Stealing the Fire and Ice Pill 2

Even though Zhong Yi can dodge the attack, he didn't dodge. If he dodges it, many people will suspect him. So he decided to do nothing but close his eyes.

His sister, Zhong Yan, blocked the teenager's punch with her sword. "Tian Fa, how dare you attack an innocent waiter with all your force!" she shouted at the teenager. Her shout was forceful to the point everyone in the auction stop doing what they are doing and looked at the scene.

"How laughable! I wonder what the little brat has to offer now!" Lin Mei laughed as soon as she saw the scene, she already knew that the waiter was Zhong Yi just by judging his physique. "Your physique has improved a lot just between 2 months. Interesting." Lin Me was in one of the upper VIP rooms.

"That waiter make you cry, so I thought he hurt your feelings or anything." Tian Fa answered. "Fucking nonsense. Whatever, say sorry to the waiter. I cried because the wine that the waiter brought was a grape wine, it reminded me of my brother who loved grapes a lot. If you want to fight, feel free to challenge me anytime." Zhong Yan replied. She gave a hand to Zhong Yi who was on the ground, "Are you, alright sir? I am very sorry for what my friend did to you."

"Thank you, miss." Zhong Yi bowed to her. "Stand up, sir. You don't have to bow to me. I am much younger than you and it was my fault in the first place." Zhong Yan bowed and apologized. Zhong Yi felt weird since he was 8 years younger than his sister and his sister called him "sir".

After a while, everyone calmed down and Zhong Yi went back and served wines to other tables. Zhong Yi analyzed Tian Fa and Zhong Yan with his "Soul Guide".

[Name: Tian Fa]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 16]

[Title: Fist Dragon, PlayBoy, Fist Master, and +4 titles]

[Level: 140]

[Rank: Peak Rank 4]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Vitality: 374]

[Strength: 432]

[Agility: 299]

[Mentality: 200]

[Name: Zhong Yan]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 28]

[Title: Sword Phoenix, Prodigy, Miss Zhong and +6 titles]

[Level: 183]

[Rank: early Rank 5]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Vitality: 493]

[Strength: 540]

[Agility: 576]

[Mentality: 500]

"Phoenixes and Dragons. No wonder that guy was very fast. I must say. I, myself, am pretty good. To be able to sense the fist of a Phoenixes and Dragons talent." Zhong Yi wondered. Phoenix and Dragons are given to all the upcoming talents by their main weapons. There are 4 dragons and 3 Phoenix as of now. They are Sword Dragon, Fist Dragon, Spear Dragon, Poison Dragon, Sword Phoenix, Bow Phoenix, and Spear Phoenix.

After settling down and continuing the event, an hour passed. "Ladies and gentleman, this is the moment you all have been waiting for! Fire and Ice Pill!" the mc announced and the lady came up to the stage with a metal box. "As you can see, since Fire and Ice Pill is a powerful pill, we have to put the pill inside the metal box. Don't worry I will open the box in front of the audience to prove to you that the pill is legit."

Zhong Yi hide his face and unmasked the joker mask and wore the Oni-Smiting Mask. He thought of two plans to steal the pill, steal it from the owner after the other families buy the pill or steal it from the auction. Some big families are certainly going to fight for the pill, so if the pill were in their hands, it would be troublesome for him. So the second option was the best choice.

The lady open the metallic box, as soon as she opened the box. The temperature suddenly dropped. The whole room became super cold yet hot. While people were amazed at the pill, Zhong Yi used "CLOUD STEP" "FIRST STEP" to dash onto the stage. The lady noticed Zhong Yi's sudden movement and closed the box. Zhong Yi hurry and grabbed the pill with his left hand. The lady pulled out a dagger from her dress and try slicing Zhong Yi. At the same time, the mc tried punching Zhong Yi in the face. Zhong Yi deflects the dagger with his sword and falls back using "FIRST STEP".

Everybody was on alert. Zhong Yan was surprised that the waiter she tried to save was a thief all along. Zhong Yi put the pill inside his body.

Dozens of rank 2 security guards surrounded Zhong Yi. Leaving Zhong Yi to be in a tight situation.

"You have nowhere to run nor hide. Surrender now!" one of the guards shouted at Zhong Yi.

"Hahaha! You think I have nowhere to run. FOOL! I" Zhong Yi laughed at guards.

During his 2 months of training, he not only raised his stats but also raised the level of his techniques. "CLOUD STEP" "SECOND STEP" Zhong Yi's legs were surrounded with pinkish qi. He crouched and jumped a high as he could. He jumped so far that he reached the tip of the ceiling. FIRST STEP it's a technique to dash short distances rapidly, but with SECOND STEP, Zhong Yi's legs were embodied with his qi rapidly strengthening his legs for a short period. Zhong Yi jumping with SECOND STEP is 20 times higher than normal average human jumps. Zhong used "TWELVE INVINCIBLE GATES OF EMPEROR GARDEN" "BIRCH GATE STANCE SLASH" to slash the ceiling glass apart. The ceiling's glass center broke apart making a way for Zhong Yi to escape the top of the rooftop. "Sayonara suckers!" Zhong Yi laughed at those foolish guards and ran away.