Stealing the Fire and Ice Pill 1

"Master, do you want me to be a rapist?" Zhong Yi awkwardly asked Yuang Fei. "How shameless! Your talent is so shit that I have to give you this unholy technique for your growth." Yuang Fei replied. "Hahaha…" Zhong Yi laughed uncomfortably.

Zhong Yi noticed a plastic bag on the ground and looked at what is inside it. He saw a bunch of money and a piece of note:

"I will lend you some pocket money. You have to pay me back the next time I meet you. Also, spend money wisely!"

"Aunt Lin, you call this pocket money. I could buy 3 mansions with this much money." Zhong Yi was in joy.




Zhong Yi bought a villa with a bunch of trees and flowers for him to cultivate. Even after he bought a big villa, he still has a lot of money. He wakes up at 7 am and starts working out. After he finished eating lunch in the afternoon, he practice his swordsmanship. At night he cultivates and then sleeps.

Two months have passed ever since Zhong Yi starts his routine daily. He has finally opened all 12 meridians and is now at peak rank 1. During these months, he not only trained his body and soul but also trained his swordsmanship to perfection.

[Name: Zhong Yi]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 15]

[Title: Zhong family trash]

[Level: 10]

[Rank: Early Rank 1 --->Peak Rank 1]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Vitality: 14 --->47]

[Strength: 34 --->72]

[Agility: 15 --->49]

[Mentality: 14 --->45]

[Qi Points: 29 --->89/100]

[Qi: Plum Blossom Qi]

"I need 11 more qi points to reach 100 qi points. If I can qi point reach 100, I can break through rank 2. After my 2 month training, I can feel that I have grown stronger than before. There are only 2 months left until the National Youth Martial Arts 2021. I have to reach rank 2 before I entered the tournament. Jiang Chen, I am coming for you." Zhong Yi smiled with excitement.


[Mission: Obtain the Ice and Fire pill and eat it. (25 hours left)]

[Mission Reward: 17 qi points and a space pouch]

[Mission Failure: -11 qi points mind attack for two hours straight]

'Space pouch. Hmm, I wonder what it is? But rather than that, what is the Ice and Fire pill? It might cost a lot. 25 hours left, so do I have to buy a pill from tomorrow's pill auction? I can ask more money from Aunt Lin but she will suspect something is suspicious with me. I will just steal it then and fight some martial experts in between to gain experience.' Zhong Yi thought to himself.




A man in black with a joker mask came out of the back door carrying two plastic bags full of trash. "Fuck! Boss is so fucking annoying. That fucking fat pig!" As the waiter was complaining, Zhong Yi suddenly knocked him in the head with his palm. Zhong Yi stripped the waiter's cloth and wore it. Since this auction will be attended by many rich families, the waiters and waitresses have to cover their faces. If their ugly faces were shown, they would disturb the audience and ruin their enjoyment. "This is the world is so cruel!" Zhong Yi mutters as he put on the joker mask.

When Zhong Yi entered the auction room, he saw a bunch of rich families in suits and dresses enjoying drinks and meals. Then there is an upper floor with private rooms covered with opaque mirrors for the VIPs.

There are many families from different provinces each with rank 2 or 3 bodyguards. Zhong Yi swallows his saliva expecting the unexpected. The mission would be near impossible with this many martial artists.

"You brat! Come here." A fat manager shouted at Zhong Yi. Zhong Yi went towards him. "Here, take this and go serve the families." The fat man gives Zhong Yi a metal plate with wines on them. Zhong Yi heads towards the tables to serve the drinks.

"Welcome to 2021 Shang Hai Pill Auction! My name is Rong Shang and I am going to be an mc for today's Shang Hai Pill Festival Auction!" A tall man announced loudly to the audience. That mc wasn't your average mc. He was an early rank 3 martial artist.

"Today auction divided into two parts. The first part is about Rank 2-3 pills, and the second is part is about Rank 4-5 pills." the mc announced.

"This is a mid rank 3 pill, meridians cleansing pill." Then a slender lady with a red lip came up the stage while carrying a pill. Not all people will notice, but Zhong Yi noticed it, That woman is a mid rank 3 martial artist. Zhong Yi was already worried about how he will escape from many experts. As the mc auctioned each pill, Zhong Yi looked around the place thinking of an escape route after he steals the pill.

"Waiter with the joker mask, can you come here." Zhong Yi heard a familiar voice. It was his sister, Zhong Yan sitting with her friends. He walks towards her. "Miss, do you need anything?" he gave a cup of wine to her. "I just want the wine." She smelled the wine and drank it. "Mhh…" and tears came out of her eyes. "Miss, is there something wrong with the wine? I can change it if you don't like it." Zhong Yi suggested. A teenager on her table noticed Zhong Yan crying and shouted at Zhong Yi, "You useless waiter! What did you do to Miss Zhong!" He suddenly rushed towards Zhong Yi with all his force.


What does Zhong Yi do next?

A. Zhong Yi will punch him back.

B. Zhong Yi will dodge the attack.

C. Zhong Yi will do nothing.

D. Zhong Yi will kiss him.

Author's Note: I will be releasing the next chapter tomorrow. I am too lazy to release it today. Thank you for reading today's chapter. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ