Start of an Eternal Martial Journey

"Hey? You awake?" the mirror asks."Yeah," Zhong Yi wakes up after a nice nap.


[Name: Zhong Yi]

[Age: 15]

[Race: Human]

[Title: Zhong family trash]

[Level: 0]

[Rank: ---]

[Condition: Hungry]

[Vitality: 5]

[Strength: 7]

[Agility: 9]

[Mentality: 7]

[Qi Points: 2]

[Qi: Impure Qi]

[Skill Activated: Soul Guide(level 1)]

"Nani? Am I seeing things? Is this a system?" Zhong Yi wonders. "That's one of our sect's main skills. Soul Guide, a skill that my brother and I created. You can see yours and others' stats, but you can't seeing their information if your level isn't high enough." the mirror replies. "Are you a god?" Zhong Yi questions. "God, you say...Who knows? Also, no one can see your system board. Only you can see it." the mirror replied. Zhong Yi clicks Soul Guide.

[Soul Guide(????? GRADE TECHNIQUE)(Level 1)]

[Status: Activated]

[You can see stats and information of all things. It will give you missions depending on your situation,]

"This is op! How do you even create this system?" Zhong Yi was amazed. He then proceeds to looks into the mirror.


[Status: Activated/Blessed]

[Item has been embodied with ??????]

[A communication device that can even work even in the void.]

"Wait, can I scan my master?"

He then stares deeply into the mirror.

"AHHHHH!" Zhong Yi suddenly gets a headache. His nose bleeds out."You fool! Why did you scan a being that surpasses normal immortal limits. Now you are getting the backlashes." the mirror scolds him.


[Mission: Survive the mental backlash]

[Reward: 10 Qi points]

[Mission Faliure: -1 point]

Zhong Yi bites the copper mirror to endure the pain inside his brain. Ahhhh! Tears come out of his eyes. After a few seconds, the pain lessens. Ding!Ding!Ding!

[Mission: Survive the mental backlash(Complete)]

[Rewards given: 10 Qi points]

"Hahaha, See the difference between you and me. The gap is bigger than heaven and earth. You barely survived after getting the mental backlash just from scanning my info." the mirror laughed. "Sure, Yuang Fei." Zhong Yi replies. The mirror stops laughing and becomes silent for a minute."WTF!" The mirror was shocked.

[Name: Yuang Fei]

[Age: 5 456 783 950 390]

[Race: ????]

[Titles: Matriarch of Three Thousands Flower Sect, Peerless Beauty, and +????titles]

[Level: ????]

[Rank: ????]

[Condition: ????]

[Vitality: ????]

[Strength: ????]

[Agility: ????]

[Mentality: ????]




[User's soul level is lower than the required level. Force shut down activated.]

The data data shut itself down.

"Lol, surprise that I can see some of your stats? Sect master that is 5 trillion old."Zhong jokes at the mirror. "You...You...Don't even think about revealing my name to anyone, not even your family, or else I will hunt you down." Yuang Fei threatens Zhong Yi. The killing intent from Yuang Fei even reaches Zhong Yi through the edge mirror. Zhong Yi felt chills down his spine.

"You mortal have limited time until you grow old, so here is the sect's breathing technique, Everlasting True Plum Blossom, now hurry and start cultivating." The mirror shoots out a golden beam of light towards Zhong Yi's forehead."Ahhh!" Zhong Yi felt the headache again. But this time he wouldn't faint like he did last time. He endures the pain and telling himself not to lose his consciousness.


[Mentality: +2]

[New Technique acquired: Everlasting True Plum Blossom]

[Everlasting True Blossom(???? GRADE TECHNIQUE)(Level 1)]

[A martial arts created by Three Thousands Flower sect's matriarch for her core disciples. Using the essences of flowers and plants, one can gather true plum blossom qi into their dan tian. Cleansing all meridian to the purest, one could activate an immortal plant seed inside their dan tian. The immortal plant combines with the user's spiritual root to create a better spiritual root that can grow at a high speed.]

[Level 1: Unlocked]

[Level 2: Locked]

[Level 3: Locked]

[Level 4: Locked]

[Level 5: Locked]

[Level 6: Locked]

[Level 7: Locked]

[Level 8: Locked]

[Level 9: Locked]

"With this system and this op technique, I will conquer this world under my palms! Hahaha! I am coming for you, Jiang Chen."

[Name: Zhong Yi]

[Age: 15]

[Race: Human]

[Title: Zhong family trash]

[Level: 0]

[Rank: ---]

[Condition: Hungry]

[Vitality: 5]

[Strength: 7]

[Agility: 9]

[Mentality: 9]

[Qi Points: 12]

[Qi: Impure Qi]

[Skill Activated: All Seeing Eye(level 1)]

[Obtained Skill: Everlasting True Plum Blossom(level 1)]