me! If only was strong enough, I could have protected my brother from the bullies." Zhong Yan cries.




Zhong Yi spits out water out of his mouth as his consciousness return. He opens his eyes and sees a big bright sun. He was laying on a sandy beach. He can barely feel his body. "I didn't even die, should I be happy or sad," he sighed. He felt something was hitting his buttocks. He grabs the object underneath his butt. It was a rusted metallic mirror. "Is this some sort of divine treasure? Hahaha." he jokes himself. Blood suddenly spills out of his mouth. Because of the hot weather, his vision got blurry. "Woah, Some mortal somehow manages to activate the edge mirror." some feminine sounds came from the mirror. "Oh no, am I really dying now, the mirror just spoke some words to me. Well, whatever." he lost his consciousness once again.

"Hey, you retard. You turn on the edge mirror just to fall asleep. You are ruining this queen's dignity." Zhong Yi wakes up after he heard the mirror talking. "WTF!" Zhong Yi jumps out of fear. "What are you, a coward?" the mirror asked. "Hahaha, how are you talking." Zhong Yi asked. "I am talking through the edge mirror. The edge mirror is a ungraded relic with a ability that will activate once a person fated to meet each interact with the mirror." the mirror responds."ungraded what?" Zhong Yi was in confusion. "Since we are fated to meet each other, want to join my sect?" the mirror asks. "If I join your sect, what things I will get?" Zhong Yi replies. "Hahaha, this is the first time someone questions this queen's offer. My sect is called Three-Thousand Flowers Sect, it is one of the sects from the 5 ancient divine sects of Three Thousand Worlds. I am the matriarch of the sect with one of the highest cultivation levels in the universe and I will be personally teaching you. How's the offer? I, one of the strongest beings in the universe, will be teaching you personally. Will you accept my offer?"

"Will you make me the strongest in the world? And if so, what will you gain?" Zhong Yi questioned. "Simple, this is like an experiment that I made. I throw the edge mirror that was embodied with the Dao of Fate into a void, and I thought of teaching any mortal or immortal whoever manages to call me. Basically to kill my time. Imagine a powerful being guiding a mere mortal to become a powerful being. Hahaha. That would be crazy."

After thinking for a while, Zhong Yi kowtows towards the mirror and greets, "Disciple Zhong Yi greets the teacher." "Now you are part of my sect and you are officially my direct disciple, I will give you our sect's main technique, Soul Guide!" the mirror shots out a golden lazar to Zhong Yi's forehead. Zhong Yi suddenly gets a headache and he faints. "Goddamit, why do you always lose your consciousness? Aiyooo! Did I make an error in the spell? I mean even if my spell casting went wrong the edge mirror wouldn't even work. If my brother noticed that I accept a useless mortal as my disciple, he might accidentally destroy another galaxy out of anger." the mirror wonders. "Ohhh! This may be a blessing in disguise, my disciple is actually fateless. This is my first time seeing a fateless person other than my brother. Woah! Heaven has blessed me once again!"